Super Security in the City

Chapter 3907: Bai Qing

In this immortal world, to eat some mortal things, generally rune banknotes are used. Rune banknotes are universal, and Luo Jun has many rune banknotes in his hands.

So he didn't hesitate to order something to eat at the moment.

The environment in the restaurant is also very good, and the business is booming.

After Luo Jun came in, he found that there was no room left. Anyway, there was nothing left or right, so I sat down and waited for a while. He said to the shop's second person: "Give me when there is a place, no matter how many people are, leave it to me. You keep the money, you don't need to look for it!" After speaking, he grabbed the rune banknote and stuffed it into the shop's second person. In this Mochizuki Tower, there are about ten shopkeepers...

After receiving Luo Jun's money, the little second of the shop brightened his eyes, knowing that this is a high roller, and repeatedly agreed.

Xiaoer Dian quickly ran to find his leader.

The little leader ran over to receive Luo Jun himself, first arranged for Luo Jun to sit down at the counter, and then make tea. Luo Jun was also generous, and gave the little leader money... and said: "I'm a little anxious, can I order the food first? You let the chef do it for me first."

The little leader even said that there was no problem.

Luo Jun ordered a roast leg of lamb weighing ten catties, another fish in vinegar, and seven or eight other side dishes.

As for the wine, he didn't order it.

He has a very good fairy wine, and the fairy wine is frozen with the power of ice cold, and the aftertaste is endless.

After a while, a table was vacated over there. The shop's second person led Luo Jun to sit down, which made the other diners who were still waiting inevitably dissatisfied. But Xiaoer from the shop told them that Luo Jun had booked it earlier.

Those diners were helpless.

After Luo Jun took his seat, he took out a pot of fairy wine.

The pot of fairy wine is turquoise, very beautiful. When Luo Jun used his mana for a while, there was a cold air...the cold air was mixed with the aroma of wine, making the rest of the diners look at him.

Every drunkard smelled the smell of this wine, and couldn't help but move a lot of gluttons.

Soon two drinkers came up and said they wanted to buy Luo Jun's wine.

Luo Jun glanced at the two drinkers, chuckled, and said, "You also want to buy my wine? Do you know where this wine comes from?"

"Just about to ask!" a middle-aged alcoholic asked with a smile.

Luo Jundao: "My wine is called Yulu Wine, which is a good wine prepared by the Nuwa Empress when she banquets."

Do not brag about capital anyway.

The two drinkers' eyes lightened even more, and they said nice things to Luo Junlian, wanting to taste the fairy wine.

A lot of flattering came, Luo Jun felt extremely useful.

So he took out the wine glass and poured a glass for each of them.

"My wine is very powerful, and this glass is definitely enough for you. You'd better drink it slowly. Drink quickly. Don't blame me if you are drunk." Luo Jun said with a smile.

The two drinkers carefully held the glasses, and took a deep sip.

Just the taste is enough to make them intoxicated.

Immortal wine is an absolute panacea for mortals. These two drinkers are ordinary mortals, and they can prolong their lives for at least 20 years after drinking this wine.

The two drinkers thanked them again and again, and then drank them all.

After they finished drinking, they began to shake, almost drunk.

Therefore, the two people wanted to invite Luo Jun to dinner and so on.

At the same time, there were other drinkers coming around, and Luo Jun was really a little irritable.

He simply took out two jugs of wine and gave it to two of the drinkers headed by them, and said, "You can divide it by yourself. Don't bother me, all."

The two drinkers got the drink, and the other drinkers surrounded them.

Luo Jun finally got leisurely.

So he took out a pot of fairy wine again.

At exactly this time, the dishes he ordered came up one after another. Especially the huge roast leg of lamb, golden golden dripping, tender on the outside and tender on the inside, full of fragrance.

Luo Jun cut a large piece of meat with a knife, then dipped in some chili powder, and took a big bite. With that taste, the beautiful Luo Jun has forgotten all the troubles in the world. After taking another sip of ice wine, it relieves a lot of greasiness.

"Cool!" Luo Jun screamed and began to eat meat and drink.

Food is very important to living beings.

Appetite is a very important part of people's seven emotions and six desires.

As the saying goes, full of warmth and love.

This warmth precedes love, and many people think that they are love first, and can be desperate for love. But after I was really hungry and fainted, all I could think about was eating.

Luo Jun was eating vigorously, and at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"This big brother, can you make a table with you?" The voice is sweet and magnetic.

Luo Jun looked up and saw a young man in white standing opposite, looking at himself with a smile.

The young man in white was very handsome and wore a square scarf on his head.

Luo Jun can hardly tell whether this young man is a man or a woman. Could it be that the woman is pretending to be a man?

At the same time, Luo Jun also saw that the white youth had a subtle aura and was an absolute master. Moreover, the cultivation base does not seem to be under him. Luo Jun couldn’t tell what he was doing...

"There is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger in this immortal world!" Luo Jun secretly said: "His grandma is a ball, and he meets such a master casually."

