Super Security in the City

Chapter 4098: second to none

Li Changye continued: "After I became conscious in the undead star stone, I have been absorbing the star stone's essence. During this process, my strength has become stronger and stronger. But I have never been able to leave the undead star stone... Until one day, the star stone was picked up by someone, a guy called Dugu Wuwei, whose cultivation base reached the ninth level of the Creation Realm. His family was killed by the enemy, his body exploded, and all the fragments were absorbed by me. I used his fragments to finally shape my body! Then I walked out of the undead star! At that time, the undead in the world was already very strong. My body was shaped by the essence of the undead. I made the undead star The stone is hidden in the particles of my flesh. In this way, my power is extremely powerful. This power, regardless of the rules, completely uses the characteristics of corrosive ice to kill the enemy!"

"So I have never been afraid of the power of the heavenly way. The power of the heavenly way has no advantage in front of me. At the same time, my strength is only a small difference between the power and the strength of the masters of the ordinary creation. Simply put, I can't use the rules. To suppress others. Others can't use rules and laws to suppress me. My body is not afraid of being broken up, and after being broken up, I can reunite immediately! The undead star stone protects me, and almost no one can refine me. Yuan Yun Zhong tried to refine me several times, but in the end, he failed! I just didn't expect that now that I have reached the top, I was careless about his way!"

Gu Yue was very worried and said, "I lost the Undead Star Stone, what about your body?"

Li Changye said: "In the past, I relied on the Undead Star Stone very much. If I lost the Undead Star Stone, my body would slowly become rigid. Of course, even if there was an Undead Star Stone at that time, my body would continue to slowly become rigid until I died. The undead star stone will prolong my lifespan. Later, I collected all the things I wanted, and with the help of the mist of Hongmeng, my body was completely refined successfully. Therefore, I got a free body, even without the undead star stone, I can also be at ease. I am different from Ye Qingming, Ye Qingming is formed from death spar, and her death spar in the world of death absorbs the strong death essence all year round, so Ye Qingming finally directly used The death spar came into being. Therefore, no one can take away her death spar, she is the death spar. And my undead star has always been deficient in undead energy. Later, when the undead energy was strong, I I was in a hurry to change shape again, so I left a flaw!

"Now, without the undead star stone, my ability will be much weaker. It is also easy to be refined by others... But relatively speaking, it is difficult for those saints to kill me. The only thing to be afraid of is Yuan Yunzhong. !" Li Changye said finally.

Gu Yue said: "If Yuan Yunzhong and the Undead Star Stone are refined and merged, wouldn't there be no one in the world who can control him?"

Li Changye sighed and said, "If he was outside the Immortal Realm, he would not be so scary. But in this Immortal Realm, no one can really control him."

Gu Yue's eyes flashed with worry and said, "This is the catastrophe of the human race!"

For a while, Li Changye didn't know what to say.

Gu Yue thought of something, and said, "Then Bai Qing..." She thought that if she was still there, there was still hope.

Li Changye said: "He is not Bai Qing, he is actually a woman called Mo Yu. He is Luo Jun's goddaughter and Ye Qingming's apprentice. She... is already dead! If she is still alive... Yuan Yunzhong is also arrogant. Can't get up, it's a pity..."

Lonely Moon was speechless.

Li Changye said: "That Mo Yu, there are some stories to tell. In fact, he is also a hard worker."

Gu Yue stayed for a while and said, "How do you say it?"

Li Changye said: "The reason why she can become like the ancestor of the demon is because she has complete control over her inner demon. I used to be trapped in her inner demon. That feeling of despair makes people go mad if they stay for a while. It turned out that she fell in love with her godfather, but she didn't dare to say it, and she didn't dare to express it. In the end, she came to enlightenment in this despair!"

Gu Yue was slightly stunned and said, "Why don't you dare to say it, don't dare to express it? People of Taoism, why should you stick to these things? She and her godfather are not related by blood..."

Li Changye said: "Then I don't know."

Gu Yue said: "It can only be said that she is not brave enough!"

Time flies, another year has passed in the blink of an eye...

In the immortal world, the spirit of the demons is getting stronger and stronger, and the entire immortal world, where there is no magic support, has all been reduced to demon soil.

It's a scary and crazy world!

In a secluded dark cave, the black corpse and Long Xiao were guarded outside the cave.

At the same time, the black corpse also shrouded this area with the aura of death. As a result, this place is like a dark place in the dark, and no one can find a trace.

