Super Security in the City

Chapter 3885: Long Ji was arrested

Luo Jun's words about Yuan Yuxian now are frivolous, not to agree with Xuanyuantai's own character. It's purely an expression of his slutty character in his bones... When he was himself, he was a man with a wife, children, and countless responsibilities. So it's natural to be serious.

But in the deepest nature of his heart, he is a person who likes to be garish.

What makes him a little bit distressed now is that the people at Xuanyuantai are really not good at it. Moreover, the length is not handsome, and the character is not good. It completely affects his performance... If he is the main body appearance and the character of the main body, it will not be as difficult as it is now. Fortunately, he didn't really want to pursue Yuan Yuxian, so no matter how Yuan Yuxian disliked him, he wouldn't be really sad about it.

But at this time, the look still needs to be done.

So he went silent, pretending to be injured.

Yuan Yuxian said afterwards, "I know what you want me to cooperate with. You can go now."

Luo Jun said: "Okay!" Then he left.

After Yuan Yuxian waited for Luo Jun to leave, his heart was disgusted and irritable. She didn't understand why she was so irritable... always felt that something was wrong there. She really hated this Xuanyuantai's repeated frivolity. It used to be pure disgust... Now there is another emotion, that is irritability.

Unspeakable irritability!

It's like... the true meaning of a thing is not so, there is nothing left to figure out.

She couldn't see her heart clearly.

After Luo Jun returned to Zhong Lingshan, the days calmed down again as always.

Luo Jun also told Yuan Yuxian not to act immediately. At least some days...otherwise, as soon as he went out, Yuan Yuxian came over here. It's easy to be suspicious...

Twenty days later, Yuan Yuxian came as scheduled and shouted from the periphery of Zhongling Mountain: "Under the Ye Shengmen of the Sea of ​​Nether Blood, lean to the left under the order of Ye Sheng, come to visit the Emperor Fuxi, and ask the Emperor to allow the meeting. The younger generation has important things talk over!"

She shouted several times in succession, and then waited patiently.

Princess Longji immediately summoned everyone, and Luo Jun also followed to Yunxiao Palace.

Princess Longji first asked everyone: "Is there this leftist under Ye Shengmen?"

The old man with black beard said: "That Ye Sheng is the most mysterious. Who is in the sea of ​​blood is unknown to anyone. But since the other party said that he wants to see our emperor, it should not be a fake. Would you like to invite in to meet? "

"Of course not!" Luo Jun immediately objected, saying: "What if it is a fake? What if there is a fraud? I think it is enough to send a general out to ask. Then he said that the emperor does not see foreigners! "

The old man white beard said: "I think Brother Xuanyuan's words are feasible!"

"No!" Princess Long Ji said solemnly: "Now the situation in the entire fairy world is delicate. I have heard that Ye Sheng is a righteous saint who has been running for the fairy world. Since she has sent someone to see you Maybe something really important."

Luo Jundao: "But I'm afraid, this leftist is not Ye Sheng's person! Or I will meet..."

"You..." Princess Long Ji glanced at Luo Jun and said, "Absolutely not!"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly in his heart, and said secretly: "Is this little Nizi worried that Laozi will be indecent to Yuan Yuxian?"

After that, Princess Longji said: "The last time Taoist Lu Ya came, I went out to meet. This time I should go to see you first. There is no need to bring in, because the emperor has been in retreat all the time."

"You don't have to worry, there is a great emperor in this heaven, and there is also a lady Nuwa, no one dares to come and wait for me to be embarrassed! The Taoist Lu Ya still dare not make a mistake." Princess Longji said afterwards.

After she set the tone like this, everyone didn't say much anymore.

Then, Princess Longji went out of the enchantment and went to see Yuan Yuxian.

Everyone was observing the situation outside in Zhongling Mountain...It was not good to all go out to meet each other, and it would seem a little bit of a slap in the face of an enemy.

Yuan Yuxian had been waiting, and she was afraid that it was not Princess Longji that came out. If it weren't for Princess Longji, it would be embarrassing.

When she saw Princess Longji coming out, she also let go of her heart.

Princess Longji came to Yuan Yuxian, looked up and down first, then clasped her fists and said, "Longji!"

Yuan Yuxian also clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that it is the princess, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

Princess Longji was cold and cold, and said: "Ok, I don't know if Miss Zuo is here this time?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I am Ye Sheng's disciple. This time my master sent me to discuss with the emperor. The emperor studied Hetu and Luoshu, and there are extraordinary changes in this immortal world. Therefore, the emperor still needs to participate in this matter to clear up doubts for my master!"

Princess Long Ji said: "I'm really sorry for this. Our emperor has been in retreat for a long time, and we have also explained that no outsiders will meet. Please also tell Ye Sheng, this is a favor, we can't help."

"This is really important!" Yuan Yuxian pretended to be unwilling to say, "I don't know if you can let me in? Maybe the emperor will meet after I know it?"

