Super Security in the City

Chapter 4013: Lotus tongue

Hei Suzhen said: "Okay, okay, you don't need to find so many high-sounding reasons with me. You and I have been together for so many years, can I not know you? Without mentioning any external factors, when you know that the earth is in trouble , Or when the human race of the immortal world is in trouble, you will help. Even if you are not the human race, if you hear the suffering of creatures on that planet, you have to take a look and try your best to save it. Sometimes I annoy you like this The character of the great saint, but sometimes I feel that if you are not this character, how can I fall in love with you? What makes you different from some people is that some people have a benevolent mouth, full of benevolence and morality. And although you are also He is full of benevolence, justice and morality, but secretly, he is truly compassionate, and he will help the world!"

Luo Jun laughed and felt that his wife really knew him. Now he said: "Successfully solving some things and helping some people will make me feel peaceful inside!"

Hei Suzhen said: "I also realized this feeling later. After doing evil and doing good, the feeling is different. After doing too much evil, it is a kind of emptiness and depravity!" Luo Jun said: "That's right!"

The two continued to track the breath of Chaos Spirit Vine, and then Suzhen Black had new concerns, saying: "Under the power of heaven, even if we and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi join forces, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with the real good fortune. The real good fortune before. Don’t do it to us because he feels that we are insignificant. If we run to do it, I’m afraid he won’t be merciful anymore!"

Luo Jun said: "It is indeed dangerous, but if we don't go, the Eastern Emperor will probably be bad."

Hei Suzhen said, "You said, can he find the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?"

Luo Jun said: "Since he is here, he probably has clues."

Suzhen in black said: "That's true too!" Luo Jun said: "Anyway, let's act according to the situation!"

Black Suzhen nodded.

The danger is for sure. But the two have experienced too many dangers, so they are a little numb to the danger. And they also knew that they would die in this danger sooner or later, but they couldn't stop moving forward!

The breath of chasing the chaotic spirit vine has been tracking for about fifteen days, and finally came before an enchantment.

The barrier itself should be extremely secretive, but now the barrier is already weak and cannot be hidden.

Luo Jun and Suzhen in black were in a spiritual cultivation state again, and then, in full form, quickly penetrated the weak barrier and entered it.

When I came inside, I saw that the mountains and rivers were broken...The woods were flooded by the rivers, and there were countless cracks in the ground, as if a huge earthquake had occurred.

Obviously, there have been terrible battles here!

Luo Jun fired with divine mind and received some of the void, and he affirmed that this is Donghuang Mountain.

It is the place where the Eastern Emperor Taiyi is located.

Luo Jun secretly said: "Are you a step late? It's just that the aura of Chaos Spirit Vine is still there? No, the good fortune is still there."

I felt bad at this moment, and I wanted to retreat from the air right now.

It was also at this time that he suddenly felt a chill in his back.

Looking back, the real person of good fortune stood there like a ghost.

Luo Jun quickly turned around, smiled bitterly, and said, "Senior..."

The real person of good fortune is not a fool, and the first time he meets Luo Jun, he will still feel that it is a coincidence. And this time, it must not be explained by coincidence.

"Who are you on earth, and what is your purpose for coming here?" Real Fortune asked word by word.

After Luo Jun's thoughts were turned, he took a deep breath and said, "Under his real name...Luo Jun!" After saying this, he ran the Eighty-Nine Profound Art and returned to his original appearance.

Real Fortune was shocked immediately, and said: "Are you Luo Jun?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes, I am the breaker Luo Jun. This time I came out with orders from the saints to find the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and I want to persuade him to go to the Nether Blood Sea to fight the enemy together!"

Real Good Fortune pondered for a long while, and said: "Are you really Luo Jun?"

Luo Jun said: "Luo Jun should be the least worthy of impersonation, because he himself represents danger. Moreover, the last time Eastern Emperor Taiyi wanted to kill me, it was Senior Xiao Ling who traveled through the void to save me." He paused and said, "Senior Xiao Ling misses you very much."

The real person of Good Fortune shook his body, then his face was bitter, and he said, "He should be very disappointed with the poor Dao!"

Luo Jun said: "Senior Xiao Ling told me a little bit, saying that you must have not received the power of the Heavenly Dao at the beginning, and your heart is a little out of balance, and you have to make a deal with Yuansheng. The senior also went to talk with Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Dao ancestor. Now, in the future, he will come to all the friendship with you."

"Can it be done? How to do it?" Real Fortune sighed.

"The grievances of other people are good, but it does not affect the friendship between you and him. On the battlefield, he will not fight with you. Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun will kill you, and he will not intervene in it. This is Senior Xiao Ling. The original words..." Luo Jun said.

The real person of Good Fortune suddenly burst into tears in his eyes, and said: "Okay, okay, Brother Xiao has never lived up to the poor Dao!"

Luo Jun said: "I used to be called Xuanyuantai, and I was an undercover agent under Yuan Sheng!"

"Huh?" Zhen Zaohua was taken aback, and then said: "Pan Dao remembers that when he was in Zhong Lingshan, Emperor Fuxi mentioned the name Xuanyuantai. However, Yuan Sheng and the people in the temple had never mentioned this name with Pang Dao. "

Luo Jun sneered and said, "Sage Yuan would never want to mention me in front of others."

