Super Security in the City

Chapter 3699: Tortured

Yun Qingwu said: "We want you to tell the truth." Luo Jun said: "I said earlier that I am Zong Han. You do not accept this result. Therefore, I now say that I am Luo Jun. I have given you a perfect The answer, you think there is a conspiracy. Well, I am just for the Luo Jun who is here to avenge. I am the only one, without any companion. You can kill me.

"Are you begging to die?" Yun Qingwu said. Luo Jundao: "Living like this is more painful than death. I hope to get relief." Yun Qingwu said: "But you were still making conditions just now. You are simply contradictory and there is no truth." Luo Jundao "Do you believe the truth? Don’t believe the truth, don’t believe the lie, I don’t know what to say anymore."

Gabriel said, "Okay, Master Xiaozong, you said you are here to avenge Tianhe Divine Kingdom. So at the beginning, you had forced the adjudication office to the point where you had nowhere to go. Why did you give up the good situation? Why did you withdraw from the court? Why did you withdraw from the original academy in the end? None of this seems logical."

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Because the **** truth is, Lao Tzu is not an outsider at all. Zhixia's Phoenix real body is that we found a secret cave outside the territory, and the secret cave is the inheritance of the Phoenix. Lao Tzu is dignified. Heavenly Tribulation Master is the destiny, the son of heaven. But you have to come and slander me again and again. I have already left before, but the ruling house has dealt with Reggae and my direct descendants. They fell. At this end, I am responsible. Therefore, I came back to save. I wanted to cooperate with Wuyou Jiao and give them a place to settle down. But I never dreamed that you would come to me like this. I have always It’s an exhaustive plan, you are really good, and you can actually make me plant such a big one, and plant it so thoroughly."

Gabriel and Yun Qingwu fell into silence.

After a long time, Gabriel said: "Qing Wu, let him go down."

Yun Qingwu said: "Yes, the leader!"

"Wait!" Gabriel thought of something, and then said to Luo Jun: "You seemed to want to make a condition with me before, let's talk, as long as I can do it, you can be satisfied."

Luo Jundao: "I want you to help Ming Zhixia and try to save her life."

Gabriel said: "I promise you that I will try my best to treat her. But I can't guarantee whether it can be cured. As for her life, it should be able to be saved. But for the rest of my life, I am afraid that there is no freedom at all."

Luo Jun sighed.

Gabriel said: "Is there anything else? Bring it up together."

Luo Jundao: "No more."

Gabriel said: "Well, go on. When I think of something, I will come to you again for questioning."

Luo Jundao: "Whatever!"

Yun Qingwu opened the door of the void and sent Luo Jun back to the previous prison again.

After entering the prison, Luo Jun lay on the ground again. Only in this way, the body will be more comfortable. The clothes on his body have been completely stained with blood.

"I have to find a way to save myself as soon as possible. Gabriel and the others will not continue to consume with me." Luo Jun understood his situation very well. After taking a deep breath, he started to spin slowly, gently and softly. Mana comes. When the mana surged, the black bugs immediately awoke and began to bite inside.

"Hiss!" He gasped in pain.

The mana circulates slowly in the body, and the black worms become more active, as if to swallow Luo Jun completely. The longer you persist in this way, the more your body cannot bear it. Luo Jun had no choice but to stop operating his mana, because he found that this would not only helpless, but would accelerate his own death.

"Is it really unsolvable, is there a dead end?" Luo Jun couldn't hide his sadness in his heart, and secretly said: "They just made sure that I have no chance of turning over, so I am not in a hurry to kill me. Even with my full strength, It’s also hard to escape. Let alone this ghost look... Luo Jun, Luo Jun, you have been smart in your life. Is it still not clear that your dealings with Gabriel, Yun Qingwu and their dealings are a joke? ?"

Despair began to spread in his mind.

But soon, he was extremely reconciled. He thinks it doesn't matter if he is dead, but what about Ziyi? Ziyi can't just spend this life like this!

And Qiao Ning, etc...

"No, I must not die!" Luo Jun roared deep in his heart, and his strong will to survive again burst out.

The mana was used again, and soon he passed out again.

"I can't sleep!" Ten seconds later, Luo Jun forced himself to wake up from his sleep. "Don't be anxious, just run mana like this, it's of no use except to make myself pain. I have to calm down, there is no way to the sky, there must be a way."

After taking deep breaths, Luo Jun finally fell silent.

He abandoned all negative emotions, and his mind entered a state of tranquility.

This moment is very strange.

The pain in his body seemed to have disappeared, and everything in the past, the red dust, was like a glimpse of light in his mind.

Security captain Lao Xia, Su Qing, Lin Qingxue, Tang Qingqing.

In that summer on the coast, those days were as brilliant as flowers and as sunny as the weather.

I even saw Bai Yinshuang in the Golden Age Bar.

