Super Security in the City

Chapter 4123: golden shard

After solving Tian Wudi, Xuan Zhenghao breathed a sigh of relief. They soon returned to the secret place of the human race.

Li Changye did not enter the secret place of the human race, but returned to the palace under the protection of the death army! The Yuansheng particles on his body were handed over to the Taishang Daozu for safekeeping. When it exploded before, the Yuansheng particles also exploded. Later, after he contracted and recovered, he re-suppressed the Yuansheng particles again!

This time, Li Changye lost a lot of vitality, and after returning to the palace, he began to recover from his injuries behind closed doors.

Gu Yue came to the door to care about him. He was afraid that Gu Yue would not be relieved, so he let her into the bedroom.

As soon as she came in, she saw Li Changye's face was extremely pale, sitting on the bed with his knees crossed to heal his injuries, and she couldn't help but be surprised. "What's wrong with you?" Gu Yue asked with great concern, while searching for his pulse.

When he probed the pulse, he found that the flesh and blood in his body was blurred, and the power of the demons was so fierce that it was difficult to suppress!

Li Changye smiled slightly and said, "It's okay, it just takes a little time. With time, it will return to its original state, and it will be restored soon!"

Gu Yue said: "But, who in the end hurt you?"

Li Changye immediately told Gu Yue all the situation today. After listening to Gu Yue, she was a little puzzled and said, "Why do you do this?"

Li Changye said: "The reason for this was because at that time, if I didn't wrap up Tian Wudi, all three of us would be injured. I was afraid that Yuan Yunzhong would take the opportunity to escape... Second, I wanted to win more favors from the human race. After all , you belong to the human race. I don't want to have a too rigid relationship with the human race!"

Gu Yue couldn't help but reddened her eyes after hearing this, and said, "'re not allowed to do this in the future."

Li Changye nodded obediently and said, "I'll listen to you!" After a pause, he said, "Actually, there is another reason..."

Gu Yue said: "Huh?"

Li Changye said: "This time I had some contact with the Emperor Xuan, and I also learned a lot about his past. I thought about it, and people like Yuan Yunzhong can never win against the human race. I really don't need to talk to him. The human race is the enemy, so let's have a good relationship with them!"

Gu Yue said: "This idea is correct!" Then, her face flushed slightly, and she said, "Thank you!"

Li Changye naturally understood what she was thanking him for... At this moment, he felt that all the efforts and efforts were worth it.

Besides, although Xuan Zhenghao stayed in Biyou Palace, he had no interest in the disciples of Biyou Palace. Every day, he still focuses on studying his own creation chart and so on!

At the same time, he is also studying the invincible golden body fragments.

On this day, Taishang Daozu came to Biyou Palace and had a conversation with Xuan Zhenghao!

In the revolving hall, Yun Xiao personally came to serve tea and water for the two great men. After she got everything ready, she wanted to leave.

Taishang Daozu said: "Yunxiao, just wait by the side!"

"Yes, Uncle Master!" At the moment, Yun Xiao waited respectfully with his hands down!

Taishang Daozu smiled and said to Xuan Zhenghao, "Pin Dao has heard of what happened to Emperor Xuan in Tianzhou. I heard that you used your weak body and brought the weak Dakang Dynasty to fight for Yuntianzong. Ascension Sect, as well as the Protoss. Finally, in just over ten years, Dakang has become the biggest force in Tianzhou."

Xuan Zhenghao was stunned and said, "Those are just tricks, and they are not worth mentioning on the stage!"

Taishang Daozu said: "That's no small trick! What you could do in the past, you can do it now. Emperor Xuan, look at this Biyou Palace, there are so many people and experts like clouds. If there is your command, Biyou Palace will definitely be able to carry forward in the future. If the junior brother of the poor Taoist has a spirit under the spring, he will surely be pleased!"

When Yun Xiao next to him heard this, he couldn't help but be slightly startled, but he soon understood the painstaking efforts of the uncle!

Biyou Palace must have a sage in charge, and Grandmaster can't always take charge of Biyou Palace!

Xuan Zhenghao was stunned for a while, and then said in surprise, "Daozu, are you joking?"

Taishang Daozu said: "How could it be!"

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't come back to his senses. After a while, he said: "Thanks to Daozu, you look down on me, I am very grateful. However, I really have no interest in such errands. I will leave the fairyland after all. When it's done, I'll leave!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Xuanhuang doesn't have to directly reject Pindao, Pindao also knows your thoughts, you don't want to get involved in these right and wrong vortex. But you should also find out now that many right and wrong are not things that you can stay away from if you want to stay away. On the contrary, many saints are together, they have business and negotiation, and can resist many things. This time, it is true that many saints have been damaged. But we can't just look at the front... You can go and see how many in the long history. Can people live longer than us saints? It is necessary to avoid the world, but also to enter the world, this truth, Xuan Huang, you will not understand."

