Super Security in the City

Chapter 3985: Cosmic dark day

Ye Qingming couldn't help losing her color, saying, "Since the signing of the Heavenly Dao Law Agreement, I have faintly felt uneasy. I have been studying it all the time... I just didn't expect that the problem would be so serious. I originally thought that Yuansheng invited all the saints to join us. The signing of the Heavenly Dao Fa Pact was just to buy him time. I thought at the time that Luo Jun on our side would also need to buy some time, so we agreed."

Emperor Fuxi said: "In fact, I don't quite understand one thing, Ye Sheng, you are extremely safe in the sea of ​​blood. Why did you run to sign the heavenly law agreement? If you don't go, it's okay."

Ye Qingming said: "I don't want to stay out of the immortal world. I was afraid that Yuan Sheng had a conspiracy back then. When I saw all the saints go, I followed. Everyone agreed, and I have no reason to disagree! Anyway. It's just signing a legal agreement not to use it, not deprivation."

Emperor Fuxi said: "So that's it!"

Ye Qingming said again: "I would like to ask fellow Taoists to talk about the detailed situation." Fuxi Great said: "The information is from Luo Jun from Yuan Sage." Then he talked about Luo Jun's death flying knife. Hanging a thread, seek medical advice in a place of nothingness. After returning, I will meet Yuansheng in the Shura world, fight the ancestor together, and so on!

Ye Qingming couldn't help losing her color when she heard the breath of the ancestor and the undead, and the color of fear flashed in her eyes.

When Emperor Fuxi saw her like this, he thought of something and said, "Miss Ye, do you know anything?"

Ye Qingming remained silent.

Emperor Fuxi did not continue to question, but waited patiently.

After a long time, Ye Qingming said, "I know one thing, but I don't want to mention it. Many times, I think it shouldn't happen."

Emperor Fuxi's heart trembled abruptly, and said, "What's the matter?"

Ye Qingming said: "You should know that I am in charge of the Heavenly Dao of Death. I walked out of death, faintly, and once saw the dark day of the universe!"

"I know that Miss Ye, you are cultivating the Way of Death. You said you came out of death, but I don't quite understand the meaning of this sentence." Fuxi said.

Ye Qingming said: "The gas produced at the moment of death is the gas of death. At the same time, after a person dies, it will turn into soot and form the gas of death. The gas of death also occupies a position in the universe. You. Most of them cannot be felt... I just came out of the breath of death... In the world of breath of death, it has been calm for tens of billions of years. It was only in the past thousand years that I began to have some weak consciousness, and then began to become strong. I took the opportunity to completely take shape when the cosmic and purple qi appeared. During that thousand years, I spied the universe and heaven from the world of death. In the past two hundred years, I saw the dark day of the universe!"

"What is the dark day of the universe?" Emperor Fuxi's mood became heavy.

Ye Qingming said: "On the dark day of the universe, death envelopes the entire universe, and everyone becomes a living dead. The universe is controlled by death, and there is no vitality. At that time, the entire universe is a dead universe."

Emperor Fuxi couldn't help but gasped for a cold breath.

Ye Qingming said: "If the entire universe becomes a dead universe, it is most beneficial to me, and I will become extremely powerful. But this is not what I want. I am now a human being. Although I master the path of death, I enjoy it. It’s a vibrant universe. A dead universe, with no vitality, no matter how powerful it is, what can it do? Can you order the living dead?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "This is terrifying. If that day comes... I can't imagine it. But what is the connection between the spirit of the undead and the appearance of the ancestors and the dark day of the universe?"

Ye Qingming said: "First there is the cosmic purple qi, then the undead qi, then the ancestors, ice ghosts... and then...the tears of death, the qi of the devil, so that the dark day of the universe will appear in the end! The appearance has made me very vigilant, and now the spirit of the undead, the ancestor, and the ice ghost have all appeared. This is terrible..."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Luo Jun came from the gate of eternal life and said that he saw all this. Is this really the fate of the universe we are currently in?"

Ye Qingming said in surprise, "Luo Jun also saw it?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "He didn't say that detail." After a pause, he said: "It's just that Yuan Sheng is aggressive now. If we don't take measures, we'll just sit and wait for death. All the saints discussed that we must destroy the power of heaven first, and then Let’s maintain stability and prevent that dead universe from appearing."

"Are you trying to concoct the tears of death? This absolutely won't work." Ye Qingming was shocked.

Emperor Fuxi said: "But we have no other way."

Ye Qingming murmured: "This is definitely not right. You have created a grand purple qi, the qi of the undead, and you can no longer continue to follow the established trajectory."

Emperor Fuxi said: "No one wants to go on like this, but Yuan Sheng refused to give up. What do you think we should do? Once he uses the law of heaven to deprive us of the power of heaven. At that time, we can only let him slaughter. NS."

Ye Qingming took a deep breath and said, "No, I have to go to the Metaverse!"