In the cave, Yuan Sheng sat cross-legged, and the energy of life and death circulated in his body.

The undead star stone was originally the size of an adult's fist, but now it is only the size of a thumb.

The essence of the undead star stone is being slowly absorbed by Yuan Sheng, and Yuan Sheng's body is also changing.

Poison gas merges with the gas of life and death.

Yuan Sheng's white hair all turned black, and his face was covered with a layer of blue air.

The whole person is like a poisonous person!

Finally, he opened his mouth and swallowed the undead star stone into his belly.

Then, the energy in his body fluctuated violently.


In the end, the whole body exploded and turned into countless demon particles.

These celestial particles are floating in the cave like rootless duckweed.

After a long time, these particles start to agglomerate.

This process was a bit long. After about three days, all the demon particles condensed together and finally became the Yuan Sheng.

At this time, Yuan Sheng had black hair and a young face. He looked like twin brothers with the black corpse.

Hei Zhe and Long Xiaofeng seemed to have a feeling, and immediately entered the cave. When they saw the young and radiant Primordial Saint, they were overjoyed and congratulated in unison.

Yuan Sheng couldn't contain his excitement and said, "Haha... Now, if this old man wants to destroy these human races, it will be as easy as the palm of your hand!"

Long Xiaofeng was also happy. He and Yuan Sheng have a common goal, that is, hating the human race.

Both Lingzun and the Kepler tribe were harmed by the human race.

Then, Yuan Sheng sat down.

Hei Zhe and Long Xiaofeng sat down on both sides of him cross-legged.

Long Xiaofeng first asked: "Holy Master, you have completely integrated the Undead Star Stone, right?"

Yuan Sheng nodded and said, "Not bad!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "This is really gratifying, but some of your subordinates don't understand, how did you deceive the ancestor of the undead? Is this undead star really so easy to integrate?"

Yuan Sheng was in a very good mood, so he was in good spirits now, and he immediately said: "Speaking of which, although this ancestor of the undead is inexperienced, he is also cunning enough. At the beginning of the Holy City War, he had both the right and the left, and in the end he made us big. It is really hateful to lose. Now, he is standing in a high position, he believes too much in himself, and he is too complacent. It is true that he planted the seeds of the undead in the old man's mind, but he gave the undead star stone again. Old man. When the old man was studying the undead star stone, he studied the gene sequence of the undead seed, so there was a way to decipher it. At first, the old man did not play on the star stone. When dealing with the little girl Mo Yu , the old man planted the black corpse on the star stone to give the old man the origin of the seed of death. Humph, the old man has learned about the gene sequence of the star stone before, and knows how to temporarily blind the star stone's movement. So in a hurry, the undead The ancestor could not find the difference between the undead star stone. And when he urged mana into the undead star stone, it was time to activate the death seed. The death seed was the nemesis of his demonic energy, so at this moment, he lost control over the Undead Star Stone!"

"This plan is simple and simple to say, but if you take action, it will fail if you are careless. Finally, God has mercy, and everything has been successfully completed in the end." Yuan Sheng said excitedly.

After hearing this, Long Xiaofeng couldn't help but admire him greatly, and said, "The Holy Master is unique in the world, and his subordinates admire it!"

Yuan Sheng also said: "The undead star stone is actually not considered to be the ultimate treasure, but it was born at the right time and encountered this chaos. The undead star stone is like the old man who mastered the way of life and heaven. What's even better is that this whole world is a world of demons. The old man can be an inexhaustible subordinate!"

Long Xiaofeng said: "The fate of the human race has ended here!"

Yuan Sheng said: "This time, the old man will not give them another chance!"

The black corpse said: "Master, your life essence?"

Yuan Sheng laughed and said, "Shou Yuan... unlimited!"

Black Corpse said: "That would be great."

Yuan Sheng said: "The undead star stone is simply a poisonous stone. If this old man hadn't studied the way of life and understood all the gene sequences of life, he would have been poisoned by the undead star stone this time. To devour the undead star stone is also a dead end! The old man's life essence, the source of vitality, has been exhausted, but it just happened to merge with this poison, but it has fulfilled the old man! In the world, except for the old man who can fuse the undead star stone, there is no one else. Even the ancestor of the undead can't be fully integrated... If he can integrate, how can he stay today?"

Long Xiao said: "This is surprising, how can he not be integrated? Wasn't he born from the undead star stone?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Because from the beginning, he was too impatient. When he continued to stay in the undead star stone, he could slowly integrate the undead star stone and achieve a higher realm!"

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