Super Security in the City

Chapter 3877: Lu Ya come again

Luo Jun took advantage of the good weather in the morning and ran to the back mountain where Emperor Fuxi was practicing.

The cave in the back mountain is called Hetu Cave, which is a forbidden place. Emperor Fuxi once ordered that no one enters. For so many years, no one has violated this ban.

The scenery of the back mountain is magnificent and beautiful, and Hetu Cave is just a cave in the continuous mountains. The outside of the cave is full of vines...

The periphery here is also often cleaned, so it is also very clean.

The big stone gate of Hetu Cave is tightly closed.

Luo Jun came to Dashimen and touched Dashimen with his hands.

In Xuanyuantai's memory, this big stone gate had also been touched before. Back then, I could feel that there was nothing special about the big stone gate, it was just an ordinary stone gate. But even this ordinary Shimen, no one dared to push it away.

Emperor Fuxi was extremely majestic and a benevolent master.

His cultivation is beyond doubt.

It's just that now, Fuxi the Great hasn't appeared for too long. The people outside still don't think so, but the people in the heavens have a deep feeling, and the awe of Fuxi the Great in their hearts is slowly diminishing. Everyone is a little doubtful, is there something wrong with Fuxi the Great?

It is not only the heavenly people who hold this idea, but also the saints outside.

Yuan Sheng also wanted to figure out Emperor Fuxi...

Luo Jun stood in front of the Dashimen, and wanted to push the Dashimen aside, and then went in to take a look. But this decision is not easy to make...

After thinking about it for a long time, he secretly said: "From the memory of Xuanyuantai, Emperor Fuxi is the Lord of Humanity and Righteousness! It is impossible to condemn me because I destroyed his stone gate. No matter what, go in and take a look."

He was originally a bold master, and he didn't have such awe of Fuxi Great Emperor in his heart. So at this moment, the decision was made, and the big stone gate was really pushed open slowly.

After pushing open the stone gate, there is a dark corridor inside.

Sunlight can't shine into this darkness.

Shimen didn't seem to be fortified, but it was impossible to use the void shuttle inside. So if you want to get in, you must open the Shimen.

Luo Jun then entered the dark and damp corridor.

The darkness in the tunnel is hard to see through the eyes of the Luo army. He originally wanted to use the Big Sky Eye Technique, but after thinking about it, it was too aggressive. So he was patient and walked forward to discredit.

He could feel that there was a kind of mist in the tunnel, which was blocking people's sight, and it made the molecules in the tunnel and the magnetic field become extremely chaotic. It is precisely because of this chaos that makes people unable to travel in the void.

In Xuanyuantai's memory, Xuanyuantai had never entered this Hetu Cave. Therefore, Luo Jun is not familiar with this Hetu Cave at all, let alone how long this tunnel is...

I originally thought that this corridor would be there after a short walk.

After all, how big can the entire back mountain be?

Unexpectedly, after walking for half an hour in the slander, this tunnel still didn't mean to go through. Luo Jun couldn't stand it now, and began to feel something was wrong. I'm afraid there is a hidden law of space in this tunnel.

And this darkness shielded Luo Jun's perception of the law of space!

Originally, this Hetu Cave was the place where Emperor Fuxi retreats. Luo Jun began to come in, but also cautiously, not daring to fly easily. He didn't dare to release his divine thoughts, and fired indiscriminately. But now, it seems that it’s impossible not to move a little mana and spirituality...

When the spirit of thought was released, I instantly felt that this corridor was endless, as if it directly led to the sea of ​​stars. "Sure enough, there are laws of space. The laws of space are chaotic, invisible and ignorant. It's not easy to investigate!" Luo Jun's figure flew forward with lightning, flying out more than 10,000 miles in an instant.

But this was useless at all, Luo Jun felt that he was still in place. The so-called flying out of thousands of miles is just a feeling. I can’t break through the magical space law in front of me...

"The emperor is on the top, subordinate Xuanyuantai, I want to see you if you have important matters!" Luo Jun didn't dare to do anything brutally, so he knelt on one knee in the dark, holding his fist to see you.

He shouted several times, but there was no response.

"I'll go!" Luo Jun cursed secretly, and said in his heart: "This is fun. Not only will I not see Emperor Fuxi, I might even be trapped inside."

At this time, Luo Jun was not in a hurry to explore, but began to sit cross-legged, sensing the situation around him.

He didn't believe that, Fuxi Great Emperor could trap him in any tunnel!

If it weren't for fear that this was the retreat of Emperor Fuxi, Luo Jun had thought about destroying this corridor.

But I also knew in my heart that most of them couldn't be destroyed. The most wonderful part of this tunnel is that it seems ordinary, but the more you explore it, the more unusual it feels. Luo Jun has seen countless laws of space, and they are the laws of space laid down by masters like Taoist Lu Ya, he also thinks that there are traces to follow, as long as you give it some time, you can break it.