The Great Emperor Fuxi paled and said, "Never! Do you want to treat Yuan Shengxiao with reason and affection?"

Ye Qingming said: "When the universe is truly dead, his Kepler tribe will also perish."

Emperor Fuxi said: "But Yuan Sheng will also think about killing us people, and then shrink the front, not to follow-up development. Moreover, he is the most jealous of you, if you dare to take the initiative to go, he will definitely not let you live. Out of the metasphere."

Ye Qingming remained silent, knowing that what Fuxi Great Emperor said was very likely to happen.

There is an irreconcilable contradiction between Human Race and Yuan Sage.

Now the human race intends to kill the opponent, and then stop fighting. And Yuansheng will have this plan too!

This caused both parties to be unable to close their hands... so the two sides continued to advance toward the dark day of the universe.

"One more thing!" Fuxi said: "Xianxian King Xiao and Luo Jun said that they had seen Yuan Sheng destroy the spirit of the undead and the ancestors. If there is no spirit of the undead, the follow-up will be in a terrifying direction. Is it developing?"

Ye Qingming said: "The ancestor may die, but how can the spirit of the undead be destroyed?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Now we are looking for the spirit of the undead."

Ye Qingming said: "Really?" Fuxi said: "Only the spirit of the undead can break the law of heaven."

Ye Qingming said, "Is the words of Yuan Yuxian really credible? I'm afraid, there is still Yuan Sage's tricks in this." Fuxi Great said: "I and Dao Ancestor have been calculated and calculated by various parties, and there is no problem. Luo Jun still has some means, maybe Yuan Yuxian moved his true feelings to him. In addition, Yuan Sheng and Yuan Yuxian both thought that the spirit of the undead had been destroyed. Probably it doesn't matter if you tell the truth!"

Ye Qingming said: "Your analysis is reasonable, but there are other possibilities!"

"Oh?" Fuxi the Great said: "Please also ask Miss Ye for advice."

Ye Qingming said: "This person, Yuansheng, is good at calculating. It can be said that he is smarter than us. He doesn't know that you and Dao Ancestor are good at calculating the future. Maybe, he is nine points true, one point is false, deliberately Misdirected us in the wrong direction."

The Great Emperor Fuxi shuddered and said, "It is indeed possible."

Ye Qingming said, "But this is just my guess. I want to prove the truth, but I can't help it."

Emperor Fuxi said: "All kinds of calculations, I think this statement is true. Now I am a little confused."

Ye Qingming said: "For the time being, let's treat it as true. You still have to be cautious in the follow-up, take one step, count one step!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "Of course!" Ye Qingming said again: "By the way, the spirit of the undead is not easy to find, do you guys have eyebrows? Who is looking for? How much time is there for the conspiracy of the heavenly law?"

Emperor Fuxi replied, "Heavenly Dao Fa has about 20 years to complete the layout. Dao Ancestor and I have countless calculations, but we can't find the whereabouts of the spirit of the undead. Finally, we have to let Luo Jun look for it, after all. He is the breaker!"

Ye Qingming said, "Where is he right now?"

Emperor Fuxi didn't want to reveal his sister's private affairs, so he said: "I don't know too much!"

Ye Qingming didn't continue to ask, thought for a while, and said, "You guys still want to create tears of death to destroy the power of the Dao of Heaven, right?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "We initially agree with this idea, but we will also be happy to hear your opinion from Miss Ye."

Ye Qingming was silent for a while and sighed: "It is unlikely that we will all move out of the immortal world, and Yuan Sheng hates more than us. He hates the human race. If we leave here, he will slaughter. Terran master. If you want to come, he also knows the danger of cutting the grass without removing the roots... and in the end, even in the universe, he may continue to chase us. Therefore, escape is the last resort, and it can only solve the temporary problem. We have no choice but to do it. Fight head-on!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's true. If we back down to get peace, then we are willing to back down. However, this is not a matter of backing down and not backing down at all."

Ye Qingming sighed and said, "I don't have any good suggestions. If everything is destined to happen. I think, no matter how much I do in it, it won't help."

Emperor Fuxi said: "It's true!" After a pause, he continued: "By the way, Ye Sheng, I have other purposes this time."

Ye Qingming said: "Please speak!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "We have discussed with Taoist ancestors. We feel that the reason why we people are bullied so hard by Yuan Sheng is because we all have our own dojos, and the distance between the dojos is too far. Everyone is scattered, so we play singles. There is no way to fight alone. The best way is to integrate. At present, Xiaoxianwang's Yunhaixianyu, as well as my Heavenly Court, and my sister's Wa Palace have all moved to Daluo Mountain."

Ye Qingming suddenly looked weird and said, "Do you want me to move in too?"

Emperor Fuxi said: "No, it's not that we want you to move there too. It's that everyone wants to move to your sea of ​​blood. The geographical conditions of the sea of ​​blood are the best. We are here, if we solve the problem of heaven. The issue of strength, then we can sit back and relax in the future!"

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