Super Security in the City

Chapter 3863: Tianzihao

Xianlu Temple is located in a quiet place with a winding path in the southeast corner, with flowers blooming on the periphery and strange birds and animals interspersed in it.

It was already the top of the willow tree on the moon.

The sun and moon of the Metaverse are all created by magical artifacts.

When Luo Jun and the maid came to Xianlu Hall, a young housekeeper came to greet them. That steward is a Kepler, called Yanzong!

Kepler and humans can hardly see anything different. The only difference is the color of the eyeballs. Kepler’s hair and eyes are always in different colors...

Yanzong said next to Luo Jun: "Master Xuanyuan, Saint Aunt has arranged for your subordinates to serve you. If you don't understand or need help, you can find your subordinates."

Luo Jun was startled slightly and said, "Aunt Saint? Yuan Yuxian?"

Yanzong's face suddenly looked strange, and said, "Sheng Aunt, her old man's name can't be called directly, Master Xuanyuan, you have to pay more attention!"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "It's really her." Then he said to Yanzong: "Okay, lead the way!"

Under the leadership of Yanzong, Luo Jun finally entered the Palace of Xianlu.

In the center of the Xianlu Temple, there are a dozen beautiful maids singing and dancing, and a dozen musicians are playing next to them.

Those musicians and maids all have cultivation bases. Although the cultivation bases are not high, they are also good players when they are placed on the earth. But they are only servants in this fairy world. Their dance is exquisite and exquisite, coupled with the sound of music played by a good instrument, it is true that this song should only be found in the sky, and it is rare to hear it in the world.

On both sides of the Xianlu Hall, there were about thirty people sitting together.

Among the thirty-odd people, there are more than ten Lingzuns, fifteen Keplers, and five humans.

Luo Jun scanned the past and quickly found some clues. He found that the seats of these people were very particular. It seems to be sorted by cultivation base...

The highest cultivation base is a spiritual deity.

When he saw Lingzun, Luo Jun felt uncomfortable in his heart. He couldn't forget the grudges and grievances he had with Lingzun back then.

Originally thought that the evil of the spirits was over, now seeing these spirits sitting here, he felt that this was very ominous in his heart.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "Everything is not all the sins made by human beings!"

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that sentence, the various reasons in the past, the fruit today!

The highest cultivation base Lingzun is a semi-holy realm.

For the rest of the people, most of them have the nine levels of creation, and many of them have the seventh, sixth, and fifth levels of creation.

Among human beings, the highest cultivation level is the Ninth Layer of Creation Realm.

Luo Jun has also learned that with the re-evolution of the fairy world and the division of the six worlds, the air luck has also begun to change.

In the former fairy world, the position of saints has been divided.

Among other people, Creation Realm Nine Layers can already be regarded as a hero.

But after the emergence of the six realms, luck was raging, and many people began to break through the shackles and reached a certain height. Today's Nine Layers of Creation Realm is no longer uncommon. It’s that the Poison Corpse True Monarch is the nine-fold cultivation base of the Creation Realm...

The Xuanyuantai that Luo Jun played was actually a figure of the wind. In the heavens, they are also talented people!

When Luo Jun came to the Xianlu Temple, he couldn't figure out how to divide their positions, so he casually found a back position to sit down.

Yanzong was always by Luo Jun's side.

When he saw Luo Jun sitting down, he made the dancers retreat first.

The hall quickly became quiet.

Yanzong said to the masters: "Masters, today we are hosting a banquet to welcome Master Xuanyuantai next to me. Master Xuanyuantai was originally a heavenly monarch, and has now joined the camp of our temple. In. Saint Gu specially ordered his subordinates to set up a welcome dinner here...We welcome Master Xuanyuan!"

After speaking, applaud!

The highest cultivation base Lingzun smiled faintly, and then took the lead and applauded.

The others were not very enthusiastic, but they also clapped symbolically.

Luo Jun stood up, and when the applause was over, he made a round circle and said: "At Xia Xuanyuantai, I came to the temple early today. It is an honor to see all the adults. It is a great honor to see all the adults. From now on, we will host events for the saint , Please take care of everyone!"

The masters sparsely echoed a few words, and some people called to sit down and drink.

Luo Jun sat down after finishing his courtesy.

Afterwards, the dancers came up to dance again, and the music started again...

The end is singing and dancing!

Yanzong introduced him to Luo Jun, and Luo Jun learned that the spiritual deity with the highest cultivation base was called Jonathan.

Jonathan is the only semi-saint master in this mansion!

Yanzong also told Luo Jun that there was no specific position in the temple.

People below the creation realm are all servants.

The servants do have duties, with a fixed monthly salary and pills issued every month.

People above the creation realm have their cultivation bases in order.

For example, Jonathan is Tianzi No.1. He has a token with a word written on it.

Above five levels of creation, they are all masters of Tianzihao!

Below the fifth level of the creation realm, they are all masters of the land name!

Luo Jun couldn't help asking Yanzong, what number does Saint Aunt belong to?

