Super Security in the City

Chapter 3830: Yunxiao

After listening to what Luo Jun said, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao realized that he was originally a heavenly monarch in the heavens.

Bi Xiao couldn't help asking, "Since I have already left the immortal world, why did you come back suddenly?" Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said, "It's too boring to be alone for more than a hundred years. Recently, I have been quietly thinking about moving, so I just want to come back again. I just got those eight or nine profound arts outside these years, so I thought about hiding my identity if I didn’t work. I didn’t really want to tell the two fairies my true identity. It’s just now. With Yang Jian, if you conceal more from you, I'm afraid that the future will be difficult. I know that I can't hide the two of you and your back."

Bi Xiao said, "Brother Xuanyuan is so frank, and you have a life-saving grace to my sisters. Therefore, I will definitely take care of Lu Ya's matter. As in today's world, I don't know much about it. I will tell the eldest sister and the master about this matter, if the master is willing to take you under the sect, then although Lu Ya is a fierce name, he will definitely not dare to trouble you."

Luo Jundao: "If you are convinced to be able to join the leader of the school, then you are really lucky for Sansheng."

Bi Xiao smiled, and said, "My master is not trivial. With him, as long as the spleen and stomach are right, everything is possible."

Qiong Xiao said: "However, Mr. Xuanyuan is a Heavenly Sovereign under Emperor Fuxi, so it would be inappropriate to change the court rashly."

Bi Xiao said: "Hey, Emperor Fuxi has been ignoring the affairs of the heavens for many years. The heavenly monarchs in the heavens have changed the gates for many years."

Qiong Xiao said: "That's how it is said, but..."

Bi Xiao said: "Oh, let's not talk about this first, everything is up to the eldest sister and the master. In short, Mr. Xuanyuan has a life-saving grace for us, so we have to help with Lu Ya." She was anxious and just. , Emphasize the temper of loyalty.

The three of them flew all the way to Biyouzhou, and it took three days to fly out of Central Kunlun and arrive at Biyouzhouli.

Central Kunlun may not be that big, and it still needs them to fly for three days. The main reason is that there are too many laws of space. In many cases, even if a master like them gets caught in some space, it will take a long time to fly out.

There are still many space obstacles in Biyouzhou, and many space laws cannot be directly crossed. It takes a while to fly in and out. So Luo Jun and Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao flew for another three days before crossing the boundless sea and reaching Penglai Island.

There is also Penglai Island on the earth.

Including Biyou Palace, Yuxu Gate, etc., used to have their own dojos on the earth. After they arrived in the immortal world, they re-established their own place, and the name was also the same as before. Including Kunlun Mountain and so on.

Penglai Island is located in the deep sea. There are many mountains and forests on the island, covering a large area.

The island is surrounded by mists and clouds.

After Luo Jun and Bi Xiao, Qiong Xiao entered the space, they felt an inexplicable divine power flooding the space.

In the faint, it seems to be the magical power of heaven.

Luo Jun couldn't help being surprised, and secretly said: "With this kind of magical space obstacles, if I didn't lead the way by Bixiao and Qiongxiao, and with my cultivation, it would be difficult to enter Penglai Island. It's just that this time I came to Jiejiao rashly. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse."

He was a little worried...

All these years have always been at ease, plus I have never encountered this situation before.

The enemies encountered today can be said to be stronger than ever.

Even when he was in the Eternal Star Territory, he had never been afraid or confused.

But now, he is like a little rookie who has just come out of the world, and he is vigilant and fearful of everything.

This step is indeed very risky!

But Luo Jun knew in his heart that he had to take this step. Otherwise, you will always stay in place.

This is like a modern youth who is dissatisfied with the status quo and work, but has not dared to take a step forward to start a business.

At the moment, I really mustered my courage and quit my job to start a business.

Life and death are unpredictable!

Under the leadership of Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao, Luo Jun and his team finally broke through all the obstacles.

The mist in front of me flashed, everything became suddenly cheerful.

The blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining brightly.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like an island at first, but when you look closely, it is connected by countless small islands.

Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao led Luo Jun to one of the islands first. The palace on that island was beautiful, and the flowers in the garden competed with each other. There are some rare and exotic birds in the rear garden.

There are three big characters above the gate of the palace, Sanxiao Palace!

Before arriving at the palace, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao led Luo Jun into the meeting room. Qiong Xiao spoke with Luo Jun, while Bi Xiao ran to find eldest sister Yunxiao.

After Bi Xiao left, Luo Jun and Qiong Xiao casually chatted, and did not try to inquire about anything. He remembered one thing, that is, in the legend, there is still a magic weapon in San Xiao's hand called Hunyuan Jindou. The old Tan who came from the immortal world had Hunyuan Jindou in his hands, but the old Tan himself came from the immortal world to the earth. Later, I killed Tan Lao on Tyrannosaurus, and the Hun Yuan Jin Dou was also destroyed in the fierce battle.

I don't know how this Hunyuan Jindou would fall into Tan Lao's hands.

He is completely unclear about the situation in the fairy world back then and the situation now.

