Super Security in the City

Chapter 3752: Qing Yao's Dream

Ku Ziyu was gradually able to understand Luo Jun's true thoughts, but she did not know what would happen in the future. Similarly, Luo Jun is not clear. In the end, the only thing she could remember was the words Luo Jun said when she was leaving...

The calamity is the definite number!

Ku Ziyu felt that she understood, but she didn't seem to understand too much.

As the day when Luo Jun left the star field is getting closer and closer, the people are extremely angry about Luo Jun’s resurrection of the Wild God. They scold it on the Internet and march on the street...

Many people also started talking about various conspiracy theories and so on!

But these have no effect on Luo Jun.

Luo Jun finally sent an open letter.

"Originally, I didn't need to explain anything to everyone in the Star Territory. I am leaving. What you think or conspiracy has nothing to do with me. But after thinking about it, for those who once believed in me, I still said Let’s talk about it. First of all, I did resurrect the Desolate God. But think about it carefully, do I really have the ability to create a Desolate God? The truth is that the Desolate God is about to be resurrected. I just asked him to come out in advance... Desolate God is a calamity in the Star Territory, and it is also a definite number that you cannot escape. As for what will happen next, this is not something I have to worry about. As the saying goes, good and evil will eventually pay off. The eternal race has done so many evil things for so many years. , You know in your heart. Maybe you will say that many of you are innocent. But among the many beings injured by the eternal race, how many are not innocent?"

"I hope that the eternal race in the future can always be alert to today's lessons. It must be known that the laws of heaven are cycled and retribution is unhappy. It is not that it is not repaid, but the time has not come!"

After this open letter was issued, public opinion on the Internet remained business as usual.

Luo Jun's voice can't change anything, and what can be changed instantly is also tiny.

On a certain day, Yun Qingwu suddenly came to visit Luo Jun.

Luo Jun met Yun Qingwu alone in the black hole spar. He likes to meet guests in the black hole spar, because this kind of privacy is the strongest.

"Master Yun, I know that you do nothing without going to the Three Treasures Hall. We will leave in two days. You suddenly came here today. Is there anything new you have discovered?" Luo Jun is straightforward.

Yun Qingwu said in a deep voice, "Qing Yao wants to see you."

"She wants to see me?" Luo Jun's heart beat and he knew that he had been waiting for coming.

Yun Qingwu said, "She said that she will help you out, and she will also tell you that Qiao Ning's reincarnation is."

Luo Jun was overjoyed and said, "Really?"

Yun Qingwu said: "At this moment, how dare we lie to you?"

"Where is she?" Luo Jun asked immediately.

Yun Qingwu said: "I didn't see her. I don't know what method she used to give me a dream. I have written down this dream, and you still need to judge where she is. I feel her The situation is not very good now. It seems that Arakawa has been chasing and killing her."

Luo Jun was not afraid of Yun Qingyao's tricks, and immediately said: "Okay, let me see your dream!"

Yun Qingwu sat cross-legged and said, "Come on!"

Luo Jun stepped forward and pointed a finger on Yun Qingwu's brow.

Yun Qingwu's mind was a cloud dream. In the dream, Yun Qingyao was sitting cross-legged in a plain white dress, like a bodhisattva.

Afterwards, Yun Qingyao spoke: "Yun Qingwu, this deity knows that you have many doubts. I will take it for you in the future. Now is the critical moment for the life and death of Star Territory. You immediately send a message to Luo Jun and tell him that you don't want Qiao Ning's reincarnation. He died in vain, so he immediately came to find the deity. At the same time, the deity will also tell him about Huang Slave and Xian Wanzong!"

After that, the dream disappeared.

Luo Jun wanted to continue his investigation, but Yun Qingwu had already opened his eyes.

Luo Jun had to withdraw his finger.

Yun Qingwu said: "The whole dream is like this. This is definitely not a random dream I think about day and night. Because I don't know who Qiao Ning is..."

Luo Jun's heart was pounding, he wanted to find Qiao Ning more quickly.

At the same time, he also knew that this matter was in a hurry. Today, Yun Qingyao can be regarded as being forced to Liangshan, and maybe she will come up with some ghost ideas.

At this time, I must calm down, no rabbits or eagles!

Right now, he took a deep breath and said, "How do I want me to find her?"

Yun Qingwu said: "I'm thinking about this issue too, but I think you should have a way to find her. For example, start with the **** of desolation..."

Luo Jun said: "Should I go to deal with the wild **** and burn my body?"

Yun Qingwu smiled bitterly and said, "You are too vigilant."

Luo Jun said: "That can't be helped, after all, there are too many tricks."

Yun Qingwu said: "I am also full of doubts now, I don't know what is going on with my daughter and this person."

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I see, you also look for clues. I will also check it quickly!"

Yun Qingwu said: "Please!"

Luo Jun said: "Go!"

After sending away Yun Qingwu, Luo Jun immediately found Lanziyi, Chen Wuji and Xiaolong. And said what happened today.

