Super Security in the City

Chapter 3899: Space heaven

The colorful vortex absorbs the dense fog of death and the energy around it!

After absorbing, these energies are integrated into the demon refining pot. The Demon Refining Pot is an extremely powerful magic weapon of the Nuwa Empress. It contains the world in the pot, the essence of heaven and earth, and it can refine all things.

At the beginning, the refining pot was particularly powerful for the refining of the fairies. Later, Empress Nuwa improved it, so now refining the demon pot can refining everything.

Just as Empress Nuwa was violently absorbing the surrounding energy and the fog of death... the man in red suddenly stepped back and fell into the fog of death.

Empress Nuwa was slightly startled. Then she felt a lot of dense fog of death rushing toward the colorful vortex quickly!

After a short while, the entire Holy Land of Death was absorbed by the Demon Refining Pot.

In the demon refining pot, the colorful colors travel brilliantly, as if the stars are all over the universe!

The thick black fog formed a huge monster in it.

The colorful essence turned into thousands of sword qi and slashed towards the huge monster...

At this moment, a figure suddenly spit out from the huge monster's mouth!

But it is the man in red!

The man in red rushed towards the sky, very fast.

Empress Nuwa immediately saw the man in red's intentions, and the man in red was about to break her demon refining pot from the inside.

At the moment, Empress Nuwa quickly used her divine power to gather the heaven and earth essence in the demon refining pot, and merged with the power of the colorful spar to kill the man in red.

The man in red slashed out a palm, and immediately, the death sacred realm also formed a black mist vortex, and once again strangled with the spirit of the demon pot.

After that, the man in red suddenly rushed out of all kinds of restraints, and directly came to a wall of the demon refining pot!

His body suddenly turned into infinite black particles, and those particles strangled the wall of the pot. In the blink of an eye, these particles formed a black sword with a thud...

Black Excalibur broke out of the wall!

The bright light from outside came in, and the demon refining pot broke open. Suddenly, all the essence of heaven and earth leaked out.

The internal pressure was too strong, and a gap appeared at this moment. No matter how strong the Nuwa Empress was, the gap in refining the demon pot could not be stopped at this time.


The demon refining pot exploded.

This extremely powerful heaven and earth artifact turned into nothingness in this instant.

Fragments fly wildly!

The man in red stood ten meters in front of Empress Nuwa, and the fog of death rose behind him.

The corner of Nu Wa Empress's mouth overflowed with blood.

When the demon refining pot burst open, she was injured again.

Because this refining demon pot is her life artifact.

The red-clothed man once again unfolded the death sacred realm, covering this area completely. After that, he culled again, splitting his palms.

The majestic holy power surrounds his palm.

Moreover, not only did he have holy power in his palm, but the holy power also contained the peculiar power of death.

Empress Nuwa's demon refining pot was broken, and it was impossible to leave at this time.

Moreover, all the disciples in the Wa Palace will suffer as well.

She has always been a hot and aggressive person, and she can't admit defeat. Besides, this man in red is still an unknown person... He also raised his palms and smashed them again and again.

The two sides once again cleaved more than ten hands!

The aftermath was fierce and shocked, and called the Eternal Soul Break, and the sky fell apart!

The death sacred realm of the man in red absorbs the aftermath of the surroundings, and now he is more powerful, and presses on the Nuwa Empress step by step.

Empress Nuwa's Holy Land of Good Fortune lost the support of the Demon Refining Pot, and at this time it was already quite weak.

The man in red slapped out two more palms, and the Nuwa Empress continued to back away, then spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing to continue like this, Empress Nuwa is about to die in the hands of the man in red.

After the man in red had the upper hand, the offensive became more fierce, and there was a state of swearing not to stop not killing the Nuwa Empress.

At the end of the day, at a time of crisis...

Empress Nuwa flashed a sharp light in her eyes, and the multicolored spar condensed in her palm, followed by a burst of multicolored holy power. The Holy Power surrounds the Heavenly Dao and the Divine Power... The power of the Heavenly Dao of Empress Nuwa is the Earth and Heavenly Dao, and countless earth elements appear in it.

It seems that the whole heaven and earth have become her help.

She smashed out with this palm, and immediately smashed with the palm of the man in red. The man in red immediately flew upside down, followed by a spurt of blood.

Blood spilled from the ghost mask.

Empress Nuwa wanted to catch the man in red, but at this moment, a black whirlpool appeared behind the man in red.

A handprint appeared in the whirlpool, and the man in red was caught.

Empress Nuwa wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The man in red escaped into the black whirlpool, and after that, the black whirlpool also disappeared.

At this moment, Empress Nuwa finally understood that the purpose of the man in red was not to kill her, but to force her to use the power of heaven.

Once the goal was achieved, the other party left immediately.

After the man in red left, there was a mess in the Wa Palace.

However, the damage is not severe, and it is easy to recover.

Na Xuan Yi, Cai Yi, and the other disciples of the Wa Palace had already known that this place had changed, but it was difficult for them to enter outside the palace.

