Super Security in the City

Chapter 3869: Rhythm master

Yuan Sheng stood on the high platform and continued to say: "What should the ascetics pursue? I believe that the old man should not say, you should also know. What we are after is definitely not hatred, but how we should adapt to this heavenly way and natural changes. What should we do? Coexisting with this planet, coexisting with this universe, how can it be immortal! People die like a lamp, and no matter how much we do for the dead, it is actually meaningless. Because the dead cannot survive... People who are alive should think about how to live better. The old man has been living for the Kepler people and hatred for the first half of his life. Now, he wants to live for himself. Using the grandiose purple energy to change the pattern of the fairy world, The old man has already grabbed the greatest benefit in it. The old man cherishes this hard-won situation very much, so I also want you to rest assured that the old man will never allow anyone to destroy such a hard-won peace situation, including the old man himself! This is it! The old man tried his best to promote the original intention of the heavenly law!"

"Good point!" At this moment, someone shouted in the audience, and then they applauded frantically.

Yuan Sheng looked over and immediately found that the person cheering and applauding was...Xuanyuantai! He nodded secretly in his heart, thinking that this servant was still a very good person.

Xuanyuantai is Luo Jun, and Luo Jun knows that this big guy has been talking for so long, someone has to join him! He immediately took the lead to join in.

Most of the heroes were relieved when they heard the sincere assurance from Yuan Sheng.

I also feel that what Yuansheng said is extremely reasonable!

Think about it, people Yuansheng is very sincere!

Regardless of Li Tian Dao Fayue, to open this Kunlun event, I brought two men over. I dare not even hold the event in my own home, just because I am afraid that everyone will be on guard!

So, under Luo Jun's cheers, the other heroes also cheered. Everyone applauded warmly, and the scene was extremely exciting and exciting.

The saints in that position were much calmer, they whispered to each other, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

After a while, Yuan Sheng signaled the heroes to be quiet.

The heroes were very obedient, and soon quieted down.

Afterwards, the Yuan Sage turned to all the saints in his position and said: "The old man is willing to accept the supervision of the saints. If the old man is selfish, please don't show mercy to the saints. The old man must be willing to accept sanctions from the saints."

The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist smiled slightly, and said: "The Daoist Yuan now masters the way of life, which can be said to be unmatched. It is rare that a Daoist friend can maintain such a courteousness. Compared with it, I am ashamed of it. "At this point, the conversation changed again and said: "However, Yuan Taoist Fellow Shi just said that the ascetics seek coexistence with the planet and the universe, and then seek immortality. However, the ascetics first asked for it. Shouldn’t it be an understanding of one thought? If there is hatred in your heart that cannot be stretched out, how should you cultivate this way?"

Yuan Sheng immediately said: "Tao Ancestor's words are extremely true, and Dao Ancestor, if you ask this question, do you want to believe that the old man gave up hatred in his heart? The old man also knows that it is not only Dao Ancestor who has this suspicion on the scene. It is just Dao Ancestor you. I asked...but the old man really has something to say. If the Taoism is distributed in its own way today, Taoist Fellow Xiao Ling controls the time and heaven. You must know how difficult it is to realize this time. What is the meaning of time? It's just that. Is time passing by?"

Xiao Ling said: "What needs to be grasped in the Way of Time is not the passage of time, but the origin of time, why it rises, and where it will go. But these are all simple truths. The true meaning is extremely complicated, and it is difficult to say clearly. !"

Yuan Shengdao: "Thank you Xiao Ling for his explanation. All saints should also know that it is difficult to master every kind of heavenly way. The profound meanings in it are endless for seven days and seven nights. Although the heroes present did not master this heavenly way. Power, but you should also understand some of its principles and meanings. Then, the old man has mastered the path of life. Is the path of life the path of hate? If the old man is immersed in hate, but does not understand the true meaning of life, may he master the path of life?"

"The old man has participated in the research in the heaven of life for a long time, has studied the true meaning of life, understood all the meaning that life gives us, and finally got it. What life gives us is by no means hatred. It is gratitude and gratitude for everything on this planet. .Be grateful for everything the universe has given us, grateful for the sky, the earth, the light, the air we absorb, the aura, and the suitable temperature, etc. This set of ecological balance is combined with the immune system in our body, That’s how life exists. Hatred is only one of the seven emotions and six desires. If you want to be detached, the first thing you must put down is...Hate!"

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Luo Jun applauded again. He felt that he was about to believe Yuan Sheng's words, and he said it was too reasonable. Too convincing...

He applauded, and the heroes also cheered and applauded!

The Taishang Daozu and others whispered again in the position of honor.

Obviously, they have their own thinking and will not be brought into rhythm by the applause of the crowd.

At the same time, Luo Jun, who took the lead in applause, was also caught in the eyes of Taishang Daozu and others. They saw that it was Luo Jun who took the lead in applauding twice, so they also locked Luo Jun with their breath.

