Super Security in the City

Chapter 4103: Dangerous

Don't let the undead army rampage, merge into a torrent of steel and blast away at the enchantment!


A dazzling golden light burst out from the barrier...

Some of the undead soldiers who rushed to the front were immediately strangled by the golden light of the enchantment into demon particles, and some were directly squeezed into demon particles. But after these demon particles wandered in the void for a while, they returned to their original soldiers, and after they landed, they charged tirelessly again.

Inside the enchantment, Emperor Fuxi led the human monks to launch mana to send powerful mana into the core formation of the enchantment.

But their mana is much weaker than the strength of this undead army...

Not an order of magnitude at all!

Fortunately, in this formation, there are countless time laws and space laws and so on! These laws have poured the blood of countless saints into them.

Although space and time cannot trap the powerful forces of the undead army, they can make those forces consume countless in space and slowly pass in time...

Therefore, even if the undead army is very powerful, it is difficult to break through the barrier in a short period of time.

On the human side, Emperor Fuxi also knew that the barrier would not last long.

The real victory or defeat depends on whether Taishang Daozu and the others can capture Yuan Sheng. Once Yuan Sheng is captured, Li Changye can control the undead army, which is the key to victory!

The war has begun, and it is extremely intense.

The four icemen surrounded the real person of creation and fiercely attacked and killed!

But the current real person is no longer the original real person, he has the body of immortality, and he is also brave and not afraid of death.

The four ice men are fierce, and he is even more fierce. Wherever the fist power goes, it is like the explosion of stars, like the destruction of the universe!

boom boom boom...

After a few punches, the four icemen were directly smashed into pieces by the real person.

When the four icemen were about to reunite, the real person of creation opened his **** mouth and swallowed all the particles of the four icemen into his belly.

The body of the real person formed into a demon furnace, which suppressed the particles of the four icemen and smelted them.

If someone else refines four icemen, it will be very difficult. But the real person is a more powerful demon, so it is not so difficult.

After the real good fortune had quelled the four icemen, he had to attack and kill the others. This real person of good fortune is now a beast, and anyone who encounters him will have a headache. At this time, Li Changye also defeated the few quasi-sage masters. With a flash of his figure, he stopped in front of the real person.

Reality Creation didn't care about 3721, so he killed Li Changye.

While observing the situation of the battle, Li Changye stood up to kill the real person.

In the past, when Li Changye was the ancestor of the undead, it was difficult for him to gain the upper hand when he actually fought against any saint. But no matter how you can't kill it, it's just disgusting and difficult to deal with.

Now that Li Changye has lost the Undead Star Stone again, he won't be able to gain the upper hand in a fight with the real person.

On the contrary, the real person of creation has no scruples and no mind, but Li Changye has been attacked and defeated!

Li Changye was extremely annoyed. This real person was originally just his dog, but now he has pushed him to this point, which is really hateful!

Li Changye swayed, avoiding the attack of Real Life Creation, and attacked with his backhand.

The two have used the power of the devil to the extreme.

Although Li Changye lacked vigor, he was more agile. So for a while, although the real person of creation had the upper hand, he could not win against Li Changye.

The fight between these two is extremely boring after all, because no one can kill anyone.

Those quasi-sage masters who were defeated by Li Changye have gathered at this time and rejoined the battlefield. However, their goals are not very strong. After scanning the battlefield, they ran to find other people's troubles.

There are too many masters in the undead army.

The battle of the saints was not smooth. The undead army rushed over and entered their battle circle, but those with weak cultivation were directly swept into pieces by the aftermath.

The more powerful immortal quasi-sages joined the battle circle and dealt with these saints.

There are not many quasi-sages. These quasi-sages were killed by Li Changye and then refined.

The battle was fierce.

The duel between Yuanshi Tianzun and Long Xiaofeng was also extremely fierce. Yuanshi Tianzun and Long Xiaofeng are both veteran saints, and their skills are extremely deep. The two of them punched and slapped, and they didn't use any magic weapons or spells. They all competed with profound skills.

Not long after the fight, Yuanshi Tianzun had the upper hand and began to suppress Long Xiaofeng.

But at this time, two undead quasi-sacred generals came over and immediately disrupted the rhythm of Yuanshi Tianzun. Yuanshi Tianzun was so angry that he threw the infinite circle to deal with the two quasi-sages. He controlled the Promise Circle with one hand and dealt with Long Xiaofeng with the other.

The Promise Ring is a pure golden ring that can be turned into countless rings and carries powerful holy power.

These rings surrounded the two undead quasi-sages, forming an enchantment storm.

