Super Security in the City

Chapter 4016: Thousand Years of Enmity

Yuan Yuxian said: "It's just a disciple who is still worried, will the real good fortune be an undercover agent? Will it turn to each other at a critical time?"

Yuan Sheng said: "This is not afraid, his power of heaven is given to the teacher. Being a teacher can not only give, but also control his power of heaven. Even if he wants to remove the power of heaven, it is impossible. In his heart It is very clear that it is easy to kill him as a teacher!"

Yuan Yuxian said: "So that's the case, the disciple is relieved." After a pause, he said: "The Nether Blood Sea has been calm right now. They seem to have believed that they can break our heavenly law by incorporating the spirit of the undead. NS."

Yuan Sheng said: "Do you think they really believe it?" Yuan Yuxian was taken aback, and said, "Don't they believe it?"

Yuan Sheng smiled faintly, and said: "This question is actually not answered by the teacher. The situation has reached this point, what will happen in the future, and who can say clearly? What the teacher can do at present is to perfect the way of heaven as much as possible. The law. After it is completely perfected, it will be the time to attack the Nether Blood Sea. Only then will it be the time when the dust finally settles."

Yuan Yuxian said: "The disciple understands what you mean, we will not relax."

Yuan Shengdao: "Go on, continue to prepare for the next thing."

Yuan Yuxian said, "Yes!"

In this mutual peace, time soon passed for several years.

The twenty-year period is finally over.

On this day, Yuan Sheng and his entourage set off with troops to go to the Nether Blood Sea.

For this day, Yuan Sheng has been preparing for a long, long time.

His soldiers, food and grass are all prepared, the formations are arranged, and everything is properly arranged.

After that, he put all his troops into the boat of destiny.

The boat of destiny rides the wind and waves, all the way towards the sea of ​​blood.

In the sea of ​​blood, all the saints also knew that the day was approaching.

However, the power of the Heavenly Dao in their bodies has not changed at all, and they begin to feel that they have broken the shackles of the Heavenly Dao Law. I was also thinking that Yuan Sheng should have nothing to do. They stayed in this place, Yuan Sheng would never be able to break open.

Days go by...

After a year, the calm was completely broken.

When the saints and many masters thought that the crisis was about to be resolved, on this day, the alarm in the sea of ​​blood suddenly sounded.

That is the creepy alarm.

They have practiced this kind of signal warning countless times...

When the signal alarm sounded this time, many of them thought it was a drill.

But soon, the most severe message was sent from the alert.

The Yuansheng army pressed the border, and everyone retreated into the Qingming Palace according to the original plan. The rest of the world will be destroyed quickly!

After the Yuan Sage army entered the Nether Blood Sea, it took three days to break the shackles of the Nether Blood Sea, and then came to the front of the Qingming Palace.

In Qingming Palace, all the saints are ready.

Qingming Palace was shrouded by a golden barrier.

Everyone stood opposite Yuansheng and his party across the barrier.

Yuan Sheng brought about three hundred masters to come... These masters, the most advanced level of cultivation is the fifth peak of the creation realm!

The real good fortune is standing behind Yuansheng!

Taishang Daozu led the human masters to greet him. At this time, Taishang Daozu stood at the forefront...

Luo Jun entered into a spiritual cultivation state with Suzhen in black, and he stood by the side of the Supreme Dao ancestor. But it still appeared in the image of Xuanyuantai.

But Bai Qing still appeared in her own image, she was pretending to be Luo Jun anyway, but she never admitted that it was Luo Jun. As a result, Yuan Sheng has been wondering.

Taishang Taoist ancestor wore a white robe, immortal wind and bones.

Yuanshi Tianzun was wearing a golden robe behind him and a purple gold crown on his head, which was extremely majestic.

Nuwa Empress, Fuxi the Great, Zhun mentioning the saint, taking in the saint, Xiao Ling, and Donghuang Taiyi are all waiting for them.

Ye Qingming also stood on one side.

The rest of the masters are all behind.

On the side of Yuansheng, Yuansheng is also very grand today. He wears a mysterious golden robe and a golden crown on his head, with a solemn appearance.

Behind him there are black corpses, Long Xiaofeng, real good fortune and other masters.

Judging from the lineup, Human Race is far better than Yuan Sheng and his party.

But this time, Yuan Sheng took the initiative to attack...

The two sides arrayed to the Taishang Dao ancestor with a faint smile, and said: "Yuan Daoyou has always been known for his great love. I don't know what is the purpose of Xing Bing here today?"

Yuan Sheng stared at Taishang Daozu and said: "The old man does have great love, but this great love is aimed at his family and people. Over the years, as long as the old man closes his eyes, the scenes of the tragic massacre of the people in the past have been experienced. Before. Coming today is to eliminate the evil obstacles."

Taishang Daozu said: "Our human race indeed committed crimes against the Kepler tribe back then, and the poor Dao cannot escape today. However, everything is a civilized process. The poor Dao has viewed the Kepler people. In history, the races you slaughtered are countless. In this case, there is actually no right or wrong, only the strong and the weak."

