Super Security in the City

Chapter 3883: Heavenly Court

In Yuan Yuxian's eyes, a person like Xuanyuantai should be like an ant, and she would not pay attention to the nine-layered man in the creation realm. But by the way, this Xuanyuantai has repeatedly said something frivolous than her, this time it was even too much, and he was so brave enough to do it.

The kiss in it made her extremely disgusted. But after the disgust, there was a strange feeling again, unclear, unclear.

She couldn't wait to cut this Xuanyuantai with thousands of swords, but seeing him cultivate so seriously right now, a strange feeling arose in her heart. She herself didn't quite understand why she had such a strange feeling.

"Do I really fall in love with him? How could it be possible!" Yuan Yuxian annoyed that he could have such a ridiculous idea.

Ten days later, Yuan Yuxian's injuries finally healed.

In the past ten days, Luo Jun had been studying the Heaven-Slaying Talisman with great concentration, and had not had any verbal communication with Yuan Yuxian, let alone said anything that was frivolous than her.

On this day, Yuan Yuxian said to Luo Jun, who was sitting cross-legged, "My injury has been healed. You can go back to Zhong Lingshan."

Luo Jun opened his eyes to look at Yuan Yuxian, smiled slightly, and said: "I thought you were going to kill me, you have been waiting!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I have already sworn, you don't have to worry. Moreover, I don't want to mention this matter again, I hope you don't mention it again." Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay!" After a pause, he said: "But you said that when I reach the realm of a saint, I can marry you. Does that count?"

Yuan Yuxian said indifferently: "Will you still look at me when you reach the realm of saints?"

Luo Jun said: "Then how can I look down on it, sister Yuxian, you are the lover of my dreams. I'm in the realm of a saint, maybe you'll be there early. When the time comes, our husband and wife will join hands and we will definitely be invincible!"

Yuan Yuxian tried to endure the disgust in his heart, and said: "Okay, I look forward to the day you arrive in the realm of the saint. If you do arrive, I will consider it."

"Just thinking about it? This is too flexible." Luo Jun said.

Yuan Yuxian said: "I said to consider, it is already my greatest tolerance for you. Things in the future, I will talk about it in the future."

Luo Jundao: "Well, for your words, Sister Yuxian, I promise to change my mind and be a good man from now on. I will never do those sordid things, because I have never fallen in love with a girl before. There is no awe. But now it is different..."

After being silent for a moment, Yuan Yuxian said: "Whatever you want!"

Luo Jun smiled in his heart, then got up again and said: "This Heaven Extinguishing Talisman is a good thing, but I won't really take it for myself. I need to study it carefully. I will give it back to you when I get it through. ."

"No need!" Yuan Yuxian said.

Luo Jun said: "That's a must. I didn't give you any good things. How can I still want your things."

Yuan Yuxian was a little helpless, and said: "It's up to you!"

After that, Luo Jun and Yuan Yuxian left the deserted island and flew towards Tianzhou.

Two days later, Luo Jun returned to Zhong Ling Mountain.

Yuan Yuxian is still waiting outside Zhongling Mountain.

After returning, Luo Jun found that Princess Longji and her group had also returned.

Princess Longji and the group soon knew that Luo Jun was back. They were quite surprised at Luo Jun's return, because they thought that Luo Jun had been killed by the Taoist Lu Ya.

Xian Yulong was the first to ran to Xuanyuan Palace to see Luo Jun.

In the side hall, Luo Jun and Xian Yulong talked about the wine. Xian Yulong first said embarrassedly: "Brother Xuanyuan, you know me, people are quiet. So I didn't speak for you last time. Please don't blame me."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "What is to blame? If you provoke a powerful enemy like Taoist Lu, it will be too late for me to tell you. I am very surprised that you haven't fallen into trouble. For a friend like you, I have settled it. ."

Xian Yulong stayed for a while, then laughed and said, "Aren't we friends long ago?"

After that, he asked Luo Jun again: "By the way, Brother Xuanyuan, how did you escape in the hands of Taoist Lu Ya last time? I heard that once Taoist Lu Ya's Zhanxian flying knife is shot, no one can escape."

Luo Jun said nonchalantly: "It's not that mysterious either. His Slashing Immortal Flying Knife was shot at me, but I avoided it. His record of no false hairs has been broken."

"Really?" Xian Yulong opened his eyes wide, his expression unbelievable.

Luo Jundao: "Of course."

You don’t need to pay taxes anyway!

"Then how did you escape?" Xian Yulong still couldn't help asking.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "Let's tell you that, I still have some friends out there. Last time I got help from a friend, and I escaped smoothly. As for who my friend is, it's hard to tell you."

Xian Yulong was startled, and then said: "Understand!"

While chatting with Xian Yulong was hot, Princess Longji sent a guard over there.

"Master Xuanyuan, the princess would like to please!" The guard said respectfully when seeing Luo Jun and Queen Xian Yulong.

