Super Security in the City

Chapter 3757: Dreaming

When the two guards saw Luo Jun clearly, they were immediately stunned.

Now that Luo Jun is in the entire star field, that is the existence above the heavenly sovereign. Because in everyone's perception, Tianzun was defeated by him.

The two guards were speechless.

Luo Jun drove straight forward, without hindrance.

Ku Ziyu's mother was called Xian Feifeng, and she was a great chivalrous girl. In fact, Ku Xiaochen's personality is also very good, selfless. It is precisely because of their excellence that Ku Ziyu's three views are extremely positive.

When Luo Jun came to the living room of the villa, he saw Xian Feifeng.

Xian Feifeng's cultivation is only a top grade in the state of inaction. She has always been a family husband and a child, and rarely shows her face. She was born beautifully, and she was wearing light blue home clothes at this time, which also revealed a kind of dignity.

It is not the first time that Luo Jun has seen Xian Feifeng. He had contacted Xian Feifeng when he chose to reincarnate.

"Are you... Luo Jun?" Xian Feifeng saw Luo Jun for the first time. When he saw him, he was surprised. Her face suddenly turned pale, but she didn't know what Luo Jun meant to visit at this time...

When Luo Jun saw Xian Feifeng again, he couldn't help feeling full of emotions.

It turned out that he had already met Qiao Ning.

It turns out that she and she were born in the same year. He suddenly understood why Qiao Ning and himself were reborn in the same year, because Qiao Ning had insufficient soul power at the time, and was not familiar with the soul, so it was difficult to find a way out.

Later, he placed a soul pill on Xian Feifeng's body, and that soul pill became a bright spot in the dark. So she found it naturally.

In other words, the soul pill that he had sought for the target planted back then actually helped Qiao Ning in the meeting of fate.

All of this, is it your own luck, or is it the Lord's cause of all this?

After Luo Jun recovered, Xiang Xian Feifeng smiled politely and said: "Hello, I am indeed Luo Jun. Don't be afraid, because I am a good friend of Zi Yu. I am looking for something to her today!"

Ku Ziyu's cultivation base was not low, and at this time, he felt that someone had broken in, so he quickly came out of the study. The study was on the second floor. She came to the corridor railing on the second floor and saw Luo Jun.

Luo Jun's arrival surprised her. She always remembered what Luo Jun said.

"Luo Jun?" Ku Ziyu couldn't help but rejoice, and walked downstairs quickly, with a hint of excitement, said: "Is there a result? Have you found your wife? Are you willing to help us deal with the gods? "

She came to Luo Jun, her beautiful face flushed, her eyes filled with infinite expectations, and she looked at Luo Jun firmly.

Seeing her rosy lips, Luo Jun thought of the pain of separation these years, and he really wanted to kiss her. But he suppressed his love and impulse, smiled slightly, and said, "Yes, I found my wife."

Ku Ziyu was overjoyed and said: "That's great, you must help us deal with the wild gods, okay?" When he said this, tears burst into his eyes and said: "I know this is not fair to you, but except You, we have no way to defeat the desolate god. This is what my father and master told me..."

Xian Feifeng came over and said, "What the **** is going on?"

Luo Jun said to Xian Feifeng: "I and Ziyu have some private things to say, and then I will tell you all the truth truthfully. Now, offended..."

After that, he laid a black hole spar!

Immediately, the black hole spar enveloped the entire villa.

At the same time, Xian Feifeng also fell into a maze of black hole spar, unable to escape.

Luo Jun took Ku Ziyu to the villa of Jie Xumi.

This villa has always been the same.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning once had countless beautiful memories and craziness in this villa.

"What do you mean?" Ku Ziyu was suddenly confused.

But she is not afraid, she has never defended Luo Jun.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I only know now, my wife, it turns out to be you!"

"What?" Ku Ziyu was shocked suddenly, stepped back, looked at Luo Jun a little nervously, and said: "This joke is not a joke, how could I be?"

Luo Jun took out the Tianque Star Orb, and said: "There is your soul field in it. Right now you have to sit cross-legged, run the power of the universe according to the mental method I taught you, and then merge with this soul field. After the fusion, you Will understand everything."

"No..." Ku Ziyu said: "Why do you suddenly feel that I am your wife? It's too sudden... It's impossible. I don't feel it at all!"

Luo Jundao: "I'm pretty sure, Ziyu, do you trust me? You trust me and just do what I say, okay?"

Ku Ziyu said: "This..." After a while, his eyes raised solemnly, and he nodded: "Okay! I can cooperate with you in everything, but in the end, if you are disappointed, you can't blame me."

Luo Jundao: "Of course I won't blame you!"

Afterwards, Ku Ziyu sat cross-legged and operated the tactics according to the mental method taught by Luo Jun.

After Luo Jun saw her entering the state, he began to release the soul field in the Heavenly Que star beads.

