Super Security in the City

Chapter 3743: Under the castle

The guest who came this time was... Yun Qingyao!

The arrival of Yun Qingyao surprised Chen Yang, and Chen Yang came to meet Yun Qingyao outside the barrier. When Yun Qingyao saw Chen Yang, her eyes were red, and her eyes were whimpering with tears, and said, "Brother Chen Yang, I will help you."

"Is this the one that made trouble?" Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and said: "Now is a special time, you go back to your mother soon."

"I won't go back!" Yun Qingyao was very determined, and said, "I will never go back again."

Chen Yang frowned slightly and asked, "What happened?"

Yun Qingyao had a lot to say, Chen Yang had no choice but to introduce Yun Qingyao into the enchantment, into the black hole spar.

He had some special feelings for Yun Qingyao, and he had doubted whether Yun Qingyao was Qiao Ning or his own daughter, but he couldn't get the answer for the time being. He has forgotten Yun Qingyao's stubbornness recently. Right now Yun Qingyao ran over by himself, he didn't know what it was, was it Yun Qingyao's self-determination, or a conspiracy?

He can't think of people as simple as possible!

"What's the matter?" Chen Yang asked Yun Qingyao after he took the seat.

Yun Qingyao said with a red eye: "Mother and them all ran to meet the people in the ruling office. They said that they would gather all their strength to fight against Chen Yang. I was very angry. It was their fault. The beliefs of Wuyoujiao for so many years have all been ruined. Now you only made some reasonable demands, but they still want you to die."

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "Qing Yao, do you really think so?"

Yun Qingyao nodded and said, "They don't believe you, but I believe you."

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Thank you for your trust. However, the war is about to begin. You are not suitable to stay with me."

Yun Qingyao said: "I can also go to battle to kill the enemy. My cultivation base is definitely not the bottom of yours."

Chen Yang said, "The enemy over there has your mother and your people. It makes no sense for you to stand on my side."

Yun Qingyao said, "If the truth is there, I will stand there."

Chen Yang went silent.

After a long while, she said: "Why would your mother allow you to come over?" Yun Qingyao said: "She sent me out. She said she respected my choice."

Chen Yangton was surprised and said: "How is this possible?"

Yun Qingyao said: "I don't really understand what my mother thinks, I said let her come with me, she said no. If she walked with me, it would be a betrayal. I walk alone, she is Can do a lot for me."

Chen Yang couldn't figure out what medicine Yun Qingwu was selling in the gourd.

At the same time, Yun Qingyao's true thoughts are also incomprehensible.

Up to now, he would not think that Yun Qingyao was something stupid and sweet... Yun Qingyao was able to cultivate to the Eternal Profound Realm, and his knowledge and wisdom should never be underestimated.

However, Chen Yang also felt that there was no need to be too conspiracy theory. Because Yun Qingyao was very young, she arrived at the Zhou Profound Realm too early. This also shows that she is a relatively pure person without many distractions. Maybe she is this kind of temperament to affirm the truth and persist to the end?

"What's the matter, Brother Chen Yang?" Yun Qingyao couldn't help being a little sad when seeing Chen Yang groaning, "Don't you welcome me?"

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Chen Yang couldn't bear it. He smiled and said, "How is it possible? I just thought it was very unexpected. Well, are you really planning to be with me?"

Yun Qingyao said very firmly: "Of course, I am not impulsive, I have been thinking about it for a long time."

Chen Yang said: "Think about the consequences, don't regret it?"

Yun Qingyao said: "I have nothing to regret, but I do things with my own conscience. As long as Chen Yang, brother, you finally act according to your promise, then I have a clear conscience. If you make a mistake in the future, I will definitely kill you myself. Even if I am not your opponent, I will not be afraid of you."

Chen Yang was quite surprised, and felt that this little girl really had a fearless heart. Probably, only young people who live purely like her would have such a state of mind.

People who spend a long time in the rivers and lakes will naturally become old fritters!

Right now, he said, "Well, I will find someone to arrange for you to live in."

Yun Qingyao nodded, but did not make any extra requests.

Chen Yang didn't let Yun Qingyao live in the black hole spar, but was afraid that Yun Qingyao would have some moths. He asked Zi Ningxiang to entertain Yun Qingyao and arranged for her to live. And asked Zi Ningxiang to take care of Yun Qingyao more.

After that, he urgently discussed with Lan Ziyi.

In the villa of Jiesumi, there were only him and the blue and purple clothes.

Lan Ziyi was also very surprised when she heard that Yun Qingyao came over.