Real Good Fortune was slightly startled, and said, "Why did you say this?"

Luo Jun immediately talked about the various things that happened in the sea of ​​blood. The real person of good fortune said: "It turns out that Yuan Sheng has suffered such a great pain."

Luo Jun took advantage of the situation and preached: "Senior Master will definitely be very happy if he takes the junior back at this moment."

The real person of Good Fortune smiled slightly and said: "Are you sure that the poor way will not attack you?"

Luo Jun said: "The juniors think that the seniors don't!"

Good fortune real human said: "Because the poor Dao and Xiao Ling's friendship?"

Luo Jun said: "No! The younger generation has no doubt about your friendship with Senior Xiao Ling. But catching me does not affect your friendship! Everyone is an adult, especially you have become a saint, each has its own choices. This junior is not Senior Xiao Ling's close relative!"

"Then why are you sure that the poor road will not catch you?" Good Fortune Zhenren Dao.

Luo Jun said: "Because I know Yuansheng very well, he is a very deep mansion, and he doesn't talk about integrity and shame. No matter what he promised you, when his purpose is achieved, he will not let you go. Let it go. It is possible for a trivial human race to let go of a saint. It is impossible. He has promised a hundred ways to break the promise. For example, let others kill, for example, let others kill you, etc.! My too! I understand him... You are the safest when the Human Race is still threatening when we are still there. When the Human Race is destroyed, it is your death date, I said!"

Real Fortune fell silent.

This is not that Luo Jun's three-inch tongue is so powerful, but that he also has doubts about Yuan Sheng's heart!

He didn't want the human race to be destroyed.

"Senior?" Luo Jun shouted.

The real person of good fortune looked at Luo Jun and said: "Although your cultivation level is not as good as ours, you are a wise man. You tell Pang Dao, what should Pang Dao do now?"

Luo Jundao: "Senior can tell the younger generation, why is the senior betraying the human race?"

True Humanity of Good Fortune said: "The answer is the same as Taoist Fellow Xiao Ling guessed. At the beginning, everyone understood the power of the Dao of Heaven. Poor Dao didn’t want to be left behind... It happened that Yuan Sheng extended an olive branch, and at the time, he didn’t show his true face. Poor Dao knew. He may have a purpose, but...Pan Dao still can't resist that temptation."

"He is controlling you?" Luo Jun was taken aback.

Good Fortune Real Human Dao: "He can take back the power of the poor Dao's Heavenly Dao!"

Luo Jun said: "In fact, it is not a big deal that it can be recovered. We are all thinking of ways to eliminate the power of the heavens. With the fusion of the spirit of the spirit and the spirit, the tears of death will be formed. The tears of death are poured into the purple aura. , Everyone’s power of heaven will disappear. I think you might as well work hard by the side of Yuansheng. When we wipe out the power of heaven, you can sit on an equal footing with all the saints again. If we fail, you will not see the right chance at that time, early Some get away."

"If Human Race wins, poor Dao..." Good Fortune True Human Dao.

"You didn't kill the Lord Tongtian, but it has a great relationship with you. If you have the opportunity in the future, you will take your sins and make meritorious deeds. I will work hard to vortex for you with Senior Xiao Ling. This is not a big problem!" Luo Jun said: "If the Lord Tongtian really died at your hands, that is the biggest problem. Fortunately, it was not the Lord Tongtian you killed."

"No matter what, Terran will not kill you all! If you take your sins and make meritorious services after the power of heaven is eliminated, you will still be a great hero of Terran in the future!" Luo Jun continued to persuade him.

Real Fortune looked at Luo Jun and said, "Is it really possible?"

Luo Jun couldn't help laughing, and said: "With your wisdom, can a few words of a younger generation be instigated. Is it feasible? You know better than the younger generation!"

Mortal Good Fortune fell silent again. After a long time, he said, "Your mouth is really amazing!"

Luo Jun said: "If the situation is not like this, no matter how much the younger generation's mouth is blooming, it will not help! Just like the younger generation in front of the Yuansheng, no matter how to do it, let's say that he doesn't trust the younger generation!"

Real Humanity of Good Fortune: "Even so, the poor Dao certainly can't take away Donghuang Taiyi, can it?"

Luo Jun said: "Yes! Not only Eastern Emperor Taiyi, but also Chaos Spirit Vine!"

Real Human Good Fortune was slightly startled, and said, "Do you want the Chaos Spirit Vine too?"

Luo Jun said, "You take it back, and you won't get it."

Good luck real human said: "Can he still grab it?"

Luo Jun said: "He doesn't need to grab, you can pay even if you put pressure on it. In fact, there are not many chips you can hold. The stronger we are, the safer you are. The weaker and smaller we are, the more dangerous you are. Chaos The spirit vine fell into Yuan Sheng's hands, I'm afraid it's not a good thing!"

Real Humanity of Good Fortune: "Pan Dao is going back this time, how should I explain it?"

Luo Jun said: "It is said that the Eastern Emperor Taiyi has left ahead of time. With your cultivation base, Yuan Yunzhong can still find out your memory?"

The real humanity of good fortune said: "He can't find it."

Luo Jun said, "That's all right, wouldn't it?" Whoosh my Weixing Gong bell, which is the initials of the Universe Emperor Chen Yang, has written the place where Yuan Sage was killed!

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