The power of the soul completely envelopes the bitter Ziyu like a star...

Right now, Ku Ziyu's cultivation base is actually too low.

Fortunately, Qiao Ning's own cultivation has only reached the second level of the creation realm, so the current integration problem is not very big.

Ku Ziyu gradually began to feel a familiar breath.

She merged with the soul field for three days and three nights. During these three days, Luo Jun took care of Ku Ziyu while giving necessary explanations to Xian Feifeng.

The Ku Xiaochen, Master Ku and others came in for inquiries, but were also stopped by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun didn't care what they thought after they knew this, he hoped Qiao Ning would come back soon.

Ku Ziyu and the soul field are indeed fused, which shows that she is really Qiao Ning.

However, the integration is not very smooth. Because Qiao Ning's cultivation base was too high, and Ku Ziyu's cultivation base was too low.

After three days, Ku Ziyu finally merged completely.

Her appearance also began to change, which is an evolution.

After the evolution was completed, Luo Jun finally saw the cute fairy who made him dream... Qiao Ning!

The moment Qiao Ning opened her eyes, she looked at Luo Jun, and she looked at Luo Jun, her eyes were full of doubts, even a little dazed, as if some could not react.

Luo Jun knelt in front of her, his hands trembling uncontrollably, and then hugged her into his arms.

What kind of lovesickness and satisfaction is this!

I can't wait to rub her into my own bones, afraid that she will disappear once I let go. I am even more afraid that all this is just a beautiful dream...

"A Ning..." Luo Jun shouted with trembling.

After a while, Qiao Ning seemed to have finally reacted. Her delicate body also began to tremble, her voice trembling, she pushed Luo Jun away, and rubbed her eyes again, as if she was afraid that she might be wrong.

She glanced around again and saw this familiar scene and so on.

"I... Am I dreaming? Am I in the Yin Cao Jifu? Luo Jun..." Qiao Ning trembled: "It's really you?"

Luo Jun's tears could no longer be restrained, and he nodded repeatedly and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, A Ning, I'm too late, and you have suffered too much."

"I'm still alive? Luo Jun, you actually came in front of me?" Qiao Ning still couldn't believe everything in front of him. But at this time, Luo Jun had already kissed her red lips.

Qiao Ning was taken aback, and then lost in Luo Jun's tenderness.

This kiss has been brewing for too long and too long... It is very mellow.

After a long time, the lips split.

Qiao Ning began to organize her own memories. The memories of this life and the memories of the previous life gradually began to blend perfectly.

It took her about half an hour to completely organize her memory.

At this time, she naturally knew why Luo Jun was here.

Ku Ziyu knew everything Luo Jun did, and Ku Ziyu's memory was her memory. Ku Ziyu is her, she is also Ku Ziyu, but in the end it is Qiao Ning.

"A Ning, let's never separate again." Luo Jun said emotionally.

Joe nodded solemnly.

The two reunited after a long absence, naturally there is endless love and endless words.

Later, the two kissed again.

All the affection is deep in this passionate kiss.

Luo Jun had a fire in his heart, but this fire was the fire of desire. He has been guarded like a jade, pure heart and desireless for nearly a hundred years...

Qiao Ning did not resist either, but enjoyed Luo Jun's love very much.

The red candle tent was warm and the tide surged.

This is a fierce wave, one wave is higher than one wave...

After the low tide, the two of them hugged each other tightly, with each other's satisfaction and love.

"I still have good news to tell you." Luo Jun continued.

Qiao Ning was startled slightly and said, "What?"

Luo Jun talked about the nuns at the moment. Qiao Ning immediately burst into tears of joy and said, "It's great, great."

Luo Jun said, "But don't be happy too early, the situation can be said to be a little complicated right now. Although she was born by the soul of her daughter, she has no memory of her previous life... Now she is actually Yun Qing. Wu's daughter. I'm afraid she can't accept you and me..."

Qiao Ning said: "I understand, but no matter what, knowing that the poor soul has not dissipated, and that there is a destination, it always makes me happy. I can accept whether she recognizes it or not."

Luo Jundao: "You can think so, that's good." After a pause, he asked: "By the way, what was the situation when you were in the soul road?"

Qiao Ning said: "Back then, the emperor of the eternal clan attacked and killed the Tianhe Divine Kingdom, and we couldn't resist it. At the last moment, Mingyue resisted damage for us. Ziyi taught me how to retain the soul field and how to reincarnate. But... It was still not enough, coupled with inexperience, so I was still embarrassed in the end. The soul field was barely retained. After the soul entered the soul road, I felt at a loss and could not distinguish the north, south, east and west. Then I felt the soul of the daughter, so I instinct Protected her...I took my daughter to float in the soul road, but I could not find a way out. The longer the time, the weaker my soul. I thought I would dissipate in the soul road and turn into paving stones in the soul road. .at this time……"

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