He thought, he still owed Bai Yinshuang's promise.

Cheng Jianhua was still alive... He wanted to kill Cheng Jianhua very much, but he had been hindering his elder brother Luo Feng.

Those long-term things are getting clearer in my mind.

Life and death are impermanent, there is great horror between life and death!

To overcome this great horror requires great wisdom.

He seemed to understand something, but his thoughts couldn't stop when he wanted to delve into it. Everything from the past is played back in my mind, as if a movie is fast-forwarding.

For the rest of my life, there is too much suffering and too little happiness!

At this moment, the energy in the prison suddenly fluctuated again, and then the door of the void opened.

Luo Jun was shocked for an instant, and the epiphanies and replays in his mind disappeared.

"Damn it!" He felt that he was about to grasp something, but at this moment he had no idea. In desperation, I had to sit up.

After the door of the void opened, a large handprint of the void came in again to capture him.

Luo Junzi was also irresistible. Now, his fate was like a paper kite in the wind, completely beyond his control.

The big mudra photographed by General Luo Jun took it to a palace.

The lights in the palace are bright, and the ground is as smooth as a mirror.

It was...Bai Liansheng that brought him here.

Luo Jun sat weakly on the ground and looked up and found that in addition to Bailiansheng, there were two gods who followed Bailiansheng in the hall. In addition, Reggae and Cang Hailan are also there. These two people actually stood with Bai Liansheng, which made him feel a little surprised.

He felt it was very bad, because he knew that Bai Liansheng was still very different from Yun Qingwu. It can be said that Bailiansheng is not so particular about it.

Luo Jun looked at Bai Liansheng, smiled reluctantly, and said: "Director Bai, I am now a prisoner of the ranks, life is better than death, are you still not satisfied?"

Bai Liansheng came up close, squatted halfway in front of Luo Jun, stretched out his hand to pat his cheek insultingly, smiled, and said, "Master Xiaozong, I remember that from the first day I saw you, you were proud It's very. Now it seems that it's not awe-inspiring! Hahaha..."

The two gods also laughed.

Reggae and Cang Hailan dare not laugh, but they laugh a little embarrassingly.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Did Director Bai deliberately arrest me and insult me?"

"Bha!" Bai Liansheng suddenly slapped Luo Jun's cheek with a slap in the face, his eyes were full of chill, and said: "Laugh at your mother! Did I make you laugh?"

Luo Jun was almost stunned by the sound of Bai Lian at this time. He had never suffered such a great shame in his life. A wave of anger suddenly rose from his heart, wishing to kill Bai Liansheng on the spot.

However, there is more than enough energy but not enough energy. I knew I couldn’t do anything better at this time, so I took a deep breath and said, "Director Bai, I’m sorry, I have offended you so much before, please ignore the villain’s life." When I spoke, I felt that I was hit on the cheek. It's hot, probably swollen.

"I'm sorry?" Bai Liansheng still felt puzzled, and said, "Is it possible to make things happen with just a sentence of sorry? Zong Han, I tell you, you will never be able to stand up in your life. I can do whatever I want to torture you. Torture you. If you know your interest, give me three bangs. Otherwise, I will make you three meals a day to let you know what is true life is better than death."

Without saying a word, Luo Jun knocked his head three times to Bai Lian.

He doesn't know how to talk about spine now, let alone be a hero.

The only thing he has to do now

Reggae and Cang Hailan were both stunned to watch. They thought that Luo Jun was an arrogant person, who was definitely killable and insulting. Unexpectedly, he koozed his head without hesitation.

"Is it all right?" Luo Jun asked after knocking his head.

Bai Liansheng stared at Luo Jun, suddenly smiled, and said: "Little beast, I really didn't expect you to be a master who can bend and stretch. If you don't hold hope, you would rather die than surrender at this moment. But you are soft everywhere, and you still want to wait for the opportunity to turn around and take revenge. ,right?"

Luo Jun bitterly said: "Director Hundred, it's better to die than to live. I don't want to die... I just want to cooperate with everything and be alive. Other than that, I dare not think about him anymore.

Bai Liansheng sneered: "Really?" Luo Jun said: "Yes." Bai Liansheng sat down cross-legged in front of him, and said: "Our leader Yun is a female stream, with a soft heart, and you are talking about it. I can't ask anything that is foolish. You made up a lot of lies to deceive us, right?"

Luo Jundao: "I dare not!"

Bai Liansheng smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. You told a lie to Master Yun, I can forgive you. But today I have something to ask you, you can't tell lies, do you understand?"

Luo Jun nodded and said: "I understand!"

Bai Lian said: "He is really a knowledgeable and interesting person." After a pause, he rushed to one of the gods and said, "Bring all his friends here."

Luo Jun's expression suddenly changed, and he already guessed what he wanted to do...

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