Super Security in the City

Chapter 3995: On the brink of desperation

At the end, Yuan Yuxian said, "Since you already understand this formation, Master, you must be able to break it, right?" Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "But it still takes a lot of hands and feet. It is estimated that it can be broken in 20 days for the teacher. It will take forty days for him to make a stab in it!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "It will take three months for the saints to arrive at the earliest. Forty days and one day are actually the same."

Yuan Sheng shook his head and said, "That's not how the account is calculated, Xian'er!"

Yuan Yuxian's face changed slightly and said, "You mean those saints might come early?"

Yuan Shengdao: "Until the dust settles, things will always be full of variables. The longer the time, the more variables. Forty days, sometimes it’s just a flick of a finger. But sometimes, it’s extremely long. It may take ten thousand years to create a new world, but it may only take one day to make a real change!"

Yuan Yuxian thoughtfully said after a long while: "The disciple has been taught!"

Within the enchantment, Chen Yang has been observing the speed of Yuan Sage breaking through the formation. He found that the speed of Yuansheng solving the Netherworld Flower Sequence was faster than he had imagined, and he had changed and adjusted his speed of problem solving. But the other party seems to be more and more smooth, and there is a kind of happy and hearty feeling.

"If the game meets your opponent, you will meet a good talent!" Chen Yang secretly said: "Presumably Yuan Yunzhong is very happy at this moment. Unfortunately, Lao Tzu's cultivation base is far behind you after all. This formation competition, although it is not better than cultivation base, but Breaking the formation requires the assistance of cultivation base. If Lao Tzu has the same cultivation base as you, I will break the formation faster than you!"

But Chen Yang still has to face reality!

He knew that the current situation was getting more serious, and it was only a matter of time before he broke through his great formation with the means of Yuan Sheng.

Once the formation is broken, the Primordial Sage who holds the Way of Life and Heaven in his hand can definitely kill them. And there is no escape... It seems that there is still a lot of time, but if they don't find a way to break the game, then their group will be dead.

In the current situation, even though Ye Qingming and Fuxi the Great were Heavenly Dao saints, there was nothing they could do. The only thing they can do is to wait for the battle to break and try their best to make a **** path.

Otherwise, there is no other way!

When Ye Qingming saw Chen Yang's expression becoming more ugly, he also smiled and said, "Is the situation worse than imagined? But don't be too pessimistic. Maybe a saint will just pass by and perceive the power of heaven. Came to rescue."

Chen Yang smiled bitterly, and said: "This is a small chance event, at least Daozu and others will not come. The Master Tongtian went to the West to teach... We can't completely entrust our lives to luck."

Ye Qingming sighed and said, "The matter is here, and you have done your best. Now that we have done our best, then no matter what the result is, there will be no regrets."

Emperor Fuxi also said: "Yes, Chen Yang, you have done your best. When the battle is broken, I will fight Miss Ye desperately, and you will take the opportunity to leave!"

Ye Qingming smiled bitterly, and said: "In fact, it is useless. What if we can stop Yuansheng for three days and three nights? After three days and three nights, they can also pursue Chen Yang and Susu girls. Yuansheng uses the power of life and heaven. Catch up, it will definitely be able to catch up."

Emperor Fuxi went silent.

He knew that what Ye Qingming said was the truth.

At this moment, he raised his head to look at the **** enchantment above, and said solemnly: "There is a saying in the world, called Tianxinzhiren, the right way is not lonely. I don't believe it, our human line is submerged."

Ye Qingming smiled and said, "Brother Dao is so wrong!"

Emperor Fuxi was startled slightly, and said, "Miss Ye?"

Ye Qingming said: "First, the human race is not necessarily the right way. So it's not true that the right way is not lonely... In fact, every creature will think that they are the right way. Yuan Sheng must think that they are the warriors of revenge, and they can give everything for this. In addition, , What is the human race in the entire vast universe? In this universe, it is estimated that countless races are extinct every minute and every second. The human race will be extinct, but sooner or later!"

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly and said, "Although this is the case, the day that I actually arrived is too bitter and unacceptable."

"Don't despair!" Chen Yang smiled beside him.

Emperor Fuxi looked at Chen Yang, with hope in his eyes, and said, "Little friend, you are the breaker, is there a way?"

Chen Yang said, "I can't do anything yet." After a pause, he said, "However, I have experienced many desperate events, and there are many more hopeless and terrifying than this. My personal experience is that I can't. At the last moment, never be pessimistic!"

Ye Qingming said: "I am not a pessimistic person, but the enemies we encountered are different this time. The power of Yuan Sheng is now stronger than that of the entire Spiritual Empire back then. In the face of absolute strength, there are actually many All tricks and tricks are in vain!"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "The Yuan Sheng is indeed very strong, but I still don't think he is absolute strength. If it is me who will face him alone today, then I must be ready to die. But right now there are two of you. Position? Without you two, this formation would not be possible."

