Super Security in the City

Chapter 3763: Chaotic Kojin

After the end of the World War, the masters of the Eternal Race suffered heavy casualties.

At the same time, Hou Jianfei, Master Ku, Cang Hailan, Reggae, and the group of masters and old demons who came out of the Eastern Wilderness were all arrested. Aragami did not directly kill them...

It is worth mentioning that in the battle of extinction, all the disciples of Master Ku, except Ku Xiaochen, the rest have been martyred. Including Luna...

The wasteland army was finally exasperated, and could occupy wherever it wanted in this star field. They soon moved into the ruling city...

The order of the entire eternal family must be rewritten.

In the dungeon of the City of Judgment, there are more than fifty masters including Ku Xiaochen, Master Ku, Hou Jianfei, Cang Hailan, Reggae, and Yan Guhong. All of them were seriously injured and could not fight back. Even if you come to an innocent master, you can kill them all.

Today their lives are dark.

Ku Xiaochen's eyes were dead at the moment, as if he had lost all hope of this incident. His daughter was gone, and his wife died in the battle of destruction. Having ended up like this again, what hope is there in life?

"Why, the Desolate God doesn't kill us directly, but wants us to stay?" Cang Hailan asked the soul.

Everyone had this doubt in their hearts, but they still couldn't find the answer.

Master Ku said in a deep voice: "Luo Jun said that at a certain time, he will come back. I don't know why, he has never appeared."

At this time, one person suddenly broke the secret.

This person is... Yan Guhong.

Yan Guhong said: "Maybe, Luo Jun is waiting for us to die. We die before he will take action. He used to buy the hearts of the world with benevolence and righteousness. Therefore, it will not be easy to kill us. But we people They were all involved in the emperor’s attack. How can he allow us to live? The Aura does not kill us, I think it is mostly because Aura is not willing to be his sword. It is very likely that the Aura is undergoing important training, and now so many masters are backfeeding after death. Zhou Li, the power of the Desolate God has surpassed all of our cognition. I am afraid that after a while, even if Luo Jun returns, it will be of no avail."

Reggae said solemnly: "Guhong, your analysis is very reasonable, but... Luo Jun is the number one human being in the world, and he hasn't missed out on his calculations. Although Huangshen is very powerful, he wants to calculate with him. I’m afraid it’s still a bit worse."

Cang Hailan sighed and said, "Although Luo Jun is powerful, it is very likely that he has fought against the gods, but we may not survive!" Then, he sighed again and said: "What about Luo Jun? Will save us, he already hates us in his heart."

In the endless void, in a hole in the void, Hua Tianhuang and Yuanlong are practicing with great concentration.

Hua Tianhuang did not participate in the battle of destroying the world, because he knew the strength of the gods, and knew that even if he participated, he would just add a dead soul to the mass grave. He found the space loopholes that he wrote down during his travels, and at the same time found Yuanlong, and brought the escaped Yuanlong into this space loophole.

Yuanlong was very scared of Luo Jun. Hua Tianhuang told Yuanlong that all the great priests were dead, and the leaders of the Dark Vatican were also dead.

Yuan Long became even more frightened after hearing this, and felt that there was really nothing that Luo Jun wanted to do that could not be done.

Hua Tianhuang told Yuanlong that Huangshen was about to kill the entire world, and he wanted to hide Yuanlong with him. Yuanlong asked: "Can you hide it?"

Hua Tianhuang said in a deep voice: "In the dark, there is still the heaven that rules everything. The ancestor gods are in the sky, and will not really let the wild gods destroy the entire star field. What we have to do now is to recharge our energy. , After waiting for the death of the wild god, we will revitalize the civilization of the eternal race."

Yuanlong nodded again and again. Now, he just wants to survive.

He asked Hua Tianhuang again if Luo Jun really left.

Hua Tianhuang said: "The old man knows that you want him to really leave, but the old man doesn't want him to leave, because he seems to be the only one who can deal with the gods now."

Yuanlong smiled bitterly, and said: "Why would he be willing to help us? He wished we would all die!"

In the palace in the loophole, Hua Tianhuang was meditating cross-legged. Suddenly, he felt danger.

At this moment, a figure flashed in front of him, and Yuanlong came to him.

At this time, Yuanlong was full of horror, and said: "It's not good, Hua Lao, there is danger, is it that the gods are coming?" Now he has completely lost the demeanor of the original generation of great priests, and the temperament of his whole person has also happened. Earth-shaking changes. Left in the crowd, it's no different from an ordinary coward.

Fear can change a person, and long-term fear can torture a person into neurosis.


At this moment, energy fluctuations suddenly came from the outside world, and after that, the door of the void opened...

From the door of the void walked out a dark person.

This person, with his face full of indifference and lifelessness, is exactly...the **** of despair!

"God of Desolate?" Hua Tianhuang suddenly rose, with fear and bitterness flashing in his eyes, and said: "You still found it after all?"

Huang Shen said indifferently: "You hide deep enough, but the deity has already understood the power of the universe, as long as you are within the scope of the force, as long as you have the force in your body, you can't hide it from the deity!"

