Super Security in the City

Chapter 3773: Father and daughter meet

Standing on the street in this early morning, Luo Jun felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

He will always remember those days when he first came to Parallel World, going to high school, going to college, Linger, Lingshan, and how happy those days were.

Time flies, so many years in the past, thinking of the days of traveling together in Mount Tai, everything seems to have happened yesterday.

Ordinary people's lifespan is around 80.

Two hundred years have passed since he first came to Parallel World...

The deceased back then are no longer alive.

"It's not just that the deceased here are gone, but also my deceased in the great world?" Luo Jun felt a sentimental feeling in his heart.

This is the case for monks. Although they can survive the years, they gradually lose their friends. The further you go, the lonelier you are!

Fortunately, he has seen from the crystal wall of time that his daughter Chen Yinuo is still alive. The daughter's physical cultivation has reached its peak, and there is no problem in living for two hundred years. However, no matter how strong the physical body is, there are also shackles.

Therefore, there is not much time left for her daughter.

Later, he had to find a way to go to Binhai.

He knew that his daughter was in Binhai, but he did not have her contact information.

It is not easy to go to Binhai. He is now empty-handed and has no money.

Looking around, there are also cars coming and going.

Luo Jun sat down on the side of the road and began to observe the passing vehicles. Finally, he chose a good luxury car.

With a flash, he stopped in front of the luxury car!

The driver of the luxury car is a middle-aged man with a big belly.

Luo Jun's sudden rushing out scared him into a cold sweat. After an emergency brake, he rolled down the car window, poked his head out and cursed: "You **** seek death!"

Luo Jun didn't say a word, and then strayed, he already came to the window of the car and grabbed the fat man by the neck.

The fat man was shocked and gasped, "I have something to say, I have something to say...well...speak!"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "Unlock and open the door!"

The fat man unlocked immediately.

Luo Jun loosened his neck and sat down in the back seat. The fat man's face was pale, knowing that he had encountered hard stubble today.

"Little brother, are you having any trouble? How much do you need?" The fat man asked cautiously.

Luo Jun ignored the fat man's words and said, "Bring your cell phone."

The fat man didn't want to, but he didn't dare to violate it. The few moments from the other party just now made him understand that this young man is a master.

After hesitating for a while, he handed the phone into Luo Jun's hands and cried out: "Little brother, what do you want?"

Luo Jun said indifferently: "You don't need to be nervous, I just want to take a ride. I am going to Binhai, and you drive me there. After delivery, there will be a thank you! Whether you believe it or not. For now, you just have to drive it obediently. I go to Binhai, then I will never embarrass you. On the contrary, I don't mind killing you."

The fat man shuddered when he met Luo Junsenhan's eyes through the rearview mirror, and then started the car.

Luo Jun felt a little tired, and this body made him uncomfortable.

After that, he closed his eyes and rested.

The fat man wanted to drive the car to the Public Security Bureau, but he was still a little worried and still didn't dare.

The car quickly got on the highway and headed all the way towards Binhai.

From here to the coastal area for a total of 1,600 kilometers, the fat man still wanted to escape. Later, he simply gave up...because Luo Jun's eyes made him really scared.

At the same time, I also felt that as long as I was obedient, there would be no danger.

Two days later, arrived at Binhai!

After Luo Jun got out of the car, he returned the phone to the fat man. The fat man said very pretentiously: "Don't worry, little brother, I won't talk about this to anyone."

Luo Jun smiled faintly, and said: "I've written down your mobile phone number, and someone will call you a sum of money later, which is your hard expense for this trip!"

The fat man even said that he didn't need it, he should.

Luo Jun smiled, said no more, turned and left.

The fat man let out a sigh of relief when he saw that Luo Jun had really gone, his forehead was already full of sweat. For him these two days, it was just like dreaming... I experienced such a life and death torment inexplicably.

It was ten o'clock in the morning and the sun was shining!

The climate of Binhai has also changed a lot. Although the sun is good, it cannot penetrate the haze...

"Has the environment deteriorated to this point?" Luo Jun murmured.

Outskirts, in the courtyard of a single-family villa.

An old white-haired lady was lying on the chaise longue to enjoy the sun. She closed her eyes and breathed evenly, as if she was asleep.

I don't know how long it took, the old lady suddenly opened her eyes and sat up alertly.

With a slight movement of her ears, she heard a teenager coming hundreds of meters away.

Hearing his footsteps, he knew that this young man had an extraordinary cultivation base.

Although the old lady looked very old, once she was alert, she still gave people a very powerful feeling.

She thought for a while, then lay down again.

She has seen too many big scenes of life and death in her life, and a small teenager is not enough to make her fuss.