Xuan Zhenghao fell silent.

After a long time, he said: "I need to think about it next time!"

Taishang Daozu smiled slightly and said: "This position as the leader of Biyou Palace, you want to do it at any time, we welcome it at any time. Pindao's promise is always valid! Moreover, Pindao also has Yuanshi Junior Brother, as well as Fuxi Daoist, Nuwa. Niangniang will always regard you as her best friend. As for accommodating saints, judging saints, poor Taoists can’t be their masters, but they are also kind to others.”

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "This is all an honor!"

After the two chatted for a while, Taishang Daozu asked Yun Xiao to retreat. The reason why he stayed Yunxiao here was just to give Yunxiao some air.

In Xuan Zhenghao's heart, he was only thinking about whether to take on the burden of Biyou Palace, and he would never consider whether the disciples of Biyou Palace would accept him. In his eyes, those are not problems. As long as there is the support of the Supreme Daozu, how can the following small winds and waves be difficult for him, Xuan Zhenghao.

After talking about the topic of Biyou Palace, Taishang Daozu talked about finding the birthplace of the undead star stone.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "I have to deal with another matter for the time being!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Is it convenient to disclose?"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "There's nothing that can't be revealed, it's those golden fragments that are invincible, and there is a lot of information on them. At the same time, I'll see if these golden fragments can be refined and integrated into Luo Jun's body. Maybe it can help Luo Jun a lot!"

Taishang Daozu said: "This is indeed a top priority. If there is anything that needs help from the poor, Xuan Huang must be polite!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "Of course!"

After the chat, Taishang Daozu also left.

In the quiet night, Xuan Zhenghao studied the golden shards with the Heavenly Mystery Diagram.

There are a total of 100 golden fragments, and there is an extremely rich chaotic air flowing in each golden fragment.

Chaos Qi also contains a lot of messy information and so on!

Xuan Zhenghao gathered the fragments together to see if they could fuse on their own. To his disappointment, these fragments are mutually exclusive after being put together.

The debris drifted around in the confined space, like fish in a fish tank. They keep wandering, messy!

Xuan Zhenghao watched without moving.

After a long time, he discovered that the dispersal of the golden fragments was not really messy, but there was a specific sequence in the mess.

After researching for a long time, I have no idea what is going on.

Simply put, he grabbed the Heavenly Demon Particles of the Primordial Saint to the surface of the Heavenly Mystery Diagram, and let it recover naturally.

After Yuan Sheng was restored to form, his face was very ugly.

Obviously, he was hit by Tian Wudi's palm, and his vitality was also greatly damaged.

Yuan Shengren looked at Xuan Zhenghao who was directly outside the Heavenly Mystery Map in the Fortune-telling Heavenly Mystery Map. "Yuan Yunzhong, I'm really sorry!" Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "I asked you to block my palm today!"

Yuan Sheng smiled coldly and said, "This old man is Huluo Pingyang, there is nothing to say."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are very few palms that can really seriously hurt you."

Yuan Sheng said: "Today's palm is very strange. The power in it is the chaotic divine power from the founding Yuan Ling, which is unparalleled. The old man is not completely immune to this kind of power!"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Aren't you curious, who hit you with that palm?"

Yuan Sheng said: "Who is it?" Xuan Zhenghao told Yuan Sheng what happened.

Yuan Sheng was surprised when he heard it, and said, "That guy really didn't die, and he was so tyrannical?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Fortunately, we found it in time. If we let him survive, he would definitely come to save you. If we let you join forces with him, then all of us will die!"

"What a pity, what a pity!" Yuan Sheng sighed. He was a little puzzled and a little unwilling, and said, "The other party has already been killed by you before, how did you find it again?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "He talks too much!" After speaking, he said what Tian Wudi said before his first death.

After Yuan Sheng heard this, he couldn't help but want to slap his chest. He felt that he had missed an absolutely perfect opportunity! But there is nothing he can do, everything is not up to him!

He stayed where he was, speechless for a long time!

After I don't know how long it took, Yuan Sheng sighed and said, "That's all, it's my life after all!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "Time is also fate, you can't go wrong at all!"

Yuan Sheng said: "You called the old man out, not just to tell the news, right?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Have you seen those golden fragments? The combination sequence of them appearing in the stray is very strange. I haven't come up with a reason for it yet, you can help me find it."

Yuan Sheng looked strange and said, "Are you really not afraid of playing with fire and setting yourself on fire, and I will find a chance?"

Xuan Zhenghao said, "Don't be afraid, just look for opportunities!"

Yuan Sheng sighed, knowing in his heart that he would never escape with him.

After that, he also carefully observed the sealed golden fragments...

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