Super Security in the City

Chapter 3982: Meet mother and daughter

Empress Nuwa stayed for a while, but didn't say much.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The distance between Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen was close at hand. Empress Nuwa suddenly stopped and said to Luo Jun: "You go to see Susu first, and then..." Luo Jun nodded and said, "The younger generation understands."

Empress Nuwa said: "Okay, I am here waiting for you!"

Luo Jun didn't care about the other things, his figure flashed, and he left the colorful **** phoenix.

After flying in the void for about half an hour, I saw a streamer flying in front of him. The streamer speed is extremely fast, and Luo Jun's speed is also very fast. What Luo Jun showed was also a stream of light.

In the void, if the two streamers were seen by people, it was as if they were watching two meteors colliding at an extremely fast speed.

When the two streamers approached, their speed did not slow down, but directly collided.

At that moment, Luo Jun hugged Suzhen's soft body tightly. The impact of the two was very strong, but at the moment of hugging, they had already removed it.

Smelling the familiar scent of Suzhen in black, Luo Jun felt as if he hadn't seen her for 10,000 years and missed her so much.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other.

Not to mention anything else, Luo Jun kissed her lips.

This is an extremely fragrant kiss, like a mellow wine...

Enough to make people intoxicated, unable to extricate themselves!

After a long time, my lips...

Suzhen in black has a pretty face red. Although she has been married for many years, she still has the shyness of a girl.

Luo Jun stared at the beautiful woman carefully, she was no different from when she was separated.

"Sorry!" Luo Jun embraced her waist and apologized first.

Black Suzhen smiled slightly and said, "What's your apology?"

Luo Jun said: "This immortal world is too complicated. I should wait outside for you before entering. For these years, if you can't find me outside for a long time, you must be very sad in your heart."

Black Suzhen said: "Don't say that, I can understand the situation of Xiaoyu, you are so anxious." After a pause, the conversation turned, and said: "I haven't had a great time in the past few years, because I have always wanted to go in. , But can't find the way. I dare not leave, I am afraid of being further away from you, and I am afraid of any danger in you. If I am here, it is better for us to deal with it together than you are alone. By the way, you find Xiaoyu Yet?"

Luo Jun shook his head and said, "I haven't found it."

Suzhen Black's heart suddenly picked up and said, "This..."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "But don't worry, she is fine now."

Seeing Luo Jun's expression in black Suzhen's expression, she let go of her hanging heart, but her curiosity also followed, and said, "What the **** is going on?"

Luo Jun said: "The old man Hongchen is not a bad person. He...the reason why he did that is really to lead me over."

Suzhen in black said: "At the beginning we also guessed some clues, but it was related to Xiaoyu's safety, so easy that I didn't dare to think."

Next, Luo Jun talked about how he inspired Tiandao Pen after coming to the Immortal Realm, and then went to Hongchen Mountain and so on!

Hei Yi Suzhen heard that Mo Yu had worshipped Ye Qingming as a teacher, and she was completely relieved. Said: "That's great!"

Luo Jun said: "The situation in the Immortal Realm today is very dangerous. I really want to just run with you like this... Let's stay away from the disturbances here, isn't it happy?"

Black Suzhen smiled, and said: "The little language is still in it, can you rest assured? Besides, even if the little language is not there. With your temperament, it is impossible to run away. I really want to leave, you will have the heart in this life. Difficult."

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said: "I'm just saying a few words on my lips!"

Suzhen in black said: "Now I am here, if there is anything, we will solve it together as a husband and wife."

Luo Jun nodded his head.

After that, he said with a solemn expression: "By the way, I have another important thing to tell you."

Suzhen in black was startled, and then suspiciously said: "Don't tell me you have another wife?"

Luo Jun smiled bitterly, and said, "Where are you? I have been guarding myself for years."

Suzhen in black said: "It's not that you don't trust you, it's mainly that you are too popular with girls."

Luo Jun smiled, then said: "What I want to say is a very serious thing, don't interrupt, and it has a lot to do with you."

Black Suzhen was slightly startled, and said, "Is it related to me?"

Luo Jun nodded and said, "Do you know your own life experience?" Suzhen in black is a wise man, and she also knows that there are Empress Nuwa in the fairy world. Right now his face changed, and he said, "What do you mean?"

Luo Jun said: "You answer me first."

Hei Yi Suzhen said: "I don't know my life experience. The only thing I know is that my origin may be related to the Nuwa Empress. Many people say that I am the reincarnation of the original spirit left by the Nuwa Empress, but for this point, I There is no way to prove it. You tell me quickly, what do you know?"