My impressions of "Fengshen" and "Interpretation" seem to be in the Fengshen Kingdom, but now it seems that the Fengshen Kingdom is just fabricated based on these names and weapons. The true interception and interpretation of teaching still need to be discovered by oneself slowly.

He thought of his relationship with Suzhen Hei, and also thought of the legendary White Snake and so on.

I seem to be witnessing the legend and history step by step.

How can I think that in the legendary White Snake biography, the White Snake actually has an older sister. That elder sister also became his wife and gave birth to a son with herself.

And now, Susu is very likely to be the daughter of Empress Nuwa. If you can use this to get into the relationship with the Nuwa Empress, then it would be a lot closer to rescuing Mo Yu.

He was thinking wildly, Qiong Xiao also noticed that he was a little absent-minded. But Qiong Xiao was an honest girl and didn't ask much.

The servants and maids offered good wine, tea, and snacks.

Luo Jun ate some fruits and drank fairy tea, and praised again and again.

Qiong Xiao suddenly smiled and asked: "Mr. I am coming back this time, I don't know what I have planned?"

Luo Jun was startled, and then said: "After returning from the outside world, I first want to clarify the situation in the fairy world. Secondly, I also want to take refuge in a place and find a safe place to live. The cultivators of my generation want to have a big tree for protection, and then feel relieved. Cultivation, I hope to get to the next level."

Qiong Xiao said: "Now that the immortal world has formed a closed loop, the people in it are absolutely impossible to figure out. Unless you have the power of the heavenly path... Isn't it right for the gentleman to hide outside and cultivate? Why bother to come in and suffer such suffering?"

Luo Jundao: "I have been outside for more than a hundred years, and my cultivation level has not progressed in these years. Sometimes people are too comfortable and it is not a good thing. It seems to be a contradiction, but in fact, the general trend of the world is A long time must be divided, and a long time must be combined. And people are always quiet and thinking about moving, and if they move too much, they want to be quiet. Fairy, do you think so?

Qiong Xiao immediately looked at Luo Jun with admiration, feeling that Luo Jun's few words seemed to have a lot of mystery, so she smiled and said: "What Mr. said, it makes sense!"

While chatting here, Bi Xiao and his eldest sister Yun Xiao walked in from outside.

Bi Xiao has always been naughty and aggressive, but in front of Yun Xiao he is honest and respectful. Luo Jun looked over and saw that Yunxiao was dressed in a plain white shirt, dignified and unbelievably beautiful. There is a kind of grace and majesty hidden in her body, as if Taishan collapsed in front of her without changing her face.

Luo Jun and Qiong Xiao got up immediately.

Luo Jun went to the head to pay homage and said, "I have seen Fairy Yunxiao in Xuanyuantai!" He felt that Fairy Yunxiao's cultivation had reached the ninth peak of the creation realm.

However, when fighting with all his strength, Luo Jun didn't persuade Yunxiao either.

But at the moment he has to keep a low profile.

After Yun Xiao came in, she was also looking at Luo Jun. Seeing Luo Jun’s polite salute, she was not arrogant, and said slightly, "You must be polite to fellow Taoists. I heard that you rescued my two sisters under Yang Jian this time. Yun Xiao will remember this great grace in his heart."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly: "Speaking of shame, it is also because of the two identities of Fairy Bixiao and Fairy Qiongxiao that I dare to take action. If the Xiaoyao Sanxian and others are bullied by Yang Jian, I will definitely not dare to help. Although I have some abilities in self-confidence, if the interpretation wants me to die, I will definitely not survive." After a pause, he said: "I know Fairy Yunxiao, you are a person of great wisdom. In front of you, I would be false. , On the contrary, I don’t really look at it. I rescued Fairy Bixiao and Fairy Qiongxiao, and I really wanted to get on the boat of the teaching, hoping to have a place to settle down in the future."

Yun Xiao was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Luo Jun to be so frank, and instantly solve all the doubts in his heart. She said: "Let's sit down first, sit down and talk!"

Luo Jun nodded.

Yun Xiao took the lead in the seat, and Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao sat beside Yun Xiao. Bi Xiao's heart is also exquisite, and Luo Jun is blunt now, she and Qiong Xiao also have a good impression of Luo Jun.

After Luo Jun took his seat, Yun Xiao spoke again, saying: "This fairy tea is planted by myself, sir, taste it."

Luo Jun took the tea and drank a big sip in his mouth, not swallowing it immediately, but tasting the tea. After a long while, he swallowed, and said: "This tea has a fragrance of lips and teeth, and it is really lingering." Lu Weixing Gong Zhongyou Tiandaomeng has reached the place where the old man Hongchen has fallen.

Yun Xiao smiled slightly. When she is not smiling, majesty is in the majesty, and beauty and tranquility are in the majesty. With a smile, there was a spring breeze blowing on the earth and everything.

Afterwards, she said: "Everyone has a purpose in everything he does. Mr. Xuanyuan is so frank, I won't go around with you. Mr. Xuanyuan's identity is indeed a bit complicated, and we really don't treat you very much. I understand. If I want to join the Biyou Palace, I can’t be the master. But I’ll tell my master everything. But it’s not up to me to decide whether the master will accept it. I hope my husband can understand this point. And understanding..."

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