Super Security in the City

Chapter 3748: Hideous

Lan Ziyi often blames herself, Luo Jun comforted her and said: "You are not the wrong party, don't blame yourself for others' mistakes. Even if you don't kill those messengers, Huolence will come up with more insidious ways. "

Lan Ziyi smiled bitterly. Obviously, Luo Jun's words could not relieve her pain.

There is no if in life, and no chance to come back.

After the envoy sent by Huolence was killed by the blue and purple clothes, Huolence became furious when he learned the news. Originally, Huolence wanted to send someone to severely punish Tianhe Kingdom. But after thinking about it, I also felt that the place in Tianhe Divine Kingdom was a bit evil. The distance between Tianhe Divine Kingdom and the star field is still a little far away...

At that place, Zhou Li will become more subtle. Their original Zhou Li couldn't exert enough divine power in that place either. Huolence felt that if he sent someone there, he might capsize. Take someone by yourself, it will be even more ugly once the ship capsizes.

But it’s not good to just swallow it like this...

So, Fire Lance wisely reported the matter to the ruling.

When he reported the matter to the ruling, he added fuel and jealousy, but he never mentioned that the envoy he sent insulted Chenyu's daughter Chenxiang. He only said that he wanted Tianhe Divine Kingdom to join the Star Territory on behalf of the Star Territory, but he did not expect that the other party would be rebellious and refused. And the messenger who sent him out was also killed...

The ruling house was in the midst of the sky, a small Tianhe Divine Kingdom, how they would take it seriously.

Ye Donghuang was the main person in charge of the adjudication office back then. He originally wanted to send someone to the Tianhe Kingdom to teach the other party.

However, the great priest Yuan Fengxiang Ye Donghuang stated that there were great misfortunes.

He said that Tianhe Divine Kingdom is already beyond the scope, where the world of secret arts may not necessarily be displayed.

There are more than 10 billion creatures in Tianhe God, among them, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger needless to say.

Hara Feng said again: "The Dark Vatican has already eaten it. It's okay, because the matter has not leaked out. But we shot, this dark Vatican is visible. Our adjudication office has never defeated, if this shot is also eaten After holding back, this matter has spread... Tianzun is back, how do we explain it?"

Yuan Feng's words woke up Ye Donghuang.

After careful consideration, Ye Donghuang decided to launch an imperial attack.

This is the best way to fight back. It will not lose face, but is also particularly overbearing. It conforms to the style of conduct that the adjudication has always done. At the same time, it can also shock the world!

Ye Donghuang held a meeting, and the attendees included great priests and life elders...

At the meeting, Ye Donghuang recounted the affairs of Tianhe Divine Kingdom, and Yuan Feng proposed to issue an emperor attack.

Surprisingly, no one opposed it!

This cruel thing was decided in less than fifteen minutes.

For them, a group of ants outside the star field actually dared to despise the star field... Then, kill it, kill it, and it's a pity that there is no slightest pity.

After the ruling decided to issue an imperial attack, the follow-up was deployed.

They sent invitations to the Court of Justice, the Council of Light, the Primitive Academy, and the Holy See of Darkness, ordering them to reach the sky on the specified date...

Judging from the confession, the leaders of the Dark Vatican, the Bright Council, and the Primitive Academy all know what an emperor attack is, and they also know the Tianhe Divine Kingdom.

I better understand what it means for the emperor to attack and kill Tianhe Divine Kingdom...

But no one raised objections or expressed unwillingness.

After listening to this, Luo Jun clenched his fists and said: "Damn it all!"

Originally, he was still a little worried about what Huang Shen would do afterwards. But after knowing these things, he felt that even if all the eternal people of this star field died, it would not be a pity.

Luo Jun first held an internal meeting, which included him, Lan Ziyi, Chen Wuji and Xiaolong.

At the meeting, Luo Jun asked everyone their opinions, and he also said his thoughts before asking.

"Ye Donghuang and those great priests, as well as the masters of the Dark Vatican, are all going to die. To let them die like this is simply cheap for them. However, we don't have much time to spend with them, so kill them. Luo Jun paused, and then said: "The other people who participated in the emperor's attack are not so innocent, but afterwards, their own gods will take care of them, so I don't want to pursue them. What do you think? "

Lan Ziyi looked a little distracted, and said: "There is no problem with this arrangement, but I am actually very happy. If we want us to kill so many people, we can't do it. Now there are desolate gods and the wasteland army to replace us, which is good. Very good. But, do you really plan to leave in a month? Qiao Ning is probably not dead yet, what if her reincarnation is killed by the wild god? This is a problem that I am very worried about."

