Super Security in the City

Chapter 4010: Go to sea

Luo Jun was listening, and suddenly felt a little weird in his heart, but he was relieved soon. In his original impression, people like Taishang Daozu should be extremely compassionate. But the Taishang Dao ancestor that I see now has thunder means and a cruel heart.

The world always thinks that those legendary saints are bodhisattva's heart, in fact, the bodhisattva's heart is nothing more than the saint's free charity. If it is related to their personal interests, their considerations are the same as ordinary people. They don't really take the world as their own responsibility, their first consideration is to live.

But this is normal and in line with human nature. If a person's mouth is thinking about the common people in the world, it is not normal.

Later, Luo Jun also expressed his own opinion, saying: "What Daozu said, I think it is very reasonable. I have a lot of contact with Yuansheng and have a deep understanding of Yuansheng. Yuansheng is a person who is deep in the city. He has never seen him in his next life. He is very smart...but I don’t need to say more about this. The senior saints should also have a deep understanding. With the wisdom of Yuan Sheng, he will definitely not slaughter those monks who do not affect the situation of the battle. Yes. But for some experts, that can’t be said. For example, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

"Emperor Taiyi!" All Saints were suddenly startled. Everyone almost forgot about this saint. Donghuang Taiyi didn't have the power of heaven, so he gradually faded out of everyone's sight. Before the power of Heaven's Dao appeared, Donghuang Taiyi was also a high-ranking existence among the saints.

"Emperor Taiyi, it is very important!" Yuan Shi Tianzun said immediately.

Xiao Ling also said: "If Donghuang Taiyi is captured by Yuansheng, it will be used by Yuansheng in the end. Once we eliminate the power of heaven in the future, Donghuang Taiyi will become a headache for us."

"Emperor Taiyi..." Taishang Daozu was also lost in thought.

"In addition to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, there are also some hidden masters!" Fuxi said: "Everyone, don't forget Haotian and Tianlong."

Luo Jun's heart couldn't help but he said, "The Great Emperor, are you talking about Emperor Vast Sky and Emperor Tianlong?"

Emperor Fuxi nodded and said, "Yes!" Then he said, "Have you heard of their names?"

Without waiting for Luo Jun to speak, Hei Suzhen first said: "Their fame has been passed down on the earth, collectively known as the Four Emperors. Among them are the Changsheng Emperor, the Ying Emperor, and then the Vast Sky Emperor and the Tianlong Emperor. It is just that the Ying Emperor and the Emperor. The emperor Changsheng’s ability cannot be complimented. Back then, he was considered a hero on the earth, but if their level is obtained from the immortal world, they may not even be qualified to give high-handed shoes!"

Luo Jundao: "So we are indeed a little curious, what are the skills of Emperor Vast Sky and Emperor Tianlong?"

Tai Shang Dao Zu smiled slightly and said: "There are many bifurcations in the road of life. Once you choose the wrong path, the road you are heading will be very different. In the past, the Emperor Changsheng was indeed very good. It is a pity. Later, they chose to steal their lives and did not continue to move forward courageously. Therefore, their cultivation level gradually fell. And Haotian and Tianlong themselves were much better than them. After that, they continued to work hard, so they could not use the cultivation of longevity and winning the emperor. To measure them."

After a pause, Taishang Daozu continued: "Haotian was very ambitious to control the Heavenly Court, and he fought with Taoist Fuxi in the Heavenly Court for a while. It is a pity that he could not win Fuxi, let alone Nüwa. Sad and indignant. He left. There has been no news of him for more than three thousand years. Now he is still not in the fairy world, but it is unknown! As for Tianlong! He belongs to the ancient Tianlong line, and he is inherently gifted. The Tianlong clan has also disappeared for a long time. The cultivation base of Tianlong cannot be guessed by Peng Dao, but it should be not too different from us. Haotian and Tianlong are probably not in the immortal world."

"The only thing that is certain at the moment is that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is still in the immortal realm, in the land of nothingness. I fought him the next time!" Xiao Ling said.

"Then are we going to send someone to find the Eastern Emperor Taiyi? If he joins, he can still be of great use at a critical moment." The sage said.

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi can join in, of course it would be the best. Under the current situation, it is impossible for Poor Dao to think that he wants to be alone. But, who should I send to find him? All saints definitely. You can’t go. Once you leave, there will be too much movement and there will be great danger. Send juniors to..."

Luo Jun took the initiative to stand up and said: "It seems that it is most appropriate to go down."

"This..." All Saints looked at Luo Jun, all in trouble.

Taishang Daozu said: "Little friend, you are a very important person, and it is not appropriate to let you go out to take risks! Besides, there are too many grievances between you and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

Bai Qing said, "I think I should go!"

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Xiaobai, you can't go. Yuan Sheng thought you were Luo Jun. He must have done some tricks on you. I'm afraid you will be spotted as soon as you go out."

