Super Security in the City

Chapter 3768: Affection

Mu Jing's sword intent storm contained three plagues and nine disasters, Buddhist supernatural powers, and four swords of heaven, earth, wind and thunder! Among them is the nine-fold divine righteousness of her creation realm!

Luo Jun's Golden Pill is all-encompassing and omnipotent. Among them, it shows all the wisdom, experience and profound meaning of Luo Jun!

The current battle between the two is already a battle of wisdom and strength in their respective lives.

Both of them are quickly cracking the magical rules of the other's power.

Luo Jun also discovered the difference at this time. In the Star Territory, his Big Gold Pill was almost indestructible and insoluble.

But facing Mu Jing, it was quite different. Because Mu Jing's sword intent contained the nine-fold magical meaning of the creation realm. In the past, when dealing with Yang Meng, Yang Meng's pure power was far above the nine levels of creation, but his power was relatively simple.

Just like some powers are great, but they are fierce.

And some powers contain spiral force, penetrating force and so on!

It is completely different if a sword is cut directly with the same force, or cut in a spiral.

Mu Jing's power is very mysterious.

The Golden Pill was already violent at this time, and Luo Jun used the madness of the Golden Pill to forcibly rush to kill the sword storm. Mu Jing's sword intent storm finally couldn't resist, and she was broken open by the big golden core.

Subsequently, Luo Jun drove the Golden Core to kill Xiang Mu Jing!

Mu Jing once again displayed her supernatural powers, evading everything.

There was no way to avoid the big golden pill, but when Mu Jing was evading, she also ran out of destiny and karma.

The Golden Pill is like walking through the fog, it is always difficult to touch Mu Jing's real body!

The consumption of mana by the big golden core is extremely terrifying.

With such consumption, Luo Jun has only one way to fail.

How can he admit defeat?

Even in the face of Mu Jing, he couldn't easily admit defeat.

"Supernatural beings, omissions, destiny, karmic difficulties..." Luo Jun immediately recognized the mysteriousness in Mu Jing's body method. The speed of the Big Golden Pill is getting faster and faster, and the mana in his body is close to exhaustion, but he did not panic, nor did he attempt to recover the Big Golden Pill.

The golden light of the Golden Core quickly covered all Mu Jing's body skills...

"Here!" Luo Jun shouted. At this moment, he had tracked Mu Jing's track.

This requires extraordinary wisdom.


Mu Jing couldn't avoid it anymore, so she slapped the big golden core.

At that moment, all the cells in Mu Jing's body were activated together, and countless small worlds gathered into a big world! The big world mobilized together, like the divine power of the stars of the universe, to kill the big golden core together.

When the palm strength and the big golden pill were blasted together, Mu Jing felt the magnificent heaven and earth sentient beings!

It seems that thousands of gods and spirits make a wish together and give out supernatural power.


No amount of will, divine power, all was destroyed in this instant.

Mu Jing backed away again and again, only to feel that her chest was stuffy, and then she spit out a mouthful of blood.

The Big Gold Pill was even more violent at this time, and once again blasted over.

Mu Jing is unavoidable, the big golden core is already extremely powerful...

In desperation, the only thing to do is to run the hole.

The mixed hole in her palm was like heaven and earth hidden in it, and she split it away with a palm.


Finally, the Golden Pill was smashed and flew out.

The mixed hole in Mu Jing's palm also fell into a state of frenzy, and his eyes suddenly became blood red, desperate for fate to stabilize the mixed hole.

After a long time, Mu Jing completely calmed down.

At this time, Luo Jun was already close to collapse. He dissipated the divine power of the big golden pill and sucked that breath of vitality into his body.

Suzhen in black, Qiao Ning and others immediately came to Luo Jun to help him feed pills and so on.

Seeing that Luo Jun had someone taking care of him, Lan Ziyi went to Mu Jing's side, delivered the medicine and condolences.

After a while, Luo Jun, Suzhen in black and others came to Mu Jing, smiled slightly, and said, "Sister Jing, this time, we are even tied, how about?"

Mu Jing looked at Luo Jun and smiled bitterly: "Don't comfort me, I lost this game. I now suspect that even if I play the hole, I may not be able to defeat you."

Luo Jun said: "You are too modest. After a long time, you may not be able to defeat me. But at the very beginning, you show mixed holes. I have no chance."

Mu Jing said: "That's true, but you can already condense the mixed hole. Once you gather the mixed hole, you can resist my fierce attack at the beginning. Once you get past the beginning, I will not be you in the future. Opponent."

Suzhen in black smiled and said, "Mu Jing, although you and I are good friends. But to be honest, none of us here, including me, can beat Luo Jun. Luo Jun’s greatest strength is not His own cultivation level lies in this guy's variability and unpredictability. The more you push him to a desperate situation, the more he can show incredible power."

Mu Jing was startled, then smiled, and said, "That's true!"

Now that the outcome is divided, Mu Jing plans to give up the hatred of the Eternal Star Territory.

She didn't have much feeling or hatred for the Eternal Star Territory, but now that Senior Tool Spirit saw that the Star Territory was so bleak, she naturally disappeared. In addition, the desert slave has also gone to reincarnation...

So, what are you still attached to?

