Super Security in the City

Chapter 3973: Careful calculation

Luo Jun was stunned!

He didn't expect Yuan Yuxian to be so decisive, and he knew better in his heart that this woman had moved true feelings. He felt that his personality charm still had nowhere to rest. With Xuanyuantai's innate conditions and character, he was actually attracted by his own interesting personality charm, so that a semi-sage like Yuan Yuxian was in love!

Lao Tzu deserves to be the sacred hand of love!

He felt that his own cultivation status might not be as good as many heroes in the world. But when it comes to picking up girls, he recognizes the second, and no one dares to claim the first!

Of course, this is not the time when Luo Jun feels that he has very strong skills in picking up girls. He knew that Yuan Yuxian would still be of great use to him in the future, so he entered emotions at the moment, infinitely sentimental, and said: "Why must it be like this? Between you and me, is there only one way to go?"

Yuan Yuxian didn't say much, and said, "Take care!"

Then turned around and left.

Luo Jun immediately shouted: "Wait!"

Yuan Yuxian stopped.

After Luo Jun was silent for a while, he said: "Take care! I know that my past was too unbearable. In the future, I will let you look down upon it."

After saying that, he turned around and left quickly.

Luo Jun moved forward quickly in the vast sea, the vitality and mana in his body rushed together, and the whole person suddenly felt extremely happy and happy. This indulgence is because of being far away from the Metaverse. Every time he went to the Metaverse, he felt an extremely depressed feeling. It's like a scumbag who has to face important exams, it's very stressful. He was not at all sure of whether he could pass the blunder every time. Fortunately, it finally passed.

Luo Jun would not really believe everything that Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian said. What Yuan Sheng said is false, but it is hard to say how true the false is. Is what Yuan Yuxian said true? I'm afraid there are still false...

Everyone is an adult, a smart person, who can really be a fool?

What is the truth? Luo Jun feels that he still needs to tell this information to Taishang Daozu and others, and then analyze and calculate...

Let’s say that Yuan Yuxian returned to the metaworld after half a month.

In the palace of the temple, Yuan Sheng met with Yuan Yuxian.

It was in the afternoon when the scorching sun was in full bloom.

Yuan Sheng sat cross-legged, the sun came in from the window, and it was bright.

The fairy flowers blooming on the corridor in front of the hall.

Yuan Yuxian wore a red dress, with gentleness and moving in the coldness.

"Master!" Yuan Yuxian knelt on one knee in front of Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng waved his hand and placed an enchantment in the palace to prevent any information from leaking.

"Get up!" Facing Yuan Yuxian, Yuan Sheng looked extremely amiable.

Yuan Yuxian got up.

Yuan Shengdao: "How is it?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "He has a lot of thoughts and a lot of speculations. According to your opinion, the disciple pointed out the spirit of the undead for him to break the heavenly law."

Yuan Shengdao: "Okay, very good!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "This person at Xuanyuantai, the more disciples have contact with him, the more he feels that he is extremely clever. His wisdom is very terrifying. I think the reason why his cultivation is still in the realm of creation is because of him. Too clever and afraid of death, so it is less pure, which makes it impossible to comprehend the mystery of the saint."

Yuan Shengdao: "You mean, these words can't fool Xuanyuantai?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple finds it hard for him to really believe. Although the disciple pretends to have some feelings with him, this person, the disciple doesn't think he will have real feelings."

Yuan Shengdao: "It doesn't matter whether he touches true feelings. What is important is that he believes that you move true feelings. As long as he believes that you move true feelings, your words will be persuasive."

Yuan Yuxian remained silent. At this moment, a kind of sadness spread in her heart.

After a long time, she said: "The disciple doesn't understand!"

Yuan Shengdao: "The spirit of the undead should be gone, but this is the wrong direction. Even if they look for it, it will take a long time. As for whether they will believe it? My teacher tells you that through Taishang Daozu After the calculation of the secret, they will be convinced. Because at the beginning, the problem should be solved in this way. But it was changed as a teacher... As for why the teacher said, let Luo Jun believe that you moved your true feelings, because only you It’s possible to tell the secret behind this only when you move your true feelings. Moreover, they will think that you are doing this smooth favor because you know that you have lost the spirit of the undead."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple understands."

Yuan Sheng looked at Yuan Yuxian and felt that this disciple was in a daze today. I secretly said in my heart, I'm afraid she still moved true feelings after all. That's good, it's more convincing. At the same time, he didn't worry that Yuan Yuxian would really betray himself...because he believed in Yuan Yuxian's proper measure...More importantly, Yuan Yuxian didn't know the real answer.

At this moment, Yuan Yuxian couldn't help saying: "Master, according to what you said, isn't the heavenly law covenant unbreakable? In that case, why bother to spend a lot of time?" Yuan Shengdao: "If it is really unbreakable. Broken, I do it naturally. It is unnecessary. In fact, there is still something to be broken. It is still in the spirit of the undead... However, the spirit of the undead needs to be infiltrated into the heavenly law. They swallow more undead spirits. Qi is actually useless."

