Super Security in the City

Chapter 3841: Picture poor see

Ah Chen coldly issued an expulsion order to Luo Jun and Yun Xiao immediately, and said, "Please, two!"

Yun Xiao pulled Luo Jun and communicated with his thoughts, saying: "Sir, let's go, don't do unnecessary entanglements."

Luo Jun silently broke away Yun Xiao's hand. He came here to see Mo Yu and know Mo Yu's situation. How are you willing to leave now?

He stood up, looked at the old man Hongchen, and said: "I think I still have good qualifications, so I hope you can give me a chance. If you don't agree, I won't leave. Unless you kill me...I believe If there is a will, things will come true."

Yun Xiao couldn't help being anxious, she couldn't understand why Luo Jun was so persistent. Before, he seemed to want to worship his master as a teacher, but after failing, he felt free and easy. But now, why is the old man in Hongchen so scornful?

Say that he really wants to be a teacher, but the hatred and killing intent that he showed before is not fake. Yun Xiao felt that he couldn't understand Luo Jun at all... Then he thought about it, and secretly said: "It seems that I haven't understood his thoughts before."

A gleam of chill flashed in the eyes of the old man Hongchen, and said: "The old man is unwilling to commit more unprovoked killings, but if you insist on asking for death, the old man may not be able to do it."

Achen sneered and said: "Let's go, don't go again, but it's really a dead end."

Luo Jun held up his chest and said, "I won't leave, I still hope that Senior can think about it. Accepting a disciple like me will definitely brighten your face to Senior."

The killing intent in the eyes of the old man Hong Chen became more intense.

Yun Xiao was frightened as he watched, pulling Luo Jun's hand again, and whispering with his thoughts: "Let's go, sir, don't die for nothing!"

Luo Jun was unwilling to involve Yun Xiao, and said, "You go first."

Yun Xiao is not a person who is greedy for life and fear of death, and feels that he can't leave Luo Jun alone here. "How can this work!"

Luo Jun stopped paying attention to Yunxiao, and seeing that the old man Hongchen was about to be unable to bear it, he said, "Senior insists on not accepting juniors as disciples. That junior will stay here for a month and feel the predecessor's dojo and profound meaning. Is it so feasible? "

When everyone heard this, they were all startled.

They all don't understand what medicine Luo Jun is selling in his gourd.

The old man Hongchen gave Luo Jun a cold look, and then said: "Finally, the old man looked at this girl Yunxiao and her master Tongtian guru, and allowed you to stay here for three days. After three days, leave quickly. Otherwise, don't blame the old man for being ruthless!"

Luo Jun couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "Okay!"

So like this, Luo Jun and Yun Xiao stayed in this yard.

The old man Hongchen didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Jun and Yun Xiao, then turned around and went into the house.

A Chen didn't want to pay attention to Luo Jun and Yun Xiao, she also ran away.

The sky was getting dark, and the entire Hongchen Mountain was extremely silent.

Luo Jun and Yun Xiao walked around in the mountains, and Yun Xiao secretly asked Luo Jun what he was going to do. Luo Jun only said that he hoped that she would leave as soon as possible. Yun Xiao replied: "I don't know exactly what you are going to do, but as long as it is not serious, the old man Hongchen will look at my master's face more or less and will not kill you."

She then said again: "Sir, with your cultivation base, don't use any brains that shouldn't be used on the old man Hongchen! His cultivation base, even if my master is here, there is no guarantee of victory!"

Luo Jundao: "I know all of these."

Yun Xiao said in his heart: "You know, but why do you want to go your own way?

She decided to spend these three days with Luo Jun no matter what.

After making a round in Hongchen Mountain, Luo Jun and Yun Xiao returned to the courtyard.

Luo Jun began to meditate cross-legged, sensing everything around him.

When he was turning around Hongchen Mountain, he wanted to find Mo Yu's clues, but he didn't have any clues. Right now, I also want to sense the breath of Mo Yu...

However, nothing can be sensed.

In the entire Hongchen Mountain, there seemed to be only two human beings, Old Man Hongchen and Na'Achen.

Luo Jun couldn't help wondering: "Where did Moyu go? Could it have been unpredictable?" As soon as he thought of this, his heart was burnt.

If Mo Yu is really gone, then what is the point of doing more things? What if the old man Hongchen is killed?

Time passed quickly, and it was the third day in a blink of an eye.

According to the agreement with the old man Hongchen, after three days, Luo Jun should leave. Yun Xiao hoped that Luo Jun would not act rashly, and leave with her immediately after these three days have passed.

Luo Jun didn't agree, but talked about him. What he said the most was to let Yunxiao go first.

Yun Xiao felt helpless, and said: "Sir, I have already said everything. If you really want to go your own way and anger the old man Hongchen, please forgive me. I really can't stand on the same line with you. Because you are fundamentally. Just die!"

Luo Jundao: "Everything that the fairy has done for me has been done with all his benevolence, and there is no need to do anything for me anymore."

Yun Xiao sighed and said no more.

She felt in her heart that this product had a very strong purpose. Moreover, after three days, he still wouldn't leave.