After the victory was determined, the spirit of the Eternal Immortal Palace returned to the Eternal Star Territory with the Eternal Immortal Palace.

Who can become a destined person in Xianfu in the future depends on the chance of future generations.

Chen Wuji and Xiaolong wave goodbye to Luo Jun and others!

Soon, they disappeared into the long night void...

Then, Luo Jun and his group began to embark on the road of return.

On the way back, Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi, Qiao Ning, and Hei Suzhen often demonstrate cultivation.

Many principles of practice are of great help to Qiao Ning.

Especially Black Suzhen, although she has a bad temper, she is an absolute genius in practice.

She gave Qiao Ning a lot of advice and also gave Lan Ziyi a lot of help.

The blue and purple clothes were only one step away from the Eighth Layer of Creation Realm. Mu Jing told Lan Ziyi the eight-fold mystery and nine-fold magic of the creation realm. Hei Suzhen also told Lan Ziyi some experience in cultivating spirits. Various experiences need to be mutually confirmed...

At the same time, Luo Jun also realized more mysteries.

Qiao Ning often feels that his cultivation is good, but every time he joins Luo Jun and others, he feels very depressed. It seemed that no matter how she cultivated, she couldn't keep up with the progress of people like them. This was the case before, and it is still the same now.

Her talent is not bad, just not as good as Luo Jun and the others. This can be seen from the time she reincarnated as Ku Ziyu.

Time flies quickly, three years have passed in a blink of an eye!

Three years are long and long, and short and short.

This journey will take a long time. If you are unlucky and cannot meet a suitable wormhole, it will take longer to return home.

Hei Yi Suzhen and Mu Jing have repeatedly demonstrated that it is feasible to help Lan Ziyi restore the source of life with the spirit of the dead.

They also came to a conclusion, that is, if the life origin of the blue and purple clothes is not restored, then her cultivation level will not be able to break through the last seven barriers for the rest of her life.

After breaking through the seven barriers, it is possible to regenerate the origin of life. But after the life source is damaged, the cultivation base is never able to break through these seven barriers. Between the two, it seems to have entered an endless loop!

On this day, in the void, the black hole spar continued to travel with lightning!

Lan Ziyi finally decided to take the risk and try the dead thing. She said to everyone: "If there is an accident, you don't have to blame yourself, because this is my own choice."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "Zi Yi, don't worry. I have studied the spirit of the dead. If there is an accident, I can also help you eliminate the toxins of the spirit of the dead. I will quench it with the power of nine thunder tribulations. Refining can get rid of toxins. However, you will still suffer a lot of damage."

Lan Ziyi smiled and said: "Then I have no more worries, we practitioners, we have a calamity at all times. We are not facing danger at all times. This is now my calamity!"

After that, Luo Jun and Lan Ziyi entered the villa of Jie Xumi.

Luo Jun banned the villa.

After that, he sat opposite the blue and purple clothes, with his palms touching, trying to do spiritual practice.

They must take the spirit of the dead in their spiritual practice, so that they can use the yin and yang mana to dissolve the poison. Transform into a powerful life source with the most poisonous dead thing.

Only soon, they encountered the first problem.

That is, the two of them cannot enter the spiritual state.

Before the spiritual practice, Luo Jun felt in his heart that he might not be able to achieve spiritual practice. Although spiritual cultivation is not flesh cultivation, the requirements of spiritual cultivation are much higher than those of flesh cultivation. It requires both men and women to have love for each other and souls to blend together. There is me in you, and you in me!

Right now Suzhen and Qiao Ning in black clothes are staying outside, Luo Jun can't do it carelessly, and blue and purple clothes can't do it if nothing has happened.

Lan Ziyi retracted his palms, sighed, and smiled bitterly: "It's really not suitable, let's forget it."

Luo Jun said: "Then how do you do it, this is your only chance to restore the origin of your life. Do you want to stop here for the rest of your life?"

Lan Ziyi looked outside and said: "You and I can't be alone now, why bother to deceive yourself?"

Luo Jun also smiled bitterly and said: "There is indeed a feeling of affair, not to mention that it is difficult to cultivate spiritually with you. Right now in this place, even if I am with Qiao Ning and Susu, it is difficult to successfully cultivate spiritually. . This also shows that my cultivation is not yet home..."

Lan Ziyi was slightly unhappy, and said, "Don't use the word cheating on me."

Luo Jun immediately said, "I'm sorry!"

Lan Ziyi said, "That's it for today. Let's talk about the restoration of life origin later."

Luo Jundao: "No!"

Lan Ziyi said: "You..." Luo Jun said, "Susu is here today, and with her thunder and tribulation power can you quench the poison of the dead when you are in danger. Therefore, we must all take away that in our hearts The hurdle can only be stepped over! We ascendants are destined to face all kinds of disasters. The current hurdle, even if it’s your relationship with me. No matter how difficult it is, we will survive.”

"Love?" Lan Ziyi blushed. Then, she looked at Luo Jun and said: "You have become more and more courageous to talk to me. I have never had **** with anyone in my blue and purple clothes in my life."

Luo Jundao: "Then are you going to stay away from love for a lifetime? This kind of life is what you want? Is this kind of life complete?"

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