Super Security in the City

Chapter 4121: god of chaos

Invincible is not dead!

It's not that Xuan Zhenghao's killing was incomplete before, but that Tian Wudi was very reluctant to die. Before setting off, a Primordial Spirit was differentiated, and the Chaos Spirit Vine was implanted into the Primordial Spirit. Yuanshen can always absorb the vitality of Chaos Spirit Vine, so it will not dissipate due to time.

During the original battle of the Holy City, Luo Jun blew himself up in the calamity fire, and the robbery fire almost destroyed Luo Jun's body. But Tian Wudi survived by relying on the powerful Tian Dao divine power of Tian Dao Pen. He kept Luo Jun's most crucial essence, his memory, the sacred tree of the Five Grains Society, the chaotic spirit vine, and so on.

To be precise, with the cooperation of the Wugu Sheji Sacred Tree and the Chaos Spirit Vine, together with the divine power of Heaven, it has also contributed to the resurrection of Heavenly Invincible!

In addition, Luo Jun still has eight or nine mysterious arts, and the nine-turn primordial spirit exists. Therefore, Tian Wudi has a chance to survive... This resurrection is extremely difficult.

Moreover, at this time, Tian Wudi completely refined the Chaos Spirit Vine.

The Chaos Qi in the Chaos Spirit Vine is terrifying and unparalleled, as if it were endless.

The invincible primordial spirit has also been thoroughly cultivated.

He still has the sacred tree of the Five Grains Society and Ji and the divine power of heaven on his body. Because the sacred tree of Wugu Sheji has long been smelted into the Tiandao pen, and he himself is the Tiandao pen. These things are like blood in his body. Among his primordial spirits, there are also the genes of the divine tree and the divine power of heaven!

Originally, after the body was destroyed, his primordial spirit should be dissipated.

But he took a high chess move and prepared the Chaos Spirit Vine first!

The Chaos Spirit Vine is an innate spiritual treasure born in the founding Yuanling. Under the urging of this innate spiritual treasure, the Wugu Sheji tree and the Tiandao pen have all been supplemented and restored. The divine tree of the Wugu Sheji and the divine power of the Tao of Heaven are not the powers of the past, but are now filled with the divine power of chaos.

It can also be said that it has become more powerful.

It was only until now that Tian Wudi understood that the Chaos Spirit Vine was even more terrifying and powerful than everyone imagined!

But it must be completely refined and absorbed, so that the chaotic spirit vine can be truly mastered. Those who used to have mastered the Chaos Spirit Vine. But it just absorbs the chaotic energy in it, and then keeps researching, researching, but can't do it.

This time, Tian Wudi completely absorbed the Chaos Spirit Vine, and after smelting it, all the Chaos Divine Power in his body.

At the same time, he also felt hidden in the chaotic world!

The Chaos World and the Dead World are similar, but not as huge as the Dead World.

But Tian Wudi can now directly absorb the Chaos Divine Power of Chaos World.

What is Chaos Divine Power?

Chaos divine power can simulate any power, and can also assimilate any power into it.

Not the origin of all power, but the origin of most power!

Tian Wudi felt his new body, the skin was delicate, and the internal meridians were as tough as stars.

This body is even better than the previous one!

"If it wasn't for the mischief and mishap by this dog thief Xuan Zhenghao, I would not have made up my mind to smelt the Chaos Spirit Vine. If I knew that the Chaos Spirit Vine had such benefits, why would I go to the secret place of the human race?" Tian Wudi sneered again and again, secretly said: "Xuan Zhenghao, Bai Suzhen, do you think you can kill this seat? This seat is destined for destiny, how can it be killed by you so easily. Very good, what you did to this seat. Everything that happened, I have firmly remembered in my heart. I will definitely return it to you in the future! Bai Suzhen, don’t you just want to resurrect Luo Jun? I will kill Luo Jun completely in front of you. Ha ha ha ha…"

He couldn't help but burst into laughter when he thought of his pride.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came.

"Little guy, why are you so happy? Can't you help it?"

This voice is very familiar!

After Tian Wudi heard it, his hair stood on end!

Because this voice is exactly... Xuan Zhenghao's.

"Xuan Zhenghao?" Tian Wudi suddenly gritted his teeth.

It was also at this moment that a door to the void opened in front of him.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhenghao, Li Changye, and Taishang Daozu came out together.

"Don't call me so affectionately!" Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said after seeing Tian Wudi.

Taishang Daozu put the whisk aside and said, "Immeasurable longevity, little brother, you really are not Luo Jun's little friend!"

Tian Wudi glanced at the three of Xuan Zhenghao, and then his eyes fell on Xuan Zhenghao, and said, "Your mother's ghost is still alive, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled slightly and said, "I'm so sorry, I treated you so badly last time. I thought that if you didn't die, you would definitely not give me good fruits in the future. Seeing how happy you were just now, you must be thinking. What vicious way is it to harass me and Susu girl?"

