Luo Jun cried secretly in his heart, thinking that even if Lu Ya came, he would be able to fight for it. There I knew that what I encountered was actually an existence like a heavenly group in the fairy world. All the sages of the fairy world have no choice but to take the Yuansheng. Isn't he an ant-like existence in front of him?

Didn't do the evil that Xuanyuantai had done, but came to bear the bitter fruit?

In an instant, Luo Jun's brain was agitated, and countless ways flashed in his mind.

Na Yuansheng looked at True Lord Poison Corpse, and said, "You sent the distress signal from my little friend?"

True Monarch Poison Corpse nodded and said: "When the younger generation was fighting with this evil thief, he couldn't resist, so he left a distress signal. I thought it was hopeless, but I didn't expect that the older generation received our signal. It's true. Eyes!"

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said: "We just passed by here and saw your distress signal, so we came and took a look."

Then, he turned to look at Luo Jun, his eyes cold, and said, "Your name is Xuanyuantai?"

Luo Jun threw himself down on his knees, and said, "The villain is indeed Xuanyuantai. I didn't expect to offend Senior Yuansheng. The villain deserves a thousand deaths!" Although he was begging for mercy, the big handprint still killed True Monarch Poisonous Corpse. Guan Qing is firmly in control.

Yuan Shengdao: "Is what they said is true?"

Luo Jun hurriedly said: "It is true, but the villain will definitely change his mind and change his past. The villain has cultivated so far, it is not easy. Please give the villain a chance to change. The villain will be willing to be loyal to the senior in the future. , I'm here to stay."

At this time, Luo Jun had already thought about it.

He suddenly felt that this was an opportunity.

"Isn't this Yuan Sheng always looking for Lao Tzu? Then Lao Tzu will come under your nose to do things for you. Everyone knows that Luo Jun has a good character and is definitely not a despicable person. I pretend to be this Xuanyuantai and do shameless things. They never dreamed that Xuanyuantai was Luo Jun. There are many enemies in Yuansheng’s enemies, so masters should be welcome to join. But how can a loyal and good person follow him to harm his fellow robes, only shameless people are willing to join! I just have to show it. Enough skills, not afraid of him not wanting me."

At this moment, Luo Jun had a plan in his mind.

He has always been a quick-witted person. The more dangerous and calm he is, the better he can come up with.

"Huh!" At this time, Yuan Yuxian didn't wait for Yuan Sheng to speak, and first said coldly: "A despicable and shameless person like you is also worthy of my master's allegiance? Today is your death date."

Luo Jun's body trembled.

This is naturally pretend. He looked at Yuan Yuxian, Yuansheng, and the black corpse. When he saw the black corpse, he felt a little bit in his heart, feeling that this person seemed to have no soul, but it seemed extremely terrifying.

"Senior..." Luo Jun ignored Yuan Yuxian and only begged Yuan Sheng for mercy.

Yuan Sheng said lightly: "You let them go first, and then talk about other things."

Luo Jun suddenly became embarrassed and said: "As long as Senior Yuansheng promises not to kill me, and you and your subordinates will not trouble me in the future, I will release them immediately."

"Presumptuous!" Yuan Yuxian shouted, "What qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with us?"

Luo Jun was about to speak, so at this moment, Yuan Sheng said coldly: "Friend Xuanyuan, in front of the old man, do you think you can kill?"

As soon as he fell silent, Luo Jun suddenly felt that his big handprints began to sore. An invisible power is tearing his big handprints.

Luo Jun was taken aback, he obviously didn't feel Yuan Sheng's move.

Yuan Sheng looked at Luo Jun faintly, and saw that he put out a hand and flicked his fingers gently...

This entire cave suddenly became his dojo.

All mana, all factors, and molecules are all under his control.

Luo Jun's big mudra also contained external elements, factors, and mana, so the Yuan Sheng Shen didn't know it, and the ghost came in without knowing it.

Luo Jun knew that he couldn't admit defeat right now, and he had to show superior ability in order to be favored by Yuan Sheng. Yuan Sheng can control the heaven and earth dojo, which can prevent Luo Jun from operating outside mana. But Luo Jun runs his own supernatural power, which no one can control.

Luo Jun used the mana in his body to forcefully close the big mudra.

Yuan Sage continued to exert his strength, and the mana in Luo Jun's body suddenly surging and tumbling, majestic and terrifying, and quickly stalemate with Yuan Sage's divine power.

Astonishment flashed in Yuan Sheng's eyes, he suddenly let out a cold snort and flipped his palm.

Luo Jun couldn't support it immediately, and the big handprints broke directly.

Without waiting for him to react, Yuan Sage caught it again in the void, and then caught the Poison Corpse True Monarch and Guan Qing in front of him.

Luo Jun also looked at Yuan Sage in horror. At this moment, he truly felt the horror of this Yuan Sage.

Just now when he and Yuansheng stalemate, they have already displayed the mixed hole and all the divine powers. But Yuansheng didn't seem to exert all his strength, only slightly moved his true character. At the moment when Yuan Sheng moved true, Luo Jun only felt that such power was like the stars and the sea, like everything in the universe, unable to resist, irresistible!

