Super Security in the City

Chapter 3843: Red dust

Luo Jun took advantage of the fire and wrote a dead word again!

The death word was gray, and instantly turned into an endless gray mist, like the power of fate, quickly attacking the group of sword light toward the old man Hongchen.

Under the strangulation of the killing and death characters, the old man Hongchen's Hongchen sword was also chopped into pieces.

After killing the word and killing the red sword, they did not dissipate, but continued to attack the old man in red. Seeing it in his eyes, Luo Jun couldn't help but secretly horrified his heart. He didn't expect that Dao Pen would really be powerful this day, and it would actually be able to force a master at the level of Old Man Hongchen to this point.

Faced with the strangulation of death and killing, the old man Hongchen was shocked. He felt the killing intent in the killing character. This killing intent was the oldest kind of murderous aura between heaven and earth, pointing directly to the original mind and surpassing the murderous aura of heaven and earth.

This death will be even more terrifying than the most poisonous death aura in the Hongmeng Chaos, as if it were the general outline of the death aura in the world.

Yun Xiao and Achen were frightened watching them, and they quickly retreated.

After all, this house cannot be kept.

In the blink of an eye, he was shaken to pieces by the aftermath of Luo Jun's killing character.

The old man Hong Chen roared again and again, urging the holy power, and waving his sleeves continuously. His holy power seemed to be endless, and several times in a row, he finally defeated the dead and killing characters! In this brief match, his mana was also consumed severely.

Luo Jun did not continue to attack, and the mana in his body was also seriously depleted.

Most of the power used by Tiandao Pen comes from the power of the nine snow-capped mountains and the longevity fruit, but this power still needs Luo Jun's mana to activate.

Luo Jun didn't know much about the power of Tiandao Pen. After he urged it, the effect would depend on Tiandao Pen itself. It feels a bit like using the power of fate before, but this power is much stronger than the power of fate.

"Your circle, I have broken open." Luo Jun looked at the old man in the ruins.

The old man Hongchen looked gloomy and said nothing.

Luo Jun continued: "Tell me, where is my daughter now? I believe that you arrested her, not for the same treatment. I can see that your cultivation level is not much different from that of the past. This It means that there is no basis for you to absorb spiritual roots or something. You just wanted to provoke me!"

Ruins, the wreckage gradually fell to the ground!

This clean and clean yard no longer exists.

When Na Yunxiao and Ah Chen saw that there was no more fighting in the field, they quickly came forward.

It was only then that they realized that Luo Jun really had the qualifications to negotiate with the old man Hongchen.

The old man Hongchen looked at Luo Jun and said one by one: "The old man said, you are not qualified to let the old man lie. It is indeed not very useful to absorb the spiritual roots of Moyu. That is the old man's miscalculation... Dead, dead for decades. She died the day she came back from the old man. Therefore, Achen has never seen Mo Yu. Because Mo Yu has never been to Hongchen Mountain!"

"You are looking for death!" Luo Jun suddenly furious, all the anger and sorrow broke out at this moment.

"Hong Chen, I can't kill you today. But if you want to kill me today, if you want to escape, you must use your power of heaven." Luo Jun gritted his teeth, he has completely lost his reason and decided to kill me desperately. The old man in red dust.

Between the lightning, another 200,000 longevity fruits were injected into the heavenly pen.

That day the power of the Daobi raged again...

The old man Hongchen's eyes were cold, and he said to Yunxiao and Achen: "Get out of here!"

With a wave of the big sleeve, a huge force swept over, Yunxiao and Achen could not hold their figures, so they flew out, directly out of Hongchen Mountain.

Luo Jun once again wrote the killing character, the death character to the old man Hongchen, four characters killing and three death characters in a row.

The murderous intent was raging and lifeless.

Killing the word sword light, and the death word gray fierce air envelop the old man Hongchen.

Lightning strikes and kills, thunder irrigates, the world is fierce, and the stars are destroyed!

The old man Hongchen sat cross-legged in the void, all the breath in the Hongchen dojo shrank quickly, and finally condensed into a ball of holy light.

This group of holy light merges with his own mana, forming an immortal aura!

No matter how killing and death characters attacked, this halo remained unmoving.

Luo Jun was taken aback, and immediately asked Xiaotian: "Is there any way?"

Xiaotian also knew that the situation was urgent, and said: "Add another 500,000 longevity fruits in, and I will teach you to write a word. This word is...poison!"

Luo Jun didn't hesitate, he didn't want to care about anything now, he just wanted to kill the old dog Hongchen.

With a big brush, he wrote five poisonous words in one breath.

The poison character is the color of colorful colored glaze, which turns into poison gas after it appears.

The poison gas instantly invaded the old man's aura of immortality...

At this time, Luo Jun felt that the mana in his body was rapidly depleting, and after such a battle, his mana was almost exhausted. There are many longevity fruits, but his mana cannot always regenerate. In desperation, I had to take longevity fruit quickly to replenish my energy.

He was just as strong and supported it desperately.

In the aura of immortality, the old man in Hongchen is surrounded by poison, death, and killing, and his life is also very difficult.

