One hundred billion Zhou Li Dan was a fortune for the wasteland. Lu Tianlong was overjoyed and felt that it was Luo Jun giving himself a pill in disguise. Huang Shenmiao is so arrogant, how could he agree to such a rude request?

This bet is a private bet. If Lu Tianlong wins, he can put it in his own personal pocket. The excited Lu Tianlong turned around and ran errands again to the deserted temple...

After Lu Tianlong left, Luo Jun returned to the villa of Jiexumi inside the black hole spar.

Lan Ziyi, Chen Wuji and Xiaolong all saw his negotiation with Lu Tianlong.

Xiaolong said: "Dad, why do you think the Desolate Temple will definitely agree? This one hundred billion Zhouli Pill is not a small number! According to your bad practice, you will have to use up Jinshan Yinshan!"

Chen Wuji and Lan Ziyi covered their mouths and laughed.

Luo Jun patted Xiaolong's head and said, "You kid, talking to your dad and me is getting worse and worse."

Xiaolong grinned.

Luo Jun still loves Xiaolong very much, so he explained patiently, "Negotiation is a game. For the first time, the Desolate Temple said that he wanted me to see it alone, and that was testing my bottom line. If I can't say it, it is. They are testing their bottom line. Then, they are giving in! The concession means that they want to reach some kind of agreement. I expect this desert temple has been waiting for the opportunity, and now it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They have no reason not to come. See you."

Lu Tianlong came back a bit slower this time, and only came back after five hours.

Obviously, the time spent in the Desolate Temple is not short.

After returning, he came to see Luo Jun as soon as possible.

Luo Jun came out of the black hole spar to greet Lu Tianlong. Lu Tianlong smiled bitterly when he saw Luo Jun, and said, "Well, brother, you are really amazing. Let you be right, the four sages of the Desolate Temple have agreed to come to Xuanhuangzong to meet you."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "When will the four holy veterans come over?"

Lu Tianlong said: "It should be here soon. I'm going to prepare for the welcome ceremony. Brother, also prepare for it."

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay!"

After that, Lu Tianlong went to prepare for the welcome ceremony.

On Luo Jun's side, Lan Ziyi and Xiaolong also came out. Luo Jun gave the black hole spar to Lan Ziyi for safekeeping.

This time, Lu Tianlong's welcome ceremony was very grand. All the disciples of Emperor Xuanhuangzong came out to welcome, and the sky was full of battles, and the conch and fairy flute blew together, with a magnificent momentum.

Thousand-headed spirit birds circling in the air lined up!

The flowers are full of clusters and the colors are bright!

Lu Tianlong, his important ministers and several children first bathed and burned incense, and then put on brocade robes.

Seeing the battle, Luo Jun and the others suddenly felt that Lu Tianlong's previous ceremony to greet his party was too shabby. I don't blame others, I only blame myself for being too hasty. Besides, the weight of one's own group cannot be compared with that of the Desolate Temple.

After a short while, the Four Great Lords descended. Before coming, the golden light first enveloped the entire Xuanhuangzong. The golden light shone on the person, and he suddenly felt warm and comfortable. Everyone's cell pores greedily absorbed the golden light, and they immediately discovered that the golden light was turned into...a good medicine.

Those spirit birds absorbed the golden light, and they were even happier!

The four great saints are really generous, this simple Jinhui is a lot of money!

When the four great saints appeared in the sky above Xuanhuangzong, Lu Tianlong and the others quickly stepped forward and bowed.

The rest of the people also knelt down one after another, even those spirit birds, wild beasts, and divine beasts leaned forward to greet them.

The head of the four great sages is the sage of Panwu. The sage of Panwu looks quite young, but he is handsome and unrestrained in his twenty-four-five appearance.

The Lord Yaoguang is like a girl of seventeen or eighteen, beautiful and arrogant.

Heavenly Venerable Heavenly Martial Lord looks more than sixty years old, with an old face, but a strong spirit.

As for Da Luo Shengzun, he is a camel, with a towering hump behind him, and his whole person is like a dwarf. His hair is very long and his beard is stubborn, making it difficult to see his true face. In his eyes, it was like the universe of stars, unfathomable and vast.

The Four Lords scanned the audience and were quite satisfied with the welcome ceremony. Panwu Shengzun smiled at Lu Tianlong and said: "Tianlong, don't be too polite, get up. The rest, get up too!"

Lu Tianlong led everyone to get up.

Saint Panwu said again: "This is the first time we have come to Xuanhuangzong. You and your disciples are very sincere. This makes us very happy... Let's give some more meeting gifts. Those present, don't grab them. It's a chance."

After speaking, he sprinkled countless pills and magical implements.

Those elixirs and magical artifacts spilled all over the sky without money.

The sky is like the rain of pill medicine and the rain of magic instruments. The disciples of Emperor Xuanhuangzong and those spirit beasts, sacred beasts, wild beasts, etc. are all extremely excited and extremely happy.

The disciples greedily grabbed the pill, grabbed the magic weapon, and shouted the words of gratitude in the Holy Venerable, the Holy Venerable Heavenly Blessing.

