Super Security in the City

Chapter 4008: World trend

That night, a group of saints temporarily settled down in the Qingming Palace in the Nether Blood Sea.

The sages agreed to return to Kunlun the next day, and then all relocation. This time everyone is together, which is equivalent to taking the belongings with him, so I am not afraid of any accidents.

Due to the sacrifice of the Lord Tongtian, everyone naturally did not feel in the mood for a dinner party. The overall mood is low...

Luo Jun solemnly introduced his wife Hei Suzhen to Bai Qing in private. Bai Qing looked very polite when seeing Suzhen in black, and happily called his sister-in-law. Black Suzhen also expressed his grand gratitude to Bai Qing.

Xiao Ling and his wife Fairy Qionghua couldn't help chatting while resting inside Yunhaixian Mansion.

In the hall, Xiao Ling sat on the ground with a hip flask in her hand. After a long sip of wine, she sighed and said: "I was a good friend when the real person of good fortune was on the earth. We cherish each other and share the immortal world! When we arrived in the immortal world, we had also shared hardships together. I really don’t understand, why does he do such a thing now?"

Fairy Qionghua sat next to him and said: "You don't understand, I understand!"

Xiao Ling was startled slightly, and said, "Do you understand?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "Yes!" Xiao Ling said, "Then tell me what is going on?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "You have always been good friends with the real person of good fortune. You are so talented that you don't feel inferior in front of anyone. You can talk and laugh freely when you meet all the saints. But he ran under the hands of the Western Second Saints. Why is this?"

Xiao Ling said, "Why?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "There are also comparisons among friends. His talent is also very good, but it is not the top. Compared with you, there is a gap. At the beginning, you had the power of heaven, because you had the guidance of the Taoist ancestor. Even so, it was a life of nine deaths and it was very difficult. Later, the real person of good fortune actually gained the power of heaven, and I was very strange at that time. Now, I understand what is going on."

Xiao Ling said, "What you said I am getting more and more confused."

Fairy Qionghua said: "If I'm not wrong, the power of heaven for real human beings is given by Yuan Sheng."

"This..." Xiao Ling couldn't help being shocked.

Fairy Qionghua said: "It must be conditional to bear the power of the Dao that day. Your old friend may not be a bad person. If he is a bad person, it is impossible to be friends with you for so many years. It's just that he was surpassed by you. After all, it is uncomfortable. You can think about it in another way, if one day, the real good fortune is far beyond you..."

"I will be very happy!" Xiao Ling said, "I have this kind of tolerance!"

Fairy Qionghua said: "That's not the case. If he surpasses you in a big stride, all the saints can be on par. And you are the only one behind... Your feelings will be very different again. Then at this time, someone suddenly asked You can stretch out your olive branch so that you can be in line with your old friends and with all the saints. Can you bear this temptation?"

Xiao Ling was stunned immediately and said: "This..."

Fairy Qionghua said: "His luck is not as good as yours. You still have Dao Ancestors to point you."

Xiao Ling sighed.

Fairy Qionghua said: "Look for a chance, see him, and then persuade him to turn around!"

Xiao Ling said, "How do I turn around? Brother Tongtian was exhausted to death by him. Even if he looks back, Tianzun, can Dao Ancestor let him go?"

Fairy Qionghua said: "But you should always do something for your old friends. At the same time, you should also talk to Dao Ancestor and Tianzun. Try not to make everyone feel separated. Be worthy of yourself, worthy of friends, worthy of all saints. In this way, your heart will be happy and your thoughts will come to you!"

Xiao Ling nodded heavily, and at the same time stood up and took his wife into his arms, and said, "The greatest blessing in my life is the possession of Qionghua."

Fairy Qionghua sighed while feeling happy, and said, "It's a pity that I haven't been able to give birth to a child for you."

Xiao Ling said: "It's not to blame you, it's that our mana genes are difficult to match, maybe my problem is bigger. Then it will be a long time for the two of us. If there are children, we will not be able to see through it. The layman can’t see through, can’t I wait to see through? Then what’s the difference between me being a layman?”

Fairy Qionghua said: "Don't talk about the layman's point of view, having a child always feels different. Or..."

Xiao Ling said, "Don't talk nonsense. If it weren't for the child you gave me, what's the use of me? I really want to raise a child. Most of the outstanding seedlings are for me to choose!"

Fairy Qionghua sighed, knowing that she could not convince her husband.

That night, Xiao Ling could not sleep all night, always thinking about the things Fairy Qionghua said about the real person of good fortune.

On the second day, after eating breakfast, everyone left the Nether Blood Sea together.

Long Trip……

Everyone sacrificed their magic weapon to fly.

In the morning, Xiao Ling went to see Taishang Daozu and Yuanshi Tianzun alone.