Luo Jun said: "I saw Empress Nuwa this time, and I also talked about you with Empress Nuwa. She told me the truth... Back then, she was practicing and wanted to feel the subtleties of life, so she accepted the heaven and the earth. The qi enters the body and condenses the soul of the original fetus. The soul of the original fetus is too weak, and the nvwa empress is too strong. Therefore, as a last resort, the nvwa implanted the soul of the original fetus into the body of the snake demon, the snake demon itself has You were pregnant, so later you shared the same body with your sister. But obviously, you are the soul of the original fetus. This can be seen from your cultivation talent. And, to be honest, your appearance is Some are similar to Nuwa Empress, and your personalities are also very similar."

Suzhen in black was silent for a while, and said, "What then?"

Luo Jun said: "Later the earth has undergone a lot of changes, and Nuwa Empress had to leave. And you were a product of the earth, and you were weak at the time and could not take you away. If you forcefully take it away, you will not survive. Nuwa Empress As a last resort, I left the star stone, and Shanhe Sheji Tu to guard you. I should have left a primordial spirit, but the empress did not say this. For so many years, she has been thinking about you very much!"

Suzhen in black fell silent again.

Luo Jun suddenly became worried and said: "I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while... It's just..."

"What is unacceptable?" Suzhen in black suddenly smiled.

Luo Jun was immediately stunned.

Black Suzhen smiled and said, "Do I have to be unacceptable and refuse to admit my relatives just like in the dog blood drama, right?"

Luo Jun finally let go and said: "You can accept it, that's great."

Black Suzhen said: "Everyone has roots. In fact, this is also my heart knot. Now that I know my origin, I am very happy."

Luo Jun said: "The empress has already come, not far away."

"What?" Suzhen in black was taken aback.

Luo Jun was stunned and said: "You don't want to see?"

Hei Suzhen hurriedly said: "No, no. It's just that you said this suddenly, and then you met suddenly, I don't seem to be ready yet."

Luo Jun smiled and said: "The mother was also nervous. She was anxious when she didn't see you. But she was really going to see you, and she was a little scared, so she waited in the distance."

Black Suzhen also became nervous, and said: "I don't know what should I say when I saw her. Called mother? Called mother? I can't say it."

Luo Jun said: "It doesn't matter, isn't I here?"

Suzhen in black said: "I..."

In any case, Suzhen in black finally decided to see Empress Nuwa.

This is a true meeting of the century.

Luo Jun originally wanted to be the mediator among them, but then Suzhen Black said that he didn't need it.

Therefore, Luo Jun could only wait in the distance to give their mother and daughter time to be alone.

In the emptiness of the universe, Empress Nuwa wore a white dress, like a goddess out of dust.

She walked slowly in the void.

A kilometer in front of her, Suzhen in black dressed in black, like a rose in the dark night...

She walked slowly towards the Nuwa Empress.

Finally, they came to each other.

Empress Nuwa stared at Suzhen in black, and Suzhen in black stared at Empress Nuwa.

There is no need to doubt, no need to think too much, judging from the appearance of the two, you know that they are related by blood.

The difference is that Empress Nuwa's aura is more ambitious.

The two did not speak immediately...

After a long time, Empress Nuwa spoke up and said apologetically: "Susu, I'm sorry, I am not a good mother, I did not take good care of you. For so many years, you have been swaying in the wind and rain, and I have a good skill. But nothing helped you."

Suzhen in black smiled softly, and said: "Don't say that, the landscape of the mountain and river, the star stone is not yours left to me? It's a pity that I didn't protect it, all of them have been destroyed!"

Once the chatterbox is opened, the atmosphere is much better.

Empress Nuwa also smiled, and said, "What matters is that, it's something outside of her body."

Black Suzhen said: "You really don't have to apologize to me. I have always been very good. Although my life has been rough, it is wonderful enough. The only... regret... forget it, don't mention it."

Empress Nu Wa completely let go of her heart.

After taking the first two steps, he gently hugged Suzhen Hei.

Suzhen in black suddenly felt that her heart became extremely fragile at this moment, and she actually felt like she wanted to cry.

She never thought that she would have a mother in her life, and since she was born, she has no mother.

The snake demon mother who gave birth to her has died of dystocia...

For a long time, she was in a state of unconsciousness, growing up inexplicably...

After a long time, the two separated.

Suzhen Black quickly converged her emotions.

Mother Nuwa said: "I am very happy to know that you are doing well and that you are still safe."

Suzhen in black said, "Thank you!"

Mother Nuwa said, "Silly boy, thank you for what you say to me."

"Let's go!" After that, Empress Nuwa said.

Black Suzhen nodded.

So the two of them really wandered in space...

Empress Nuwa said: "Luo Jun, I saw it."

Suzhen in black suddenly blushed, and said, "He didn't let you down, did he?"

Empress Nuwa was so angry that she said, "You are such an outstanding person. He actually has other women. If it weren't for you to have cooked rice, I would have to let him..."

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