Super Security in the City

Chapter 3714: layout

Luo Jun also looked at Chen Wuji, looked at his face, and forgot to answer for a while. He felt like his own mirror, so familiar. But suddenly he feels a little strange again... He has lived as Zong Han for so many decades...

Who is the real self? Can this life be regarded as an episode?

"What are you thinking?" Chen Wuji couldn't help asking when he saw him in a daze.

Luo Jun came back to his senses and said: "If sacrifice is for worth and unworthy, then it is not worth it. Most of the time, sacrifice for others is probably just because you want to do it. In life, you don’t have to think too much, you can do it. It’s good to have a clear conscience."

Chen Wuji chewed his words carefully and said after a long while: "You have a clear conscience, you really are you!"

Luo Jun said emotionally: "I am here, and it is indeed very difficult now. My identity is gradually being revealed. I am very happy and touched that you can come here now."

Xiaolong smiled and said, "Daddy, I will do what you want me to do."

Luo Jun solemnly said: "Xiaolong, I promise you that I will protect you well in the future."

Xiaolong nodded his head.

Luo Jun remembered something again and said, "Xiaolong, can you absorb the thunder power in this star field?"

Xiaolong said: "This Zhou Li seems to be all the power. The Zhou Li that I absorbed, after Zhou Li enters the body, it becomes a thunder force."

"Can you absorb Zhou Li?" Luo Jun was quite surprised.

Xiaolong said: "It was not possible at the beginning, but Brother Wuji..."

"Wait a minute!" Chen Wuji coughed dryly, and said, "I feel something is wrong now."

Luo Jun and Xiaolong were startled, and both looked at Chen Wuji.

Chen Wuji said: "You call my Wuji brother, call his father, what do you mean?"

Luo Jun was taken aback, laughed after he recovered, and then said: "You were created by me. In fact, you can call my father."

"Yeah!" Chen Wuji said.

Luo Jundao: "It's too conscientious."

Xiaolong said, "Daddy is right. You were created by Daddy. We will be brothers from now on. I call you Brother Wuji, it's right."

Chen Wuji was quite speechless.

Luo Jun patted Xiaolong's head and said, "Okay, stop making trouble. You will call him Uncle Promise from now on."

Xiaolong was very depressed, and said, "We have called brothers and sisters for more than 20 years."

Chen Wuji said, "Or we will worship three as brothers."

Luo Jun said: "Go away! I'm a lot of age, and I'm doing such unscrupulous things with you."

All in all, this title is not fixed.

In the end, it can only be said that everyone shouted each other, anyway, it was chaotic.

Xiaolong wants to call Brother Wuji...

I want to call Luo Jun his father again. Chen Wuji insisted on calling Luo Jun his brother...

After a while, there was no result, so I quickly got back to business.

Luo Jun only learned that Chen Wuji could also absorb and run the force of the universe. After he and Xiaolong came to the star field, they also discovered the difference in the star field.

After that, Chen Wuji thought of a way, which is to enter the ocean of force, break himself into pieces and reshape it.

Both of these guys were immortal, and their bodies were tempered in Zhou Li, forcibly absorbed and merged with Zhou Li, and both succeeded in the end.

So both of them are capable of power.

After Luo Jun learned about this, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Xiaolong also said: "We found this place all the way, and obviously can feel that your breath is nearby. What's strange is that you can't find your specific location, as if you are not in the same space."

Chen Wuji said: "I guessed that the space here is weird, so I let Xiaolong and I wait here. We think you will come out one day sooner or later."

"Then one day, you came out." Chen Wuji continued.

Xiaolong said: "But when we saw you were taken away, I was very anxious and wanted to save."

Chen Wuji said: "I stopped Xiaolong because I felt that there was still a strong force in the faint spying. If I forcefully go up with Xiaolong, it will only make things worse and worse. Xiaolong does not follow, when I argue with him , You have been taken away by them. The group of people left through the portal, coming and going without a trace, and we can't keep up."

"After that, I will be studying this space loophole, trying to find a chance to get in and save you!" Chen Wuji said.

Xiaolong said: "But we didn't wait long before we saw you killed your father. I am very happy and want to join you again."

Chen Wuji said: "I stopped Xiaolong again, because my instinct told me that there was a force in the dark that had been staring at him, waiting for the opportunity. So I let Xiaolong and I be the next players."

Luo Jun said: "The secret power you mentioned seems to be the Celestial Venerable. I always knew that the Celestial Venerable might be here. But I didn't expect that he brought Hua Tianhuang after the breakthrough."

Chen Wuji said: "After you and Na Gabri had a decisive battle, we were going to intercept Gabri on the way. Unexpectedly, Zun escorted Gabri back all the way that day."

Luo Jun suddenly realized, "So that's the case, I mean how did Tianzun find it after so long. It seems that Tianzun also feels that there is power to spy in the dark. That's why he is so cautious..."