Hua Tianhuang said, "You are here to kill the old man?"

Huang Shendao: "You can have two choices, first, self-determination. Second, the deity will kill you!"

Yuanlong knelt down immediately, weeping bitterly, and said: "The **** of desolation is here, and the disciple is willing to serve you for life, please give the disciple a chance."

Hua Tianhuang snorted coldly and said: "Yuanlong, you have a little bit of strength, stand up. He wants to kill all the eternal clansmen, so that the world Zhou Li's motherhood will be his own. He doesn't need any help at all. Death. The more people there are, the stronger he is. Don’t you even understand this?"

Yuanlong whimpered and said, "But I don't want to die, I don't want to die! I just want to live, or stay alive!"

Hua Tianhuang no longer paid attention to Yuanlong, and said to the gods: "Kill us people, what else do you want to do?"

Huang Shen said coldly: "You are not qualified to know."

Hua Tianhuang sneered and said: "You will destroy the entire star field, and let the star field return to the unexplored chaos. In this way, even if the ancestor **** is completely defeated. At the same time, you will also cultivate Zhou Li to The forces of the outside world are in communion, and at that time, this star field can no longer restrain you. You can gallop across the universe and roar the stars, right?"

Huang Shen looked at Hua Tianhuang more and said: "Not bad, you still have some knowledge! In this way, the deity is a little reluctant to kill you."

Hua Tianhuang said: "But have you ever thought that if you have committed so many killings, you will also have karma."

The **** of desolation laughed, and then said, "It's just a few ants that kill, talk about retribution. The universe will be destroyed, this area of ​​a star field is like a cloud of dust in the entire universe. The star field is annihilated, in the sea of ​​the universe. , Can't stir up even a slight ripple. Talking about retribution is ridiculous!"

"Tianhe Divine Kingdom's retribution is right in front of you!" Hua Tianhuang said: "You are not superb, but you were born a little better. So recklessly..."

"Tianhe Divine Kingdom's retribution?" Huangshen said: "That's because you are not very capable, but you have great plans. If you do not have enough ability, but do things beyond your ability, of course you will suffer retribution and backlash!"

Hua Tianhuang said: "You are already extremely vicious, you will have retribution, but unfortunately, the old man can't see it."

After saying that, he mobilized the power in his body to reverse the meridians.

After a while, Qiqiao bled and died on the spot!

Upon seeing this, Yuanlong couldn't help his eyes split... begging for mercy again. Huang Shen was too lazy to take a look and kill him directly. Yuanlong doesn't even have the courage to resist...

Three months later, on this day, in the dungeon of the City of Judgment, Cang Hailan and others have been living in panic in the absence of the sky. Suddenly, the cell door opened and light came in.

Then some desert soldiers came in, and they escorted Reggae and Cang Hailan out.

On the square of the ruling city, it is sunny.

The masters of Cang Hailan used to be among the dragons and phoenixes, but now they are prisoners of the ranks.

They were kneeling in the square, unable to move!

The wasteland army surrounded the square strictly, and the **** of waste stood in front of Cang Hailan and the others, silent and extremely indifferent.

A few wasteland masters stood behind the gods.

Then Lu Tianlong and Tianshui mica were also there.

Yan Guhong sneered and said: "The old dog of the wild god, why, can't bear to kill us today? If we don't kill us for so many days, I just don't want to be the knife in Luo Jun's hands. Right now I'm not afraid that Luo Jun will go and return. Yet?"

"Bold!" Lu Tianlong shouted immediately and said, "Dare to be rude to Huangshen!"

Yan Guhong said: "Haha, it's really funny. He is going to kill me, there is nothing I dare not dare to."

"You are very smart!" Huangshen stopped Lu Tianlong from speaking, and said to Yan Guhong: "You can actually guess the mind of the deity."

The bitter master said in a deep voice: "If you want to kill, kill, don't be long-winded!"

Huangshen ignored Master Ku, but continued to Yan Guhong: “I didn’t kill you before, but it did keep you specially. Because the deity also felt that Luo Jun didn’t intend to really leave. The deity needs time, and he I want the deity to kill you again, and then he will shoot again. So, the deity took advantage of this time difference, and finally completed the complete integration of Zhou Li's motherhood in the last period of time. Now, even if he comes, the deity will kill him easily. !"

"So, there is no need for the deity to keep you." Huangshen finally said.

After he finished speaking, he ordered everyone behind him to start.

These people are quick and quick to pick and drop.

Reggae was the first to be killed, then Cang Hailan, Yan Guhong... No matter how unwilling they were, when the butcher knife was raised, they still couldn't avoid it.

The smell of blood floats in the air again...

In the Eternal Star Territory, the Eternal Race is now terrible.

The Cathers began to rejoice secretly, feeling that the eternal race was no longer good, and the next thing was their world. They are just absorbing ordinary cosmic power, and the **** of desolation should not pursue them...

In fact, the gods did not kill a Cather.

This makes the Cathers have illusions!

At the same time, many other planets in the star field are even more happy...

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