Super Security in the City

Chapter 3818: origin

After the Great Universe left, Luo Jun found that the earth began to warm up gradually.

Sunlight began to penetrate the thick clouds and into the earth.

Most of the glaciers began to melt.

Various creatures began to appear, and many creatures crawled out of the deep sea. Luo Jun even noticed that the hair that the Universe Great Emperor had faded back then began to become magical under the nourishment of spiritual energy. These hairs cling to some stones, and finally form stone eggs, which are then bred into many strange monkeys.

To be precise, just some apes!

Over time, many species have appeared on the earth.

Those apes began to multiply and eventually began to evolve into humans.

Since then, humans have been born. Humans were rather stupid when they first appeared, but this is relative to the current humans. Compared to other species, those humans are already extremely smart.

The earth began to prosper gradually, and natural selections in the jungle.

The more human beings are united, the more they know how to use weapons. They discovered fire, how to heal wounds, how to make food, and so on.

Gradually, those humans formed tribes and so on!

Luo Jun felt that he was looking at the growth history of mankind again... He didn't know what period the earth was in at this time. But it was definitely not the period in the Chinese civilization...because at this time, the dinosaurs had not yet appeared.

In other words, the origin of mankind is earlier than the current Chinese civilization, I don’t know how many years!

The earth has existed for billions of years. How old is the civilization discovered by mankind?

Dinosaurs all appeared very late.

On a certain day, the Emperor of the Universe returned to Earth. He discovered that the earth is now becoming prosperous, and that those humans are his offspring. He was quite happy, so he took some humans as disciples and taught them the Supreme Divine Law.

Then, the earth entered the Dao Fa period!

The universe emperor began to live in seclusion on the earth, not asking about world affairs.

In a certain period of time, the emperor of the universe discovered that the aura of the earth began to thin.

He also discovered that there have been many Taoist masters among human beings, and the human fight is extremely serious.

There is chaos between heaven and earth.

The Dao-fa war between mankind has wounded the earth completely...

The Universe Emperor wanted to do something, but everything was too late.

Later, after a battle between gods and demons, there was a mighty power that attracted the stars from outside to hit the earth.

The earth was hit hard and almost all the species on it went extinct.

Only some super powerful fairies survived, but they also entered the depths of the earth and began to dormant.

The Universe was discouraged, so he left the earth again.

I don't know how many years later, the ecology on the earth has recovered again. Those sleeping fairies wake up and use their own magic to recreate human beings.

Humans once again occupy the earth.

The earth has ushered in a new species renaissance.

After that, it seems to be reincarnation again!

When the spells flourished, humans continued to fight each other.

The battles between gods and demons have caused the earth to suffer!

During this time, the earth does not know how many times it has been frozen again...

Until the last time, the Great Universe returned and killed all the highest immortal cultivators.

At this point, the earth has re-entered a frozen state!

The universe emperor loves the earth deeply, because the earth is his hometown.

He felt that the reason why the earth suffered so much damage was all because of spells!

Therefore, he did not want to have the seeds of magic in the world.

After the earth was frozen, the universe emperor once again left his hometown.

Then, the earth recovers again.

But this time humans did not appear, and dinosaurs began to occupy the earth.

What followed was the first time Luo Jun had come to see the gate of eternal life. Dinosaurs and ants occupy the earth. Dinosaurs evolved into Lingzun, and ants evolved into dragon ants.

The earth began to develop at a high level.

When Luo Jun took a closer look, he found that the Taoism that Lingzun and Dragon Ant had learned was from the humans.

Many years later, the Universe Emperor returned and found that his beloved hometown had no human beings, but it was still devastated.

As a result, the Universe Emperor didn't bother to entangle with those spirits, and directly caused the meteorite from outside the sky to hit the earth.

And killed the queen ant, severely wounded His Majesty Zulong.

After His Majesty Zulong escaped, the earth was frozen again!

The universe emperor began to meditate on the earth.

At this moment, Luo Jun finally couldn't help it.

He began to communicate with the Emperor of the Universe through his mind.

This time, the communication was successful.

Complete communication of ideas, without talking to each other.

So this also explains why Luo Jun didn't discover the process of communicating with the Universe Emperor when he first came to the Gate of Eternal Life.

"Who?" Universe Great asked.

Luo Jun said solemnly: "Me!"

"Huh?" The Great Universe stayed for a while, and then said with excitement after a long while: "Master, it's you? After so many years, where have you been, why have the disciples never seen you?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "I don't dare to be your master."