Yuan Shengdao: "Since this is the case, why don't Dao Ancestor open the barrier, and let us fight each other happily? Whether it is the number of people or the strength, you are all dominant. Why are you still shrinking within the barrier now?"

The ancestor of the Supreme Daoist hadn't spoken yet, but Luo Jun stood out first, smiling and saying: "Yuan Yunzhong, we meet again."

Yuan Sheng looked at Luo Jun and said indifferently: "In the past twenty years, the old man has missed you very much."

Luo Jundao: "Guess today, is it because you failed miserably? Or am I paying the price for my frivolousness?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man has calculated today's battle situation countless times, and there is no possibility of failure. So the high probability is that you will pay for the arrogance of the past."

Luo Jundao: "Really? So sure?"

Yuan Sheng's eyes were cold, and he said, "The old man has never wanted to be so confident and affirmed for a moment."

Luo Jun sighed and said, "Hey! Yuan Yunzhong, even at this moment, I still want to persuade you to rein in the cliff. The last time you could escape, it was because you were not exhausted. If you persist today, I'm afraid Doomed!"

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man is no longer interested in talking nonsense with you!"

Luo Jun said: "Okay!" After speaking, he retreated.

Taishang Daozu said: "Friend Yuan Daoist, today, you already have too many things. If you let go of your hatred, you will be able to broaden the sky. Why bother to cling to the past and let the souls be burned?"

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man has been planning for hundreds of years, how can you be shaken by a few words."

Taishang Dao Ancestor said: "Let it go for only a moment!"

Yuan Sheng said: "The hatred is not on you, so naturally you don't have to be attached."

Taishang Daozu said: "The poor Dao also knows that it is useless to say more, but in the end, he wants to say everything he said."

"Broken the formation!" Yuan Sheng stopped talking nonsense, and his eyes became extremely harsh. After that, he shouted loudly, and then he sacrificed the Dao Fa pact that day!

Under the constant condensing of Yuansheng Fayue, Heavenly Dao Fayue has turned into Hongmeng purple!

Hongmeng purple imperial edict of heaven!

It seems to be able to command all the power of the heavens in the world.

That day, Dao Fa aimed to stand in the air, and after that, the boat of destiny also appeared in the hands of Yuan Sheng.

Many masters behind him immediately began to line up!

The ship of destiny unleashes the power of purple destiny...

The black corpse quickly merged with Yuansheng...

Yuan Sheng sacrificed the terrifying way of life...the way of life quickly drew Hongmeng and purple energy...

In an instant, Na Hongmeng Ziqi enveloped all the masters of Yuansheng and his party. After being enveloped, the masters were in various golden palaces, operating their mana. Their mana is also purple...

Many divine powers quickly gathered together, and finally gathered on the heavenly law through the boat of destiny!

The majestic power of heaven is surging...

The power of horror is showing the horror of heaven.

The thunder light faintly, the purple gas is shocked!

In the enchantment of Qingming Palace, all the saints suddenly lost their color when seeing this scene.

At the same time, Taishang Daozu and others felt bad.

That is, the power of the Heavenly Dao on them began to lose control, and the power of the Heavenly Dao in the formation enchantment was also drawn by the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and began to converge towards the Dao Fa Yuli that day.

As a result, Luo Jun's extremely delicate enchantment also began to lose its effect at this moment.

Visible to the naked eye, the countless power of the Heavenly Dao in the Qing Ming Palace enchantment turned into particles and floated towards the Heavenly Dao Fayue.

No matter how hard the saints try to control the power of heaven, they can't stop the law of heaven from absorbing the power of heaven.

"The spirit of the undead has not cracked the law of opening the heavens!" Fuxi the Great was shocked.

At this moment, they finally knew that the heavenly laws they had had had never been solved. What they thought was wishful thinking to untie...

Taishang Daozu's face was solemn, and he said nothing. He is trying to suppress the power of heaven in his body.

But it's no use, the power of heaven is okay in his body. As long as the power of heaven is displayed, it will be absorbed by the Dao Fa about that day...

Yuan Sheng's eyes were icy, and suddenly he grabbed the Heavenly Dao Fayue with one hand, and suddenly pointed out with the other hand. His fingertips bloomed with dazzling to the extreme brilliance, his whole body was full of light, and his energy burst to the extreme.

That was a terrifying scene!

This pointing to the enchantment!


Luo Jun’s meticulously arranged formation, the magical heavenly formation built by the saints and the masters, collapsed at this moment.

The fragments burst, the golden light is dazzling!

The aftermath of energy oscillated in the entire sea of ​​blood, and within the sea of ​​blood, the tsunami was terrifying!

Yuan Sheng is still using the boat of destiny to cover all his masters, while holding the heavenly law with one hand. He then grabbed the ship of destiny with another hand, and came to the front of the human master in this way.

All the masters on his side are in the ship of destiny.

So now it seems that Yuansheng is facing the entire human master! But the human master looks extremely small in front of him at this moment...

Yuan Sheng's eyes were cold, pressing harder every step.

The Taishang Dao Ancestor cannot retreat here, only a roar...kill!

The killing sound shook the sky, the horror was extinct...

The thousands of years of enmity between Terran and Kepler finally tore apart again...

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