Super Security in the City

Chapter 3958: Chaos hell

Luo Jun and others finally noticed a person standing at the palace gate of the Palace of the Dead.

The appearance of that person was abrupt and weird, without any signs.

I saw the person standing straight, wearing ice armor and a black crown, and the whole person looked meticulous. His figure is not particularly tall, slightly slender, and after the ice armor is put on his body, he appears very capable, like an iron-blooded soldier who has battled through the battlefield.

The man's face was also very different from normal humans. One face looked lifeless, and there were some ice scales on both cheeks, which made him look extraordinarily terrifying.

His eyes are ice blue.

Everyone was separated from him by a distance of about three hundred meters. At that moment, everyone perceives this strange iceman with divine consciousness, and wants to find out his details.

Luo Jun's Spiritual Mind also shot the iceman, but the result was that he didn't feel anything. This iceman seems to be an empty shell, without any power.

But at this time, Yuan Sheng is already on the verge of an enemy.

Yuan Sheng Shen Sheng said to everyone: "Beware, he is the ancestor that Xiao Ling said."

Everyone immediately became vigilant.

Luo Jun immediately stood in front of Yuan Yuxian and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you!" This is his habitual movement. He was originally a modest gentleman, and would subconsciously protect women when in danger.

Yuan Yuxian was startled slightly, now she was in a weak time, and she really needed someone else's protection. She felt that Luo Jun did this deliberately, but even deliberately, she felt warm in her heart.

When everyone was on guard, the ancestor of the iceman suddenly disappeared.

After that, black clouds filled the sky.

The violent wind also followed the masterpiece...

Countless black fog particles mixed with ice particles, and some even formed a tornado-like existence.

The black cloud presses the city, the city wants to destroy the city, wants to destroy...

Soon, the square became invisible.

In front of everyone is the black mist particles.

Obviously, this is a kind of cave and holy realm similar to the magic of the people. But this is different from the cave sky and the holy realm.

Luo Jun grabbed Yuan Yuxian's hand, fearing that he would be separated from Yuan Yuxian. He now really cares about Yuan Yuxian's life and death, because he found that Yuan Yuxian would consider it for him many times.

I must find someone who can protect myself from Yuansheng!

Yuan Yuxian is Yuansheng's apprentice again, that's really great.

Yuan Yuxian also surprisingly did not break free from Luo Jun's hand this time.

The black mist mixed with the strong wind, and there was already darkness in the sky and the earth.

Luo Jun soon couldn't feel the existence of other people.

It was also at this time that Yuan Sheng shot. His boat of destiny was sacrificed again, appearing like a deep-sea beacon.

When he arrived at the Temple of the Dead, Yuan Sheng received the Ship of Destiny, so it needs to be sacrificed again at this moment.

The boat of destiny released a faint mist. This faint mist seemed ordinary, but it contained majestic vitality.

The force of life quickly enveloped everyone, and everyone quickly jumped onto the boat of destiny.

The boat of destiny forms a protective film to protect everyone.

The black mist particles from the outside formed countless tentacles, blasted and killed them fiercely, but they were unable to cause damage to the ship of destiny.

Everyone dared not make a mess.

Luo Jun felt that this moment was very weird. He felt that he had become the ordinary person who was once incapable of spells. In such a place, it is so helpless. But it was obvious that each of them could kill the stars with their own hands.

Suddenly, four ice men appeared strangely on all sides of the ship of destiny.

The four ice men are different from the ancestors of the ice men. They wear silver armor instead of ice armor.

They are different from Guimianren. The face of Guimianren is like a fierce ghost, with a rotten aura. The eyes of these four ice men were crimson, and their faces were still visible. His face scales.

At first there were only four ice men, and then more people appeared around.

Those people are ghost faces.

There are about hundreds of ghost-faced people densely packed.

The Ghost Face can't see any expressions and eyes, while the Iceman is expressionless. These people matched the black corpses around Luo Jun very well.

Luo Jun felt that this simply came to a real world of hell.

The four ice men remained expressionless, but suddenly attacked. Without a word, they rammed into the ship of destiny.

The speed is extremely fast, the figure flashes, and it will fly into the sky and escape!

Boom, boom...

The ship of destiny is under a huge impact. The force of that impact is strange and powerful, as if it is a force of mutual generation and mutual restraint, ignoring any laws, and directly killing the general.

Yuan Sheng's eyes were cold.

The protective film of the ship of destiny is crumbling...

When the four ice men collided again, Yuan Sheng quickly shot.

He made the seal with both hands and made moves quickly.

I saw the magic surging in the boat of destiny, and four big golden handprints full of majestic holy power appeared quickly!

The four big handprints directly pinched the throats of the four ice men, just like pinching a chicken.

The cultivation of these four ice men is very scary.

Luo Jun visually observed that these four ice men were much more powerful than the ghost face men they had encountered on the sea floor.

