Super Security in the City

Chapter 3924: Chaos Gourd

Master Tongtian said: "In fact, we don't have to be too pessimistic. The poor believe that all disasters will become a driving force for the breakers. Perhaps the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is an opportunity for the little friends of Luo Jun!"

Both the Taishang Dao Ancestor and Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes lit up, and the Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Maybe it is true!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "However, the most important thing right now is to see how to solve these sword qi in the body of Luo Jun's little friend."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "These sword auras have the breath of the founding spirit, and there is also the aura of chaos. Therefore, every sword aura has a kaleidoscope of energy, and the sword aura is outside, which is good for suppression and cracking. Once in the body, It blends with the blood and cells of the flesh. This is the hardest part... Originally, the little friend has a mosquito and can rely on it to absorb it. But now, his body is controlled by the sword qi, and the mosquito forcibly swallows it, which will inevitably lead to the sword qi Frenzy. By then, before the Demon Mosquito has swallowed the sword qi, he himself will be chopped to ashes by the sword qi!

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "There must be a way."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "The best way is to find the Chaos Spirit Vine. The Chaos Spirit Vine is the mother of the Immortal Calabash Gourd. The sword is very close to it, and it will naturally enter the Spirit Vine. But the Chaos Spirit Vine is now down. Unknown, trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Luo Jundao: "Before he died, Taoist Lu Ya said that the Chaos Spirit Vine was needed to relieve the sword energy in my body. He also said that the Chaos Spirit Vine was once acquired by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and later stolen by the empty Taoist. Later, the Eastern Emperor. Taiyi killed the Taoist Kongkong. But the whereabouts of the Chaos Spirit Vine is unknown... Taoist Lu also said that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi felt the Chaos Spirit Vine in the vast sea area between the Shura realm and the Metaworld. Taoist Lu also said that he had gone in to find it. It took ten years, but nothing happened."

The eyes of the Taishang Daozu trio suddenly flashed with worry.

Taishang Daozu first said: "That place is not easy!"

Luo Jundao: "I've heard of that place. It is said that it is chaotic, disorderly, and boundless. Although the Asura Realm is adjacent to the Metaverse, it seems that starting from the Asura Realm, it will never reach the Metaverse."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Yes, that place is indeed so bizarre. The distance in space has surpassed space and time. To be precise, the space and time inside have become a system of their own. That is impossible to detect, it must be Fly through the space within one to five to ten, surpassing the time in it. Time is much more terrifying than the space in the vast sea elsewhere. There is also a name for that place, called the Land of Nothingness."

Master Tongtian said: "The problems in the immortal realm nowadays are huge, but there are many scattered immortals, thieves, demon heads, sacred beasts, monsters, etc. that have gone to the void. They believe that even if the Yuansheng unified the immortal realm, they cannot cross it. The land of nothingness. The land of nothingness will be their comfort zone."

Luo Jun said bitterly: "I also know that it is really impossible to find the Chaos Spirit Vine in the emptiness. But after thinking about it, I have to hold some hope."

Taishang Daozu said: "Everything is predestined, and little friends don’t have to be too pessimistic. It seems that you shouldn’t be as depressed as you are at present when you look at the character of a little friend from the poor way."

Luo Jundao: "This time the sword energy entered the body, it really hit the younger generation a lot. No matter what difficulties you encountered in the past, there is always the power to act. Now in this Nuo Daxian realm, I just feel that the journey is too difficult."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Don't be discouraged, you should know that the most feared thing is to lose confidence. You have been in the immortal realm not long ago, but you have contributed a lot. We already know what you do in the heavenly realm."

Master Tongtian said: "Yes, little friend Luo Jun, don't be discouraged. In this immortal world, you are by no means alone. You are going to the void this time, but you can choose your disciples at random under the three of us and go with you. ."

Taishang Dao Zu said: "This is not right!"

Master Tongtian was taken aback, and said, "Why did you say this, brother?"

Taishang Daozu looked at Luo Jun and said, "Little friends, don't get me wrong."

Luo Jundao: "No!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Our people have some identities, I'm afraid they have already been included in the list of Yuansheng. If we rush to send an accompany, it will easily cause trouble. Void land, not relying on many people. Pay attention to it. It's still a chance...Pan Dao sees that the friend who came with the little friend has a high level of cultivation. It is the most appropriate for him to accompany the little friend to the land of nothingness!"

Luo Jundao: "What Daozu said is reasonable."

Taishang Taoist ancestor said again: "But I will create some runes for you later, so that you can bring them to protect yourself. In addition..." At this point, he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and said: "Junior Brother Yuanshi, I remember that you have A gourd also grows from the Chaos Spirit Vine."

Yuanshi Tianzun was startled, and then said: "Yes, there is indeed this thing, Chaos Gourd! Brother Yu rarely uses it, and almost forgot about it. This Chaos Gourd does not seem to be of much use!"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "The gourds on the Chaos Spirit Vine need to be crafted to be useful. The Chopping Gourd is also used by Lu Ya to use the Sun Shooting Bow and so on to create the Zhanxian Flying Knife. You naturally don’t see it, Junior Brother. Go to the Chaos Gourd, but if the Chaos Gourd is used well, its power is not necessarily worse than that of Zhanxian Gourd."