She just doesn't understand, what the **** is this guy going to do? Why must we die for nothing?

When night fell, Achen just came out of the house. She glanced at Luo Jun and Yunxiao in the yard, and then left the yard without looking back.

Luo Jun immediately followed.

Yun Xiao was taken aback, and immediately followed Luo Jun. She didn't know what Luo Jun was going to be crazy about, and she was too lazy to ask anything.

As soon as Na Achen left the yard, he felt someone coming from behind.

She turned around and saw Luo Jun and Yun Xiao following one after another. She was very vigilant and said, "What are you doing?"

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing, I want to ask you some questions."

Ah Chen has no good feelings for Luo Jun. He sneered, and said, "No matter what questions you ask, I won't answer you. Right now, this is not a Hongchen Pass. If you want to attack me, it will be a dead end..."

Before she finished speaking, Luo Jun had already acted first.

In an instant, Luo Jun pinched Achen's white neck.

Yun Xiao was taken aback... She had a bad feeling in her heart and felt that things were developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Ah Chen suddenly had difficulty breathing. Although she was at a high level of cultivation, Luo Jun's control was a kind of pressure on her entire body.

Luo Jun's eyes fell into blood red, and he grinned and said, "Really?"

Ah Chen blushed, trying to struggle but couldn't help, and said with difficulty, "You are so brave, you dare to attack me in front of my master, you are dead today."

"I can assure you that before I die, you must die first!" Luo Jun said coldly.

"" Yun Xiao didn't know what to say.

Ah Chen stayed for a while, a look of fear flashed in his eyes, but soon calmed down, and sneered: "This is my master's dojo. In front of him, you can't do anything you want."

"Really?" Luo Jun also sneered, and said: "I will squeeze your neck now and see if your master can save you?"

Achen thinks that the master can save her, but she doesn't understand why the master hasn't taken any action. What if the master is not willing to save himself? There was a thump in her heart, and the fear in her heart spontaneously, and the expression in her eyes was no longer so firm. The tone softened unconsciously, and said, "What do you want to ask?"

Luo Jun said every word: "I ask you, what about Moyu?"

Ah Chen was dumbfounded, and said, "What Moyu?"

Luo Jun had been observing Ah Chen's subtle expressions, and found that she was not pretending to be at a loss after hearing the word Mo Yu.

"How many years have you been with Old Man Hongchen?" Luo Jun asked again.

"One hundred years!" Achen answered honestly.

Luo Jun secretly said: "One hundred years? It has not been a hundred years since Mo Yu came to the immortal world with the old dog of Hongchen. Why did Ah Chen never meet Mo Yu?"

He was puzzled, and then asked Ah Chen: "Decades ago, the old man Hongchen once left Hongchen Mountain and went to the earth. At that time, he brought a girl back. What about that girl?"

Ah Chen said: "My host will go out every once in a while, I don't know which one you are talking about. But my host has never brought any girl back!"

"You lied, I killed you!" Luo Jun was furious, and he didn't care if what Achen said was true or false. He only knew that he didn't get the answer he wanted...

"I didn't, I didn't tell a lie!" Ah Chen was shocked.

The evil spirit in Luo Jun's eyes really scared her.

Yun Xiao was afraid that Luo Jun would really kill Ah Chen, and immediately grabbed Luo Jun's arm, transmitted it with mana, and shouted, "Stop!"

Under Luo Jun's anger, he almost killed Ah Chen by mistake. He hated the old man Hongchen and everything around him so much.

Fortunately, Yunxiao's mana was transmitted over and instantly awakened him.

At this moment, the old man Hongchen's voice came out, and he said coldly: "Luo Jun, you have to ask about Mo Yu's situation, why do you have to have such a temper on the old man's servant."

After taking a deep breath, Luo Jun let go of Ah Chen, and then walked towards the house.

Ah Chen escaped from death, panting, and lingering in his heart.

Yun Xiao was dumbfounded... She heard the word Luo Jun...

"Luo Jun? That Luo Jun? That King of Destiny on Earth Luo Jun? Is he Luo Jun?"

There was a mess in her mind, and she involuntarily followed.

In the house, in the hall, the old man Hongchen sat on his head, coldly.

Luo Jun stood in front of the old man Hongchen, he no longer concealed himself, and directly restored his true body.

At this time, Yun Xiao was able to see his true face.

I felt that everything became clearer, and that he himself was more pleasing to the eye and more comfortable than the previous changes.

It's just... how will it end right now?

She still didn't understand, what exactly was Luo Jun for? No matter what the purpose is, it shouldn't be sent to death like this!

Achen came to the old man Hongchen. At this time, she finally had a lot of courage, and she stared at Luo Jun very resentfully. She believed that this guy would die miserably if he was so bold.

The master will punish him well!

The old man Hongchen looked at Luo Jun and said lightly after a long while: "From the time you broke through the Hongchen Pass, the old man knew that you were here. But the old man was also more curious. Why did you come so rashly... I thought, After these many years, you should have some city mansion and think of something. Unexpectedly, you chose the most stupid way... Right now, the old lady wants to give you a step down, and it is impossible to let you go."

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