Super Security in the City

: Chapter 3998 Life and death impermanence

Luo Jun's dismantling words quickly turned into golden tentacles, and he entangled the undead ice sword.

Countless demolition forces penetrated in, decomposing the various supernatural powers of the Undead Ice Sword. With the help of Word Splitting, the Undead Ice Sword weakened again. After that, the Wugu Sheji sacred tree exerted its power to completely dissolve the undead ice sword and turn it into pure energy.

Hei Suzhen is in full control of everything, using the nine snow mountains to quickly absorb this pure undead ability.

Tiandao Pen has always wanted to absorb more nutrients to strengthen itself, but at this time he did not dare to come out and share the spoils. Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen are connected with each other, while storing a small portion of the pure power of the undead, and then throwing it all into battle.

All mana activations, including the power of the longevity fruit, the power of the nine snow mountains, the divine power of yin and yang, and so on!

When all the divine powers were gathered together, Suzhen in black turned Luo Jun's body and screamed...

"Great Chaos Thunder Sword!"


The sword light flashed, and a sword light burst out suddenly, as if starting from the chaos, it was about to split the world!

This sword contains the power of heaven, the power of chaos, the power of dark thunder... and the divine power of yin and yang perfectly integrates all these powers!

This is the strongest sword that Suzhen Black has issued since her debut!

This sword surpasses countless rules, laws, and profound meanings in the world!

The undead ancestor stood in the air... For him, everything was just a moment.

He blocked the opponent's way, and then sent out an undead ice sword casually.

Following that, the opponent's figure shrank.

Then, his undead ice sword was resolved by the opponent.

Following that, a terrifying Chaos Thunder Sword slashed towards his head.

At the moment of the moment, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of the undead.

He quickly reached out his palm, and in his palm, quickly gathered the ice blue divine power and wrapped it towards the thunder sword.


The power of infinite ice blue quickly freezes everything around.

Time, space, and all laws are all frozen!

Behind the ancestor of the undead, the black mist particles formed a huge vortex, the vortex rolled, and lightning poured into his body. This is a way for him to absorb the spirit of the undead. Absorb the breath and mana from the outside world at a terrifying speed visible to the naked eye...

The Chaos Thunder Sword was frozen directly!

In the next second, cracks began to appear in the ice.

Then, the whole ice burst...


The ice shattered, and the Chaos Thunder Sword split the body of the undead ancestor in half.

The body of the undead ancestor quickly broke apart, and finally turned into countless ice blue particles. These ice blue particles quickly merged together, and after a short time, they once again formed the ancestor of the undead.

The Chaos Thunder Sword completely melted after slicing the undead ancestor!

The undead ancestor's face became more and more cold, and he suddenly put out a hand.

Suzhen in black drove Luo Jun's body to retreat, but black mist particles surged behind her, forming a wall of black mist.

The next second, the undead ancestor pinched Luo Jun's neck.

The ice cold divine power quickly invaded Luo Jun's whole body, and the feeling of suffocation followed closely.

In Luo Jun's body, the heavenly brush, the nine snow-capped mountains, and the Wugu Sheji sacred tree all worked together. The yin and yang divine power is also fiercely spurring... the icy and terrifying power entered it, and was quickly absorbed by Luo Jun's Wugu Sheji sacred tree.

Luo Jun's body has become a popsicle, his whole body is showing an ice blue color, his eyebrows and hair are all frozen, even the eyeballs are frozen.

It seems that there is no solution...but all the systems inside his body are fighting for fate. At this moment, Luo Jun ignored other things and swallowed the longevity fruit desperately, his strength skyrocketed...

Absorb the power of the undead ancestors, absorb the power of the longevity fruit and so on!

The yin and yang divine power is responsible for reconciling everything!

The moment Luo Jun became a popsicle and seemed to fall, the blue ice outside his body began to crack again.


Luo Jun opened his eyes suddenly and roared, "Go to hell, old pervert!" He fisted away!

Terrifying energy burst out, ruining the world, and shaking the stars!

The body of the undead ancestor instantly shattered and turned into countless ice blue particles.

Luo Jun didn't care about anything else. The moment he was choked by the undead ancestor just now, he really felt like holding hands with death. I also knew in my heart that Yuan Sheng could not kill the guy who could not die with his grandiose and purple energy.

Since the talks are not good right now, let's run away!

If you want to die, you have to die at the Qingming Palace, and run here to die inexplicably, then what is it?

Fleeing desperately...

However, in front of the undead ancestor, how could he escape.

If you can escape in front of the ancestor of the undead, wouldn't you also be able to escape in front of the Primordial Sage?

Luo Jun flew out in the air for less than ten seconds, and another figure appeared in front of him!

No one else, it was the damn, expressionless, icy blue eyed, undead ancestor with a lifeless expression.

The ancestor of the undead stopped Luo Jun to go, and once again reached out his hand to pinch Luo Jun's throat.

I can't hide...

Everything happened too fast, too fast!


At this moment, Luo Jun could no longer organize an effective attack.

Including Suzhen in black, Tiandao Pen was completely suppressed by the power of the ancestor. Luo Jun's feelings were also passed on to Suzhen in black and Tiandao Pen, and they all felt a sense of suffocation.