Lan Ziyi and Xiaolong were overjoyed when they heard the news of Qiao Ning.

Chen Wuji said, "Yun Qingyao is now being driven to a dead end, be careful she is deceiving."

Lan Ziyi said: "But Qiao Ning's name, we have never given it to others."

Chen Wuji said, "But this is not an absolute secret. You have also said a lot about the things back then. If they know more about the Tianhe Kingdom, they can guess it!"

Luo Jun said: "Anyway, we are all going to this muddy water!"

Chen Wuji smiled and said, "I am not against something, but to remind everyone that we must always be vigilant!"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Of course!"

The next step is to find Yun Qingyao quickly.

How can I find Yun Qingyao? This is a big problem.

Luo Jun could only use his brains on the head of Huangshen. He had previously returned it with the spirit of God.

"Go find the Desolate God, let's go now!" Luo Jun said, "I can feel the Desolate God is far away from us."

Everyone has no opinion.

Before setting off, Lan Ziyi said, "Bring Yun Qingwu."

Xiaolong was not satisfied, and said, "What do you do with that woman?"

Chen Wuji said: "Yun Qingwu is Yun Qingyao's mother, and may be able to play some unexpected roles. Take it with you, be prepared!"

Xiaolong no longer said anything.

Luo Jun immediately let Yun Qingwu over, and then set off with Chen Wuji, Xiaolong, and Lan Ziyi.

First, take the cloud shuttle to the Yunque star ten light-years away, and then start flying with the black hole spar.

Soon, Luo Jun and his party left the prosperous zone of the star field and came to the void zone.

Around the void zone, the planets are all desolate stars with few people.

And it's far away...

They flew for ten days before they finally got close to where the **** of desolation was.

The sky is boundless and dark, unable to break through.

At this moment, a figure flickered in front of him, and in the next second, a figure blocked the path of the black hole spar.

The one who came was... the desolate **** who never slipped into the autumn!

Luo Jun immediately blacked the spar, put the spar into his ear, and smiled at Huangshen, and said, "Senior, what a coincidence!"

Huangshen's eyes were cold, and said: "You are not keeping promises!"

Luo Jundao: "Senior, don't get me wrong, I'm not here to be an enemy of senior. It's just that I think of one thing, and I feel uneasy. I came here to ask senior to help..."

Huangshen's expression eased slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

Luo Juncheng said: "In Tianhe Kingdom, my wife, daughter, and friends were all killed. Now my friend Lan Ziyi has been reincarnated successfully, and my wife has no idea about her life or death. I know that she may also be reincarnated successfully. . It’s just that I haven’t recovered my memory yet! I’m afraid I’ll never see my poor wife again. I’m even more afraid that my wife will die at the hands of a predecessor because I stand by. If that’s the case, then I am really A hundred deaths are hard to redeem."

Huang Shen was immediately annoyed, and said, "You are a man of scheming. What do you want to do?"

Luo Jun immediately said: "I have already said very clearly about the future."

"Why come to the deity suddenly? Why didn't you listen to you before?" Huang Shendao.

Luo Jun said: "These days, thinking about it, I have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Huang Shen said: "You can find the deity, and the deity has no way. The deity has been chasing and killing the thief who killed the thief. You suddenly found it. Don't tell the deity, you want to save her?"

Luo Jun said: "How is that possible? Senior, you really think too much. Tianhe Divine Kingdom matters, Tianzun is to blame... Wait, Tianzun? Are you chasing Tianzun? That Tianzun? Yun Qingyao still The murloc before?"

Huang Shen said: "Hmph, it is Yun Qingyao of course, she is the real Tianzun."

Luo Jun's body was shaken, and then he asked, "Why do you see it?"

Huang Shen said: "The deity said she is, she is!"

Luo Jun couldn't understand a little, but he felt as if he understood a little.

After pondering for a while, he said: "Senior, I want to see Yun Qingyao, do you think it is okay?"

"She asked you to come?" Huang Shen was not stupid, and said immediately.

Luo Jun knew the truth, and immediately said: "She said that I knew the whereabouts of my wife, and I had to come. I knew this was probably her trick. She wanted to fight you and me. She was profiting in the dark. But, We must not fall into this poisonous scheme! God is now trying to get us to fight, but we are not. We have a discussion, how good!"

Huangshen is indeed a little jealous of Luo Jun, but he feels that something is not quite right, and said: "All the time, it is what you say. Don't think that the deity is really afraid of you."

Luo Jun immediately said: "Senior, don't be impulsive! You have this impulse, and if you fight, we will all be caught. Right now, you let me find Yun Qingyao, ask the matter clearly, and find out. After that, isn’t everyone happy? If she can’t tell one, two, three, let alone you let her go, I have to kill her too!"

The desolate **** pondered undecided. After a long time, he looked at Luo Jun and said, "Okay, the deity will let you go to Yun Qingyao. But, how long will you still have?"

Luo Jundao: "Find my wife and leave immediately."

Huang Shen said: "Can't find it? What if she wants you to kill the deity, and find your wife for you?"

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