Super Security in the City

Chapter 3739: Resurrection day

The swamp man stayed, and then he felt that Luo Jun's words were reasonable. Immediately he said: "The spirit of the dead is still here, how much do you want?"

Luo Jundao: "If you don't need it, then give it as much as you can!"

Marsh said: "You are really greedy." After saying this, with a stroke, there was an energy wave in the depths of the marsh ocean, and then something rushed into his palm. He flipped his palm and saw a black porcelain bottle in his palm.

Luo Jun stepped forward and extended his hands respectfully. The swamp man put the black porcelain bottle in his hand. "Thank you, senior!" Luo Jun was overjoyed, and quickly reached out to check the black porcelain bottle with mana.

At this time, Lan Ziyi was also quite surprised, and transmitted his thoughts to Luo Jun in the black hole spar: "What do you want this thing for?"

Luo Jun replied: "I found a way, this thing is very likely to repair your life source." Lan Ziyi was surprised: "No way!"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "You can try it anyway." At the same time, the mana has penetrated into the porcelain bottle. This small porcelain bottle also contains the universe, and there is about a ton of filthy and dead spirit gas inside. The mana wandered in the breath of the dead, and immediately felt extremely poisonous, as well as a super corrosive ability.

Even Luo Jun felt a kind of creepy and goose bumps.

To be precise, it was like an ordinary person's hand reaching into a lavatory that had been rancid for a year.

Soon, Luo Jun dissipated the mana in the porcelain bottle, and shook his hand, lest he be contaminated with the dead spirit again.

"It really is the most filthy necromantic gas. This thing seems useless, but in fact it can have a miraculous effect in some ways." Luo Jun smiled and said: "Where did the predecessors get so much necromantic gas?"

Swamp Humanity: "In this wasteland, there are swamps everywhere. The stale biogas under the ground is refined by the law of the deity, and it is this kind of necrotic energy. However, even the deity cannot refine too much necrotic energy. This is already the last dead spirit of the deity, and it is very difficult to have it again."

Luo Jun thanks again.

Then, began to refine the real body for the swamp people.

Luo Jun sat cross-legged in front of the body. Then run Zhou Li to condense the fire of Zhou Li.

The light blue flame instantly enveloped the body, and it was gentle and lingering, like weeping. The flame covered every inch of the skin of that body, very even.

The swamp man was able to feel everything about that body, and he couldn't help sincerely admiring it, saying: "This deity hasn't felt such a pure cosmic fire for a long time. In today's world, it should be very few who can produce such effects. Not much. That day, the deity can, but the rest of the people, the deity can’t."

Luo Jun didn't speak, he was always focused on refining.

This refining is ten days and ten nights.

The blue and purple clothes flew up to report to the four nobles, so that they would not be anxious. But Lan Ziyi didn't say that the **** of desolation would be resurrected, only that it would take time to destroy the rules and judge.

The four masters also expressed their understanding.

The swamp man made it clear that he should not let the four sages know that he will be resurrected. Luo Jun asked the swamp people: "Did they never communicate with you? They don't know anything about you?"

The swamp man sneered and said: "If you say you don't know anything, you won't believe it. For a long time, in the research and interaction of Zhou Li, they can feel some of the will of the deity. But the human heart is unpredictable. What are they thinking, who can guarantee? Therefore, the deity depends on their performance."

Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi suddenly realized.

After ten days of tempering, that body has undergone a qualitative change. It used to be black, like a coal man. But right now, the black body began to become delicate and had some lines.

The whole body has become more...beautiful!

Although it is still dark, but the entire facial features have become regular, and the proportions of the body are the same as normal humans.

It's just that I keep my eyes closed.

Luo Jun then took out countless pills and injected them into the body.

Not only the pill, but Luo Jun's majestic mana was also injected, and the body greedily absorbed the mana and the pill. After Luo Jun's mana entered, the other party seemed to be drinking milk, greedy and enjoying.

Luo Jun kept absorbing the vitality of the heavens and the earth as well as Zhou Li, and he kept providing energy for that body.

Then he insisted for another ten days...

Ten days later, the body of that body was still dark, but it was obviously shiny.

It looks like a particularly black black man, without hair or eyebrows, but if you look closely, you will find that his skin is very soft and delicate.

"Okay!" Luo Jun collected his merits.

The swamp man nodded, and then his body suddenly softened and became a real swamp.

The surrounding swamp ocean also began to change, and the surrounding agitated bubbles disappeared. The energy surged frantically, and suddenly, all the swamps softened and flowed towards the central area.

This central area was originally a clearing, but now it seems that Arakawa has left the swamp. So this swamp ocean lost its spirituality and became an ordinary swamp. Luo Jun naturally couldn't allow these swamps to contaminate himself, and slightly used his mana, so he blocked these swamps outside.