Yuan Yuxian suddenly realized, "So that's the case, but the disciples still don't understand. Why remind them of the key. Although we didn't tell them the truth, we are already close to the truth. If we don't remind them, they may not have thought of it. This time."

Yuan Shengdao: "It's not as simple as you think. You too underestimate the Taoist ancestors. Too ancestor's natural secret method is extremely powerful. He can calculate in the natural and heavenly path... we still need some time. Only then can the layout be completed. And now Taishang Daozu has been suspicious. If we don’t stop him, let him continue the calculation like this. It is likely that they will think of a way to break the layout of the teacher. The teacher can’t leave any possibility to appear... Now bring this news, let them enter the misunderstanding. Let them go to find the spirit of the undead... so, we have enough time to complete the final layout!"

Only then did Yuan Yuxian understand Master's calculations and good intentions.

"What are you thinking?" Yuan Sheng asked when Yuan Yuxian didn't speak.

Yuan Yuxian raised his head and looked outside the window, a flower had withered under the sunlight.

She said: "Master, this is a world of great controversy. Tu'er thought he was smart enough, but now he feels that compared with Master You, Xuanyuantai, Luo Jun, and Taishang Daozu. , It seems to be far away. You are fighting against the sky, against the earth, against people. Among your opponents, the masters are like clouds, and they are all extremely smart. Now you can still have the advantage and give them headaches everywhere. After all, you are the best!"

Yuan Shengdao: "In fact, it is hard to say that being a teacher is the most powerful. Back then, I was able to disturb the immortal world and caused them headaches because I found the Wugu Sheji sacred tree for my teacher. When you make a move, you must think clearly about your own advantages. , Otherwise they would stay dormant and wait. Back then, they relied on the sacred tree of the five-grain sacred grass, and later they kept guarding the sacred tree of the five-grass sacred tree. But the teacher has long given up, and it is impossible for the teacher to repeat the same technique... now it is regaining momentum, it is because Hongmeng purple air."

Luo Jun went all the way towards Kunlun State, without delay in other places. In fact, when he went to Yuanjie, he wanted to find Ye Qingming in the sea of ​​blood, and by the way, he also wanted to see if Mo Yu came back. But at that time, the task was heavy, and I didn't dare to delay casually.

Now he still didn't dare to delay, and the aura of Chenxiang Pill on his body had not been lifted.

Although Yuan Yuxian gave an antidote to agarwood pill, whether it is the antidote or not is still to be discussed.

Everything will be said after seeing Taishang Daozu.

After more than half a year, Luo Jun kept running without stopping, surpassing the barriers, and finally came to Daluo Mountain, the Bajing Palace in Kunlun Prefecture.

Bai Qing has been waiting in the Bajing Palace.

The Immortal King Xiao Ling had already returned to the Immortal Territory of the Sea of ​​Clouds.

After Luo Jun came to Daluo Mountain, he was the first to see Bai Qing. Bai Qing cried with joy when he saw Luo Jun returning unharmed. "Second brother, it's great that you can come back safely."

The brothers reunited after a long absence, and I really missed them a little bit.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Of course I will come back safely, don't you think I will hang in the Metaverse?"

Bai Qing smiled heartily, and said: "My second brother is invincible in the world, how could it be possible to die."

Luo Jun immediately blushed and said, "In these Eight Palaces, you say I am invincible in the world... I am so embarrassed!"

"Hahaha..." The Taishang Dao ancestor was still in the Eight Views Palace. Hearing this, he heard a laugh: "Although the little friend is not invincible in the world, his courage is indeed invincible in the world. You don't need to be invincible now. There are many things that can be done that old guys like us can't do."

Luo Jun and Bai Qing immediately turned their heads towards the Bajing Palace, Luo Jun said: "Let Daozu laugh, the younger generation is ashamed!"

After that, Luo Jun and Bai Qing entered the Bajing Palace.

Taishang Taoist ancestor, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Master Tongtian met Luo Jun together.

Luo Jun first said: "Sage Yuan has extracted the poison of heaven's secrets from my body. I don't know if it will act as a spy?"

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry about this, the poison of heaven does not have this function!"

Luo Jun was relieved and said: "That's good!"

Afterwards, he asked the Master Tongtian with concern, "Master, your injury?"

Master Tongtian smiled bitterly, and said: "Hard support, you can't die."

Luo Jun said: "The juniors can use Mosquitoes to detoxify you this time."

Master Tongtian said: "It's not impossible. Once this spirit drunk poison is eliminated, the primordial sage will know. He must be able to guess that it was you!"

Luo Jun said, "I'm not afraid anymore. If I really want to return to Yuan Sage again, I can say that it is to survive to help you relieve the poison of spirit drunk."

Taishang Dao Ancestor smiled and said: "This statement is okay!"

Yuanshi Tianzun was overjoyed, and said, "That's great, why don't you start now?"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Don't be anxious!"

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