Super Security in the City

Chapter 3913: Unrepentant

Bai Qing's Inner Demon Sacred Realm is extremely tricky, and it is the white robe old man who has encountered such powerful people, and he is also very jealous.

Bai Qing condensed the Holy Realm of Inner Demon with all his strength, and gathered many Inner Demon into a fist!

At first glance, it looked like a black fist print, but inside the fist print was like howling a thousand ghosts, it was like a purgatory existence in the heavens.

Fist demon bombarded the white-robed old man!

The white-robed old man also used the Bleeding Soul Holy Realm, surrounded by the blood soul, forming a storm to envelop the fist demon. But the fist demon broke it open with one punch.

The white-robed old man was taken aback, and then inhaled all the blood soul holy realm into his abdomen.

Hit again!

The big golden fist mark was formed in an instant, and the holy power in the fist was immense...

In the blood soul holy realm, Wan Zhong mixed hole, the heavens and gods are all in his punch.

The white-robed old man is also tyrannical, knowing that fighting the Holy Realm can't win. This is like a battle between two consortia. The old white-robed old man has a lot of money, but he ran to fight with each other for some strategy. Right now he simply ignores it and spends money on it.

After all, his strength is still stronger than Bai Qing, so this kind of direct play is actually Bai Qing jealous.

Bai Qing backed away quickly.

Seeing that the Blood Soul Holy Realm had disappeared, Luo Jun stopped him at the moment Bai Qing retreated.

"Big Brother..." Bai Qing was shocked when he saw this. She was not afraid of the white-robed old man, but wanted to avoid his edge first.

But he didn't expect Luo Jun would rush up at this time.

But soon Bai Qing understood what Luo Jun meant.

Luo Jun was here to consume the white-robed old man, he condensed his fist to the extreme, and the longevity fruit continued to swallow...

Ten thousand forms, all profound meanings, heavenly powers... all gathered in this fist.

If there is no heavenly power in the heavenly path, no matter how strong Luo Jun's power is, it is unlikely that he will be able to receive the quasi-sage's sacred power. Because the contrast between the power of the creation realm and the holy power is not in the same dimension at all.

The sacred power of Semi-Holy is not too strong, and Luo Jun can still rely on strong mana to reluctantly resist. But facing the holy sacred power, the magical power can't stop it at all.

Fortunately, his Heavenly Dao pen contains the Heavenly Dao divine power, which is not weaker than the Holy Power's existence.

It's just that Luo Jun's strength is relatively too weak, unable to bring out the true power of Heavenly Dao's divine power. If Yuan Sheng controls the Heavenly Way Pen and controls this Heavenly Way divine power, then no one in the entire Immortal Realm will be his opponent!

This is also the important reason why the old man in Hongchen, after knowing the Tiandao Pen, does not hesitate to sacrifice himself, but also integrates the Tiandao Pen and Luo Jun!

Moreover, at this time, Luo Jun's divine fist and the golden cosmic fist mark of the white-robed old man blasted together!


Suddenly, the sky broke and the earth burst, and the energy exploded...

The powerful golden holy power was surging and terrifying, as if to swallow and purify everything in the world.

At the same time, the heavenly power in Luo Jun's fist seal also showed terrifying profound meaning.


But in the end, Luo Jun was still difficult to contend.

Most of the opponent's power was dissolved, but the remaining sacred power still rushed into Luo Jun's body.

When Luo Jun fought against the white-robed old man for the first time, the white-robed old man had not yet done his best.

But this time, the white-robed old man displayed all his power.

Shengli rushed into Luo Jun's heart, and suddenly the golden light in his body was dazzling, almost exploding.

If he hadn't practiced eight or nine profound arts, his physical body had become free to knead, and he would have been unable to hold it for a long time, and would have exploded.

Luo Jun urged the Nine Turns Yuanshen to protect the brain, and then quickly drove the mosquito into the body to absorb the residual holy power in the body.

The white-robed old man thought that he could completely kill Luo Jun with this full blow, but he didn't expect that the opponent was still intact.

Before he could catch his breath, Bai Qing had already killed him quickly.

Bai Qing's eyes were completely red, and with a roar, he fisted all the strength and profound meaning, and then killed the white-robed old man.

Inner Demon Holy Realm was also in her fist.


The white-robed old man hurriedly responded to the enemy with a quick punch.

He had originally planned to shake Bai Qing back with a punch. As long as Bai Qing was shaken back, he was not afraid of a sneak attack by the Luo army on the side. There thought that this guy would stop him in advance to block his punch.


The white-robed old man hurriedly responded to Bai Qing's fist strength, only to feel that the opponent's divine power was surging, and the sacred power was wrapped in the heart demon and the chaotic hole, and his golden cosmic fist imprint was instantly disintegrated.

He retreated quickly, and although he had dispelled all the opponent's strength, he also felt a trace of inner demons rushing into his heart.

This bit of heart demon is cold and can't be refined!

The white-robed old man hasn't felt the horror of the heart demon yet, but after several refining, the heart demon's veins are not moving. This makes him feel cold in the back of his head, which is very bad.

Bai Qing also retreated to Luo Jun at this time, and asked with concern: "Brother, are you okay?"