"It's really going to die? Isn't Lao Tzu feeling unacceptable this time? Your grandma's, Lao Tzu is your allies!"

Gradually, Luo Jun didn't even have his thoughts anymore, and his brain appeared blank!

Three days passed quickly...

In front of the Qingming Palace, the **** enchantment finally couldn't hold it.

Following the unraveling of the last sequence of Yuansheng, the entire blood enchantment began to falter. All the nether flowers began to melt...

At this time, the black corpse came over with a punch without saying a word.


The **** barrier was completely broken.

The barrier in front of him also broke open.

In front of the Qingming Palace, Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi had already got up, their faces were solemn, waiting for the killing to come.

But they will never catch it all.

"Xuanyuantai is gone?" After Yuan Sheng and the others came to ten meters in front of them, Yuan Sheng said after taking a glance.

"Not bad!" Ye Qingming said, "He has already left."

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man has a firm grasp of his aura. It doesn't matter if he leaves, the old man will look for him after the two of you are resolved."

Ye Qingming remained silent.

Emperor Fuxi said: "It seems that we have no need to talk nonsense, then, let's do it!"

Yuan Sheng nodded.

At this moment, Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi shot together.

The Great Emperor Fuxi deployed the power of the Heavenly Way of Space, and in an instant, the Heavenly Way of Space enveloped the world.

The power of space is so strong that the sea of ​​blood has turned into a vast sea.

Yuan Yuxian and Xu Mizi are also semi-sage masters, but they are caught in the vast sea at the moment, no matter how they fly or intersect, they can't break the space barrier in front of them!

This is the greatness of Fuxi Great's Space and Heavenly Dao.

Emperor Fuxi also separated the black corpse from the Yuansheng...

At the same time, Ye Qingming's death path was also revealed...

The particles of death rolled over, covering the Yuan Sage and the black corpse.

Ye Qingming formed the magic seal, attracted the mana in the body, mobilized the power of the entire ghost blood sea, formed a powerful and unparalleled power of death heaven, and attacked the Yuan Sage.

Yuan Sheng and the black corpse have been separated by Fuxi Great's Space and Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, Ye Qingming and Emperor Fuxi attacked and killed Yuansheng together.

In fact, they shouldn't kill Yuansheng first. Because Yuansheng is the most powerful, they should kill the black corpse first...because killing Yuan Yuxian and Sumiko will not do much.

And when the black corpse was killed, Yuan Sage couldn't make waves!

So why did they choose Yuansheng? The key problem is that Yuan Sheng is too strong. To deal with others, Yuan Sheng will definitely come over very quickly...

Emperor Fuxi and Ye Qingming worked together to slay Yuan Sage, Yuan Sage couldn't keep his hands in this situation, and quickly displayed the power of life and heaven.

His boat of destiny was also sacrificed.

Ye Qingming sacrificed the Qingming sword...

The fierce battle broke out, and the sky fell apart!


Emperor Fuxi used the power of the space heaven to trap the Yuan Sage’s attack into the space heaven. Although the space heaven could not completely trap the opponent's power, it was already weakened a lot when the opponent's power arrived.

At the same time, Emperor Fuxi could help Ye Qingming send the attack to the opponent quickly.

He is like an excellent support, and if you take him in a fight, the enemy will have a very headache.

Yuan Sheng uses the heavenly way of life, and draws countless Hongmeng and Purple Qi into his body.

Ye Qingming's many powers of death and the power of Heavenly Dao came over, but they were quickly absorbed by him with the Heavenly Dao of Life.

This is exactly the horror of the way of contains everything.

The Heavenly Way of Death is even a link in the Heavenly Way of Life. Therefore, no matter how powerful Ye Qingming is, it will actually not hurt the Primordial Sage.

Yuan Sheng kept absorbing Ye Qingming's power, and he was not in a hurry to kill Ye Qingming.

Ye Qingming also quickly discovered this, and slowed down his attack. She said in a deep voice to the Great Fuxi: "My heavenly way of death was bitten to death by him, and my power is contained by his heavenly way of life, and it is impossible to defeat it. Between me and him, it is destined to be impossible for me to win. "

Emperor Fuxi smiled bitterly, and said: "It's not just you, all the power of the heavenly way of us people can't break his life and heavenly way. We can't win today!"

Ye Qingming couldn't help feeling powerless and irritated, and said, "We can't help him if we two join forces. It's really unreasonable!"

Emperor Fuxi said: "The Yuan Sage is really old and treacherous. Today, his life has reached the highest level, so he has completely exposed his true colors at this time."

Ye Qingming said: "It's not that he is great, but that all things grow and restrain each other. We are all restrained by him."

Emperor Fuxi also understood this, but he was helpless.

Yuan Sheng saw that Ye Qingming was no longer exerting any strength, so he began to attack.

The ship of destiny and the grand purple qi, the life and heaven are completely integrated, forming a terrifying golden fist of life! This fist mark is fierce, bursting the world!

Majestic, ancient, life and death, destiny...

Boom... Searching for Weixing Gongzhong's Beiming Little Demon, you can see that Yuan Sheng has been extinguished!

When the golden life fist imprinted the killer, the power of many spatial heavens quickly disintegrated in front of him!

Divine flame burns, burns heaven!

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