At the beginning, the ghost-faced man would be Baiqing, don't ask if such a semi-sage is awkward.

These four ice men... Luo Jun felt that they had to be the power of quasi-sages no matter what.

Having the power of quasi-sages does not mean that they are quasi-sages.

Because a qualified quasi-sage requires infinite wisdom, profound meaning, laws, and understanding and opportunities in endless years.

These four ice men are weird and cannot be judged by common sense.

First of all, they don't seem to have much of their own thoughts, just like marionettes.

After Yuan Sheng's four handprints pinched the four ice men, he wanted to smash them completely with divine power. His vast and terrifying holy power blasted towards the four ice men like a star burst.

The power of undead darkness in the four ice men also exploded.


Several forces converge and collide.

The bodies of the four ice men burst open quickly...

The black power of the undead merged with the fragments, and also exploded the four golden handprints of Yuansheng into a shattered state.

These undead fragments came from the protective film of the ship of destiny fiercely, but they were all bounced off by the protective film one after another.

It was also at this time that the ancestor of the iceman finally appeared.

The ancestor of the ice man appeared so strange, like a **** soldier, coming without a shadow, going without a trace, and appeared directly outside the protective film.

This sudden appearance surprised everyone.

The icy blue eyes of the ancestor of the iceman released an icy blue light and shot towards the protective light film.

At the same time, the ancestor also waved a palm to Yuansheng.

Although there was a protective light film in the middle, the palm of the ancestor directly penetrated the protective light film, killing Chao Yuansheng’s chest.

Behind the ancestor, the black fog particles formed a black hole-like vortex.

As if all the power in the universe was concentrated on the body of the ancestor.

Yuan Sheng did not dare to underestimate at this time, and quickly backed away.

He did not take the palm of the ancestor.

The heart of the black corpse had an aura, protecting it directly in front of the Primordial Sage, and then greeted the ancestor with a palm.


The entire ship of destiny oscillated violently.

The protective light film was also shattered and became countless pieces.

Between heaven and earth, violent shaking, black mist particles quickly swept in. The protective light film of the ship of destiny turned into golden fragments, floating in the air in an extremely slow manner.

The black mist particles also became slow under the influence of the golden shards!

At that moment, the whole time became slow...

The black corpse took the palm of the ancestor forcibly, and his whole body was immediately shaken out.

After the ancestor hit the black corpse with a palm, Yuan Sage looked at the opportunity and held the entire ship of destiny in his hands.

Everyone lost the support of the ship of destiny, and suddenly collapsed.

Yuan Sage obviously didn't care about everyone, and wanted to kill the ancestor at this critical moment. The ship of destiny shrank into his fist.

He raised his fist, suddenly as if condensing the stars and universe.

The vastness of the air, the majestic world!

A punch hit the head of the ancestor.


The ancestor did not avoid it, the whole head burst open, and then, the body burst open...

That ancestor was actually killed by Yuan Sheng in this way.

Everything is very fast, the danger comes very quickly, but it is also resolved very quickly.

But was the ancestor really killed?

Obviously not!

The body fragments of the ancestor merged into the black fog particles behind.

The black fog particles formed a vortex of heaven and earth in the air, a huge horror, as if to swallow everything.

Yuan Sheng didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, the ancestor reappeared in the black mist vortex in the sky, descending from the sky, and hit Yuan Sheng's head with a palm.

Yuan Sheng had been prepared for a while, and immediately swiped another punch to kill him.


The palms of the two people blasted and killed, and the aftermath shocked thousands of miles...

The ground cracked and instantly divided into two grand canyons.

The black mist particles entangled and turned into thousands of tentacles, like an infinite demon and ghost reaching out and tearing at everyone.

This scene is really terrifying.

Luo Jun grabbed Yuan Yuxian and fell toward him. At the same time, countless ghost-faced people also came over.

Everyone was in the air, with tentacles and ghost faces all attacked and killed.

For a time, the scene was chaotic to the extreme.

Although those ghost-faced people are long like zombies, they will fly to the sky and escape, and they have high mana. They didn't have any emotions, they just waved their palm prints and killed them fiercely. Many black mist tentacles surround the ghost-faced people and become their help.

Luo Jun slapped dozens of palms in an instant, and desperately urged the nine snow-capped mountains, only then repelled the ghost-faced people. After repelling them, Luo Jun wanted to stay away from this place of right and wrong, but no matter how he flew, he was still in the boundless black fog.

The ghost faces are endless, and all attackers will come.

Fortunately, not all of these ghost-faced people were as strong as the one that Bai Qing and Bai Qing had encountered before, Mo Wen. Most of the ghost-faced people's cultivation base is still much worse...the most terrifying thing about these ghost-faced people is that they don't know they are tired and are not afraid of death. After knocking them back, they will soon attack.

Their power seems to be inexhaustible.

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