"At this point, Yun Qingwu actually let Yun Qingyao come to us... What's your heart? Could it be that they are afraid that they will lose and find a way out for Yun Qingyao? But this makes no sense! Qingyao is here On their side, we will not hurt Qing Yao. Is it true that Qing Yao wants to vote for us spontaneously? But even if she is willing, Yun Qingwu should not agree!" Lan Ziyi is puzzled.

Chen Yang said: "I can't figure it out, is it really just her youthful spirit?"

Lan Ziyi said: "Even if she is sincere, we have to guard her now."

Chen Yang said, "I know, so I let Zi Ningxiang come to greet her. The core things will not be touched by her."

Lan Ziyi said: "That's good!"

Chen Yang said, "In fact, it is the best to drive her away, but I think of Nian Nuan and Qiao Ning, there is always a glimmer of hope in her. Unfortunately, it is impossible to confirm."

Lan Ziyi said: "It is really difficult to prove that Qiao Ning's soul field cannot be released until it is absolutely certain. Once released, it will be irreparable."

Yun Qingyao's arrival did not cause any waves.

Chen Yang went to dinner with Yun Qingyao with Lan Ziyi in the evening, and talked a little bit. As for the others, there was nothing.

The ten-day period is approaching, and the ruling office has never given any explanation, but quietly gathered all the masters of the Dark Church and the Light Council into the sky.

Obviously, the ruling house does not intend to hand over the culprit.

In this regard, he is not even willing to say a word to the outside world.

Based on this, public opinion in the star field is boiling again. Most people are dissatisfied with the attitude shown by the ruling, but at the same time they also support the war between the ruling house and the wastelanders and hope that the ruling will win. Because they think that even if Chen Yang is not that poisonous, the Wastelanders are not good birds.

Only a handful of people hope that Chen Yang's side can win.

This is also one of the reasons why the rulings are so emboldened, because they have a natural advantage.

Wastelanders, no one would have a good impression of them.

People from the Outland and the Wastelanders attacked their homeland together, and they couldn't think this was a good thing.

Even if you are very reasonable, that won't work!

The ten-day period will soon arrive.

The adjudication office still has no response...

But at the same time, the Alliance of Heavenly Paths led by Chen Yang didn't really go to attack the ruling house.

On the same day, Chen Yang issued a letter of condemnation.

The book of condemnation was made public and quickly spread among the stars. In the book of condemnation, Chen Yang weepingly stated the tragedies and injustices encountered by Tianhe Divine Kingdom, and asked Tianzun and others, is it really going to be so arrogant? Would you not lower your proud head for the tens of billions of dead souls?

Are you unwilling to meet our humble request?

Finally, once again implore the ruling house to be able to hand in war criminals who initiate the imperial attack. And once again gave the adjudication office a ten-day period...

When things got here, the subjects of all nations in the Star Territory suddenly realized that Master Chen Yang didn't seem to be fully sure. He is not as scary as everyone thinks... and even think that he is naive and ridiculous with his mouth and hands.

The ten-day period soon passed.

On the tenth day of the ruling, it finally replied eight words. If you want to fight, you will fight, why bother!

Extremely domineering!

Chen Yang edited the book again and asked in a separate space: "There is cause and effect in the world, and you are so tyrannical, are you really afraid of retribution?"

The plea was attached again at the end, Wang Tianzun focused on the common people in the world, and appropriately handed over a few core war criminals, so it was over.

And once again gave a ten-day period...

The outside world increasingly felt that Chen Yang's crusade was a joke, and they also noticed that Chen Yang's requirements were getting lower and lower, even a little humble. They find it too ridiculous, fairness, justice can be prayed for?

Obviously, the ruling house will still not respond, let alone hand it over.

Ten days later, Chen Yang finally couldn't bear it and decided to send troops!

However, on the day of preparing to send troops, conflicts broke out among the wastelanders. Some people actually said that they obviously couldn't win the battle and wanted to return to the wasteland.

The farce spread on the Internet, and everyone in the world thought it was a big joke.

Fortunately, Chen Yang's side suppressed the farce in time, and finally dispatched troops smoothly.

The mighty spaceship flew towards the scene...

When things have reached this point, the people no longer worry about the threat from Chen Yang and the Wastelanders. Think they are just a joke...

Five days later, Chen Yang and his party arrived in the sky.

The ruling house has already gathered all the masters in the ruling city, has set up a large array, and is waiting. They are really tolerant, and have not taken the initiative to attack, just waiting for the arrival of Chen Yang and his party.

In the ruling city, solemn and solemn, surrounded by formations, there is the light of colorful colored glaze in the barrier.

On Chen Yang's side, a hundred spaceships descended over the sky, after which they were taken away by everyone.

Chen Yang led all the masters of the wasteland to stand on the barrier of the ruling city...

The black cloud is overwhelming the city...

The war is on the verge of...

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