Partial life is the law of space in front of us, and it has almost reached the point of returning to the original. It’s just that there is no space law in it anymore. Ordinary masters cannot feel the law of space, which is normal. But at the level of Luo Jun's cultivation, he still can't feel it, which is enough to show how powerful this spatial law is.

Luo Jun patiently sensed his surroundings, and in his divine consciousness, he felt that the tunnel was full of cold mist.

When I looked closely, I noticed that the cold mist was full of very fine particles.

Reaching out and grabbing, those cold fog particles immediately turned into ordinary fog.

No matter how much I feel it, I suddenly feel that these cold mists are ordinary mists, without any special features.

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, thinking it was really evil.

So he stood up again, and when he ceased to sense it carefully, the cold fog changed into an incomparably mysterious and mysterious space law.

"Interesting, just like thinking. Once someone pays attention, it immediately becomes an ordinary fog. Once you don't pay attention, it immediately forms a complex space law. Because of attention..."

Luo Jun soon had an idea, emptied his mind, didn't think about anything, and closed his eyes and walked forward.

He continued to walk inside.

After walking out for a while, I suddenly felt light appearing in front of me.

He opened his eyes and saw the entrance of the cave.

But it was the cave where he came in, the big stone gate was still the big stone gate.

Luo Jun remembered that there were no bends and turns in this corridor. He was walking forward all the way. It stands to reason that the farther you go in, the farther you are from this exit. How come back to this exit?

At this moment, he was puzzled.

But right now there was no other way, so I had to leave the stone cave first, and then closed the big stone gate.

The sun is shining outside, and there are green mountains and green waters all around.

Luo Jun couldn't help opening his mouth and taking a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the light was so beautiful. In that tunnel, for a moment, he felt that he would be trapped in it forever.

Fortunately, it came out smoothly.

"I thought it was easy to meet Fuxi the Great, but now it seems to be extremely difficult!" Luo Jun sighed.

After all, this matter is still in a hurry, you have to take it slowly.

Later, Luo Jun returned to Xuanyuan Palace.

That weird tunnel was always in his mind.

"How did you get the law of space? I thought I was well-informed and knowledgeable, having walked through thousands of mountains and waters, across the stars and the sea. How could I still encounter this incomprehensible space? The law? This world is so big that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the world!"

Luo Jun sat cross-legged on the bed and fell into a long period of contemplation.

There is no way to understand the joints.

For three consecutive days, Luo Jun didn't want to understand.

And Princess Longji and the others have never come back, which is also normal, and they are not so fast on their way.

But on this day, Luo Jun’s trouble came again.

That is... Taoist Lu Ya started shouting outside Zhong Lingshan again.

"Sanxian Luya, worship Fuxi the Great!" Na Luya shouted outside: "Pan Dao knows that the Great Emperor is still in retreat, so he dare not offend easily. But Pian Dao also knows that Xuanyuantai has returned to Zhongling Mountain. .Xuanyuantai killed my apprentice Feng Xian before, and insulted my female disciple Guan Qing after. Pang Dao had to be offended today and wanted to enter this Zhongling Mountain. The Emperor knew about today’s affairs in the future, please forgive Lu Qiang this Fan's reckless crime!"

Luo Jun was taken aback. He never expected that Lu Ya would find him, and would still run into Zhong Ling Mountain.

This Lu Ya has the ability to enter Zhong Lingshan, but Yuan Yuxian may not have this ability.

Luo Jun couldn't think much now, so he drank loudly and went back: "Fucking, Lu Ya, you are not going to go away, you are endless, right? Hugh will enter this Zhongling Mountain to offend my great emperor. You wait. Now, I will come out now to settle grievances with you!"

Not too afraid of Lu Ya, after all, there is Yuan Yuxian to help!

"Okay, Pindao is waiting for you!" Lu Ya snorted coldly.

Luo Jun didn't think much, his figure flashed, and he quickly entered the enchantment.

Ten minutes later, he flew out of that level of enchantment and came to the outside of Zhong Ling Mountain.

Lu Ya had guarded this periphery long ago, and as soon as Luo Jun appeared, he flashed over.

Daoist Lu Ya is still the same, dressed in a Tsing Yi Dao gown, with a handsome face, and he looks only in his thirties.

Luo Jun didn't bother to be polite with Lu Ya. He sneered at the moment, and said, "Your excellency is really a dog nose. It didn't take long for me to come back. You found it. How did your excellency know I'm here?"

Taoist Lu Ya coldly snorted, and said, "That day, you stayed in the sacred realm of Slashing Immortals in Poor Dao. Poor Dao refined your breath. No matter where you go to the end of the world, Pin Dao can track you accurately."

"Don't brag!" Luo Jun said: "I have been walking for so long, if you can find me, why didn't you find me before?"

Taoist Lu Ya was dumbfounded, and then he also murmured in his heart. Because he did refine Luo Jun's breath early, but in the past few months, it was like seeing a ghost, and he couldn't find this guy's breath. Or recently, he suddenly felt Luo Jun's breath again, and then quickly found him.

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