Super Security in the City

Chapter 3798: Yaro's heart

Luo Jun also laughed and said, "It is very difficult to want Xiao Ai and Bao'er to marry Nian Ci. At least I can't help! I can also understand the feeling of being a parent, if that day , You said you want to marry a man with another woman, then I can’t agree. Whose daughter is distressed... Xiao Ai and Bao’er are actually very distressed, but they just say that they prefer It's my own son, so I can accept it."

Mo Yu said: "Emotional things, only when you have experienced it will you know the taste of it. Just like godmother Ling'er, godmother Mo Nong, and godmother Susu, they are not proud before marriage. Where's the goddess? But they all followed you in the end... It's not that they don't love themselves, but that they love you too much."

Luo Jun couldn't help but want to touch Mo Yu's head. After reaching out his hand, he realized that she had grown up. He retracted his hand awkwardly...

Mo Yu took his hand, then put it on his head, then smiled sweetly, and said: "In front of you, I will always be the little language who has not grown up."

Her move completely dissipated the last trace of doubt in Luo Jun's heart.

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart.

After that, he asked Mo Yu again: "What about you, haven't you met someone you like in these years?"

Mo Yu smiled slightly and said, "It's not easy to meet the person you like. It depends on fate and luck. Also, I run too fast, and there are not many men who can catch up with me. ."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "It's really too fast."

Mo Yu said: "Anyway, you don't need to worry for me! We have cultivated to this point. The meaning of living is no longer for the purpose of passing on from generations to generations. We have a higher level of pursuit, the pursuit of the meaning of life, and the pursuit of the great path. The significance of this is what we are after. If we are obsessed with the appearance of inheriting the ancestry, then it will be the appearance."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "You are wrong with this."

Mo Yu said: "Huh? Wrong? What do you think of God, godfather?"

Luo Jundao: "Giving birth to children is not to pass on the family, but to witness the birth of a life and participate in the growth of a life. That is a very different piece of art in your life. People who have not given birth to children have no right. It's boring to say that having a baby is boring. Because she hasn't experienced it, how can she know that it is interesting and boring? Also, to find someone who loves each other is not to say that we are walking together for the sake of reproduction. The soul merges, the yin and yang are in harmony, this is the way of heaven!"

Mo Yujiao's body shook slightly, then thoughtfully, he nodded, then smiled, and said, "God's opinion makes me startled!"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Don't make me happy, you have cultivated to this point, you will not understand these simple principles."

Mo Yu said: "It's not that I don't understand, but I have different perceptions. Sometimes I am too self-righteous, always feel that what I think is correct, and dismiss other perceptions."

Luo Jundao: "Believe in yourself is the only way to embark on the Great Avenue. But the degree is difficult to grasp. Ignorant people will believe in themselves, and knowledgeable people will also believe in themselves. One is that they know too little, and the other is that. You know too much. Obviously you will not belong to an ignorant person, but when you are in your realm, one thing must be clear, that is, don’t jump to conclusions about things you haven’t tried. Of course, if someone tells you something Tuo **** is ugly, so you don’t need to try this yourself, haha!"

Mo Yu originally listened very seriously, but after hearing the last sentence, his face blushed first, and then he couldn't help but smile.

She rarely has such a happy time.

After chatting for a while, Mo Yu said, "Goddaddy, go and rest first. I'll help you host the black hole spar."

Luo Jundao: "Alright!" Of course, let Mo Yu control the black hole spar here. Before leaving, he said to Mo Yu: "I made the black hole spar by myself. You can observe the others carefully. When you fully understand the black hole spar, you will have a clear understanding of my law and my profound meaning."

Mo Yu showed great interest in this, nodded, and said: "I will definitely study it carefully."

After Luo Jun left, he ran to find Yaluo.

Ya Luo and Ya Zhenyuan stayed in the same room. After Luo Jun passed by, Ya Zhenyuan exchanged a little greeting with Luo Jun and left. She left Luo Jun and Yaluo to speak alone...

Ya Zhenyuan had feelings for Luo Jun at the beginning, but a hundred years of time has allowed that feeling to cool down.

Luo Jun also didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about Ya Zhenyuan, so he didn't try to figure out Ya Zhenyuan's thoughts.

In fact, Yaluo hopes her mother and father can be together deep down.

"Let me see my good daughter..." Luo Jun grabbed Yaluo's hands and stared at Yaluo carefully.

Yaluo was a little embarrassed by Luo Jun's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were angry, saying: "Dad..."

Luo Jun laughed, then let go, and said, "It looks good no matter how you look at it. From now on, how can Dad be willing to marry you!"

Yaluo smiled immediately and said, "Then I won't marry."

Luo Jun said: "That won't work either."

