Super Security in the City

Chapter 3850: Ye Qingming

The mosquito king quickly swallowed Luo Jun's body, and Luo Jun simply took a big mouth and sucked the mosquitoes into his belly.

In an instant, Luo Jun's body was wrapped in mosquitoes.

The internal organs are also full of mosquitoes gnawing.

The Mosquito King was extremely happy, but he didn't understand why the guy in front of him could clearly resist. Why did he suddenly seek his own death?

He felt something was wrong, but he continued to swallow it.

After a while, Luo Jun's flesh and blood and bones were all swallowed clean by the mosquitoes.

The black hole spar also fell on the ground.

After this, all the mosquitoes began to gather, and finally became the giant mosquito king. The Mosquito King grabbed the black hole spar into his claws and probed the situation inside with mana. As soon as the mana entered, he immediately felt the vast world inside the black hole spar. At the same time, I felt the power of the soul overlapped and twisted, and it was difficult to find where the treasure was.

But Mosquito King was not in a hurry, he knew he had a lot of time to slowly explore this magical black hole spar. Subsequently, he began to digest the Luo Jun's flesh and blood that he had absorbed.

"Huh?" Soon, the Mosquito King began to frown, and he felt that the flesh and blood that he had swallowed in his body seemed to be...alive.

Following that, those flesh and blood began to grow, and there was a strong energy fluctuating.

"What's the matter?" The Mosquito King couldn't help being shocked.

Bleeding began to explode in his body...


The mosquito king let out a howl of pain, the pain in his body eroded the bones.

When he wanted to disperse his body into a mosquito state, he found that the energies in his body began to connect, and he couldn't disperse the body.

"Roar!" Mosquito King let out a violent roar.

After a while, his body began to change, and his inner flesh and blood poured outwards.

After a short while, the Mosquito King disappeared, replaced by...Luo Jun.

And it is Luo Jun's body.

After Luo Jun took a deep breath, he suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a fist-sized black mosquito.

This black mosquito is... the mosquito king.

After Mosquito King came out, his body began to swell again, and finally became the giant state that he saw for the first time.

However, the eyes of the Mosquito King were no longer godless, and his primordial spirit consciousness had been completely destroyed by Luo Jun.

The mosquito king at the moment is a pure energy body.

Luo Jun can be turned into a mosquito king with the help of eight or nine profound arts, and possesses the skills of a mosquito.

"Success!" Luo Jun couldn't hide his joy. When he met the Mosquito King, he knew that the Mosquito King was powerful. But don't know why, he is confident that he can get rid of it. In the battle between the two sides, he was actually at a disadvantage, but he still believed that he could kill the mosquito king.

Undoubtedly, letting Mosquito King devour his flesh and blood is a dangerous thing. But Luo Jun was very confident in the dark. He believed that this little mosquito king would definitely not be able to withstand his physical strength. The power in his body is very powerful now, and it is by no means as simple as everyone looks on the surface.

In the end, his judgment was also lacking.

With the help of the Eighty-Nine Profound Art, his soul and body will not die directly after being cut into meat sauce. Unless it's the Nine-turned Soul Soul being destroyed...

After that, he used the Nine Turns Yuanshen to link the flesh and blood of his whole body again, generating strong suction.

In this way, the mosquito king will not be able to re-spread into countless mosquitoes. It was in this situation that Luo Jun finally smashed Huanglong and killed the primordial spirit of the Mosquito King.

The body of this mosquito king was also enjoyed by Luo Jun.

Luo Jun originally wanted Tiandao Pen to help, but later, he found that he could do it on his own.

"With this mosquito king behind, my Ninth-turned soul can be hidden more secretly, and can be incarnate for thousands of times. The cost of survival will be even more in the future." Luo Jun only felt that the whole person was clear. After that, he breathed the mosquito king into his body again, and performed eight or nine profound arts.

The body shape changed rapidly, and finally became the mosquito king.

When the mana is activated again, the body of the mosquito king turns into countless mosquitoes.

"Hehe!" Luo Jun was overjoyed. With the help of Mosquitoes, his Nine-turned Soul could disperse freely.

Although the Nine Turns Yuanshen used to be magical, once he was defeated by the opponent, he would definitely die.

It's all right now, even if it is defeated, it doesn't matter.

Because the shape of this mosquito is almost immortal, his body is integrated with the essence of the mosquito, so he... has reached the point of immortality.

"When I had the eternal spar back then, I was immortal. Now, I seem to be back in the same state as before!" Luo Jun secretly rejoiced. Now it is more agile and changeable than the immortality of the past.

But there is nothing less than the past!

"By the way, I also forgot one thing. He killed the mosquito king too quickly, and forgot to ask Ye Qingming where he was."

Searching in the magic cave again, I found that the Mosquito King also had many treasures and medicines.

About five trillion pure Yang Dan, Luo Jun took all of it into his bag.

After that, he left the magic cave.

After killing like this, Luo Jun didn't feel any guilt. This is why he must first show his weakness to the Mosquito King, hesitate to apologize, compensate for the pill, and so on. What you want is nothing more than a truth, a peace of mind!

