Super Security in the City

Chapter 4006: All tribulations

The golden robes that attracted the saint's body also bloomed with golden light! His golden robe also contained infinite power of the world... The twelve-rank merit golden lotus was also blooming at this moment. All the power is taken into the palm of the saint...


Cut and kill together with palm strength.

The real person of Good Fortune flew out immediately, and spit out a mouthful of blood. Taking the saint seriously, after being attacked, he was still able to retreat the real good fortune with a palm of his hand.

However, at this time, the poisonous gas in the body of the sage could no longer be suppressed, and it all collapsed. Suddenly, the poison gas penetrated into his internal organs...the face of the leading saint was suddenly covered with blue aura.

The incident here immediately alarmed the Saint Zhunti and the Master of Tongtian, both of them were shocked when they saw this situation.

The Saint Zhunti immediately accepted the attack, approached the receiving Saint, and asked anxiously: "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Then the saint smiled bitterly, and said: "You can't die yet. Leave me alone and concentrate on responding to the enemy, otherwise the disaster of exterminating the door will be right in front of you!"

Zhunti saint nodded with pain, and then quickly grabbed the leading saint into the depths of his Seven Treasure Tree.

The Lord Tongtian said to the sage: "Brother Zhunti Dao, you go to punish the traitor, and the poor Dao will deal with Long Xiaofeng!"

The saint Zhunti nodded, and then greeted the real good fortune.

The real person of Good Fortune was not seriously injured, and took advantage of this gap to quickly take the pill and recovered.

The Lord Tongtian was in a battle with Long Xiao...

Sage Zhunti faced the real person of good fortune, his eyes breathed fire, and said: "Thief Dao, my brothers and sisters have always treated you well, why do you want to help Yuan Yunzhong and harm my brother?"

The real person of good fortune did not say much, and said: "This is the end of the matter, what else is there to say. You should mention, if you want to avenge your brother, you can use your skills!"

The saint Zhunti was furious and said: "Okay, okay, okay!" He said three good words in succession, and then quickly killed him with the blessing of the God Pestle and the Seven Treasure Tree. Under his anger, he brought the disaster of heaven to its extreme.

The real person of good fortune will also be used at full speed to the water and heaven, and the power of good fortune is soft to the water, and it is inextricable to kill the saint Zhunti.

Disasters have evolved into all kinds of disasters.

Many laws, rules, and mana meet the power of the disaster, and they all collapse and collapse.

The heavenly path to water is like water, and it is ever-changing. When water encounters a disaster, it will change with the disaster. It can turn ice, flood, tsunami, and so on!

The sword of good fortune led to the water and heaven, and repelled the blessing sacred pestle several times.

Moreover, the battle between the Master Tongtian and Long Xiaofeng has become more intense, and the Master Tongtian's Fenghuotian Dao has been brought to the extreme.

The fire is the fire of the Sanqing, and the wind assists the firepower, as if to penetrate the universe. Master Tongtian used the Qingping sword to kill Long Xiaofeng severely and continuously. Long Xiaofeng used the ultimate treasure and the destruction of heaven to form twelve destructive powers. Destroy the supernatural power to form a fairy vine, which quickly entangles and strikes the Qingping sword. The Lord Tongtian quickly refines the Sanqing Divine Fire into a sword blade, the Divine Fire Storm burns, strangles and destroys the immortal vine.

The two stalemate, kill, and refuse to yield to each other!

Each other's rules are ever-changing and suppress each other.

Time is in the past every minute!

This kind of battle, after the average master comes in, touches him to death.

So this is a battle between the real saints.

Soon, one day passed.

The battle fought from day to night, and from night to day.

At the beginning, they were all the same.

Although Long Xiaofeng's Destruction of Heaven was very powerful, the leader of Tongtian has been famous for many years, and it is true that he has profound skills, so he can't let the wind fall. But after a long time, his power of heaven was still suppressed, so he gradually showed fatigue.

The Lord Tongtian fell in love.

The battle between the Saint Zhunti and the real person of Good Fortune is just the opposite. At first, the real person of Good Fortune relied on the water and heaven to make the Saint Zhunti a little helpless. But over time, Zhunti Sage gradually suppressed the creation of a real person with his profound skill.

In this difficult battle, it depends on whether the leader of the heavens is defeated first, or the real person of good fortune is defeated first!

Once one party decides the winner, then the balance of victory immediately tilts.

Zhunti between the saint and the good fortune, the power of the heavens of the two are somewhat mutually reinforcing. So the final competition is to see whose skills are more profound...

Between the Lord Tongtian and Long Xiaofeng, it is the power of the Heavenly Dao of Long Xiaofeng that is suppressing the Fenghuo Heavenly Dao. If it weren't for this kind of suppressing attribute, the strength of Tongtian hierarch would not even be afraid of Yuan Sheng.

The battle continues.

The Master Tongtian is struggling more and more, and if he continues like this, he will undoubtedly lose.

Although the real person of good fortune and the saint Zhunti were at a disadvantage, it was difficult for the saint Zhunti to win in a short time.

Soon, another day passed.

Over the vast sea, wind and clouds surging, the aftermath sometimes shook into the sky, and sometimes shook the sea below into a terrifying tsunami.

The golden light is faint, the fire soars into the sky, the thunder roars...

"Thousands of calamities are immortal!" Four words came out of the Master Tongtian. Over the past tens of thousands of years, he has experienced too many calamities and has too many means of survival. Today, he can no longer defeat Long Xiaofeng.

But if he wants to go, there is definitely a way.

But if he leaves, it will be a dead end to mention the saints and lead them.