There was a knock on the door of the manor.

The old lady said lightly: "The door is unlocked, come in."

The door was pushed open, and the old lady saw a teenager slowly approaching her.

At this moment, the old lady felt that this scene seemed familiar.

She looked at the boy and suddenly became excited.

Her heart has been calm for many years, but now, she can't help it anymore.

How many times did she expect this scene in her dream...

The boy slowly came to her...

"Is it... you?" Tears flashed in the old lady's eyes.

The young man squatted down in front of her, holding her hands, tears also appeared in his eyes: "Xiao Nuo, you have suffered."

"Dad..." Chen Yinuo could no longer restrain his emotions, and hugged Luo Jun. "You really came, you really came..." she muttered.

After a long time, the two separated.

Luo Jun couldn't help feeling extremely distressed when he saw that his daughter had become this old now.

"These years, how have you been?" Luo Jun asked.

Chen Yinuo nodded repeatedly, choked up, and said: "Okay, I'm fine." Then, he burst into tears and said, "Dad, I really look forward to you."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Luo Jun felt too much heartache for this daughter.

In a sense, Chen Yinuo is his first child.

"Dad, sit, sit!" Chen Yinuo stood up and said, "Are you hungry? I'll make you some delicious food."

Luo Jun took her hand and said, "Sit down."

Chen Yinuo was startled slightly, and then sat down obediently.

Luo Jun ran to the house and took out a chair, and then sat down beside Chen Yinuo.

"My mother, how is she?" Chen Yinuo asked suddenly.

Luo Jun was stunned, and then said: "She's pretty good, she has a pill, and her life is long. It's a pity that I can't bring you into my world." After speaking, his eyes flashed. A touch of sadness.

Chen Yinuo hurriedly said, "Don’t, Dad, I’m already fine. This is my home and my world. I have lived well in my life. Don’t be so sentimental when you see me. How unfortunate is your life!" Then he smiled and said: "I am very glad I can be your daughter in this life."

"Really?" Luo Jun couldn't help but said.

Chen Yinuo nodded and said, "Of course it is true."

Luo Jun said bitterly: "I am a bad father."

He couldn't help but apologize to Chen Yinuo, his other children were at least accompanied by their mothers, and they could also cultivate, have unlimited lifespan and so on.

Only this kid...

To Luo Jun, Chen Yinuo in the parallel world is like a child left behind by an old cadre who went to the countryside.

His other children are enjoying a good life in the city, but this child has suffered all his life in the country.

Based on this, how could he not feel more guilty?

"Dad, why are you here this time? How long will you be here?" Chen Yinuo asked happily afterwards.

Luo Jun said: "It's a long story. I really want to stay with you for a while. But this body can only support one month at most. So, I will leave in one month."

Chen Yinuo happily said: "One month, it has been very good."

Seeing that she was so happy, Luo Jun was glad that he was here. Then he said: "I will tell you about my affairs, and you will also tell me about your affairs, okay?"

Chen Yinuo said: "Of course it is good, but who of us will talk first?"

Luo Jundao: "You speak first."

Chen Yinuo said: "Good!"

Luo Jun remembered something and said, "Did you not get a family in these years?"

Chen Yinuo shook his head and said, "No."

Luo Jun covered his face and said, "Oh my god, my dear baby, you haven't tried the taste of love in your life, right?"

Chen Yinuo's face blushed and said, "Dad, what are you talking about?" Then, she said seriously.

Her cultivation level is indeed too high, so it is difficult to meet a close person.

Senior philosophers are always alone. Once she reaches a certain height, it is difficult to find a partner that matches her.

The heights are so cold!

Chen Yinuo told Luo Jun that she had also tried a relationship and almost entered the palace of marriage. It's a pity that in the end she still couldn't pass her own level, and felt that such an improvised marriage was not what she wanted.

She has had a man... but she has never had a true love.

"Later, I adopted a child." Chen Yinuo said.

Luo Jun immediately asked, "When did it happen? What about the kid?"

Chen Yinuo said, "It happened more than a hundred years ago. I was in my forties. He was a boy. One night, I saw a woman and a man pushing a car by the lake. Into the lake. I felt the breath of a living person in the car, so I jumped into the lake and rescued the child. At that time, the little guy was only two years old. I learned that the woman who pushed him to the river was him. His mother, the man is his mother’s lover. The two wanted to work together to swindle insurance... After that, I got an RV and took the child around. Those days were very interesting, I felt lonely and bored, but that little The guy healed my loneliness."

"After he was eight years old, I sent him to a noble school." Chen Yinuo continued: "I named him Chen Siyang... When he was ten years old, he quarreled with me and said I was abducted from his mother. He wants to find his parents."

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