If the Mosquito King accepts Luo Jun's apology and pill, then Luo Jun will never turn his face and kill or win treasure. That shows that the other party is not a vicious person and should not be killed!

After exiting the magic cave, Luo Jun continued to fly in the sea of ​​blood.

About half an hour later, a door to the void suddenly appeared in front of him.

Luo Jun was stunned for a moment, then secretly said: "What's the situation?"

"Come in!" A woman's voice suddenly came out from the void gate.

Luo Jun was overjoyed. He had guessed in his heart that the other party was Ye Qingming, whom he had been searching for.

At the moment, his figure flashed, and he flew into the door of the void.

There is blood in the sky in the sea of ​​blood...

Inside the gate of the void, there is a different world.

After Luo Jun entered the gate of the void, he came to a beautiful place.

In the distance is surrounded by mountains, the sky is blue sky and white clouds, and the sun is shining brightly.

The green mountains and green waters immediately make people feel refreshed and extremely comfortable. Luo Jun took a few breaths of air, feeling extremely relaxed.

In front are the flowers in the mountains, competing for beauty.

The air is full of fragrance of flowers...

Luo Jun thought that Mo Yu was here, and he was happier looking forward to it.

But I dare not be too presumptuous.

"Senior Ye, under Luo Jun!" Luo Jun had already returned to his original appearance while he spoke.

"Come on!" The woman's voice came again, and at the same time, another void gate appeared in front of Luo Jun. Luo Jun entered the gate of the void and came to a garden full of flowers. Behind the garden is a splendid and beautiful palace...

In the garden pavilion, a woman in a blue dress is drinking tea.

Luo Jun quickly came to the pavilion and saw that the woman in Tsing Yi looked extremely beautiful, she looked only twenty-two years old. There is a sense of elegance in her body, and there is a kind of heroism in the elegance...

Not to mention these, Luo Jun felt that this woman's cultivation was unfathomable.

There is the feeling of seeing the old man in Hongchen for the first time.

At this moment, Luo Jun also affirmed that the woman in front of him was exactly the Ye Qingming he was looking for!

"Senior Ye!" Luo Jun saluted respectfully.

Not to mention that the other party's cultivation base is very high, just because she is Mo Yu's master, Luo Jun feels that he must be respected.

Ye Qingming looked at Luo Jun, then smiled faintly, and said: "You are Xiaoyu's godfather, and I am Xiaoyu's master. So, naturally, I am not your senior. Come on, sit down!"

Luo Jun came to the stone table opposite her and sat down.

"I heard you say before that Hong Chen has been sitting down?" Ye Qingming asked.

Luo Jun's heart sank and said: "Yes!"

Ye Qingming remained silent.

After a long time, she said: "You will tell me the cause and effect of the matter."

Luo Jundao: "Yes!" At the moment, he told himself about the matter of going to the old man Hongchen to settle accounts, and even later, forced the old man Hongchen to use the power of heaven and so on.

"I'm coming here next time, just to put Na Ahchen in the girl's place. By the way..." Luo Jun paused and said with some embarrassment: "I want to see Xiaoyu too."

Ye Qingming did not answer Luo Jun immediately, but fell silent again.

Luo Jun also understood that she might be sentimental for the elderly Hongchen.

After a long time, Ye Qingming said, "Achen will have no problem with me, but you will not see Xiaoyu for the time being."

Luo Jun was taken aback and said: "Why?"

Ye Qingming said, "Three years ago, I asked her to go out and practice. I don't know where she is right now. If you are destined, you will meet her."

"This..." Luo Jun couldn't help being dumbfounded, and came here hopefully, but he was still empty. "Do you take this girl seriously?" He didn't believe it.

Ye Qingming looked upset and said, "Joke, do I have to deceive you girl?"

Luo Jun immediately explained, "I didn't mean that, but, does the girl know where she might be going? Do you have an agreement on how to meet next time?"

Ye Qingming said: "There is no agreement. She can come back if she wants to. I don't care about the others."

Luo Jun was suddenly speechless.

Ye Qingming said again: "Now that you understand everything, what are your plans next?"

Luo Jundao: "I just want to find Xiaoyu first."

Ye Qingming said, "What about Xiaoyu?"

Luo Jun said: "I haven't thought that far."

Ye Qingming said lightly: "Hong Chen has already sat down for you. You should also think about your future plans, whether you are willing to work hard for your earth and for the immortal world."

Luo Jun sighed, and said: "When I was on the earth, I had been working hard for the earth. I finally repelled the Spirit Venerable. Now you tell me that there is a more powerful Yuansheng. In the fairy world, the saint With so much power, why bother to count on me?"

When he said this, he was actually expressing dissatisfaction and making some complaints.

Ye Qingming smiled faintly, and said, "In fact, it is quite unnecessary for me to ask this. I am afraid that you will not be able to get out of this trouble in the future. Hong Chen's death has become a fuse. His death is not only to help you. And to cover up your identity. His death also sent a message to Yuan Sheng, that are here. With your cultivation base, you can’t do without this immortal world. Therefore, you must work hard to survive. ."

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