Yaluo then took Luo Jun’s arm and was very affectionate, and said, “Dad, I’m so happy that you suddenly came here this time. You don’t know, I’m actually worried about you these years, and I want to find you too. , But my mother refused. She said that if you are in danger, then I will only be more dangerous if you go. If you are not in danger, you will naturally be able to come back." At this point, her eyes were red and she was extremely guilty and said: "I'm sorry, Dad, I didn't even look for you. It's so dangerous to leave you outside alone..."

Luo Jun suddenly felt extremely warm in his heart, put his arms around her fragrant shoulders, and comforted: "Silly girl, you are going to find dad, and finally lost in the universe, wouldn't dad be crazy? Your mind, dad has already understood."

Yaluo showed his face a little now, then thought of something, and said, "Dad, I have a gift for you!"

Luo Jundao: "Oh? What gift?"

Yaluo took out something from Jie Sumi. She blushed and said: "I don't think you will be too happy with what magical artifact I give you. I painted this by myself..."

It was indeed a pair of scrolls, wrapped in a soft brown-blue cloth.

Luo Jun opened the scroll and unfolded the painting...

When he saw the painting clearly, his body couldn't help but shake.

In the painting is a joyful scene of a family of three. Father and mother respectively took the hand of the six-year-old girl and lifted the girl up high. There was a joyous smile on the girl's face. Father is also laughing, mother is also laughing...

And that father is Luo Jun, and mother is Ya Zhenyuan.

Luo Jun has never seen Yaluo when she was a child... He knew that the little girl in the painting was Yaluo.

This is the longing deep in her heart!

Luo Jun's eyes were reddish, and he stared at the painting for a long time. After that, he treasured the painting and said to Yaluo: "This is the best gift I have ever received in my life."

Yaluo was full of expectation, seeing Luo Jun like him so much, and his heart was instantly overwhelmed.

After that, Luo Jun took Yaluo to pick out gifts from his treasure, and asked Yaluo to pick some for Ya Zhenyuan by the way. As for the pill, of course she can give as much as she wants...

Yaluo was dazzled looking at the treasure of the Insect Emperor, and she naturally didn't have to be polite to deal with her father.

After talking with Yaluo, Luo Jun went to Qin Baoer again.

Qin Bao'er and Chen Nianci are together, and Qin Bao'er is very fragile right now, so Chen Nianci stays with her more. Luo Jun was more relieved to Qin Bao'er, and Bao'er was no longer so worried.

After that, Luo Jun went to Xiao Ai.

In a separate room, Luo Jun first sighed with routine emotion.

This kind of emotion is not a kind of politeness. When the child you watch suddenly grows up and appears in front of you, people will always sigh with emotion.

Of course Xiao Ai also remembers the first encounter with Luo Jun...

Speaking of the past, both of them felt that it was still yesterday.

After that, Luo Jun talked about Nian Ci.

Xiao Ai blushed suddenly...

Luo Jundao: "To be honest, if you want to marry another man with another woman, let alone your father disagree, I also disagree. In my heart, Xiao Ai is unique, that man can marry When we arrive at our home, Xiao Ai, it's a smoke from our ancestors. He still dares to marry other women?"

"Unfortunately, what you like now is the stinky boy Nian Ci." Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "I don't know what to do, and I don't dare to tell your father, I'm afraid he and my brothers Don't do it."

Xiao Ai never dared to look at Luo Jun, and whispered: "My father, you don't need to say anything. I can be the master of my own affairs."

Luo Jundao: "Parents' feelings are understandable. Hey, I don't know what to say. I hope you are happy, I also hope that Nianzi is happy, and I hope that your father can be satisfied. But in this world, I do. It's too difficult to have the best of both worlds!"

Xiao Ai raised her head, smiled, and said: "The boat is naturally straight at the end of the bridge, but I don't have as much as you think. I am alive, free and easy, and live up to the time!"

Luo Jun was taken aback, then laughed, and said, "This is indeed in line with your young people's thinking. It seems that your godfather, I am really old, and my thinking is beginning to become stubborn."

Xiao Ai smiled and said, "This is and that. You are going to live for thousands of years. For some races, your age is just a young man."

Luo Jun laughed.

The black hole spar gallops towards the blue pole star...

After more than half a year, finally... the Blue Pole Star is in sight.

In the past six months, Luo Jun and the children have been very happy.

Although Situ Ling'er didn't talk much, the children respected her very much. She would not feel uncomfortable, even Ya Zhenyuan also respected Situ Ling'er. Situ Ling'er was also polite to Ya Zhenyuan, and did not appear to be alienated.

When Blue Pole Star was watching, Qin Baoer was most anxious, lest there would be something wrong with his father.

Afterwards, the black hole spar led everyone through the blue pole star's atmosphere and entered the blue pole star.

At this time, it was the dawn of the Blue Pole Star, the golden light pierced through the clouds, and the earth gradually ushered in light...

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