"No wonder these two dolls will be defeated by you, Fellow Daoist Xuanyuan, your strength is weird and strong!" Yuan Sheng said word by word.

Luo Jun hurriedly said: "The junior's ability doesn't stop there. In the future, if seniors are willing to cultivate juniors, juniors can be proud to say that they can definitely beat anyone around you. And, seniors, if I insisted on killing them just now. The two suddenly exerted their strength. Before you realized my magic power, you would not have time to save them both."

"The old man admits that he really underestimated you. You just wanted to kill the two of them, and the old man was too late to save!" Yuan Shengdao.

But Yuan Yuxian was a little uncomfortable, and said, "Xuanyuantai, your tone is really crazy, the masters under my master's hands are like clouds. You really don't have much to do, you dare to say that you can become the number one under my master. one person."

Luo Jun was too lazy to pay attention to Yuan Yuxian anyway. He always found the Yuan Sage and continued to beg for mercy, saying: "Senior Yuan Sage, I am a monk. In my belief, I want to live and live by all means. At the same time, I must Dao heart is refreshing, so I saw this Guan Qing and beautiful, and then I started. This is the Dao heart that a qualified ascetic should have. Right now I want to live, and I am willing to go through fire and water for you! Please give me a chance... if you I look down on the younger generation, and the younger generation would like to worship you as a teacher."

"I bah!" Yuan Yuxian said: "You despicable person, you still want to worship my master?"

Guan Qing couldn't help saying: "Senior Yuansheng, this evil thief is full of evil wickedness. Even if he visits your door today, he will abandon the Lord in the future!"

Luo Jun angrily rebuked: "Nonsense, as long as Senior Yuansheng is strong enough, I can become the bravest warrior of Senior's. Ants are still greedy for life. Who is not afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? Are you afraid of death? In order to live back then, I deliberately flattered me..."

"You..." Guan Qing was so angry that his chest was ups and downs, and he couldn't say a word.

True Monarch Poison Corpse is the smartest, knowing that it's not suitable to talk too much at the moment, and all he has to make sure is that he and his junior sister can live.

Yuan Sheng was silent for a long while, and said to Luo Jun: "The old man is indeed thirsty now, but his character like yours is really not flattering. Therefore, the only thing the old man can give you is a decent way to die. "

Luo Jun was taken aback.

This is not a pretend.

Because he found that he had miscalculated Yuansheng, which was different from what he had imagined.

"It's impossible!" Luo Jun secretly said: "If I die so unjustly today, that would be a big joke. Why didn't Yuan Sage accept me? Is it really because of character problems? Impossible! What is it? Where is the problem?"

His mind turned sharply, and quickly figured out the crux of the problem.

"Yes, this old boy treats the world with benevolence and righteousness just like Lao Tzu was in the Eternal Star Territory back then. If he appears on the stage, he will appear as an aggressor, which will make the world defensive. But face the world with benevolence and righteousness, even if there is wisdom in it. He is helpless. Therefore, in the presence of Poison Corpse True Monarch and Guan Qing, how can he embarrassed to accept Lao Tzu? Isn't that contrary to his image of justice and righteousness? What should I do? I can't just die like this. !"

After Luo Jun understood the problem, he no longer bowed his knees, jumped up, and said to Yuansheng: "I have always admired the senior Yuansheng for your ability. Just now, I saw your face, there is no anti-poisonous corpse and Zhenjun. Guan Qing. Do you recognize this love?"

Yuan Sheng also admires the person in front of him a little, and he is so wise to survive in order to live! He said lightly: "You are confusing right and wrong. They seek revenge from you, but you do evil first. Instead of admitting your mistakes, you arrested them. Now instead of killing them, you are accumulating blessings for yourself..."

Luo Jun didn’t wait for him to finish, saying: "Okay, senior, even if I have accumulated a small blessing for myself. Then can you not make a move today? As long as you don’t make a move, any one of your men can catch me. , Kill me, I admit it. If you say that you shot, then I must be a dead end. Everyone is dead, then it is still a blessing."

Yuan Yuxian sneered, and said: "You thief, you really racked your brains in order to survive! Well, today, my master and my black corpse brother will not take action. I will fight you, as long as If you can escape from my hand, then let you have a way out today!"

Luo Jun rolled his eyes and said, "Of course it's okay, but how do I know that your words are not a big deal. Anyway, Senior Yuansheng still has to speak."

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Well, as long as you can escape from Xian'er, you will be allowed to survive today."

"A word is for sure!" Luo Jun was overjoyed.

He was already sure in his heart that this Yuansheng just couldn't hold back his face. Once the gambling contract is established, as long as he shows his true ability, then it is natural for him to let himself go first. But even if they escaped, they should come afterwards.

True Monarch Poison Corpse and Guan Qing didn't say much when they saw this.

They believed that Yuansheng’s disciples would surely defeat Luo Jun.

The group soon left the cave and came to the vast sea...

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