It's not that Tiandao Pen is so terrifying, the old man Hongchen is not worth mentioning.

You know, one hundred thousand longevity fruits are one thousand trillion pure Yang Pills.

At that time, Emperor Changsheng said that there was a sea of ​​pure sun, but that was only 20 trillion pure sun pills.

At this time, Luo Jun had already spent ten thousand trillion pure Yang Pills against the old man in Hongchen!

Such a massive amount of pure Yang Pill can really be called a sea of ​​pure Yang.

Such a huge number of terrifying pure Yang Dan, coupled with Luo Jun's mana activation, and the heavenly meaning of the Tiandao pen itself, only made the old man Hongchen be forced to this point.

The eyes of the old man Hong Chen burst into cold...

The aura of immortality gradually began to corrode under the attack of poisonous gas.

In the next second, the aura of immortality shattered.

The old man Hong Chen roared, and in the next second, he finally couldn't help using the power of Hong Chen Tiandao.

I saw him quickly forming a seal with both hands, and then waved...

Suddenly, all the poison gas, killing characters, and dead characters were all rushed out. He himself was in a parallel world, and none of these powers could come to him.

"Haha..." Luo Jun had achieved his goal, laughed three times, and wrote one three hidden characters and one escape character.

The three hidden characters quickly concealed his figure, and as soon as the characters escaped, they immediately wrapped his figure and flew outside like lightning.

Luo Jun no longer needs to fight the old man Hongchen now. Because the old man Hongchen has violated the covenant signed by All Saints.

After all the saints deprive him of the power of heaven, then it is time to kill this old dog by himself. Maybe you don't have to wait until you make a move, and someone else will naturally kill him.

With the help of the word escape, Luo Jun's figure surpassed all limits and left Hongchen Mountain in the blink of an eye.

Lightning traveled through the clouds, and in the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Luo Jun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, seeing the clouds and mist still in front of him. He didn't dare to stop, so he wanted to write escape again and escape. He felt that after he was invisible, he would use the Escape Technique, the old man in Hong Chen should not even be able to figure out which direction he was going in.

It’s just that I am a little worried about Yunxiao’s life and death in my heart, and secretly said: "Old Hongchen broke the precept this time, and violated the law of heaven. If he angers Yunxiao, it will not be easy to handle. Fairy Yunxiao will come with me, if I harm her, I will die. , Then I am really a sinner through the ages."

Thinking like this in my heart, I suddenly thought that Mo Yu was really dead, and my heart suddenly became sad and desperate.

There is still a trace of illusion in the deepest part of my heart, I think Mo Yu should not die!

Just when he was about to write the word escape again, suddenly, a holy white light appeared around him. This light was extremely dazzling, and instantly turned into a holy aperture to cover Luo Jun.

After the holy halo enveloped Luo Jun, it changed again, but it turned into colorful.

Colorful, love, hate, and hatred, all kinds of flavors... This aperture represents the red world!

The power of Hongchen Tiandao was thoroughly revealed.

Afterwards, the old man of Hongchen appeared in the aperture and appeared in front of Luo Jun.

His face was cold, and he said: "You forced the old man to display the power of heaven. Do you think the old man might let you go? When you decide to kill the net and break the net, you should know that once you let the old man's net break Now, your fish must die! Do you think you have escaped from Hongchen Mountain? A joke, this is still Hongchen Mountain, and you are always in Hongchen Tiandao."

Luo Jun looked at the old man Hongchen, not too scared in his heart, and said, "It doesn't matter if I die. Tell me, what happened to Xiaoyu?"

The old man Hongchen said: "She has been dead for decades, what do you think?"

Luo Jun closed his eyes, painful and desperate, his tears could hardly be suppressed. But soon, he wiped away the tears, and he knew that he could not be weak at this time.

After that, he stopped talking, and once again injected 500,000 longevity fruits into the Heavenly Dao Pen.

He himself was taking the longevity fruit, and the mana inside his entire body was rushing to indulge.

The inside of Tiandao Pen is even more fierce and majestic...

"It's useless, the power of the Heavenly Dao in your pen is false after all. After the old man uses the Red Heavenly Dao, no matter how strong your power is, it is one level lower than that of the old man! The dimensions are different, under the impact of dimensionality reduction. , No matter how much you resist, it is just a joke." The old man Hongchen said word by word.

Luo Jun ignored the old man Hongchen and quickly swiped the Heavenly Path pen to write a few hidden words.

The hidden word appeared, and once again wanted to hide Luo Jun completely. Once stealth is completed, Luo Jun can travel anywhere.

Only this time, no matter how hard the Hidden Word exerts, Luo Jun's body cannot be hidden. In the aperture, the colorful rays of light shot towards the hidden character, and after a short while, the hidden character was directly absorbed.

Then, the colorful rays of light flourished, and finally turned into flames!

Colorful flames burned to Luo Jun.

Luo Jun waved the Tiandao pen and wrote a big split.

But the power to tear apart the characters was torn out, but was instantly burned to ashes by the magical flame...

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