Super Security in the City

Chapter 3692: Whale fall

Luo Jun's mood was extremely heavy, and this sudden change disrupted all his plans. Although it seems that nothing has happened yet.

However, some dangers and feelings can't go wrong.

He quickly re-exercised the formation for Shi Beiluo and others, and then let Shi Beiluo and others enter the black hole spar. Then, thinking of something, he took out the Chonghuang treasure that Linghui had left for him. This insect emperor's treasure is installed in Jie Sumi.

Jie Xumi this kind of magical device cannot be easily revealed, so he wrapped everything related to the earth, and then embedded it in the middle of a brick in the wall. Then, the masonry was completely restored. If the other party is not particularly careful to check, it will definitely not be aware of the subtle changes.

After that, Luo Jun drove the black hole spar and rushed out of the enchantment of the other courtyard like lightning.

The enchantment of the other courtyard was arranged by him, so when he went out, he could be unaware of it, and not aware of it.

But the barrier of Wuyoujiao leading to the outside is more complicated, especially the place where Wuyoujiao is located is a big secret. Moreover, it is still hidden in a space loophole, and if you want to go out, it will inevitably alarm the people of Wuyoujiao.

Luo Jun has quietly researched this space loophole and knows how to get out.

After going out, coming in again may not be able to find the exact position.

Soon, a black light from the black hole spar quickly found the exit of Wuyoujiao. The exit location is slightly invisible in the night, and it is difficult to find. Luo Jun has been studying for a long time, so he found it accurately. The black light pierced the sky, like a meteor, directly cutting the seam of the exit.

Even the enchantment could not stop Luo Jun's one blow.

Then, Luo Jun and his party left Wuyoujiao and went outside.

There is peace and harmony in Wuyoujiao, where everything is quiet and the environment is beautiful.

And this leaving Wuyoujiao immediately came to the dark and boundless space.

Boundless, as if there is no end.

Luo Jun controlled the black hole spar, and looked at the void outside, his heart could not help being mixed.

If your guess is wrong, leaving like this will definitely make Wuyoujiao feel baffled.

But he knew that he was unlikely to be wrong.

However, there is no chance to prove it after all.

There is also red silk, Master Hou Jianfei and the others, if they hadn't betrayed themselves, they had been abandoned by themselves now... what should they think!

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, and he felt awkward.

However, he dare not gamble.

How can you easily gamble with your wealth?

After Luo Jun took a deep breath, he drove the black hole spar to shuttle out quickly in the void.

This walk is destined to bring him many regrets and mysteries.

In the black hole spar, Shi Beiluo and others are unknown.

They didn't understand why they wanted to, but they fled out of trust in Luo Jun.

"Is it possible? We think too much?" Shi Beiluo came to Luo Jun and couldn't help asking.

Luo Jun shook his head and said, "I don't know if I think too much, but I had a nightmare tonight. You should know, brother, how could I have a nightmare?"

Concubine Ying Xue and others also surrounded Luo Jun.

Concubine Ying Xue asked: "What are your plans next?"

Luo Jun shook his head again and said, "What happened today is too weird, and my mood hasn't calmed down. I still need to think slowly about the following things."

The atmosphere is very low.

Tian Nu smiled and said: "Follow him, anyway, we didn't do anything to apologize for Wuyoujiao. We will come out as soon as we get out, and there will be a day when things will come to light. Your lord, if you say go there, we will follow there. Well!"

Yuanfei and Jianshuang also followed suit.

Luo Jun was very moved and said, "Thank you for your trust!"

At this moment, the accident finally came.

In the void, the figures kept flickering, and after a while, more than a dozen figures stopped them.

They quickly set up various large formations, spaces and so on in the air!

The periphery of the black hole spar was suddenly filled with mist and various laws, and countless energy was scattered frantically like colorful ripples.

The shuddering feeling in Luo Jun's heart struck again, and he secretly said: "My speed is already fast, why are they able to catch up so quickly? Could it be that there has been ambush and preparation? If there is ambush and preparation, why do I not feel come out?"

Lan Ziyi snorted coldly, and said, "You really feel right."

Luo Jun didn't say much, and left the black hole spar with Lan Ziyi.

The black hole spar was held in his hand.

In the void, a variety of energies hide many masters in the dark.

And those who appeared in front were Yun Qingwu, Bai Liansheng, Wu Xinkong, Yu Honglian, and Elder Wounded Blood.

Worry-free education can be described as a master.

Yun Qingwu was dressed in white, his face was cold and unsmiling.

But Bai Liansheng was no longer amiable, just yin and yang said strangely: "Where is Master Xiaozong going to go in the middle of the night?"

Luo Jun didn't bother to pay attention to the sound of Bai Lian, but looked at Yun Qingwu and said, "Yun Qingwu, I always respect you. What do you mean? Don't ask me what I mean. People don't talk secretly. …Oh, that’s wrong, you can be regarded as wise men. Then I will just point it out. Smart people don’t have to be silly."

Yun Qingwu stared at Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi, and then sighed, "I'm sorry, I have to do this."

Luo Jun took a deep breath and said, "What the **** did you do? Why do I feel that all kinds of secrets have been deceived. Even if you come to ambush, I can't even notice it? You must be fully prepared for your action today Right?"