Luo Jun felt a little in his heart, and said secretly: "Does this little lady want to drive Lao Tzu away?"

"Okay, I'll go over right away!" Luo Jun said to the guard. The guard retired...

Luo Jun said to Xian Yulong: "I'm going to see the princess first."

Xian Yulong said: "I don't know how the princess will deal with this matter, Brother Xuanyuan, after seeing the princess, don't be too impulsive!"

Luo Jundao: "I know!"

He soon left Xuanyuan Palace, and then headed towards the Yunxiao Palace.

When I came to the Palace of Clouds, I saw a maid greeted by the palace. With the maid entering the garden first, and walking through the garden, she came to a side hall.

This is not an official meeting, so Princess Longji did not meet in the main hall.

Princess Longji sat on the top, wearing a light green skirt, and a cold and beautiful face, it was exceptionally pure and moving.

She is like a snow lotus in the Tianshan Mountains that has never been contaminated with red dust!

Luo Jun bowed and said, "See Your Highness!"

Princess Longji had already retreated everyone, and there were only two people in this side hall, she and Luo Jun. She raised her eyes to Luo Jun, her eyes were light and light, and said: "No gift!"

Luo Jun straightened up.

Princess Longji said: "I don't know how you escaped from Taoist Lu, and I don't care about it. To tell you the truth, we all thought you were dead, so we didn't think about the follow-up. But now, You came back alive, then..."

Luo Jun screamed secretly in his heart.

Princess Longji paused and said, "The evil you do outside, I can't ignore it as the person in charge of the temple today. You should know that your actions are against the rules of our heavenly court."

Zhong Lingshan is...Heavenly Court!

It was Luo Jun's brilliant plan, but at this moment he didn't know how to answer.

The key to this is not to be strong.

If it hadn't been assigned by Yuan Sheng, he would not run back licking his face.

"You shouldn't be back." Princess Longji said word by word.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Jun said: "I was so kind to the emperor that year, so I didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye. I came back this time to tell the emperor everything. After I met the emperor, I would leave. Heavenly Court."

Princess Longji was startled slightly. Although she was cold-tempered, she was not a fool. He couldn't help but glanced at Luo Jun, as if he wanted to figure out what Luo Jun's purpose was.

"Mr. Xuanyuan doesn't seem to be a long-term person. Do you think I can believe it?" Princess Longji said, "You were chased by Taoist Lu Ya. There should be no way to survive. Now you are back suddenly. Could it be that people colluded with outsiders and want to be against the emperor, right?"

Luo Jun was taken aback, thinking this Nizi is really Bingxue smart!

"There is absolutely no such thing!" Luo Jun quickly denied.

"With or without, you can go!" Princess Longji said: "If you are really interested, you can come again after the emperor leaves the customs in the future. If the emperor is willing to forgive you at that time, you can also stay. But now , I have to follow the rules of the heavenly court."

"I still miss this place. I can leave tomorrow, right?" Luo Jun rolled his eyes and then said to Princess Longji.

Princess Long Ji stared at Xuanyuan Terrace, but did not speak.

Luo Jun said, "His Royal Highness, you were only eight years old when you first came to Heavenly Court. You called me Uncle Xuanyuan at that time. I also hugged you... No matter what evil I did outside, I always cared for you, Your Highness. Yes. Don’t I want to stay one day longer? You really don’t read about your old feelings?"

Princess Long Ji was taken aback, as if she was also thinking of those things in the past. After that, she waved her hand and said: "Tomorrow dawn, you can go!"

Luo Jun quickly thanked him, and then retreated.

After leaving the Palace of Clouds, Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Things are really tricky right now, and the tricky thing is that you can't do it recklessly. This is not a place where magic power is strong or weak...this place, it is actually difficult for oneself to stay.

If they stay forcibly, all of them will guard against themselves, which is very unfavorable.

Although it was difficult, Luo Jun was not discouraged. Think about how many difficulties and obstacles Luo Jun has experienced in his life, life and death... and how much despair and helplessness he has experienced... this little difficulty in front of him, what counts?

If he really left like this, it wouldn't be his character.

Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian would also look down on him.

If you can't solve these problems, what are you going to talk about to do big things?

Luo Jun returned to Xuanyuan Palace first.

Xian Yulong did not leave... has been waiting for Luo Jun. Luo Jun suspected that there was a raging gossip in his heart. I guess I just want to know what Princess Longji said to herself...

"Brother Xuanyuan..." Xian Yulong said, "His Royal Highness has nothing to do with you, right?"

Luo Jundao: "Sit first!"

After the two of them were seated, Luo Jun sighed and said, "His Royal Highness wants me to leave."

"This..." Xian Yulong was taken aback.

Luo Jun said: "I have followed the emperor since I was young. This Heavenly Court has always been my home. Now I want to leave here. How can I be willing?"

Xian Yulong said: "Hey, how can this be good?"

After taking a deep breath, Luo Jun said: "Brother Long, I want to ask you one thing!"

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