"No!" Luo Jun simply rejected the white-clothed youth. He wanted to see if the other party was passing by or coming for himself.

He always felt that it was unlikely that he came for himself, because his identity was extremely secretive.

Facing Luo Jun's refusal, the white-clothed young man was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "When you go out, you are all friends. Why does the eldest brother refuse to be thousands of miles away?" While speaking, he already sat down.

Luo Jun’s mood of enjoying the food was immediately destroyed, and he secretly said: “I came to this fairyland and went to the restaurant twice. The first time I encountered Yang Jian’s stall, I met such a boy and girl again today. People. It seems that only the protagonist in the novel has this kind of treatment, and things happen as soon as he enters the inn."

"Let’s see what he is going to do with moths!" Luo Jun thought to himself, then smiled at the white-clothed youth, and said: "You are right, you are all friends when you go out. Come, drink and eat meat!"

After speaking, he cut a large piece of meat with a knife and handed it to the white-clothed youth, and poured a glass of fairy wine.

The white-clothed youth said: "Thank you!" After speaking, he took over the meat and wine.

Luo Jun observed carefully and found that the white-clothed youths eat meat quite gracefully.

"It will pay off in Xia Su!" Luo Jun said with a fist. He still used this name, which was an agreement with Suzhen Hei.

In my mind, I only said this name when I was fighting Yang Jian. If you can't overcome any big storms, if you meet Yang Jian, you will at most say that it is the same name and surname, anyway, he will not recognize it.

The white-clothed youth put down the meat and wine, clasped his fist and said, "Little brother Bai Qing!"

Luo Jun said, "Oh, it turned out to be Brother Bai."

He had never heard of this person, but he was not familiar with the immortal world, and it was normal if he didn't know.

Luo Jun asked Bai Qing again: "Where is Brother Bai's inheritance?"

Bai Qing said: "The younger brother is just an unknown scattered immortal in this immortal world. As for the ancestors, the master has given an explanation, so you can't disclose it at will, so please forgive me, elder brother!"

Luo Jun laughed and said: "Understandable!"

Bai Qing asked Luo Jun again: "That eldest brother's inheritance?"

Luo Jun said: "My master won't let me say it." Bai Qing was startled, and then said: "Understand!"

Soon he went through three rounds of wine.

The two also talked a bit, and Luo Jun asked Bai Qing what was going on in this Ban Ruozhou. Bai Qing said that there was nothing left and right, traveling around.

Afterwards, Bai Qing said again: "When I met my eldest brother, it was very kind, as if we knew each other in a previous life. How about we go together? If the eldest brother doesn't dislike it, the younger brother is willing to become a brother with the eldest brother!"

Luo Jun secretly wondered whether this product was too enthusiastic?

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

He coughed and said, "Well, you don't need to be a brother. After all, we are not familiar."

Bai Qing said: "So it's always okay to go in groups, right?"

Luo Jundao: "There is a private matter to deal with, it is inconvenient to get together."

Bai Qing said, "What's your personal matter? Can you help me?"

Luo Jun waved his hand again and again, saying: "No need, no need!"

A look of disappointment appeared on Bai Qing's face.

After eating, Luo Jun got up and said: "There are other affairs in the next, so I'm leaving."

Bai Qing had no choice but to get up and clasp his fists, saying, "I hope I can meet my eldest brother in the future."

Luo Jun smiled deeply and said: "If there is destiny, maybe we can see each other again soon."

Bai Qing was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "It will definitely happen."

After Luo Jun left Mochizuki Tower, the whole person felt weird, and even got some goose bumps on his back. I always feel that Bai Qing sees her eyes a bit strange...

Damn it, this guy who is neither male nor female, doesn't he like men? I like Lao Tzu, right?

When he thought of this, Luo Jun felt a chill, and wanted to escape this ghost place immediately.

At this moment, Bai Qing from the back rushed over again and shouted: "Big brother, wait a minute!"

Luo Jun recovered, a little impatient, and said: "What?"

Bai Qing stepped forward and said, "Big Brother has heard one thing?"

Luo Jun said: "It's boring, how do I know what you are talking about?"

Bai Qing said: "I heard that the king of the proud country is an old demon, called Dugu Bairen. Dugu Bairen likes to feed on the hearts, liver and brains of babies under three years old. In his palace, he caught a group of people. Women, who specialize in giving birth, never stop. Those women have had a miserable life and are pregnant almost every year."

When Luo Jun heard this, blood surged in his chest and said, "Really? Is there such a cruel thing?"

Bai Qing said: "I also heard about it, and I also know that Dugu Bairen's cultivation is very powerful, and there are many strange people around him. The younger brother wanted to rescue the poor women, but he was afraid that alone would not be strong enough. . So when I saw my eldest brother today, I wanted to do this with him."

Luo Jun said: "You are too ridiculous, I don't know you, so you dare to seek trouble with me?"

Bai Qing said, "It's also fate. I saw those alcoholic drinkers ask your eldest brother for a drink, eldest brother, you will share them with them without saying a word. It can be seen that you are a good-hearted person, eldest brother."

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