The Emperor Universe was immediately puzzled, and said: "Why? Without you, there would be no me. Without you, I would have starved to death. You gave me guidance and gave me everything! I have been fighting in the universe for so many years, just to find You. I think you are an immortal from an outer planet. Master, where are you? Why can't you feel your existence even with the disciples' current cultivation base?"

"I'm in... the gate of eternal life." Luo Jun said.

"The Gate of Eternal Life?" said the Emperor Universe: "What is the Gate of Eternal Life?"

Luo Jun said: "There is a mysterious gate of eternal life in the universe. From the gate of eternal life, you can observe everything in the universe."

After he finished speaking, there was a thump in his heart, and he secretly said: "The Emperor Universe later ran into the Gate of Eternal Life and stole a lot of things. It turned out that Lao Tzu told him the existence of the Gate of Eternal Life."

Many things that later flowed out of the gate of eternal life, I'm afraid they are all related to the Great Universe!

"Without the boat of one yuan, why would it be difficult for us to deal with Lingzun later." Luo Jun secretly said: "It's really the reincarnation of cause and effect!"

For a while, Luo Jun didn't want to tell Universe the truth.

Think about it, what a joy it is to be the master of this great emperor.

However, he felt that he could not hide it.

Because he still had a lot of doubts, he hoped that the Great Universe could help him solve it.

"I really am not your master. My existence today is very strange." Luo Jun said: "There are many causes and effects, and I need to talk to you well."

Emperor Universe said: "Master, please say, disciples respectfully listen!"

Luo Jun began to talk about the causes and consequences, the time he was born, how he practiced step by step, and how he discovered that he was the king of destiny on earth. Talk about how people on earth believe in the emperor of the universe and so on!

He talked a lot, and almost told the Emperor of the Universe about his life experience.

The Emperor of the Universe is an absolute power and has an understanding of everything in the universe. So although I felt a little confused at the beginning, I have already understood the ins and outs afterwards!

He murmured: "It turns out that if the earth is to continue to develop soundly, the price is for me to incarnate into the heavens and become the earth's immune body!"

Luo Jun felt a little in his heart: "Or did I prompt him?"

After the Great Universe took a deep breath, he asked Luo Jun again: "So, what is your question now?"

Luo Jundao: "I want to know, what is the relationship between me and you? And, can you help me think of a way to defeat the old man?"

The Great Universe smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe many years later, I can give you the answer. But now, I can't give you the answer."

Luo Jun sighed, he guessed that it would be the answer.

After that, Luo Jun left the door and came back to meet Suzhen in black.

He told Suzhen Hei, the stories about the Universe Emperor in that door. Hei Suzhen was amazed at it, and said: "After a long time, the origin of the Universe is actually because of you? This is incredible."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly and said, "Speaking of which, I really have a deep connection with the Universe Emperor."

Suzhen in black said, "By the way, you said that when the Great Universe felt extremely weak, you were also weak, right?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, so I think I really might be the Emperor of the Universe."

Hei Suzhen looked weird and said, "I also had this kind of weakness just now, as if I was about to die."

Luo Jun was taken aback and said, "Really?"

Suzhen in black said: "Yes, will I still tell you a lie?"

Luo Jun fell into deep thought and said after a long while: "The origin of mankind is closely related to the Emperor of the Universe, so he died, and many subsequent changes will change. Maybe this is the reason why we are all weak, right?"

Black Suzhen said: "It must be so!"

Luo Jundao: "It's just a pity, I still haven't figured out how to restrain the old man in red."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "The changes that have taken place in the immortal world have occurred in recent years. The Emperor Universe is afraid that there is no good way. But I believe that things are man-made, there must be a way."

Luo Jun also nodded.

Hei Suzhen continued, "But the most incredible thing about this is that you actually called the Emperor of the Universe. We are humans and civilizations born because of the Emperor of the Universe, and the Emperor of the Universe lives because you called the Emperor. he!"

Luo Jundao: "This is probably the contradiction between a chicken and an egg, and an egg and a chicken? I see that the several reincarnations of the earth are like the cycle of human life and death! It seems that the entire universe is a kind of reincarnation and reincarnation. cycle."

Black Suzhen said: "There are some things, and there is still no real answer. I don't think we should think about it. Next, what are your plans?"

Luo Jundao: "Naturally go to the fairyland!"

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "But, how should we go? We returned to the earth before because we are familiar with the earth. So if you think about the earth in your heart, you can find the way back."

"There is a Buddha in my heart, and Lingshan is at my feet!" Luo Jun murmured: "But my heart is really vague about the immortal world."

Black Suzhen said: "Maybe, you can go to the Cloud of Birth and Death again to find the answer!"

Luo Jun's eyes lit up and said: "Not bad!"

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