The two quasi-sacred pilgrims rushed out and were smashed into pieces by countless rings.

Yuanshi Tianzun also understands that it is impossible to kill these undead legions, and it is better to trap them.

It is a pity that Yuanshi Tianzun is only stronger than Long Xiaofeng. At this moment, when he splits his efforts, he is dominated by Long Xiaofeng and gradually suppresses him.

To make matters worse, other undead masters rushed over.

This battle is bound to be unfair.

As for the battle between the saint and the black corpse, it has also reached a fever pitch.

The black corpse is no longer immortal. Since the death of heaven has disappeared, he has lost a lot of special power. Moreover, the dead world of the black corpse could not form a strong restraint on the introduction of the saint. Therefore, when the two men fought each other, it was the sage who had the upper hand. The golden lotus of the twelve-grade meritorious deeds of the sages has been destroyed, but now the magic treasure is the pavilion of the gods. There are six flags on this treasure, and in the waving, there is the power of the infinite world contained in it, which can absorb countless attacks. power, and turn it into its own power.

The sage received the attack of the black corpse several times with the help of the **** tower, and then turned back.

Although the black corpse is young and successful, it is also a headache when encountering a veteran saint like the sage. But in the battle between saints, it is unlikely that the winner will be determined in a short period of time.

At the same time, there are also many undead masters who come to kill and lead saints. Receiving saints must be distracted!

Therefore, it was originally the upper hand, and soon it became a state of comparability.

Besides, the battle between Saint Zhunti and Emperor Donghuang Taiyi really made Saint Zhunti complain a lot.

In terms of their respective strengths, Donghuang Taiyi and Saint Zhunti are both veteran saints, and their mana is comparable to each other. But now Dong Huangtai is not afraid of death, and is immortal.

Therefore, it is difficult for the sage Zhunti to deal with it.

He exerted all his strength and barely smashed the figure of Dong Huang Taiyi.

Because now Donghuang Taiyi is strong, but he has lost his agility and wisdom. Therefore, the sage Zhunti can smack him with a little trick. After he smashed Dong Huangtai into heavenly demon particles, he immediately took it into it with the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree. In the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, he divided it into seven parts and restrained them separately.

It's just that it's not very peaceful to be calm like this. In the seven small worlds, all those demon particles are bursting to break through the seal!

In this way, Saint Zhunti must be suppressed with all his strength, and he has no time to clone.

What's worse is that more and more undead legions attacked him.

The sky is full of terrifying demon particles...

Under the influence of these celestial particles, Saint Zhunti laid down the laws of space, the holy realm, etc., all of which could not stop the undead army from rushing.

This world has become a world of demons!

The undead legions are all incarnations of demons, so in the world of demons, no rules can trap them.

High-dimensional versus low-dimensional battles are often full of art and magic, while battles in the same dimension are only **** and brutal. If the sage quasi-sage is dealing with ordinary quasi-sage level masters, one holy state and one spell can trap him.

But now, nothing works!

Those undead legions rushed over desperately, as if a tsunami and torrent would drown him.

While suppressing Donghuang Taiyi's Heavenly Demon Particles, he drove the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree.

The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree swiped left and right, turning those undead legions into demon particles.

But it didn't work... The undead legion went on and on, died and then lived, and lived and died.

Let's talk about the battle between the Taishang Daozu and Yuan Sheng.

This pair of old foes, the old foes, have fought each other many times.

But their fights are rarely fair.

That is to say, the previous circle is limited to be considered a formal and fair competition. It has been proved that if there is no special attribute, Yuan Sheng can't beat the Taishang Daozu.

But this Primordial Saint, used to rely on the sacred tree of the Five Grains Society, later on the Heavenly Dao of Life, and now on the Undead Star Stone...

It seems that this guy's luck is always so good, and he can always find magic weapons and fetishes for special enemy control.

Yuan Sheng divided ten Yuan Sheng, and desperately killed Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu did not use Yiqi Hua Sanqing, but used the natural way to deal with and avoid it.

Yuan Sheng controls the entire world of demons, and his inexhaustible power is his greatest advantage. Therefore, although ten primordial saints are differentiated, the power of each is inexhaustible.

Under such circumstances, it is basically impossible for Taishang Daozu to subdue and capture Yuan Sheng.

Whether or not he can save his life is unknown...

At the same time, within the human barrier, Emperor Fuxi and the cultivators were extremely difficult.

The undead army is not afraid of death, and the tireless attack and killing have exhausted many monks and vomited blood to death.

They can't last long...

And when the enchantment is broken, it is also the time when the human race is destroyed...

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