Right now the Death Sacred Realm and Good Fortune Sacred Realm had been withdrawn, and they immediately rushed in nervously and concerned.

After they came in, they saw Empress Nuwa who was still in a snow-white dress, with clean and delicate makeup, not at all like she had just fought.

"Master..." Cai Yi said.

Xuan Yi asked with concern: "Master, what happened on earth?"

Empress Nuwa glanced at the disciples, and said lightly: "A mysterious man in red came here, no trace, and very strange when she left. Yuan Yuxian was also rescued..."

"This..." Cai Yi said in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

Xuan Yi said, "Master, are you okay?"

Empress Nuwa smiled faintly, and said, "It's okay!"

Then, she said: "This man in red appeared quite weird, and I need to go to Zhong Lingshan as a teacher. Here you come and clean it up!"

Cai Yi and Xuan Yi led all the disciples together and said, "Yes, Master!"

Xuan Yi remembered something, and then said, "Master, the man in red is so ghostly. If he comes to attack me after you leave, what should I do?"

Mother Nuwa said: "Don't worry, he has already gone far. If the teacher's guess is correct, he should have returned to the Yuansheng. The way he left is very strange. It seems that he is the Yuansheng in all likelihood. The black corpse around."

In Zhong Ling Mountain, a black shadow quickly entered it.

God does not know, ghosts do not know!

All the masters in Zhong Lingshan didn't know that someone had broken in.

The dark shadow followed to the Hetu Cave in the back mountain, and after a short while, he rushed through the spatial corridor, and then came to the center of the stone formation.

"Who?" Fuxi Great Emperor was shocked and asked loudly through the stone room.

The dark shadow didn't speak, but concentrated on cracking the stone formation.

After a while, the black shadow broke the stone formation.

After that, the man in black came to the front of Emperor Fuxi.

At this moment, Emperor Fuxi still has white beard and hair, and he is very old. The breath on his body seemed to be non-existent, with a sense of decay.

"Who are you? Yuan Sheng sent it?" Fuxi Great Emperor looked at the man in black with a look of horror, and said: "Or, you are the Yuan Sheng?"

The man in black didn't speak, and suddenly shot at Emperor Fuxi.

Emperor Fuxi suddenly performed his power, and at the same time he performed his power, a huge painful color flashed in his eyes, followed by a breath of blood. But he still has the power he wants to operate...

Raising your hand is the space heaven!

As a result, a turbulent wave appeared in front of the man in black.

It was obvious that Emperor Fuxi was right in front of him, but it was difficult for the people in black to touch the Emperor Fuxi.

The man in black ran and killed continuously in the power of the space heaven, but they were all trapped in the space heaven.

Although Emperor Fuxi worked very hard, he was able to trap the man in black steadily.

The man in black had a stalemate with Fuxi the Great for more than an hour, and Fuxi the Great was always sick, as if he couldn't support it at any time. But he can always breathe...The man in black suddenly felt that there was a crisis approaching from the outside world, and knew that it might be Nuwa coming...then his figure flashed, and he quickly withdrew from the space heaven.

Emperor Fuxi also wished him to retreat, and did not stop him.

Subsequently, the man in black left.

From beginning to end, he didn't say a word with Fuxi the Great.

Not long after, Empress Nuwa came to Zhongling Mountain. She came to the Hetu Cave in Houshan for the first time and met with Fuxi the Great.

At this time, Emperor Fuxi had returned to his original handsome appearance.

"Brother!" Empress Nuwa came to the opposite of Emperor Fuxi and sat cross-legged.

Emperor Fuxi smiled slightly and said: "They shot at you? I already feel that you have also used the power of heaven."

Empress Nuwa sneered, and said: "I now see Yuan Sheng's abacus, which is to force me to display the power of Heaven, and then deprive me of the power of Heaven. In that case, it is as he wishes!"

Emperor Fuxi was very grateful, and said: "Sister, thank you very much. I know that it is very distressing to let you abandon the earth and heaven."

Empress Nuwa said: "The old man in Hongchen doesn't even need his life for the sake of the entire fairy world. I'm just cooperating with the acting, and I will pay a little later.

Emperor Fuxi said: "Someone also came to me just now."

Empress Nuwa said: "I feel it."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I just don't know if this person and the one who shot you are the same person!"

Empress Nuwa said: "By no means! The person who worked with me has already left through a kind of human wormhole, and should have gone back to the Metaworld. There is absolutely no time in terms of time!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "How is that person's cultivation level? What are his physical characteristics?"

Mother Nuwa said: "A red dress and a ghost mask, she said nothing during the whole process. So if you want me to describe it, I can't describe anything. Its cultivation level is below me. But it doesn't make much difference... …If my estimation is correct, he should also have mastered the power of heaven. It’s just not willing to use it..."

Emperor Fuxi said: "The man in black who attacked me has an extremely strong cultivation base. If I try my best, I should be able to restrain him." After speaking, he took a breath and said: "This Yuansheng subordinate is really terrifying. Send two people at random and you can fight against you and me!"

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