Super Security in the City

Chapter 4115: Invincible

Hei Suzhen and Luo Jun flew for six consecutive months. During these six months, Luo Jun sometimes asked Hei Suzhen for love, but Hei Suzhen rejected him because his body was not fully healed. Heiyi Suzhen was very determined, and Luo Jun couldn't hold on any longer.

Six months later, they came to the former Heavenly Realm.

On a mountain peak, the two settled down.

At this time, the sky was full of black clouds in the Demon Domain.

The air of demons enveloped the earth, causing the soil on the ground to overflow with black liquid.

It's really dead grass.

"Nine ghosts aura is deep in the bottom of this mountain." Luo Jun said to Suzhen Heiyi.

Suzhen Heiyi said: "It's not too late, let's hurry up and collect Jiu Ghost Qi."

Luo Jun nodded, and then he and Heiyi Suzhen went into the interior of the mountain hand in hand. When they entered the interior of the mountain, all the stone layers turned into liquid, and after they passed, they returned to their original state. In this way, he went all the way to the ground, and he has been drilling for about 10,000 meters, and finally came to an open place. There is a hidden cave in the ground.

Above the cave, the dome is very high.

There is also an abyss below the cave, and they are standing above the abyss at this moment.

It was pitch black everywhere.

Heiyi Suzhen looked at the abyss, and the thick fog rolled in the abyss, as if a pot of water had been boiled.

Seeing this, Luo Jun was overjoyed and said, "That's great, these nine ghost qi have not been destroyed by the demon qi. This dense fog is a protective mechanism!"

Suzhen Heiyi said, "You're on top, I'll go in and take the Nine Ghosts Qi."

Luo Jun said, "I'll go down with you."

Heiyi Suzhen said, "Your injury?" Luo Jun said, "It's not in the way."

Heiyi Suzhen was helpless and said, "That's fine, but you must be careful." Luo Jun smiled and said, "Don't worry!"

The two flew down and entered the thick fog. In the thick fog, the water vapor was dense, and there were countless spiritual power surging in the water vapor, which made Hei Yi Suzhen and Luo Jun feel very useful.

Heiyi Suzhen didn't know about the Nine Ghosts Qi before, but after Luo Jun's explanation, she already understood it clearly.

Nine ghost qi is very different from ordinary aura, which is nourished by heaven and earth.

The Nine Ghosts Qi and the Undead Qi are in opposite directions. In an extremely dark place, the filthy and rotten things are transformed into the Nine Ghosts Qi through the Nine-layer Netherworld! Similar to filtering sewage through nine layers!

In this kind of spiritual energy, the yin force is strong, and it is the supreme medicine for the injured cultivator!

Because most of the cultivator's injuries are caused by madness, or internal injuries, the trauma is hot and burning!

So this kind of cold and pure spiritual power is extremely effective. Of course, if the wounded were poisoned with ice poison, etc., they would not be able to use the nine ghost qi, they would have to use the pure yang aura.

The two walked through the thick fog, and they found that there were many barriers in the thick fog, and it really had the effect of nine turns!

The Nine Ghosts Qi was formed through the power of the Nine Revolutions.

Suzhen Heiyi said, "I've never heard of these nine ghosts before, how did you know?"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "I met an old man before, and I heard him mention this kind of nine ghosts. At the time, I didn't take it seriously, thinking that it might be nonsense. Later, when I was in the fairyland, I passed by once and found that there was no underground. It's normal, so I came to see it, but I didn't expect that the Nine Ghosts Qi really exists."

While speaking, the two passed through the thick fog and reached the bottom of the abyss.

The bottom is a pool, the water in the pool is dark and quiet!

"These waters are the nine ghosts, but they need to be condensed!" Luo Jun said.

Heiyi Suzhen said, "Let me see." After speaking, she used her magic power to penetrate into the pool.

Luo Jun also used mana to investigate.

Suzhen Heiyi said, "It's just that there is still a problem here. Didn't Daozu say it? The previous Kunpeng took the Nine Ghosts Qi and finally failed."

Luo Jun said: "Actually, I have a way to expel the last trace of sinister poison in the nine ghosts."

Suzhen Heiyi was overjoyed and said, "What can I do?"

Luo Jun was at a loss for words, and said, "This..." Suzhen Heiyi hurriedly said, "What's the matter, you said it!"

Luo Jun said: "You are the only one who has survived the Nine Thunder Tribulations, and there is Purple Thunder Divine Lightning in your blood. If you drop your blood into the refined Nine Ghosts Qi, you can naturally force the sinister out. , while not destroying the medicinal properties of the Nine Ghosts Qi!"

It is really easy to force out the sinister, but it is too difficult to force out the sinister without destroying the Nine Ghosts Qi.

Suzhen Heiyi said, "I thought it was a big problem, what's the problem?"

Luo Jun said: "I need a huge amount of Nine Ghost Qi, so I may need a lot of your blood. Your blood is blood essence, and it is unimaginable that it will be wasted! I am afraid that this will damage your body. "

"I'm not that vulnerable, don't worry!" Hei Yi Suzhen smiled and said nonchalantly.

Luo Jun said: "This is too wrong for you."

