Super Security in the City

Chapter 3916: Heavenly Chance

Emperor Fuxi said: "Sage Yuan is extremely cunning. I am a little worried about what he has done to you. If that is the case, all of our previous achievements will be abandoned." Luo Jun said: "Don't worry, the emperor, I have checked countless times, sure. I came here without a problem."

Emperor Fuxi smiled and said: "You have always been a careful and meticulous person. If you think there is no problem, then there is no problem." After a pause, he explained the cause and effect of the matter.

After he finished speaking, Luo Jun said, "In other words, Empress Nuwa was deliberately hitting the bill. And Yuan Sheng didn't realize that you have recovered? Everything is going to be calculated?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!"

Luo Jundao: "There are still Taishang Daozu, Tongtian Sect Master, and Yuanshi Tianzun who know my situation at the moment?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "My sister also knows that all the truth is limited to these few people. When all the saints gathered, I didn't reveal any flaws to the other saints."

Luo Jundao: "Are you also worried that there will be spies among all the saints?"

Emperor Fuxi said, "Is there any spy? It's hard to say. But it's okay to be more careful. The only thing I can be sure of is that Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Guru, and my sister will have no problem. of."

Luo Jun also trusted the leader of Tongtian, because the leader of Tongtian knew his identity.

After understanding the whole story, Luo Jun let go of his heart.

The game between Human Race and Yuan Sage is all kinds of open and secret struggles. Before Luo Jun appeared, the Terran side was like a bright card. Yuan Sheng can slowly pull out the difficulties and nails step by step.

But now it's gradually different.

With the addition of the breaker himself, hidden cards began to appear on the human side. As a result, Human Race's odds of victory began to increase little by little.

When necessary, you can be surprised and attack the unprepared!

After that, Luo Jun thought of one thing: "I still have one more thing to worry about."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Maybe the things you worry about are the same as I thought."

Luo Jundao: "Oh?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "The time has passed for so long, and the breakers have come to the immortal world. All our saints know this, and I believe Yuan Sheng should have confirmed this. But if he can't find the breakers for a long time. …This is not good. It will also make him gradually wonder whether the breaker might be hiding by his side. After all, the most dangerous place is also the safest place. After a long time, he will definitely think so . Once he starts thinking like this, you are the most dangerous."

Luo Jun said: "You did think of something with me." After speaking, he said: "I'm thinking about whether or not I should restore my true identity to show my face now."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's useless. If you reveal your true identity, you may also be in danger. Moreover, you must appear with your false identity at the same time, so as to completely eliminate Yuan Sheng's suspicion."

Luo Jundao: "It is impossible for me to appear at the same time as the false identity."

Emperor Fuxi said: "I thought about finding someone to pretend to be you, but it's difficult. People who meet this requirement are too difficult to find."

Luo Jundao: "It's really hard to find."

Emperor Fuxi said: "There is still some time for the time being, we can still think of a way slowly."

Luo Jun said: "Yes." Then he said: "Great Emperor, what are your plans in the future? Are all the saints fighting each other like this all the time? Isn't this waiting for the Yuan Sheng to defeat one by one?"

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly and said, "Then you have other good ways?"

Luo Jun couldn't help but stay.

Emperor Fuxi said: "You have also gone to the Metaverse. What does the Metaverse look like to you?"

Luo Jundao: "Even though the juniors have gone to the Metaverse, they don’t know much about them. They are exposed to some basic things. They are completely inaccessible to the advanced powers and influences. The juniors have not yet mixed into the Yuan realm. Inside the core power of the Holy Spirit."

Emperor Fuxi said: "We have also been thinking about how to deal with Yuansheng. For example, everyone gathers together to attack Yuansheng, but this is difficult. Let alone go to Yuanjie to fight Yuansheng, even Yuansheng ran away. In front of us, we attack and kill together, and it is difficult to kill him. His life is the most powerful, and it is not difficult to retreat in our hands. And we can’t stay together, these saints, Everyone has their own dojo and power. It’s okay to get together for three or two years, but after a long time, it’s not. So, in fact, we don’t have any good solutions."

Luo Jundao: "Speaking of which, why didn't Yuan Sheng turn his face and kill people directly? Kill the Western world first. The Western world is closest to him, and everyone has no time to rescue. What is he waiting for?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Hey, this has to be said from the other side. It is not easy for us to kill his life, but it is also difficult for him to kill other people's powers. We all have the power of heaven now. The strength is in the body. It is very difficult to kill the other one completely. If he does his hands on the Western Shengjiao, if he fails, it will attract backlash. For now, Yuan Sheng must also be thinking of a way. If he wants to make a move, he must be hit with a single blow."