Luo Jun is also a strong person. Before this Bai Qing was like a little fan in front of him, how could he lose face right now. At the moment, he pretended to be indifferent and said: "What's the joke, how can something happen?"

"Big Brother is amazing!" Bai Qing praised again.

Luo Jun's face blushed, and his heart said that you are amazing, your uncle!

The eyes of the white-robed old man were full of haze, but at this time he didn't say a word.

Bai Qing looked at the white-robed old man, smiled faintly, and said, "I respected you, senior, hoping that you could be a sensible person. But now I find that I was too wrong. If you are a sensible person, how can you be? Do you have children and grandchildren who are inferior to livestock like Dugu Bai Ren?"

"Do you think you won?" The white-robed old man said coldly.

Bai Qing said: "I advise you not to use force now, and find a place to concentrate on refining my inner demon. Otherwise, let the inner demon accidentally enter your mind, it will be destroyed. disaster."

Luo Jun said: "Oh, talk nonsense with him, this old dog may not kill fewer people than Dugu Bairen. Let's work together to kill him!"

A look of horror flashed in the eyes of the white-robed old man, but he hid it well.

Bai Qing smiled and said, "What the big brother said!"

"Don't pretend." The white-robed old man snorted coldly and said: "If you could really kill the old man, you would have done it long ago."

"Then give it a try!" Luo Jun immediately gathered his violent mana and wanted to do it. Bai Qing also quickly moved the divine power and holy realm in his body.

The white-robed old man shouted: "Hold on!"

He really didn't dare to take the risk, and immediately said: "Okay, you two young children, today you are considered to have won."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly grabbed the big hand and took the Dugu Bairen who was hiding in the dark into the mudra.

"This boy, the old man is handed over to you. The old man has nothing to do with you anymore. In the future, no one will seek revenge from anyone, how about?" said the white-robed old man.

Dugu Bairen was caught by the big golden handprints of the white-robed old man, but he couldn't move. He trembled with fright, his face was indifferent, and said: "Ancestor, help, old ancestor, you can't ignore your grandson!"

The white-robed old man ignored Dugu Bai Ren and said to Luo Jun and Bai Qing, "Can it work?"

Bai Qing looked at Luo Jun and said, "Big Brother?"

Luo Jun pondered for a long while, then said: "Finally, the purpose of our trip is to be alone. The evil people in this world are always inexhaustible."

Bai Qing said, "I listen to you, Big Brother!"

Right now, Luo Jun said to the white-robed old man: "Okay, you can stay alone."

"Old ancestor, ancestor..." Dugu Bairen barely cried, and the tone of the ancestor's call was stern...

The white-robed old man snorted coldly and said, "Smelly boy, you only saw the evil that Lao Tzu did, but you didn't see what Lao Tzu's cultivation is. You deserve this result if you can't settle the cause. Although you are me His grandson, but Lao Tzu won't even care about your own safety for you." After saying that, he threw him to Luo Jun and Bai Qing's side.

Luo Jun immediately probed his hand to capture it.

The white-robed old man turned around and disappeared instantly.

The entire Wuying Mountain has been destroyed, and the islands below are no longer visible, replaced by the vast sea.

After Luo Jun and Bai Qing caught Dugu Bairen, they first returned to Banruozhou.

As for the national teacher Baili Ben, Luo Jun and Bai Qing have already decided not to pursue it anymore. Because you have agreed to the other party, then you have to do it.

After flying for more than three days, they finally returned to the proud city of Aolai country.

There were two main reasons for coming back this time. One was to send back the women who were rescued in Dugu Bairen's secret room. The second is to kill Dugu Bairen in the places where the women and pregnant women died, so as to sacrifice to the dead.

Not long in Aodu, Luo Jun and Bai Qing went to the mountain forest outside Aodu.

When they arrived at the land of the dead, Luo Jun and Bai Qing buried the dead on the spot and removed all the blood stains.

Before, he left in a hurry and didn't do any treatment on the corpses.

After handling everything right now, Luo Jun released all the women saved in the palace.

At the same time, Dugu Bairen was released.

Dugu Bairen glanced around, and immediately knew what place it was, and then saw those women, there would still not understand Luo Jun and Bai Qing's intentions.

The poor women still shivered with fear when they saw the loneliness.

Bai Qing said to the women: "This place today is the death period of Dugu Bairen. After today, you don't have to fear this person anymore."

The women stunned for a moment, then knelt on their heads, tears of gratitude.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing quickly stopped.

After that, Luo Jun said to Dugubai: "What else do you have to say?" Dugubai smiled tragically and said, "No matter what I say, you won't let me go, right?"

Bai Qing said, "You understand in your heart!"

Dugu Bairen took a deep breath and said: "Then do it, I have nothing to say!"

Luo Jun asked painfully: "Why do you want to kill those poor people here? Is it just to kill people?"

Dugu Bai Ren said: "The left and right are dead, why should I answer your words? You can do it if you want to."

"Don't you have a trace of guilt?" Bai Qing scolded angrily.

Dugu Baidu said: "Huh, what guilt do I have? You are not worthy of being a cultivator. I have always treated the cultivators with courtesy, eating some mortal hearts and playing with mortal women, but I am a cultivator. Things that can't be normal. This is just a trivial matter for you!"

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