Yanzong told Luo Jun that Saint Aunt Yuan Yuxian was no longer in the ranks, she belonged to the elder palace, and was the master of all Tianzi and Dizi.

In the temple, the masters above the semi-holy are all in the elders hall.

The elders of the elder hall, every elder can order all the masters of the sky and the earth, and have the power to live and kill.

Everyone must respect the elders very much.

The elders all live in a simple way and never show up in the temple.

What exactly the elders are doing, Yanzong is also not clear.

Luo Jun couldn't help but asked Yanzong, "What about the black corpse?"

Yanzong said: "Senior Black Corpse is a personal guard of the Holy Lord. He does not obey anyone's orders and only listens to the Lord alone. Uh, we have never seen Senior Black Corpse speak. He sleeps in the Lord's bedroom at night. of."

Luo Jun was surprised, he always felt that the black corpse was terrifying.

Although the black corpse had never revealed any ability, Luo Jun felt that the black corpse was even more terrifying than Yuan Yuxian.

After that, Yanzong told Luo Jun that the Saint Aunts will hold a formal meeting tomorrow. At the meeting, Luo Junhui will formally become a member of the temple. After that, he has to challenge to determine which master Tianzi belongs to. If he defeated Jonathan, he could become the number one master of the sky. And Jonathan will be relegated to the No. 2 master of Tianzi, and the rest will all surrender.

After Luo Jun understood this, he didn't panic.

The banquet ended in an atmosphere that was neither salty nor indifferent, and Luo Jun couldn't figure out why this welcome banquet was held. I don’t feel how welcome everyone is to him...

This is normal!

After the banquet, Luo Jun returned to the Hall of Tingfeng to rest.

On the morning of the second day, Yanzong came to see Luo Jun again.

Luo Jun was quite polite to Yanzong, and followed Yanzong with a smile. Yanzong said, "Master Xuanyuan, at ten o'clock in the morning, Saint Aunt will hold an initiation meeting for you on the Temple Square. My subordinates are now going to talk to you about some of the temple rules in detail. At the entrance ceremony, you will solemnly swear an oath. Right now, your subordinates must make sure that you have no questions or objections!"

Luo Jun said: "Then it will work."

Yanzong said: "In fact, there are not many rules in the temple. There are only three... One, you must not bully the weak. Second, you must not rebel against your superiors, and you must not corrupt the reputation of the temple!"

After hearing this, Luo Jun nodded and said: "These rules are very good, I have no objection." But he felt a little weird in his heart. The rules of the temple really looked like a decent person.

He then changed his mind and thought: "Why do I think that the temple is not a decent person? In this world, who is the good person and who is the bad person? Who can tell this clearly. Children can distinguish good from bad, and adulthood. People really have only pros and cons. In the hostility between large teams, there will never be good or bad, only the uneven distribution of benefits!"

After Yanzong gave his account, he did not leave.

After a while, another maid brought clothes.

It was a blue-and-yellow gown, and there was a holy word on the back of the gown.

Luo Jun put on the green and yellow gown and looked in the mirror, feeling a little uncomfortable. Because Xuanyuantai was in his forties, and he was not very handsome.

The only bright spot is Luo Jun's eyes, his eyes.

After that, Luo Jun went to the Temple Square with Yanzong.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

On the temple square, all the servants and maids stood on the square.

Many people from the periphery also came to visit...

Below the high platform in the square, all the masters also came to participate, sitting on their seats.

There is a table on the high platform with an incense burner and fairy fruit on the table.

Luo Jun had planned to find a chair to sit down, but Yanzong signaled Luo Jun to go to the high platform. Luo Jun walked to the high platform...

What embarrassed him was that Yuan Yuxian hadn't come yet.

Everyone's eyes were on the high platform, and Luo Jun was a little dumbfounded.

Just stand so stupid, really stupid.

Tell a joke, it doesn't seem suitable.

It's not appropriate to be a fool.

Standing too serious is even more stupid.

Luo Jun thought for a while, and he simply came to the table, his body emptied and sitting cross-legged. In this way, it's as if the great lecturer is teaching everyone. It's not that embarrassing...

The entire square is very quiet, without a trace of noise.

Not long after, that Yuan Yuxian walked out of the gate of the void in a snow-white dress and came to the high platform.

Today's Yuan Yuxian is extremely beautiful, with a hint of arrogance in the beauty.

With her presence, the ordinary people couldn't help bowing down and worshipping loudly.

Luo Jun realized that Yuan Yuxian had a very high reputation in the hearts of the people...

He thought that this little girl might have done a lot of manifestations, and the people regarded her as a living bodhisattva.

Luo Jun knew that there was no room for jokes on this occasion. As soon as Yuan Yuxian came, he stood up quickly and stepped aside.

Yuan Yuxian has not yet approached Luo Jun, the natural scent on her body has drifted into Luo Jun's nose.

The ceremony of entering the temple is also very simple, that is, Yuan Yuxian publicly explained the rules of the temple.

After that, Luo Jun repeated it.

After doing this, Luo Jun respected the three sticks of incense, knelt down and solemnly swore, from then on, allegiance to the temple and allegiance to the holy lord!

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