Yun Qingwu said: "Everything, go back and talk about it."

After saying this, he said to everyone around him: "Take it!"

"Yes!" Everyone should be.

Wu Xinkong and Yu Honglian were the first to bear the brunt, and the two directly sacrificed the Star Wanzong Dou. This star Wan Zong Dou has been repaired.

Elder Wounded also quickly released his hand.

Bai Liansheng is not idle.

In the surrounding energy phantoms, the human shadows flickered, and various magical weapons were also killed.

Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi quickly entered the black hole spar, and then the two tried to cultivate quickly.

No, once the two men's mana touched, they immediately repelled them violently.

Luo Jun felt nauseated and almost vomited.

The blue and purple clothes were also pale.

All signs indicate that they are poisoned.

In the crisis, Luo Jun quickly condensed the black hole vortex.

The black hole spar formed a black hole vortex in the void, and the Great Devouring technique was also used.

With a lot of palm strength, the magical instruments all penetrated into the black hole vortex.

When Luo Jun was about to swallow him, he suddenly had a heartache, and he couldn't help but stand up.

In an instant, the black hole spar burst open and dispersed everywhere.

Infinite black hole particles exploded violently...

A lot of divine power, palm power, and magic weapons were attacked and killed.

Luo Jun sprayed blood and stared at Venus.

At this moment, Lan Ziyi was shocked...

She ignores other things and directly incarnates as a phoenix.

At the same time, the Bridge of Fallen Soul was displayed, the Great Reincarnation Technique and the Great Soul Technique were all urged.

The black mist in the sky turned into reincarnation supernatural power.

Countless magical instruments, palm strength has entered the power of reincarnation.

Lan Ziyi went crazy.

At the same time, Shi Beiluo and others quickly entered the Great Reincarnation Technique, forming a formation to resist foreign enemies.

Lan Ziyi was already the real Phoenix, and quickly spit out Phoenix real fire.

The Phoenix really burned to the blood elder and Bai Liansheng.

After Shi Beiluo and the others formed the formation, they immediately smashed the magic weapon to face the magic weapon killed by the enemy.

Luo Jun struck out a palm, fighting with Wu Xinkong and Yu Honglian's star Wanzong.


A palm shot at the bottom of the star Wan Zong Dou, only to feel the power of Wan Zong Dou is overwhelming. Luo Jun couldn't suppress it, he felt Wan Zongdou's power invade his body. Suddenly, the blood in the body rolled, and the eight channels of the odd meridian seemed to be torn apart.

The body couldn't stop, backed a few steps, and then spit out a mouthful of black blood.

It was really poisoned.

And it wasn't just Luo Jun's poisoning. Soon, Shi Beiluo and others had the same symptoms.

Their strength here is much weaker than the other, and now they are poisoned, and they are even more vulnerable.

Under the opponent's kill, the people in Shibeiluo vomited blood and lost their combat effectiveness.

That is, the blue and purple clothes still have a strong fighting capacity.

The blue and purple clothes burned the origin of life, and with the phoenix's real body, the Bridge of Fallen Soul fought with this group of people. She wanted to escape, it was impossible to break through.

Luo Jun felt his head drowsy, and his eyes almost couldn't open.

He wanted to go to sleep just like this, as if all the pain and shackles could just disappear. However, the world still has too much nostalgia and concern for him.

"Zi...Zhi Xia..." He cried out in pain, worrying that the origin of her life would be burned out.

Finally, Luo Jun couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.

Before falling asleep, there was endless fear in my heart.

Fear that the blue and purple clothes will die, fear that oneself will die, and fear that he cannot revenge.

Since he came out of the earth, he has never encountered such a danger, and has never been so helpless.

It really has come to nowhere.

Lan Ziyi's combat power is amazing, even if many big brothers besieged together, she is still more and more courageous.

Finally, Yun Qingwu made a move.

She gave three palms in a row.

The blue and purple clothes connected Yun Qingwu's three palms. After the three palms, she vomited blood.

Then, the flames on her body began to disappear, and the real body of Phoenix also disappeared. She returned to her original appearance, and then fainted.

From the fierce fighting to calm, it is only a momentary matter.

Yun Qingwu scanned the battlefield and said to Wu Xinkong and Yu Honglian, "Get them all."


Do not know how long it took, Luo Jun finally regained consciousness.

This regained consciousness immediately felt the terror overwhelming, the whole body was terrified, and faintly felt that something extremely terrible was happening.

What's more frightening is that when he woke up, he realized that nightmares were not just dreams, but... really happened.

When he woke up, he looked around and found that he was in a big prison.

This prison is very strange. It is surrounded by sealed walls without a door.

This is a completely enclosed cell, only about three square meters.

Very depressed, depressed to scary.

The roof is black and the walls are black.

There is a faint light emitting a faint light.

"Ah!" Luo Jun moved lightly, suddenly feeling extremely painful. In the tail heart, the swollen power and the heavenly alliance have reached the Luo army to counterattack and break through, sling Wuyoujiao and traitors. So immediately check the body...

Suddenly, he discovered that there were countless black bugs in his meridians. These little bugs had hooks, and the hooks were embedded in the meridians. As long as he uses mana, these little bugs will tear his meridians. If the capacity is stronger, the meridians will break...

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