Taishang Daozu has an eight-treasure feather fan, and the eight-treasure feather fan is personally controlled by Taishang Daozu to fly.

Inside the Eight Treasures Lupin, there is a Lupin Palace. Inside the palace, Taoist and Yuanshi Tianzun sit and drink tea. After Xiao Ling came, the two also received Xiao Ling.

When Xiao Ling saw the two saints, he first gave a bow and said: "I am here today to apologize to the two saints for the real person of good fortune!"

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned suddenly.

Taishang Dao Ancestor glanced at Xiao Ling and said: "The immortal king is a little confused about the poor way of compensation. Although you are good friends with the real person of good fortune, in the final analysis, there is no joint and several responsibility."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Isn't it!"

Xiao Ling said, "Xia Xia is heartbroken to do such things by the real person. But no matter what, the friendship between Xia and the real person for thousands of years is thousands of years. If you ignore your old friends, you can't do it."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ling said, "I came here today, just to tell the two saints frankly. Yesterday, Neiko and Zaixia talked a lot... and also talked about why the real person of good fortune would betray." After saying that, Fairy Qionghua Some of the speculations have been said.

"When he sees the real person of good fortune day after day, he still wants to make the best of his friendship and persuade him to turn around. But if you really let him turn back, you know that the two saints will also have difficulty with the hatred in your heart. I persuade you to let it go, that’s true. I can't speak." Xiao Ling said.

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "What the Immortal King said can be imagined and understood by the poor Dao. However, the real person of good fortune is also a generation of good fortune, and he already knows the consequences when he makes that decision. Don’t persuade the Immortal King to be wishful thinking. He knows that he can’t turn his head back. If you persuade him, he might start with you. It’s not that he doesn’t care about the friendship of his friends, but that he has chosen a different path. As the saying goes, Dao is different, Not conspiring!"

Xiao Ling remained silent.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "The fairy king doesn't have to worry, life should be happy. See you in the future, you can reminisce about the past. You can also drink happily, but you must protect yourself. See you on the battlefield, and you don't have to bother you. Fight with him, and I will resolve it later. Your friendship is not about us. You know the truth and the right. You can't help him deal with us, right?"

Xiao Ling said: "By then, we will be neutral!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun said: "It should be like this, a cultivator should be free and easy, not a mother-in-law. Let's act upright, bow our heads and be ashamed!"

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, another six months passed.

Half a year later, in the metaworld, in the holy city.

On the way back from Yuan Sheng, he occasionally felt insights and practiced diligently, and he had healed his injuries in advance.

He also knew what Long Xiaofeng had done, and he also knew that Master Tongtian had sacrificed so much.

He has always trusted Long Xiaofeng. When he was not in Metaverse, he always let Long Xiaofeng take charge of the overall affairs. And this time, Long Xiaofeng also did a good job.

When Long Xiaofeng talked to Yuan Sheng, he still felt sorry, and said: "If there is no accident, in fact, we can let the guide, quasi mention, and Tongtian all die, so that the entire Western Holy Religion will become our subsidiary. Slave. Unfortunately, I never thought that Tongtian would choose that way."

Yuan Sheng said after hearing this: "Things will never go as smoothly as we imagined. If there were no accidents, the old man should have killed Ye Qingming and Fuxi this time. If you go well and I go well, then how can the entire human race go well? Isn’t it the only thing left with the Taishang Lao Pifu and Yuanshi Tianzun plus Xiao Ling?"

Long Xiaofeng said: "Today's situation seems to be getting worse."

Yuan Sheng said: "Such a situation is still expected. The old man has never thought things too smoothly. I have imagined all kinds of extreme situations. The old man always remembers the lessons of your spirits on the earth. of."

Hearing his old hatred in advance, Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "The human race deceived me too much, the Lingzun clan, they killed most of us for no reason, and let us escape into the universe. Now, we are still forced to this way. To the point."

Yuan Sheng said: "The Human Race is the most hypocritical existence. Their avenues and morality are one set and one set. But their methods are extremely dirty. Not only dirty, but also vicious. The Human Race is the most shameless old man has ever seen. Existing, they are not only shameless and cruel to foreign races, they also fight inwardly and are even more cruel. Such a race should not exist."

Long Xiaofeng said, "But we still have to admit that Human Race is indeed very strong!"

Yuan Sheng said: "Every race has good luck, and the human race is very strong! Their numbers are too large, all over the universe. It is really difficult to wipe them out completely. But the old man will destroy the human race as an adult. First Avenue and ideals. Kill them all, and then slaughter the earth. After that, we have to find the Emperor Universe to settle accounts! All the hatred, cause and effect started from the Emperor Universe, so we should also start from him. Finish!"

Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but yearn, and said: "I really look forward to the day when the Emperor of the Universe is defeated. I believe that by that day, his expression will be very exciting!"

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