Super Security in the City

Chapter 4004: Two Saints of the West

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen stayed in Jie Xumi's villa for three days before setting off again. Anyway, many things are not urgent for a day or two.

A month later, Yuan Sheng and his party had already arrived in the Western world.

They were flying over the vast sea and sky. At this time, Yuansheng's injuries were basically stable, but some internal injuries were unavoidable. With his current strength, even if he encountered a saint, he was not afraid.

Sumeko is responsible for controlling the flight of the ship of destiny, and Yuan Yuxian occasionally replaces it.

On this day, in the inner miniature palace of the ship of destiny, the black corpse and the primordial sage are still training.

After Yuan Yuxian came in, she respectfully said: "Master!" She didn't call the black corpse because it was useless.

Yuan Sheng smiled slightly and said, "Sit down!"

Yuan Yuxian sat cross-legged in front of him and said, "The disciple is a little worried these days."

Yuan Sheng said: "Still worried that the heavenly law will not go so smoothly?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "That Xuanyuantai feels very uneasy for the disciple." Yuan Sheng said, "He is really surprising this time, but if you remember, he is a trail after all." Yuan Yuxian said: "If the undead The ancestors have been helping them, which is very unfavorable for us."

Yuan Sheng said: "It's really unfavorable!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "If all the saints take advantage of our heavenly law and agreement, and join forces with the undead ancestors to attack our temple, how should we resist?"

Yuan Sheng said: "You don't have to worry about this. As a teacher, you have thought about this issue. With the formation and number of the temple, they can come back and forth! It is nothing more than the undead ancestors. After the brothers are combined, it is no problem to take him down. After they come to the temple, they can be separated as a teacher. The teacher can support the formation while using the power of the formation to take down the undead ancestor. The temple's The formation method seems ordinary, but in fact it was created with the help of Hongmeng and Purple Qi. In the world, it is truly unbreakable!"

Yuan Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said, "That's good!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Anything else to worry about?"

Yuan Yuxian said: "I am still worried that we are now more than self-preserving, and we are unable to come forward. Tiandao Fayue is our only magic weapon to win, but the disciples are really worried about Tiandaofa dating problems recently!"

Yuan Shengdao: "Tian Dao Fayue is in the hands of the teacher, and the teacher is in the temple. The temple is impeccable, and the Heavenly Dao Fayue has no problem. Previously we had the advantage, so we are advancing step by step, and now it is We must focus on defense. After the heavenly law is completely completed, it will be the time for us to attack. In addition, the problems in the Western world must begin to be resolved."

Yuan Yuxian said, "When you go back this time, you are going to attack the western world?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Yes! The skin has been completely torn, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciples approve of your plan." After a pause, he said, "Is it afraid that the western world will flee early?"

Yuan Sheng said: "There are eyes for teachers in the Western world, and they can't escape the eyes of teachers in any trouble. Don't worry!"

Yuan Yuxian breathed a sigh of relief.

In the western world, in the western state...

The Lord Tongtian finally arrived on the Western Mountain.

The western mountains are majestic and majestic.

At this time it was early in the morning, the mountains were full of fog, and the sunlight in the sky gradually appeared, shooting in the fog. Inside the mist, there are bursts of golden light...

Xishengjiao is in this western mountain, at the top of the mountain, in the clouds and within the barrier, the Sanskrit sound of Xishengjiao is arrayed...

At this moment, the Lord Tongtian wore a formal Taoist robe, a purple crown on his head, Lingyun boots on his feet, and a whisk in his hand.

After completing such preparations, he shouted outside the barrier: "The Taoist Tongtian from Biyou Palace begs to see the two leaders of Xishengjiao!"

He shouted three times in a row, and the voice echoed endlessly among the mountains.

After that, the Lord Tongtian began to wait patiently.

After a long time, the inner barrier of Naxi Shengjiao began to open.

Following that, dozens of monks walked out barefoot wearing white monk clothes, holding golden lotus in their hands, arranged in two rows, and singing cheerful Sanskrit sounds in their mouths.

The golden lotus quickly turned into countless golden petals falling one after another, and there were countless cranes flying in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the leading Taoist and Zhunti Taoist of Naxi Shengjiao led the elders and some important Buddhist monks to greet them.

Both the sage and the Zhunti saints are wearing cassocks and hats...

Obviously, they paid great attention to the arrival of Lord Tongtian.

The Lord Tongtian quickly greeted him.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​The leading saint smiled slightly, and said: "The leader came from a long way, but I waited to meet him from afar. It's a sin!"

The sage Zhunti also said: "The leader is the most precious guest since the establishment of our church. This morning, the poor monk heard magpies calling frequently. At that time, he felt that a distinguished guest was coming, but he did not expect it was the leader. "

The Lord Tongtian also saluted, saying: "Immeasurable life, poor Dao is here!"

The sage Zhunti and the leading sage immediately led the monks to return the gift, saying: "Amitabha, poor monks, etc. have returned the gift!"