Luo Jun did not go to meet him in the room.

Lan Ziyi smiled and said: "The welcome ceremony is grand, but these sages are also generous! We came yesterday but didn't say anything. It was too shabby."

Luo Jun also smiled bitterly.

I'm afraid of comparison in everything!

In other words, how many people in this world can be as lavish as these holy ones?

After several people of Panwu Shengzun finished the rain of magic implements and pill rain, they entered the topic. Saint Panwu said: "Tianlong, where is Soldier Luo? Can he come out to meet now, right?"

Lu Tianlong immediately said: "Return to the four saints, the villain has set a banquet..."

"We won't enter your sect anymore. He said he wants us to meet here. We are already here. Let him come up and meet us!" Panwu Shengzun said.

Lu Tianlong's face looked difficult, but he didn't dare to turn against Panwu Shengzun, and immediately said: "The villain is going to invite Luo Jun!"

"Remember, let him come alone!" said the beautiful and arrogant Yaoguang Holy Venerable.

At this moment, the figure below flickered.

A black-clothed young man appeared in front of the four great saints, and the one who came was... Luo Jun.

Luo Jun has been observing, he is not willing to bow down like Lu Tianlong and the others. So it is most appropriate to come out at this time.

After arriving in front of the four great sages, Luo Jun also did not have stage fright, clasped his fist and said: "In the next Luo Jun, I have seen four sages!"

The four sages looked at Luo Jun together, looking up and down.

Luo Jun is observing the cultivation of the four great sages, and the four great sages are also exploring the cultivation of Luo Jun.

Luo Jun only felt that these four great saints were all good hands, and the aura on his body was all seemingly innocent, seemingly harmless, but in fact like a prison like a sea.

Luo Jun can conclude that among the four great saints, everyone's cultivation base should be above Yun Qingwu.

However, none of the Four Great Lords is Gabriel's opponent. This is his initial feeling!

When the Four Great Lords looked at Luo Jun, their expressions also changed slightly. Because they couldn't see Luo Jun's cultivation at all, they tried to see through Luo Jun, but their spirits shot past, only to feel that the opponent was peaceful. In the faint, there seemed to be a faint mist around the body, so that they could not penetrate this layer of mist, and they could not see the Luo Jun's cultivation.

Regarding this situation, they naturally knew that it was because the opponent's cultivation base was too high!

Shengzun Panwu smiled slightly and said: "The little brother's name is now spread far and wide. Although I am waiting in this wild land, I have heard a lot about the little brother."

Holy Venerable Yaoguang glanced at Lu Tianlong and said, "Tianlong, you take your people back to their respective positions. We are here to discuss important matters with Luo Jun. You don't need to spy!"

Lu Tianlong immediately said: "Yes, the Lord!" After saying that, he took everyone and all the spirit beasts, wild beasts, and sacred beasts back. The warm welcome in the sky suddenly disappeared, returning to the previous state of clarity.

The sky in the wasteland has always been bleak.

However, there are still blue sky and white clouds in the Xuanhuangzong area.

After these people retreat, Da Luo Shengzun activated the spatial formation, covering them and Luo Jun inside.

In this way, let alone Lu Tianlong and others could not snoop. Even the blue and purple clothes can't be observed.

Lan Ziyi is not in a hurry, Luo Jun has explained to her, don't act rashly before getting the signal.

With his current strength, no one can instantly trap him to death.

No saints!

Moreover, after Daluo Tianzun deployed the space formation, the outside world could only see the energy like ripples in the air. I can't see anything inside.

Luo Jun did not express any dissatisfaction with Da Luo Tianzun's practice.

Na Yaoguang Tianzun was straightforward and said: "We heard Tianlong say that you fought against Tianzun and defeated him, and he also performed Tianhuang Liuhe Gong, right?"

The other saints all looked at Luo Jun.

Luo Jundao: "Not bad!"

Yaoguang Holy Venerable said: "Are you sure you defeated Tianzun?"

Luo Jundao: "I'm sure!"

Tianwu Shengzun said coldly: "How to determine? Tianzun is ever-changing, how do you know that you are defeating Tianzun?"

Luo Jun felt that these sages were a little aggressive, but this was normal. The beginning of contact is a temptation for each other.

Luo Jun smiled faintly, and said: "Several sages really asked me about their questions. How did I make sure?" After a pause, his smile faded, and a hint of coldness appeared in his eyes. So I can be sure because I said he is, he must be."

The four masters are all in a daze.

Shengzun Panwu said: "Oh?"

Luo Jundao: "I don't think we need to do more rap. It doesn't matter whether I have defeated Tianzun. The important thing is that you have to confirm my ability, see my ability with your own eyes, and then make the next step. ,Right?"

"Haha..." Sage Venerable Panwu couldn't help laughing, and said: "The little brother is really quick to talk, okay, then we won't go around with you. Then here, our four brothers and sisters will make a big battle. If you can break Start our battle and discuss cooperation in the follow-up. How?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "No problem!"

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