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "The chaotic gourd is easy to use, but it should still be in my teaching. Brother wants to hand the chaotic gourd to the little friend Luo Jun?"

Taishang Daozu said: "Yes, the relationship between Chaos Gourd and Chaos Spirit Vine is like a mother-child relationship. With Chaos Gourd in hand, the chance of finding Chaos Spirit Vine will be much higher."

Luo Jun hurriedly said, "Thank you Daozu!"

The ancestor of the Taoist Dao said: "Little friends, don't be polite with me. You are on the earth, but we have drawn you into this immortal world. I am grateful to you and feel guilty. !"

Luo Jun said: "Don't say Daozu like that, kid ashamed!"

Yuanshi Tianzun got up and said, "It shouldn't be too late. Then Brother Yu will go back to Yuxu Palace first and get the chaotic gourd."

Taishang Daozu said: "Junior Brother Yuanshi, you can figure it out after you go back. If you have any good things that the little friends can use, you can bring them all."

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said, "Don't worry, big brother, I know."

After that, Yuanshi Tianzun left first.

When he left, Luo Jun saluted.

After Yuanshi Tianzun left, Taishang Daozu and Tongtian Sect Master asked why Luo Jun suddenly came out of the Yuanjie.

Luo Jun explained the whole story.

"In other words, you came out this time for the soul's wishful thinking?" said the Master Tongtian.

Luo Jundao: "Exactly!"

Master Tongtian said: "The soul of Ruyi is indeed in the treasure world in Fenbaoyan, but if we give it to you directly, it will not be easy to explain after you go back."

Luo Jundao: "Soul Ruyi is not in a hurry, and the younger generations don't want to help Yuansheng finish everything. The leader and Dao ancestor should not know about this. If I am lucky to heal later, I will try to find Soul Ruyi. If so. If you can find it, take it back. If you can't find it, don't force it!"

Taishang Daozu said: "This kind of treatment is the best."

It took some time for Yuanshi Tianzun to go to Yuxu Palace, and Luo Jun first lived in Bajing Palace.

After that, Taishang Daozu also met Bai Qing alone.

Luo Jun didn't know what they were talking about. He didn't bother to ask Bai Qing!

Six days later, Yuanshi Tianzun returned to the Bajing Palace and brought Chaos Gourd.

At the same time, he also brought some runes and magic weapons.

There are three runes, namely, the Thunder God Rune, the Taitian Dragon Rune, and the Puppet Rune!

The magic weapon is the sword of extinguishing the immortal, the needle of the soul.

These are very precious things, and they are definitely not comparable to other magical artifacts.

Yuanshi Tianzun is really a willing person.

Taishang Daozu took all the magical instruments and runes brought by Yuanshi Tianzun in his hands. He did not immediately hand it to Luo Jun, but said, "In the Bajing Palace of Poor Dao, there are not many magical implements. Thinking of giving too much to the little friend, it may not be a great thing. So Poor Dao will give it to Bai. Green some things, then strengthen these three runes, and then give them to your little friend. Little friend, you still need to stay in Bajinggung for some more time."

He paused, and then said: "Now this Chaos Gourd is in the hands of Poor Dao. Poor Dao needs to be studied. It is impossible to rely on Chaos Gourd to unlock the sword energy in your body. But it should be able to help you control it. Staying at the sword. At least let you regain some combat power!"

Luo Junton felt excited and said: "If you can restore some combat power, that would be great."

Next, Luo Jun and Bai Qing lived in Bajing Palace for some time.

Bai Qing accompanies Luo Jun every day.

There are Yunxiao and Bixiao in the Bajing Palace, and Luo Jun also talked a lot with Yunxiao and Bixiao. Yun Xiao had been cultivating in Bajing Palace all the time, and she was very happy to see Luo Jun.

Talking about the past, I am very emotional.

Time passed quickly, and another two months passed in a blink of an eye.

It has been more than a year since Luo Jun left the Yuanjie.

Luo Jun didn't care about finding the soul's wish within ten years.

If this sword energy can't be solved, he doesn't bother to worry about other things.

The only thing that Luo Jun still has some worries about is that he once swallowed an agarwood pill given by Yuan Sheng. This is definitely a hidden danger...

Too many things entangled, all kinds of narrative...

Luo Jun couldn't help but think of Xiaoyu and Susu at this time.

He doesn't worry about Xiaoyu anymore, but Susu?

"Why have there been no news of Susu for so long? Haven't you entered the fairy world yet?"

I always feel that Susu should be fine.

He is still very confident in Suzhen Black's ability.

On this day, Taishang Daozu sent his disciples to invite Luo Jun and Bai Qing to the side hall.

Luo Jun knew in his heart that Taishang Dao Ancestor should have studied it properly.

"If I can really recover some combat power, I wouldn't be so passive!" Thinking of this, Luo Jun started to get a little excited in his heart.

Together with Bai Qing, he soon came to that side hall.

Taishang Dao Ancestor once again planted the barrier and sealed the Partial Hall, preventing anyone from spying on the situation inside.

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