Super Security in the City

Chapter 3759: Suzhen Black

Yun Qingwu loved her daughter, but she was even more concerned about the safety of the eternal race.

Before the blue and purple clothes recovered their memory, they also maintained the Eternal Race in every possible way. Similarly, Qiao Ning did the same before recovering her memory. However, after the two of them recovered their memories, they were different, and they were much indifferent to the Eternal Race. From the bottom of my heart, I don't recognize the identity of the eternal race. The memory of the past life is unforgettable, and this life is just an expedient measure.

Qiao Ning was a bit unsuccessful in merging with the soul field, but after practicing Yin and Yang with Luo Jun, he has completely merged. Naturally, her cultivation base was already above the Eternal Profound Realm, and it was no longer a problem to deal with Reggae and his like. But it is not yet Yun Qingwu's opponent!

Luo Jun took out the magical tool that had been prepared for Qiao Ning before. The magical tool was called the Nebula Electric Talisman, which was a fairy tool level existence. This was obtained when he was on the Phoenix Young Star with Zhang Daoling. It has been preserved for so many years, and now it can finally be given to Qiao Ning.

After Qiao Ning got the Nebula Electric Talisman, she was extremely happy. But at the same time, she was a little frustrated, because she found that her cultivation was still too far behind Luo Jun. It can be said that the worse it gets, the farther it gets...Compared with the blue and purple clothes, it is much inferior. She was meant to have a strong temperament... However, in these years, she was always the same as Mingyue Xianzun. Although she worked hard, her cultivation level just couldn't keep up.

Luo Jun kept comforting her.

After Qiao Ning returned, Lan Ziyi deliberately kept a distance from Luo Jun. Luo Jun couldn't say anything... It was Qiao Ning, but he also knew some of the delicate feelings between Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi. When she was still suffering from Ziyu, she also heard about Zong Han and knowing Xia too much.

So in private, Qiao Ning told Luo Jun that if he and Lan Ziyi liked each other, she hoped they could be together.

Qiao Ning has always been like this, and Luo Jun is not surprised when she said such things. But Luo Jun himself couldn't do this ridiculous, and the blue and purple clothes were not such a person.

He kissed her on the cheek, smiled slightly, and said: "It is difficult not to have emotions between people, living in mutual tribulation, life and death. But we are human beings, not animals, so we cannot let our emotions overflow. For the rest of my life, with you, Ling'er, and Mo Nong, I will be enough."

When he said this, he unconsciously thought of Suzhen in black.

It's just that he has never been confident enough when facing Suzhen in black. Even though there were countless times of spiritual practice between each other, and countless times of skin closeness, he still felt that he had never really obtained the heart of Suzhen in black.

Qiao Ning did not disagree with Luo Jun’s words, saying: "Men and women are inherently different. Although they have one yin and one yang, they are also very particular about it. A cultivator should still pay attention to the joy of heart. I think you and Sister Ziyi is suppressing this kind of emotion, which is not good for your practice."

Luo Jun was a little annoyed, and said, "What are you thinking about? Someone always persuades my husband to be with other women. Are you not loving me enough, or are you too big?"

Qiao Ning smiled and said: "Actually, it is not my problem, but yours. Your cultivation has reached a high enough height, but your mind is still bound by the rules of the earthly world. Maybe one day, you Will understand."

Luo Jun didn't know what to say to refute Qiao Ning. In fact, why didn't he want it deep down?

It's just that he can never do that absurd!

Those old demons have three thousand wives and concubines, all because they have no feelings. But he and them have feelings. If it is ridiculous, characters like Lan Ziyi are also qualified to face the first three thousand people.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning had a deep chat with Yun Qingwu and Yun Qingyao.

Yun Qingyao expressed that she hoped that Qiao Ning could be a mother in the future, but she would always be with Yun Qingwu.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning said that they would return to Earth after the Huangshen matter was over.

Yun Qingyao said quickly, welcome Luo Jun and Qiao Ning to come back to Starfield to visit her.

These words are telling Luo Jun and Qiao Ning that she will not leave the star field.

Luo Jun and Qiao Ning also discussed it privately, and they knew in their hearts that Yun Qingyao would never go to Earth with them. The two can also accept this fact...

Qiao Ning felt that she would be satisfied if she knew the happiness Yun Qingyao could have. Luo Jun said to Qiao Ning: "Even if Qing Yao has not been reincarnated and grew up by our side, at this age, she will not be by our side. In the future, we will often visit Star Territory, and wait until a certain number of years. , Maybe she is still willing to go to the earth with us."

Qiao Ning nodded and said, "Yeah!"

Yun Qingwu heard what Yun Qingyao said to Luo Jun and Qiao Ning. She was a wise person, and she knew in her heart that her daughter was facing her after all, and her heart was immediately warm.

After talking about the gossip, Yun Qingwu returned to the subject and asked Qi Luo Jun how they were going to deal with the wild god. Luo Jun said: "I haven't thought about it yet, and I don't plan to make a move in a short time. Next, I will go back to the sky and leave the Star Territory with my direct descendants."