Luo Jundao: "In general, we are still passive."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Fortunately, with you, we can finally grasp some initiative."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly: "I'm really afraid that I can't bear this huge burden. The human race survives and many saints have no understanding. Can this kid really bear it?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "This is an opportunity for Heaven! It's not that the stronger the cultivation base, the better the dilemma can be solved."

After that, Emperor Fuxi said again: "There is one more thing to tell you."

"Say!" Luo Jun respectfully.

Emperor Fuxi told Luo Jun about the last battle between the Master Tongtian and Yuansheng. "In that decisive battle, it seemed that the leader of Tongtian had won. But the leader of the world has already been hit by the grand purple qi, and his body is in a state of spiritual drunk. The fusion of the three pure qi and the grand purple qi is like a mixture of two kinds of spirits. Concentrate on suppressing the Feng Huo Tian Dao in your body. We mentioned you last time, and your mosquito may be able to absorb the cosmic purple energy."

Luo Jundao: "If I have absorbed the hongmeng purple qi, the most critical issue is the primordial sage. Once the purple qi planted by the primordial sage disappears, he will know it clearly. There are not many people in this world who can absorb his purple qi. He wanted it to be a devil mosquito. Moreover, he knew that I had a devil mosquito. Once I got rid of the purple qi of the leader, I was afraid that my identity would be exposed."

Emperor Fuxi said: "We also thought of this, so I just told you this thing!"

Luo Jun sighed, and said, "Sage Yuan is really insidious enough. Look at his step-by-step moves, not showing mountains, no dew, but so terrifying. If the juniors hadn't intervened beforehand, I'm afraid that now the great emperor you and Nuwa Niang Niang has really been calculated."

Emperor Fuxi said: "If my cultivation base is abolished, my sister's power of heaven is gone, and the leader is in spirit drunk again. According to this algorithm, Yuan Sheng has not really made a move, but has eliminated three important powers. Let him After calculating for a period of time, he can peacefully destroy all the saints. If all the saints fall, the entire immortal world and the entire human race will be vulnerable."

Luo Jundao: "Yes!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Fortunately, we have you."

Luo Jun felt that his responsibility became more and more important.

My heart secretly said: "Relying on his grandmother's legs, Lao Tzu is doing what evil. Why do you want me to settle the calamity on earth, and now this immortal world also wants me to settle the calamity? Do I have a protagonist face?"

In this world, there are as many stars better than Luo Jun's talent!

There are more people with a higher cultivation base than Luo Jun, like a crucian carp!

There are also many who are smarter than the Luo army.

However, he was the one who enlightened the Emperor of the Universe.

It is him who rescued the earth from distress!

Today, the immortal world depends on him for life and death!

Luo Jun felt like the protagonist in a legendary book, but unfortunately he couldn't see everything in the world in the book. If you have that ability, you really want to break away from this dimension and see clearly what the universe and yourself are.

"What are you thinking about?" Fuxi the Great asked with a smile.

Luo Jundao: "The junior is thinking, why is it me?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "In every era, every major chaotic situation, there will be a main person to calm and end the situation. You happen to be at the right time... Many, many years later, there will be chaos again. At that time, maybe the next generation will come to solve it. At that time, I’m afraid you will not be used to it."

Luo Jundao: "I just want to live plainly with the people I love."

Emperor Fuxi said: "In the future, there will be a lot of time to be dull. At that time, you will miss the day in front of you."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "No, I will never miss this day of licking blood."

Emperor Fuxi smiled and did not argue with Luo Jun.

Later, Emperor Fuxi asked Luo Jun again: "What do you plan to do next? Really find your soul Ruyi?"

Luo Jun said, "I don't want to find my soul Ruyi, but I have to pretend to work hard to find it. Otherwise, I will return to the Metaverse in the future and it will be difficult to explain.

Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right, in short, let's do everything by chance!"

Before he left, Luo Jun asked Emperor Fuxi again, saying: "Nv Wa is in the Wa Palace?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Not bad!"

Luo Jun said: "I'm going to see the empress."

Emperor Fuxi said strangely: "What's the matter?"

Luo Jun said: "There is indeed something, but it is a private matter."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Is it convenient to say?"

Luo Jundao: "The Empress Nuwa once left a soul on the earth, and that soul was later reincarnated. After that, the reincarnated body became my wife."

Emperor Fuxi was taken aback, and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Luo Jun said: "But I'm not sure, because many things are legends. I still want to go to the empress for verification."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Well, I'll give you the enchantment jade plate of Wahuangshan. You can find it with the jade plate."

Luo Jundao: "Thank you, the emperor!"

"What are you polite?" The Great Fuxi smiled.

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