Princess Longji shook her head and said, "I'm really sorry, the emperor has never seen anyone! Please come back, girl!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "This matter is about the life and death of the immortal world, and the life and death of the immortal world is not a matter for my master alone. Your Royal Highness, please think of the common people!"

Princess Longji said: "If the emperor is here, I will definitely introduce you to you, but now, the emperor is in retreat, and no one should be disturbed."

Yuan Yuxian sighed, looking extremely disappointed.

Princess Longji said again: "Sorry!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I have something here, but the master wants me to transfer it to the emperor." After saying that, he took out something. It was a black token...

"This thing is my enchantment order in the nether blood sea!" Yuan Yuxian continued: "With this order, I can see my master in the nether blood sea. Please..."

"But I don't know when the emperor will leave the barrier!" Princess Longji said.

Yuan Yuxian said: "Then wait until the emperor exits the customs before handing in. When will you leave the customs, when will you give it."

Princess Longji said: "Okay!"

After speaking, he took the black token.

Yuan Yuxian said: "Then I will leave!"

Princess Longji clasped her fists and said: "Goodbye!" At this moment, something happened suddenly... the black token in her palm suddenly burst, and a black electric current quickly rushed towards her arm.

This supernatural power is surprisingly fast.

Princess Longji was shocked, and immediately ran the powerful mana to cover the black current.

But at this time, Yuan Yuxian also shot.

She gathered the power of Tianyuan and quickly pointed to Princess Longji's heart.

Princess Longji retreated with lightning, and waved her sleeves, trying to block Yuan Yuxian's finger. But Yuan Yuxian's finger strength was extremely terrifying, directly breaking through the supernatural power of her sleeves, and hitting her heart.

At that moment, Princess Longji's whole body was bombarded by thunder and lightning, and her internal organs were also severely injured.

She lost her strength in an instant, and she collapsed!

Yuan Yuxian grabbed Princess Longji into the magic treasure bag, and then left with lightning.

Princess Longji is the nine-fold peak cultivation base of the creation realm, and the magic weapon Qingluan Douque. Although Yuan Yuxian has a higher cultivation base than Princess Longji, it is still impossible to win quickly. This time, it was a complete sneak attack.

Luo Jun and the others observed inside and immediately found that Princess Longji was attacked by the opponent. They have all eaten up, and quickly chased after them.

Although their speed is very fast, after running out of the enchantment, there has been no trace of the scene long ago.

Not even a trace of breath can be found.

The sky and the earth are so big that there is no trace of Princess Longji at all.

"How can this be good?" The masters were dumbfounded outside the barrier.

Luo Jun first attacked, saying: "I'll just send someone out to see you, now..."

The old man with black beard also sighed and said: "The old man said the same thing, but His Royal Highness insisted on going out to meet by herself. What is the origin of this woman? Is it really under Ye Shengmen? What did the people under Ye Shengmen do with His Highness?"

"How could it be under Ye Shengmen?" Luo Jun said: "If Ye Shengmen really wants to do this, he will still sign up for it?"

"Oh, let's not talk about these useless things now." Old White Beard said: "The most important thing is how to rescue your Royal Highness!"

The empty spirit said: "We don't even know what the other party's background is, how can we save it? And that person's cultivation base is very high! It would be fine if the emperor is still there, and if the emperor is not there, we people can help. What's the matter!"

Beidou Zhenjun said: "That's it!"

Luo Jun was speechless, and said: "According to what you mean, do you leave it alone?"

"That's not okay!" The old man with black beard hesitated.

In fact, these people don't really want to worry about it.

Luo Jun immediately said with awe-inspiring justice: "His Royal Highness was the one we watched to grow up. How can we let her be in a dangerous situation and ignore it?"

Xian Yulong said, "Or, go to the Wa Palace and report to the Ming Nu Wa Empress. This matter seems to be beyond our ability."

Luo Jun was taken aback, and said: "Our group of elders were all fine, but let His Royal Highness be arrested. I'm afraid that we will be blamed if we get to the Nuwa Empress. I think it’s better not to disturb the Nuwa Empress. Now we have to try to figure out what is going on with the emperor, and the other party is targeting the emperor."

The old man Kurobe said: "But the emperor has been in retreat!"

The old man white beard said: "It's not a problem to keep in retreat like this!"

Luo Jun said: "We must figure out what happened to the emperor? Only after we figure out the emperor's situation can we decide what to do next. If something happens to the emperor, we have to report to the Empress Nuwa."

Beidou Zhenjun said: "I agree with Xuanyuantai's statement."

Everyone is now six gods without master, so they all agree to find the emperor. There was no sense of crisis before, but now I feel that the enemies are all at the door. Moreover, the opponent is strong and doesn't know the number of ways...

So next, everyone decided to go to Houshan to see the emperor.

Luo Jun also knew that none of them knew what was going on in the Hetu Cave in the back mountain.

Okay, just take them in. Anyway, in the end, the law does not blame the public!

This matter was resolved so logically. Luo Jun feels that he is simply too smart. With a little bit of tricks, everything will happen naturally!

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