"Why should you leave first?" Yun Qingwu and Yun Qingyao were suddenly anxious after hearing this.

Luo Jun said sternly, "If you believe me, you must follow my arrangements!"

Yun Qingyao was pitiful and said: "Uncle...Dad..." But she didn't know how to call Luo Jun. Calling Uncle, I feel happy. Calling Dad, I feel unable to shout. But I knew in my heart that he should call Dad, so that he could increase his impression points, or ask him to help his star field.

Luo Jun was originally a little annoyed that Yun Qingyao always missed this star field, which also made him somewhat doubt whether her feelings for herself and Qiao Ning were true or false. But then think about it, this is not a bad thing. At least it also shows that this child has great love for his race and homeland, and is a good child with three views. So, he endured his temper and said, "Qing Yao, believe my arrangement, okay?"

Yun Qingyao felt helpless, but she could only nod her head and said, "Hmm!"

Afterwards, everyone set off to return to the sky.

After arriving at the canopy, Luo Jun led his men and quickly left the canopy, and took the shuttle cloud machine to shuttle. Then he flew away from the star field...

When flying into a void, the **** of desolation passed a word from the sky...

This desolate **** is really vast, as if it were everywhere.

The words of Huangshen directly passed into Luo Jun's ears, and said: "Gone?"

Luo Jun immediately replied: "Go!"

Huang Shendao: "Have you found your wife?"

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Huangshen said again: "Tianzun told you directly? Didn't you make any deal with you?"

Luo Jundao: "She asked me to deal with you, senior, but I did not agree. Later, she told me about the whereabouts of my wife, saying that she wanted to forgive some sins. Maybe she wanted to soften me with this, but she I underestimated my ambition."

After a long silence, Huang Shen said: "You have something to hide from the deity."

Luo Jun was startled, and said, "Why did the senior say this?"

Huang Shen said: "You are smart, and the deity is not a fool."

Luo Jun said, "Senior said that made the younger generation panic, and the younger generation is going to leave. Why are you saying this?"

Huang Shendao: "The deity wants you to swear that you will never set foot in the eternal star field again."

Luo Jun said: "I can't make this vow, maybe I will come back later?"

"Within ten years, you can't set foot in the Star Territory!" Huang Shen said: "This is the main line? You have been here for more than ten years. If you are unwilling to swear, it means that you did not really leave at all. Star field."

Luo Jun murmured secretly, thinking this Desolate God was really clever!

"Well, I swear that after leaving this time, I will never set foot in the Star Territory within ten years. If you break this oath, you will be killed on the same day, and you will not die!"

Only then did Huang Shen relieved his heart and said, "Okay, the deity believes in you, so go all the way!"

Afterwards, the voice of the gods completely disappeared.

Time flies like a shuttle, and another year has passed soon!

The Eternal Star Territory has always been calm, and the wasteland army has always stood still in the wasteland.

Desolate God has never appeared...

The people of the eternal race began to feel that the resurrection of the wild **** was just a big lie.

However, the senior officials of the Primitive Academy, the Court of Justice, and the Bright Council were very clear in their hearts that the **** of desolation was really resurrected.

The reason why Huang Shen has not done anything is because he is waiting for Luo Jun and his party to leave completely.

On this day, the calm of the star field was finally broken.

The wasteland army left the wasteland...

The first place the army of the wasteland went is... the court.

In the endless void, the black hole spar quickly shuttles...

Suddenly, there was energy shaking in the void, and that energy quickly shuttled through the air, unexpectedly coming towards the black hole spar.

Luo Jun immediately felt this kind of abnormality, and couldn't help being taken aback. He secretly said: "The front is a direction outside the star field. Who will come at him?"

He was puzzled, and immediately took Chen Wuji, Xiaolong, Qiao Ning, and Lan Ziyi to greet him.

At the same time, the black hole spar rushed into his ears.

Two figures came quickly in front of them, and the two figures stood in front of Luo Jun and the others.

When Luo Jun saw it clearly, he couldn't help being surprised.

Those who came were two beautiful girls, one was Mu Jing.

There is another one that Luo Jun is dreaming about... Suzhen in black.

The two would actually be together and appear in this place, which is really surprising to the extreme.

Qiao Ning knew Hei Suzhen and Mu Jing.

Lan Ziyi only knew Mu Jing, and she and Mu Jing were not familiar, but they had fought side by side when they fought the Demon Emperor and others in Dakang.

"Sister Jing, Su Su!" Luo Jun couldn't hide his excitement and joy.

Mu Jing looked at everyone, smiled slightly, and said, "It's great to be able to meet you here. The white girl doesn't know the way to come here, but she has a certain connection with Luo Jun. I and she complement each other. I finally found you."

Luo Jun stared at Suzhen in black, he was extremely happy at this moment. Of course he remembered her anger towards him and her determination when she left... But now, she ran over hundreds of millions of miles to find herself, which shows that she also has her own in her heart.

When Black-clothed Suzhen saw Luo Jun, there was such a wave in the deep eyes of the sea, but she hid it well, almost imperceptible...

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