"Not bad!" Tian Wudi said sharply: "This seat wants you and Bai Suzhen not to survive, not to die!"

"With your little brat, you dare to call yourself the seat?" Li Changye laughed wildly.

"Why can't Lao Tzu call himself this seat?" Tian Wudi looked at Li Changye, quite dissatisfied, and said: "You are just something produced in the filth of the dark night, and you still dare to call yourself this seat. Lao Tzu is a spiritual thing in Tiandao's pen, compared to You are much more advanced."

"Okay, you are senior!" Li Changye said, "No matter how senior you are, you will die today!"

Tian Wudi shuddered.

If Xuan Zhenghao was the only one who came, he wouldn't be too afraid.

However, there is still the Taishang Daozu, and even worse, Li Changye!

This Li Changye is here, it is impossible for him to escape.

Tian Wudi looked at Xuan Zhenghao and said, "I don't understand, how did you come here? I'm already dead, why are you still following me?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "I blame you for talking too much. When you were about to die last time, you shouted loudly that you would not let me and Bai Suzhen go."

"So what?" Tian Wudi said, "Isn't it okay to have a mouth addiction before death?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Miss Susu thinks so too, but I don't think so. If you've ever been addicted to your mouth, you should say that you won't let us go if you turn into a ghost."

"I..." Tian Wudi was about to collapse, and he never thought that this time he capsized because of that sentence...

After that, he said to Li Changye: "Hey, the ancestor of the undead, do you think it's a good thing for you to help them kill me? When Yuan Yunzhong solves it in the future, you will be the worst! These people are insidious. Cunning, there will be credit. You and I are one, and we are all born from spiritual things."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Look at you little guy, you are always not very smart! Since you want to win over Brother Chang Ye, don't say that he was born in the filth of the dark night! You see that you think you are very noble, If you think Brother Changye is dirty, it means that you look down on Brother Changye in your heart!"

Tian Wudi said angrily, "Shut up your motherfucker, I didn't speak to you!"

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said: "Look at you, although you have the appearance of Luo Jun, this city is really not good. Luo Jun has never lost a fight with others. I just said a few words to you, and you are already angry."

Tian Wudi felt that he was about to be blown away by Xuan Zhenghao.

At this moment, I really didn't want to talk to Xuan Zhenghao, so I said to Taishang Daozu: "Daozu, you are the leader of the human race... What crime did I commit, you must put me to death?"

Xuan Zhenghao coughed dryly and said, "I really didn't want to be angry with you, but... you said earlier that Brother Chang Ye was a product of the filth in the dark night. When you wooed him later, you said that our human race is insidious and cunning. The human race is insidious and cunning, then Daozu is the leader of the human race, isn't he a sinister and cunning ancestor? You have offended them all, and you come to win over and plead for mercy, this logic is really touching!"

"I... Lao Tzu..." Tian Wudi was furious and said to Xuan Zhenghao, "I want to fight with you!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I won't fight with you, I want to fight with you, why did you bring Daozu and Brother Changye here? I brought them here to surround and kill you!"

"Daozu, won't you speak?" Tian Wudi was about to cry, thinking that Daozu could do justice for him.

Taishang Daozu coughed dryly and said, "Pin Dao... This time I made a special trip to kill you!"

Tian Wudi's eyes immediately turned blood red, and he roared, "They are all a bunch of shameless people, I will fight with you!" After speaking, he used his whole body's terrifying mana to charge towards Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "I hate me too much, or I'm picking soft persimmons!" As he spoke, he ducked behind Taishang Daozu.

Taishang Daozu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this Xuanhuang to have such an operation, and he couldn't help laughing at the moment. Of course, he was also unambiguous, and immediately swung his whisk into the sky invincible!

Immediately, terrifying holy energy surged out!

Tian Wudi roared: "Break!" The chaotic holy force behind him formed a huge vortex. A condensed Chaos Divine Sword appeared in his hand!

The sword light flashed violently, and it slashed towards Taishang Daozu's whisk and brain!

This power is absolutely terrifying!

In a sense, the divine power of chaos is stronger than the divine power of the phoenix!

It's just that Tian Wudi has just mastered it, and his own cultivation base has not become a saint, so he can't be that powerful.

This chaotic divine power has been cultivated to the extreme, and it can compete with the Ice Phoenix Goddess.

Taishang Daozu's figure flashed, and there were two more Daozu in the scene.

Tian Wudi's sword smashed the Taoist ancestor in front of him into pieces. But the other two Taoist ancestors quickly attacked from the left and right.

Tian Wudi also knew that Taishang Daozu couldn't be killed so easily by himself. He was already prepared, and his body was in a ball, so he came to a miniature way. The figure shrinks rapidly, but the chaotic vortex is displayed again...

That chaotic vortex took on a lavender color...

Taishang Daozu's two palms slammed into the chaotic vortex, like a mud cow into the sea...

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