The entire Western Shengjiao will be destroyed!

The Master Tongtian has compassion for others. At this time, he also thought of Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother.

"It's useless for the poor to go back alone. It would be of great benefit if the entire Western Saints were allowed to pass!" The Master Tongtian felt a sense of desolation in his heart.

At this moment, he began to understand the meaning of the master shouting out the danger on that isolated island.

It's just that he is still not sure, whether the master is warning or his sixth sense is warning?

He is doomed to find the answer.

Long Xiaofeng was firmly in the upper hand at this moment, and he kept pressing on the Master Tongtian.

Although he desperately wants to tell the victory or defeat, he also knows that the chess game has reached a critical point and must not be impatient.

The Lord Tongtian suddenly stood up in the thunderbolt.

Long Xiaofeng was taken aback, and he didn't understand the other party's intentions. But he didn't think too much, and immediately attacked again.

At that moment, very soon...

But the head of Tongtian seemed to have gone through countless centuries in his mind.

My mind is full of immortality, and there will be a moment of destruction...Is it impulsive, or continue to be immortal? Whatever is required to save, no matter what method it is? Regardless of being a sinner or not? If you abandon your teammates in this way, how will you face the world in the future? What face do you have to face your heart?

Is it really that important that a thousand calamities are immortal?

The little friend Luo Jun still has the courage to sacrifice himself to feed the tiger and go deep into the tiger's den! Is he inferior to him?

Then... go!

At that moment, the Lord Tongtian settled his mind.

At this moment, he suddenly rushed into Long Xiaofeng's colorful vortex. Long Xiaofeng was startled, and a sense of ominousness suddenly appeared in his heart.

But Master Tongtian’s speed is too fast...

At that moment, the Lord Tongtian entered into Long Xiaofeng's Heavenly Dao vortex, and then, the entire Fenghuo Heavenly Dao and all his own power, magic weapons burst together.

All the energy melted into one furnace and suddenly exploded!

In its explosion, there is a tragic rule of seeing death as home!


Long Xiaofeng fled quickly, and wanted to quickly disperse the power of heaven. But everything is too late...


After the violent explosion, between heaven and earth, aftermath swarmed, fragments raged!

Long Xiaofeng tried his best to suppress the divine power of Heaven's Path, but he still didn't suppress all of them.

Afterwards, Long Xiaofeng's face was red, and he spewed out guts of blood. His face turned pale, and finally turned golden.

"Friend Tongtian..." Seeing the situation here, Saint Zhunti immediately guessed what had happened, and couldn't help shouting in grief.

"Go!" Long Xiaofeng roared and flew away quickly. The real person of good fortune also immediately turned around and ran...quan mention the saint slapped him and hit the real person of good fortune on the back. After making good luck in the palm of a real person, the speed has not slowed down, but has become faster. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

The sage Zhunti was flustered, and forgot to chase the enemy, and quickly came to the core after the explosion. He grabbed countless fragments in the air and felt that the Master Tongtian had completely fallen!

"Friend can you die?" The saint Zhunti was grief and indignation, but also sad, his eyes were red, and tears fell.

In the void of the vast sea, Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the fairy king Xiao Ling were flying at full speed. They just flew into the realm of heaven, and they haven’t joined the Nuwa Empress...

Empress Nuwa has lost the power of heaven and cannot sense that the saints have used the power of heaven, so she doesn't know much about this. But although she doesn't have the power of heaven, she can draw the power of space heaven. It is equivalent to sharing and taking advantage of the power of the Heavenly Dao of Fuxi Great Emperor, but the power of the Heavenly Dao is not hers after all.

Their trip is fast to the Nether Blood Sea.

They haven't brought all the cultists, just because they felt the power of the heavens are all erupting, they understand that a big event has occurred in the sea of ​​blood. At the moment, ignoring other things, he rushed to the rescue quickly.

Just now, they felt the destruction of Heavenly Dao, Wind and Fire Heavenly Dao, Zhishui Heavenly Dao, Disaster Heavenly Dao, and Purdue Heavenly Dao in the middle of the vast sea between the Nether World and the Western World.

You don't need to think too much before you know that another battle has broken out.

At that moment, Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun were anxious.

This peaceful immortal realm is still because after the Primordial Sage has used the Way of Life, everything is irretrievable.

But in fact, it's not all because Yuansheng used Heaven's Dao to create such a consequence. But it was to expose the condition in advance, so that the disease broke out in advance.

But when this condition really broke out, it was so dangerous!

Xiao Ling also said to Dao Ancestor and Yuanshi Tianzun: "Tao Ancestor, Tianzun, at the moment only senses an unfamiliar way of heaven, destroying heaven. I want to come to the leader and the second sage of the West, and my old friend of good fortune, it should be able to cope with it. of."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Poverty Dao always feels flustered recently, I am afraid that something will happen!"

He doesn't know what will happen.

Yuanshi Tianzun said nothing, but his mood was extremely heavy.

And after they went out for two more days, suddenly, the Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun who were hurrying on the road stopped.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes were blood red, and he knelt in the void.

He couldn't make any sound, he just covered his heart and swayed as if he was about to fall.

Taishang Daozu also knelt down on one knee just like being hit hard.

Xiao Ling felt bad and guessed what might have happened, but he still couldn't believe it.

After a long time, Yuan Shi Tianzun roared sadly: "Junior Brother..." Crystal tears finally appeared in his eyes.

Taishang Daozu didn't say a word, but his eyes were also red, which was obviously extremely sad.

Xiao Ling didn't dare to say a word while standing by.

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