After some courtesy, the Zhunti saints welcomed the Tongtian cult leader into the Xishengjiao.

The inner palace of Naxi Shengjiao is magnificent, beautiful and clean, and is surrounded by countless woods. The Xuanhu Lake runs through the entire Western Shengjiao, as if hanging upside down in the sky.

Zhunti saints and the leading saints set up a feast to entertain the Lord Tongtian by the side of Xuanhu Lake.

During the banquet, real good luck also came to participate.

This feast lasted until the evening, and the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

At the end of the banquet, the sage Zhunti and the enticed saint had a separate conversation with the master of Tongtian in the Zen room in the Xisheng Palace of the Xishengjiao.

The three sat cross-legged.

The saint Zhunti said: "The leader came from a long distance, and he probably won't come without incident. Here are my own people. If the leader has something to say, you can speak up."

Without waiting for the answer from the Lord Tongtian, the sage said: "Yes, I remember that the last time I met in the heaven, the leader was still suffering from spiritual drunkenness. Today, it seems that the leader is all right? This is really a gratifying thing!"

Master Tongtian nodded and said: "The drunkenness of the poor Dao has been solved."

Congratulations to the quasi-sage and the inviting sage.

Afterwards, the Lord Tongtian said: "Today, the poor road came here in the meaning of the senior brother. Now, Yuan Sheng has shown his fangs. The heavenly law covenant he set up is the biggest conspiracy."

"What?" The two saints were shocked when they heard this.

The Lord Tongtian later said some of the reasons, but he never revealed the true identity of Luo Jun. When speaking, try to disclose the information that can be disclosed as much as possible, and do not say a word for those that cannot be disclosed. After the end, he said again: "At the moment, the Celestial Realm, the Shura Realm, and our Kunlun Realm are all planning to move to the Nether Blood Sea. Of course, this is our plan. Whether Ye Sheng can agree or not is still unknown. So for now The heavens and the Shura realms first converged in the Kunlun realm."

The matter of relocating the Nether Sea of ​​Blood was actually discussed by Taishang Dao Ancestor with Tongtian Sect Master, Yuan Shi Tianzun.

After hearing the words, the sage Zhunti and the leading sage fell into silence.

This is indeed a big deal, and they can't give an answer right away.

The sage Zhunti said: "We need to think about it."

Master Tongtian smiled slightly, and said, "This is a big matter, and it should be considered." After a pause, he said again: "Big brother still gave an explanation when he came, saying that we did not distrust the two leaders, but the two leaders and Yuan. The world is too close, so many things are afraid of changes. If the two leaders can move smoothly, then all the secrets will be told to the two."

Zhun mentioned the saint's way: "Needless to say this, we can all understand it."

The sage was quoted and said: "We are deeply rooted in this place. The establishment of the dojo has also cost countless efforts. Just give up here, really don't give up!"

Master Tongtian said: "But if one day, Yuansheng raises and kills, Western religion will become the first place to be slaughtered by him. At that time, can the dojo be kept? Yuansheng is not only with us in Kunlun. If he has hatred, he hates the entire human race. Even if he has a good relationship with the two leaders, the two leaders must understand the truth of the truth!"

Attracting the saint and Zhunti saint looking at each other, they also knew in their hearts that the words of the Master Tongtian were not intimidation.

"We think about it for three days!" said the leading saint.

Master Tongtian nodded, and said, "That poor Dao is waiting for good news here!"

After that, the enticed saints and Zhunti saints arranged for the Master Tongtian to rest first in the Western Saints.

After that, the two leaders began to discuss in the Zen room.

"Brother!" The sage Zhunti said in a deep voice, "What Taoist Tongtian said is true. The situation is indeed very unfavorable now. We should make plans!"

The leading saint sighed and said: "The poor monk had already expected this day to come. But I didn't expect that this day would come so fast!"

Zhun said the saint said: "But come early, come late, this knife is always to be suffered. We are alive, and we can have everything in the future. If we are not there, this dojo can't be protected."

The saint was attracted to smile and said: "It seems that there is no need to discuss, Junior Brother, you already have the answer in your heart!"

Zhunti saint smiled bitterly and said: "I did agree to relocate."

The sage quoted: "Actually, brother is also agreed. But why should we consider this matter for three days? Because the entire Western Shengjiao is not only you and me. We still need to inform the following, Discussed."

Zhun said the saint said: "I understand this!"

The saint was quoted and said: "It shouldn't be too late, then start to deal with it!"

Zhun said the saint said: "I still want to know your specific opinions, brother, is there anyone who needs to avoid it?"

The sage was quoted and said: "No one can avoid such a big thing. Relocation is not an easy task. During this movement, I don't know what disaster is waiting for us."

Zhun mentioned the saint's Tao: "There are real people of good fortune, and Taoist friends in the sky. Believe that we have to go, the problem is not big!"

The saint was picked up and said: "I hope so!"

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