Heiyi Suzhen said: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, for you, I'm not afraid of dying, what are you afraid of bleeding?"

Luo Jun said: "Okay, I'll grab the water of Jiuyou and condense it. You listen to my instructions and start dripping blood."

Heiyi Suzhen nodded and said, "Okay!"

Luo Jun immediately drove the mana, made the mana form a big handprint, and grabbed a huge amount of water of the Nine Serenities from the pool! Following, he condensed with profound fire...

Immediately, the water vapor evaporated upwards, and the turbid air sank!

After a while, the nine ghost waters all turned into turquoise auras.

The spiritual energy was rushing in Luo Jun's big mudra, but he couldn't escape.

In the depths of those auras, there is a trace of darkness and sinisterness.

If you don't look closely, it's hard to find.

If you want to re-refine through the mysterious fire, it will make the spiritual energy evaporate.

"Susu, drop blood!" Luo Jun shouted loudly, and at the same time said: "Ten drops at a time, no more, no less!"

Heiyi Suzhen's body is indeed different from ordinary people. For ordinary people, it doesn't matter if some blood is lost. But Suzhen Heiyi's body was cast by lightning, so when she fused her body later, she remodeled her entire body. Her blood can be said to be the regeneration system of the entire human body system, and a drop of blood is extremely precious. Therefore, she rarely vomits blood... Even if she vomits blood, it is not real blood, but a residual turbidity.

At this time, she pierced ten fingers at the same time without hesitation, and quickly squeezed ten drops of blood into the nine ghosts.

After the ten drops of Dabu's Purple Thunder God's blood entered the Nine Ghosts Qi, it immediately became alive, quickly driven, and tempered and sublimated the entire Nine Ghosts Qi.

But soon, ten drops of blood disappeared.

And that insidiousness is reduced a bit!

"Come again!" Luo Jun shouted again.

Heiyi Suzhen dropped another ten drops.

That blood is freely controlled in her body...

After dripping a hundred drops of blood in a row, finally, all the sinister poison in the Nine Ghosts Qi disappeared.

These nine ghosts can be considered to be completely refined.

At this time, Hei Yi Suzhen's face was pale, obviously her vitality was greatly depleted.

"That's great!" Heiyi Suzhen couldn't help but be overjoyed when she saw that the aura had been completed.

Luo Jun gathered all the nine ghosts and swallowed them.

Then he sat cross-legged.

Suzhen Heiyi also sat cross-legged next to her, exercising her powers to recover from her injuries.

An hour later, Luo Jun opened his eyes.

At this moment, the gentleness in his eyes is no longer, but there is a touch of sinister!

Heiyi Suzhen also opened her eyes, got up and asked with concern, "How are you?"

"Okay!" Luo Jun said lightly.

Hei Yi Suzhen noticed that his tone was wrong, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with you, you don't seem to be happy?"

Luo Jun smiled lightly and said, "Okay, Bai Suzhen, I really can't cooperate with your clumsy acting skills. Now that this is the case, there is no need for me to continue acting with you."

Hei Yi Suzhen's eyes suddenly changed, and she said, "What do you mean?"

Luo Jun said, "You already knew that I'm not Luo Jun, I'm Tiandao Brush!" After a while, he said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm not called Luo Jun either, I gave myself a name, It's called Tian Wudi! Isn't that a good name?"

Heiyi Suzhen's face turned cold, and she said, "So, you are acting with me, that is, to let me cooperate with you to extract the spirit of the nine ghosts, right?"

Tian Wudi said: "Of course!" After a pause, he said: "Don't I know about your plan? Let my brain nerves be repaired first, and then I will be taken down with the saints and forced out of my body. The essence of Qi that belongs to Luo Jun. After that, you will take this essence to Earth. On Earth, you have already stored one of Luo Jun's arms, which is Xuan Zhenghao's ability to come back from the dead. Don't break it, don't stand! I heard Xuan Zhenghao say this trick, and I keep it in my heart."

"Not bad!" At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came. This voice is... Xuan Zhenghao's.

From the depths of the pool, suddenly a figure flickered and appeared in front of Suzhen Heiyi and Tian Wudi.

When Tian Wudi saw Xuan Zhenghao, he couldn't help but pale in horror: "You... why are you here?"

The person who came was Xuan Zhenghao. He was dressed in a snow-white gown, like an exiled immortal.

Xuan Zhenghao looked at Tian Wudi, smiled slightly, and said, "Little guy, you have only lived for a few years, so you dare to show off your cleverness in front of me and Luo Jun?"

"What do you mean?" Tian Wudi felt that something was wrong.

Suzhen in black came to Xuan Zhenghao's side and faced Tian Wudi with him.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "Little guy, try your luck to Dantian and see if there are any surprises?"

Tian Wudi is skeptical, but it is still luck Dantian. When the mana poured into the dantian, it was like ten thousand thunder formations embedded in the limbs and bones of the body. He suddenly howled in pain and fell to his knees.

"You evil thief, what have you done to me?" Tian Wudi roared fiercely.

He felt that he had just risen to the cloud, but in a blink of an eye, he was thrown into the endless hell...

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