Luo Jun didn't know that he had attracted the attention of Taishang Daozu and others, but he thought in his heart: "My leading applause will not cause any bad effects. If I don't applaud, there will naturally be others applauding."

After that, Yuan Sheng said: "The old man's words have already been said. Next, how should I go to the immortal world? The old man doesn't count. Daozu is the ear of our immortal world. Everything depends on what Daozu said. We have asked Daozu to speak. !"

In this speech session, Yuan Sheng had communicated with Taishang Dao friends.

So soon, Yuan Sheng retired.

The Taishang Dao Ancestor's figure flashed, and he came to the high platform.

The heroes all admired the Taishang Dao ancestor very much, so as soon as he came on stage, everyone spontaneously warmly applauded and welcomed him.

After the applause stopped, Taishang Taoist ancestor said with a smile: "Pan Dao has not come out in Daluo Mountain for hundreds of years. In this immortal world, all fellow Taoists still remember Pang Dao. Pang Dao feels honored and flattered. !"

"Taozu, you are too humble. After a thousand years, ten thousand years, we will always remember you." Luo Jun said loudly: "It is a thousand years. After ten thousand years, we may have turned to dust. But you must still be there. In Daluo Mountain, watch this mundane world!"

"That's it!" Everyone agreed, saying nice things.

Luo Jun has become the rhythm master of the audience.

How do you know that at this moment, the Taishang Taoist ancestor suddenly looked at Luo Jun and said, "This fellow Taoist, the one who led the applause of Yuan Daoist for the first two times in the poor Taoist temple is you, and now you are standing up again to cheer for the poor Taoist. It’s just that the poor way looks at you, but you are a little stunned. I don’t know where the friends and teachers are?"

Luo Jun was startled.

I didn't expect Tai Shang Dao Zu to come to such a place at all.

Isn't this cheating?

It seems that you should not forget to be proud of it!

"The younger generation's surname is Xianyuan. As for the ancestors, it is really hard to say, because the master said that the younger generation is stubborn, so you can't say his name, so as not to humiliate the teacher!" Luo Jun has always been quick and wise, and naturally will not be embarrassed by the Taoist ancestors too high. live. He rose in the air and said deeply, "Please forgive me, Dao Ancestor! The younger generation is grateful!"

Taishang Daozu touched a soft nail, and it was hard to say anything at this time.

Because the other party is here to flatter himself without offending himself. In addition to being so polite and courteous, under this big crowd, if his dignified ancestor continues to entangle him, he will appear to have lost his demeanor.

Na Yuan Yuxian and Yuan Sheng were very satisfied with Luo Jun's first two rhythms.

But at this time, they are not incomprehensible to bring rhythm to Taishang Daozu. It's just that when Taishang Dao Ancestor clicked it out, their hearts suddenly became very annoyed. The situation is so good that it will be ruined by you kid at once.

But Luo Jun's witty response, they quickly breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, Luo Jun is very particular about this response. First of all, let's talk about Gu Xianyuan...that's not lying. This time he pretended to be Gu Xianyuan... Lie to Dao Ancestor in public, and the consequences would be serious.

At the same time, Luo Jun did not reveal that he was a person from the temple.

Therefore, in this response, as long as Dao Ancestor does not delve into it, there will be no problems. Waiting for this matter, and then running away, it is considered deadly inconsistent.

At the moment, even if he delves into it, Luo Jun is not a lie.

Taishang Daozu smiled at Luo Jun and said, "Okay, thank you fellow Daoist."

Luo Jun continued: "The younger generation took the lead in cheering before, because they admire the senior Yuansheng’s ability, yet so high-handedness, everything comes from the heart. Right now I praise Dao ancestors, and I really admire Dao ancestors in my heart. Although the younger generations The talents are small and the learning is shallow, and the cultivation base is low. But the seniors present here are all people who the juniors admire very much."

The point of these remarks is that it doesn't leak!

Originally, the Taoist ancestor Tai Shang said that Luo Jun took the lead in cheering for Yuan Sage two times before, and the heroes were still wondering whether this guy was the support of Yuan Sage. But right now, Luo Jun said so, and the heroes couldn't help thinking, yeah, if it was a trust, why did he do so much to praise Dao ancestors and expose himself?

Yuan Yuxian squeezed a sweat in the dark, feeling that this servant is really an unreasonable, bold master. If you want to try again and again on the verge of death, aren't you afraid of playing it?

But she also knew that this guy did have a quick wit, and finally handled this matter perfectly.

The Taoist ancestor was too high to say anything, and he began to think that this guy might not be a trust. Then there is such a trick!

At the moment, he smiled slightly and said, "Okay, fellow daoists, please go back to your seat!"

Luo Jun saluted again, and then returned to his seat.

For some reason, his mood seems to have relaxed a lot recently. By Yuansheng's side, I don't worry about being exposed.

Probably, you don't need to be Luo Jun.

It seems that there is no need to carry the things that Luo Jun should do for a moment.

Here, no one really knows himself.

So it seems that you can do whatever you want.

Don't be afraid of things, do whatever you want, this is his nature!

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