Luo Jundao: "I have been thinking about this problem, but I still can't think of a good way. I think about it now, and I can see that there is a problem in this star field, and the resurrection of the wild **** is a certainty. But the people of the Star Territory can't kill the Desolate God, so the Heavenly Dao of the Star Territory moved our heads. He probably hopes that we can help kill the Desolate God. Humph, how can I do as he wants...I will Let the gods continue to wreak havoc!"

Chen Wuji said: "But have you ever thought about a question. If Qiao Ning has been reincarnated and is still alive. What if she is killed by the desolate **** because we can't save her? Then you will hate you for ten thousand years? Can you accept the fact that you killed Qiao Ning?"

"I can't!" Luo Jun suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Xiaolong said from the side: "But we can't help deal with the Desolate God in this way, in case the Desolate God is killed by us in the end. My godmother can't find it again, isn't it even less cost-effective, we can't keep being tricked by God like this. What he wants us to do, then give conditions. If he doesn't give benefits, it is definitely impossible to do what he wants!"

Lan Ziyi and Luo Jun's eyes lit up suddenly.

Luo Jun said: "Yes, we have to wait. Everything is done according to the original plan. After these people are dealt with, we will take the eldest brother and the other subordinates to leave first. Waiting for the gods to do his business...when will , Things are clear, Qiao Ning has surfaced, let's do it again. If Qiao Ning doesn't show up, then we will never help."

Lan Ziyi nodded and said, "This is the only way."

Chen Wuji said: "There is another question, Tianzun is not dead, and Yun Qingyao's identity is unknown. These two people are still alive..."

"They are no longer a threat!" Luo Jun said: "Tian Zun has used Tianhuang Liuhe magical technique again, which has severely injured his vitality and cannot recover in a short time. And Yun Qingyao... I learned from Yun Qingwu, She was also injured. In a short time they can't get over the waves, so that's it. In the future, they will have nothing to do with us.

Chen Wuji said, "That's true!"

After the small internal meeting was over, Luo Jun held another large internal meeting.

That is to let Shi Beiluo, Tiannu, Toutuoyuan, Yuanfei, Jianshuang, Yingxuefei, Hongsi, Xiongfeiyuan, and those old demons all attend the meeting.

During the war, all of them were lucky enough to survive. However, several old demons and Shi Beiluo were seriously injured, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

They were able to survive because Luo Jun taught them the formation early so that they could kill the enemy and survive as much as possible in the chaos.

Luo Jun first said: "There are no outsiders here today, so what I say is true. And now, there is no need to tell lies. Before, I taught Wuyou not to kill anyone from my true heart. Later, I trapped you in the black hole spar, except for my eldest brother, Xuefei, Jianshuang, and Yuanfei. For the rest of you, I am guarded, and I don't want to give you another chance to betray."

"At the moment, we have already found out the whole story of the emperor's attack. Red silk, it is said that you also participated in the emperor's attack, didn't you?" Luo Jun suddenly looked at the red silk and asked.

The red silk face turned pale and said: "I...I did participate. It's just..."

Luo Jundao: "Many of you have participated. You are here to tell me the truth. Why did you go to carry out such a tragic thing in the first place, and none of you opposed it, and none of you spoke for the Kingdom of Tianhe God?"

The red silk stood up and said bitterly: "My lord, today you are fearless and unscrupulous. Then I don't need to cover up any more. I attacked the Tianhe Kingdom in the first place. I went to participate because I was invited by the Judging Office. Letter. All the people who received the invitation letter have gone, and I dare not go. I am so capable, and I dare to resist the ruling. I don’t think the evil of Tianhe Kingdom has much to do with me. I don’t even know They. Why should I be the one who risked the world for them? At that time, no one dared to speak first, and the first person to speak would inevitably be killed by the ruling! The ruling has always been consistent. "

After a pause, he said: "I have finished what I want to say. Your lord is going to kill me. Now there is no need to be compassionate anymore. I accept!"

Luo Jun said lightly: "Red silk, I hate you people. But, I will not kill you. You are right, you dare not object, it is natural for you not to speak up. I will not kill so many people. I want to kill you. This is unreasonable. So, from now on, you can go. The world is so big, you can go wherever you want. From now on, you and I will not owe each other!"

The red silk was stunned.

"You..." She was naturally reluctant to go. Now that she has won, she feels that she has bet on the right direction. But right now, Luo Jun drove her away. In her heart, she was more or less unwilling. But then I thought about it, and felt that I was lucky enough to get my life back.

At the moment, he was relieved, and Chao Luo Jun said deeply, "Thank you for not killing!"

Concubine Ying Xue wanted to speak, but she endured it.

The red silk left the black hole spar, and then left the sky...

After the red silk left, Luo Jun said to everyone: "I know everyone is still whispering in their hearts. I have taken this world, but I told everyone I want to leave. After I leave, you can be in this world. How many seats do you occupy?"

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