Super Security in the City

Chapter 3847: Yuan Yuxian

Luo Jun checked the contents of his treasure, and found that there were not many pure Yang Pills, only a dozen omens. In the past, ten trillion pure Yang Dan was a big number, but now... it is not. A longevity fruit can be called tens of billions of pure Yang Pill.

He still has a lot of Zhou Li Dan and other things like Zhou Li Dan. Other people have no effect if they eat it, but he eats it like pure Yang Dan. But there are only a dozen trillions, which can't stand the consumption.

With his current consumption of the body, the amount of pill that he has to take in a day is not a small amount.

After Luo Jun ate a longevity fruit, he felt comfortable and full of energy.

After checking his physical condition, he felt that he could go into the sea of ​​blood and explore the truth. If you look too far ahead, you are doomed to achieve nothing.

Looking at the planet Kepler from the outer space, it is completely impossible to see its true content.

What surrounds the planet of Kepler is no longer a simple atmosphere, but a cloud of space with various cloud waves.

The law of space and the law of time are entangled in one place, and merge with the atmosphere and the ozone layer.

With the help of Hongmeng Ziqi, they had a wonderful reaction.

Thus, in Kepler's inner planet, space has become an extremely magical existence.

The entire interior of Kepler's planet is like being entangled by dense fog all year round.

In some continents, only after the great supernatural powers opened up, there will be a clear space.

As for the sunlight, it is all magical instruments at work.

Besides, in that Hongchen Island, three human figures flew into Hongchen Mountain like lightning.

The entire Hongchen Island is no longer sheltered by the Hongchen old man, and the Hongchen Tiandao has returned to the Hongchen...

The three figures fell on the mountain, but the head of them was a kind-looking old man.

The old man looks in his sixties, and is dressed in a neat black gold gown.

There was a young woman and a black man beside the old man. The young woman was beautiful and cold, wearing a long red dress, like a fairy Lingbo descending to the world.

As for the black-clothed man, he was rather strange, his face was cold, and there was no human emotion in his eyes, just like a zombie.

The old man is just... the original sage.

And that woman is the only disciple of Yuansheng, called Yuan Yuxian!

As for the man in black, no one knows its origin.

Even Yuan Yuxian didn't know his origin, only knew that the master called him... black corpse.

After the three of them landed on the hill, Yuan Sheng did not speak, and sat cross-legged on the ground, sensing everything around him.

The black corpse stood by and said nothing.

Yuan Yuxian is not a reckless person either, sitting cross-legged, sensing the situation here.

After a long time, Yuan Sheng opened his eyes.

Yuan Yuxian also looked at Master.

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Xian'er, have you found out?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple is ashamed and found nothing. Hongchen Mountain has become an ordinary mountain. However, this mountain itself is the dojo of the old man Hongchen, but now it has become so ordinary. It can also explain that Hongchen The old man wants to hide something."

Yuan Sheng said: "In this immortal realm, there are not many people who can force Hong Chen to use the power of the Heavenly Dao. It seems that it is Hong Chen who has lost his cultivation and returned to the Hong Chen Heavenly Dao. So, this The leader of everything is Hong Chen himself. He wants to protect the people he wants to protect."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The old man Hongchen and Ye Qingming conspired to destroy the passage of the immortal world before, and then Hongchen went to the earth again. When he returned, he brought a woman, who is still in the sea of ​​blood. Right now, Hong Chen suddenly used the power of Heaven's Dao to disperse his own cultivation base. It seems that he is indeed trying to deal with us."

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said, "What do you think he will do with us?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciples have been thinking about this question too, Master, you have come out of the world, and you have mastered the highest heavenly way, the heavenly way of life. Now you are fighting alone, no one in the immortal world is your opponent. However, they are also people. Hold each other together. In the Kunlun realm, Chanjiao, Jiejiao and the Taishang Laojun of Bajinggong are usually not connected, but once we go, they will get together. The two of Xishengjiao are inseparable. …In the heavenly realm, Nuwa and Fuxi are together. In the sea of ​​blood, it is unpredictable. In the Shura realm, Xiao Ling does not care about external affairs. If these people all work together, we are naturally difficult to fight. But even if they are together Together, they have no chance of breaking into the Metaverse. Combining all the above, they need someone to break the game!"

"Very well, you pointed out the key!" Yuan Sheng applauded.