Then, the black body suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, this body has a soul!

The moment he opened his eyes, Zhou Li frantically rushed into his eyes around him. Around his eyes, countless Zhou Li vortices formed.

After that, the body stood up directly and stood in front of Luo Jun.

"Senior Huangshen?" Luo Jun asked tentatively with his fists.

The body's eyes were cold and did not release any emotions, but yet another kind of majesty from ancient times bloomed.

Luo Junqing couldn't help but want to worship, but he quickly suppressed this impulse.

"It's the deity!" The body said lightly.

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and at the same time felt a little hesitant in his heart. Since he cultivated to Dacheng, he has rarely felt this kind of hesitation. Now that the **** of desolation was resurrected, there was always some worry in my heart, let alone whether it was good or bad.

After all, he didn't want to involve those innocent people in Star Territory!

It is a pity that no one is innocent in war.

A black robe naturally appeared on Huangshen. If it were in the dark night, he would not be seen at all. Only when he opened his eyes did people feel that he was real and so powerful.

At this time, Zhou Li was forming a horrible vortex that was visible to the naked eye, pouring into the body of the **** of desolation.

The vitality of the world is gathering in his body!

This situation continued, and it took a full day and night to stop.

When the Desolate God absorbed half of his vitality and Zhou Li, Luo Jun felt that the divine power in the Desolate God was extremely terrifying, as if it were boundless and endless. But after Huang Shen had absorbed it, his body suddenly became calm, like an ordinary person. He is beside Luo Jun, it is difficult for Luo Jun to feel his existence.

This made Luo Jun think carefully, and he was very clear that he was definitely not the opponent of this wild god!

Desolate God's cultivation base is placed on the outer domain, I am afraid it is a saint level.

In the domain, it is even more invincible.

Because he was born from Zhou Li, the origin of Zhou Li is also in his body.

"Congratulations senior, congratulations senior!" Luo Jun said immediately.

Huangshen glanced at Luo Jun and said, "The deity will keep the promise and obey your instructions first. After you have avenged your revenge, leave the star field, and the deity will come back to act. Right now, what do you want the deity to do?"

Luo Jun felt the surroundings and said first: "It seems that the rules of trial are gone."

Huang Shendao: "All gone, the people of the wasteland will no longer be restricted by the wasteland."

Luo Jundao: "Well, please, senior, please give me a spiritual mark, and I will give you one too. We will use this as a contact with each other. Senior don’t show up, but it will be in the hand of my command. .how is it?"

Huang Shendao: "This is no problem!"

Luo Jundao: "I believe that with your ability, no one can discover your existence, right?"

Huang Shendao: "That's nature. When the deity is integrated into Zhou Li, it is equivalent to Zhou Li. Who can find the difference in Zhou Li?"

Luo Jun let go.

Now that there is such a powerful helper, it seems that the entire ruling house is really not enough to be afraid of.

But even so, Luo Jun still wanted to follow the plan first.

Because you have a hole card, the enemy may also have a hole card.

Afterwards, he quickly left the dark sinkhole. The tiankeng had now cleared the dense fog and no longer had any lethality.

Luo Jun returned to the top, and the Four Great Sovereigns immediately surrounded him.

Sheng Zun Panwu said with joy: "Little friend Luo Jun, you are really amazing, and you really ruined the rule of trial."

Holy Venerable Yaoguang asked with some caution and nervousness: "After going down, what is abnormal?"

Several sages stared at Luo Jun's expression closely, lest they might miss something in the blink of an eye.

Luo Jun shook his head and said: "Nothing unusual was encountered."

"This..." Panwu Shengzun said: "When we pray sincerely, we occasionally feel the will of the ancestors of the desolate gods. The place where the rules are judged below is the place where the will of the ancestors lies. Are you destroying the rules of the ancestors? Didn’t the ancestors appear during the trial?"

Luo Jun knew that they had a lot of doubts in their hearts, so he laughed and said, "Are you going to listen to the truth or lies?"

Shengzun Panwu said: "Of course it is the truth!"

Luo Jundao: "In fact, it is a bit rebellious to say that the will of the gods does exist and prevents me from ruining the rules and judgments. I...destroyed them." After speaking, he sighed and said: "Crimes and sins. Forgive me!"

After the four saints heard this, their bodies were shaken.

They stared at each other and couldn't speak for a long time.

After that, he knelt down and kowtow to the dark sinkhole, begging the gods for forgiveness!

Luo Jun also couldn't figure out whether they were afraid or sincerely admired the **** of desolation, thinking in his heart, they should know that ruining the rules of judgment, then they will definitely ruin the so-called will...

This should be what they can think of.

It seems that they are also human spirits, afraid that the **** of desolation will really come alive... They also did not fully believe their words.

Everyone will leave a way out for themselves!

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