Ye Qingming said, "If you don't talk about some of these, can you do it?"

Chen Yang said: "Not yet."

Ye Qingming said: "..."

Chen Yang said: "But I believe that I will think of a way, we still have time."

Time passed day by day.

Chen Yang still didn't think of a way.

Suzhen in black is not too anxious. She is also a person who has seen the world. What kind of wind, waves and despair have not been experienced?

Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming also calmed down. Anyway, they couldn't be anxious. When it came to that point, let's fight to the death.

Chen Yang felt very good this time, although it may be the most crisis in his life. But there is no panic in his heart...

This is completely different from the mood of Zhan Xian Fei Dao in the beginning. When Zhan Xian Fei Dao was in high school, he was desperate and depressed.

And this time, he firmly believes that there will be a way to survive!

Soon, half a month passed.

Yuan Sage's solution to the Netherworld Flower Sequence is getting faster and faster, and it's getting more and more handy.

Chen Yang occasionally made some tricks in it, but Yuan Sheng could crack it.

In other words, Chen Yang tried his best to do things in it... Yuan Sheng could break through the formation in only five days at most.

Yuan Sheng's speed accelerated again.

"At most five days, at least three days, the formation will be broken." Chen Yang told the news to Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming.

Emperor Fuxi said: "We are ready to fight!"

Ye Qingming said, "Life and death depend on God's will!"

Outside the barrier, Yuan Sheng had been cracking the barrier formation. But at this time, he suddenly stopped.

Yuan Yuxian and Xu Mizi had been waiting, and they were immediately puzzled when they saw this. Sumeko didn't dare to inquire...

Yuan Yuxian said: "Master, have you encountered a problem?"

Yuan Sheng said: "No! There will be three days to break the formation. Moreover, this formation is irremediable. It is impossible for them to form a formation inside."

Yuan Yuxian said: "This is a good thing, but it seems that you are not very happy."

Yuan Sheng said: "It's so smooth."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Is it smooth? Why does the disciple feel that it hasn't been smooth all the time."

Yuan Shengdao: "It should have been smooth, but the appearance of Xuanyuantai made everything go smoothly. Everything at the moment is too smooth."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Is there a problem?"

Yuan Sheng said: "It can't be said that there is a problem, it feels normal. He Xuanyuantai is just a person who has not even reached the holy realm. At this level, wisdom and luck have no effect. But it makes the teacher feel weird. Yes, based on his character, he can certainly create more problems and difficulties for the teacher. But why didn't he do this?" Sumeiko said: "Is it just plausibility?"

Yuan Shengdao: "It doesn't make sense, so the suspicion array is useless. He knows that it is impossible for the old man to give up halfway through this trip. And he will not be scared off by his so-called suspicion array! There seems to be no problem, but now there is no problem. Has become the biggest problem."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Master, I kind of understand what you mean."

Yuan Sheng said in a deep voice: "Now that things have happened, the old man can only do the same and change everything. He will do his best and let him toss!"

Afterwards, Yuan Sheng continued to do it.

Inside the enchantment formation...

Chen Yang was closing his eyes and concentrating, but suddenly, he opened his eyes.

There is a light of excitement in his eyes...

Both Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi noticed the change in Chen Yang's expression.

"What? Is there a way?" They were overjoyed and asked at the same time.

Chen Yang looked at them and said with a smile: "Since the formation, I have always felt that there will be variables. I have been looking for this inspiration... now, I finally found it."

Ye Qingming was also overjoyed and said, "Quickly talk about it, don't sell it."

Chen Yang said: "You all know the ancestor of the undead, right?"

Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi said: "That's right!"

Chen Yang said: "I once absorbed some undead aura when I was in the cracked world, so now, I sensed a weird undead aura."

"What do you mean?" Fuxi the Great said: "Isn't the ancestor of the undead and the spirit of the undead are gone?"

Chen Yang said: "The fact is that the ancestor of the dead is likely to be alive. Moreover, it is in this sea of ​​blood."

Ye Qingming said, "Do you want to use the ancestor of the undead to deal with Yuan Sheng?"

Chen Yang said: "I have this idea."

Emperor Fuxi said: "Does this undead ancestor have human feelings? Will he help us?"

Chen Yang said: "I can't give an answer to this, but I believe it's man-made."

Ye Qingming said: "Well, even if we assume that the undead ancestor is still alive, we are willing to help us. But how do we contact him now? This formation enchantment, can you go out?"

Chen Yang smiled and said: "Of course you can go out. Once you leave, this formation will break without your support. But I am a small person and don't participate much. So if I leave, no one will be involved. I can find it. Moreover, I have reserved a way out when I set up the formation in advance!"

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