Yuan Yuxian continued: "The old man Hongchen went to the earth before. I thought he would bring the man named Luo Jun. After all, Luo Jun once took the earth with a weak body and completely defeated the spirits. If you want to I think Luo Jun is the most suitable person to find the breaker. However, he did not bring Luo Jun over. It is estimated that he was afraid of being discovered by us... In this way, Luo Jun came to a dead end." After a pause, he went again. Said: "Then what is the best way? Bring Luo Jun's close relatives over. Therefore, the disciple thinks that the woman is Luo Jun's close relatives. After that, Luo Jun will naturally find a way to come over. The old man Hongchen used the power of heaven. It is estimated that he wants to protect Luo Jun’s identity from leaking... But he hid the woman in the Nether Blood Sea, and Luo Jun will definitely go to the Nether Blood Sea. Therefore, we need to find Luo Jun and go directly to Ye Qingming. ."

This Yuan Yuxian had a quick mind, and only guessed, but he had already guessed the facts.

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly and said: "Yes, not bad. Xian'er, you are indeed very smart. I am very pleased to be a teacher..."

Yuan Yuxian smiled sweetly and said, "Master, you taught your disciples. You don't have to deal with all the fog in the world. Those fogs are here to disturb our thoughts. We must discover the problem from the essence of the phenomenon. This is the case. Here, no matter how many tricks, the fog is ridiculous. In order to defeat them, you went to the earth to find the sacred tree of five grains and shrines, which was a draw from the bottom."

Yuan Sheng couldn't help thinking of the past, and then he sighed and said: "Unfortunately, it was a pity in the end. The strength of being a teacher at the beginning was still weak..."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Today is different today. We have a powerful metaworld, with the help of the elders of the spirits, and our own direct powers."

Yuan Shengdao: "We are strong, but our enemies are also strong. If the saints are like the old man in Hongchen, we won't have to fight this battle, we will have already lost. Fortunately, it is impossible for everyone. They are as fierce as the old man Hongchen. The saints are exactly what they fear most... is death!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "It's true!"

Yuan Shengdao: "As a teacher, I have been studying myself and those enemies all my life. I also study the meaning of living all the time. Those real enemies are known to be immortal bodies. They have experienced too many cycles of life and death. Even if the planet is destroyed, they can be immortal. But it is so difficult to achieve the word immortality. It can neither be detached from the world, nor be oblivious to the world. Nor can it truly flow into the world..."

Yuan Yuxian suddenly felt a little confused, and said: "Beyond the world, you will easily walk into the solitary way, and thus lose all the fun and meaning, and finally can't help turning into the sea of ​​stars. You can't really flow into the world. , Master, what's the explanation for this?"

Yuan Sheng smiled and said: "Silly Nizi, one can pretend to be stupid, but not really stupid. Those of us say that we can't transcend the world, but if we really live in the world, wouldn't we be really stupid?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The literal meaning is easy to understand, but it seems a bit difficult to understand."

Yuan Shengdao: "The degree of it is difficult to grasp, and I don't fully understand it as a teacher now."

Yuan Yuxian said: "You said that a thousand calamities are immortal, so their real weakness is that they are immortal, right?"

Yuan Sheng said: "That's right! This is what they really care about. After so many years of living, what kind of family affection, human affection is no longer for them. The only thing they care about is how to continue the immortality. So, This is why they knew that being a teacher was hostile to them and was the biggest threat, but they did not unite together to deal with being a teacher."

Yuan Yuxian said: "They don't want to be pawns, because once they really fight, there will be casualties."

Yuan Shengdao: "Yes!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciples have also been studying their root culture, and their root culture emphasizes the four words of natural change the most."

Yuan Shengdao: "The four characters of natural change are not their root culture. These four characters are the culture when the universe was formed. Unauthorized change will make the result worse. All things have their natural development trajectory. . If it weren’t for the Luo Jun on the earth who changed the arc element without authorization, we would not be able to occupy such an advantage today. In the final analysis, the root cause lies in them, and the various causes that were planted that day will be harvested in the future. Plant fruits."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple has been taught."

Yuan Shengdao: "Okay, enough talked about. Let's get back to business!"

Yuan Yuxian said seriously, "I don't know what you found, Master?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The information that can be searched is very limited, now you follow me to the Star City!"

Yuan Yuxian said with the black corpse: "Yes!"

After that, the three flew out of Hongchen Mountain.

They soon arrived in the Star City of Hongchenzhou. After that, the group of them found Sinan and Zhugezhi respectively.

After careful investigation, Yuan Sheng finally found a few key points.

The first key point is that someone indeed went to find Old Man Hongchen. And this person is very unfamiliar with Old Man Hongchen.

Secondly, Fairy Yunxiao, the disciple of the Master Tongtian, also appeared in Tianxing City, and later went to Hongchen Mountain.

Apart from this, there are no more clues left.

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