Chen Wuji said: "I have practiced a technique called Dark Shadow, which can hide my breath. I also hid the dragon on my body and far away from you. So even if it is the **** of the day, he cannot be sure that I am in the end. Not here."

Luo Jundao: "It seems that Tianzun has been waiting, wanting to make things clear, waiting for you to meet me, so that I can see my hole cards. But he found that the more he waited, the worse he was, so he finally shot."

Chen Wuji said, "No, but later I discovered that as long as I keep following you, this Tianzun can't make a move. Therefore, Xiaolong and I have completely moved away from you. It is estimated that Tianzun made the move after making sure that there is no danger. Tianzun is making arrangements. , I’m also making arrangements. Although I don’t know any of these gods, Gabriel’s. But I know they are your rivals, so I want to help you get rid of them all at once."

Luo Junduo glanced at Chen Wuji and felt that he really had his own shadow, and his style of work was very similar. Moreover, he is as smart as himself. This time he didn't even see each other, he could help himself set a game...

This game is still very clever, and it almost really made Tianzun fall.

Tianzun played against himself twice, and almost died both times.

Want to come, this Tianzun will also leave a shadow in his heart.

Luo Jun remembered Tianzun's method, and said: "When did Tianzun come here, I don't know. But it must have been here for a while, but he hasn't entered Wuyoujiao. It is probably not willing to reveal his identity and whereabouts. He has been a mystery for thousands of years and has never revealed his true face. Now there is no exception! He is waiting for Gabriel and others to judge me for a result. Against my wish, I later broke through... At this time, Gabriel should contact Tianzun urgently. Tianzun still won't enter Wuyoujiao. He is so cautious, and he is probably afraid that in case it is a round, it is the one that I and them will introduce him to. So he asked Gabriel to try his best with me Dou, they only need to be responsible for depleting my vitality. He seems to be reluctant to take any risks..."

"This is why Gabriel returned me the Black Hole Spar and the Ancestral God's Treasure. He should have done something in the Ancestral God's Treasure. I checked the Black Hole Spar and there was no problem, and I would think that the Ancestral God's Treasure would be fine. If I really fight them. When I got up, the formations and artifacts in the treasure of the ancestors exploded, and it is estimated that I would be seriously injured if I was not dead. He did not expect that I would throw away the treasure of the ancestors... Moreover, I didn't fight with them at all and broke through. I escaped. After that, the vitality was not damaged at all."

Chen Wuji smiled slightly, and said, "This is really one link and one link. Fortunately, you have avoided all of them. Although I am also helping you with the layout, if you can't seriously hurt Gabriel and disable Tianzun, then I After coming out with Xiaolong, they were just cannon fodder."

Luo Jundao: "Gabriel didn't put those men in the storage bracelet while chasing me. This is very strange... If he takes those men, even if he only brings one. My vitality is depleted. After that, I was also a dead end."

Chen Wuji said: "If he brought his subordinates in the storage bracelet, you would not be willing to fight with him. The breath is different, and you can feel it with your cultivation base. But there is still a problem here, that is, if Tianzun is Stop you?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said: "Then I am dead. In fact, I don't understand what happened this time until now. Tianzun and Hua Tianhuang are here, they have too many opportunities to kill I."

Chen Wuji said in deep thought, "This may have something to do with Tianzun's character, and he is extremely cautious... I guess at the beginning, he asked Gabriel to chase you alone, because he didn't know that I and Xiaolong existed. Otherwise, He shouldn't let Gabriel pursue it alone. It's too risky. After Gabriel is injured, he feels wrong, so he escorts Gabriel back. When you and Gabry are in a decisive battle, it is also when Xiaolong and I are the closest to you."

Luo Jun had lingering fears, and smiled bitterly: "I was really too risky this time. I thought it was my good fortune. I was right to bet. It seems that I was actually in the plan of Tianzun. Without you, I defeated Gabriel. Later, Tianzun and Hua Tianhuang came together, and I was dead."

Chen Wuji said: "Tian Zun's plan is very cautious, and at the same time it makes you irresistible. After making sure that Gabriel did not bring extra people over, you are afraid that Tian Zun will come to intercept at any time, and you will inevitably give birth to the idea of ​​fighting Gabri to the death. Do this... and once you do... it's a dead end."

Luo Jundao: "It seems that this Tianzun is not only cautious, but also good at arrogance. It's just that people are not as good as heaven. He didn't expect that I actually have a helper."

Chen Wuji said, "There is another very strange question, do you know?"

Luo Jun immediately understood, and said: "With Tianzun's cautious character, after Gabriel was injured, he noticed that there were still people in the dark. He probably wouldn't shoot me. But why did he come to shoot again?"

This problem caused Luo Jun and Chen Wuji to contemplate, and they were puzzled.

Xiaolong listened for a long time and couldn't help saying: "What's wrong with this, it's easy to understand!"

"How come you understand? You dragon pig!" Chen Wuji said.

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