Xiao Ling said, "Or, let's go down!"

"No!" Taishang Daozu refused and said: "Our purpose is to bring in a strong aid. If you go, if you encounter an ambush, not only will we not get strong support, but we will lose one. But the gain is not worth the loss. Now we have very limited cards in hand, we definitely can't take risks indiscriminately!"

Luo Jun said: "I'll go with Susu. Together with Susu, I have the ability to hide the secrets of heaven. As for the grievances between me and Donghuang Taiyi, the fight between Senior Xiao Ling and Donghuang Taiyi had already been agreed. Okay, don't trouble me for a hundred years!"

Xiao Ling said, "It's just that although he agreed not to trouble you. If you voluntarily run to him, that's another story!"

Luo Jun said: "I don't worry about this. From the last incident, Donghuang Taiyi is also a person with a big pattern. At the current situation, I believe that he will not be unwilling for private grievances!"

Empress Nuwa was a little displeased, and said, "But after all, there may be big problems! Donghuang Taiyi is a person we know very well. Very stubborn...very arrogant. Why do we need to take such a risk? No? With Donghuang Taiyi, we can also accomplish what we should do!"

She is upset that Luo Jun always takes his daughter to adventure!

Luo Jun argued hard and said: "Manny, it's not that I like to take risks. But the situation is crisis. The Eastern Emperor Taiyi really can't control the battle. But to be honest, I still have a lot of things that I don't understand and I didn't think through. If I were to stay here and wait, my heart would be flustered. After I went out, it would help me to meet some things and people."

When Empress Nuwa wanted to say something, Suzhen in black first said: "Mother, I and Luo Jun have suffered countless times. At present, the entire fairy world is in crisis, and it is impossible for us to be alone. Luo. The army's intuition has always been very accurate, so let us go!"

Emperor Fuxi also said to Empress Nuwa at the right time: "Sister, don't worry too much. We are able to live this time, thanks to Luo Jun and Susu. This era is actually the era of Luo Jun. We believe in him, and then everything. Just cooperate with him!"

Ye Qingming also said, "Yes!"

Seeing that they all said this, Empress Nuwa could only sigh at the moment, not good to say more.

Taishang Taoist ancestor said: "Pan Dao is also not in favor of letting little friend Luo Jun and Miss Susu go to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but little friend Luo Jun has some reasons to say. It’s not a man who has been stuck here waiting for Yuan Sheng to come. The way. When Xiaoyou came to the immortal world as a breaker, many of us were skeptical. But these days, poor Dao also believes that no one will doubt the ability of the breaker. If it were not for the Luo Jun Xiaoyou to break the game all the way , Maybe we have all fallen apart a long time ago."

Xiao Ling said: "What Dao Ancestor said is right!"

Therefore, after all the sages agreed, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen went to the land of nothingness to find the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. But the time limit is fifteen years. Within fifteen years, regardless of whether they can be found, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen must return on time.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen nodded.

After that, all the saints worked together to create a seal for Luo Jun and Black Clothes Suzhen and so on.

Each also gave a magic weapon, an elixir.

After doing all this, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen left the Nether Blood Sea.

Bai Qing wanted to go with them very much, but Dao Zu said that if he went, it would increase the risk of exposure.

Bai Qing had no choice but to stay in place!

A year later, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen came to the land of nothingness. They went from the Netherworld Blood Sea to the Celestial Realm, then from the Celestial Realm to the Kunlun Realm, and then from the Kunlun Realm to the Asura Realm. Finally, from the Shura realm to the land of nothingness...

The land of nothingness is a very free place, the sea is vast and boundless, no matter how powerful your mana is, it is difficult to cross this land of nothingness.

Manpower will come to an end!

But the power of nature is infinite... No matter how invincible the Primordial Sage is, it can't cross the nihility.

This is the power of nature!

The Taoist ancestors of the Supreme Master cultivated the Tao of Nature, and Yuan Sage was the most jealous.

This Yuansheng shot countless times, but never confronted Taishang Dao Ancestor head-on. From this, he could see his jealous heart.

Luo Jun and Black Clothes Suzhen enjoyed a rare freedom. Most of the time, they sealed the Daobi that day to prevent them from spying on the conversation between the two of them.

Although Tiandao Pen can break through this ban, once it breaks, it will be discovered by Luo Jun. The trouble is about to rise, and it is not very pleasant.

Time passed quickly, and another four years passed in a blink of an eye!

For four years, Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen walked through the sea every day. But they don't find such days boring and boring at all. This is a rare break from the busy...

It is also rare to enjoy such peace!

Many times when they are tired from flying, they will look for an isolated island, and then fish some game meat in the open sea or in the forest and grill some barbecue. Then the two of them sat on the floor and drank fine wine, it was really chic.

Hei Yi Suzhen agrees to come out with Luo Jun in this way, but in fact, she wants to get out of everyone's sight, and then come to enjoy such a beautiful two-person world.

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