Super Security in the City

Chapter 4128: Devil's Obstruction

The world of death is an extremely complex and dangerous world. It does not mean that anyone who enters can come out! The only ones who came out were Hei Zhe and Ye Qingming. However, because these two people have always cultivated the energy of death, after entering the world of death, they can rely on the energy of death to nourish themselves! And other people, that is not the ability.

And even the black corpse and Ye Qingming couldn't come out of the world of death infinitely! Successful shaping requires a lot of chance and luck... The second shaping will be even more difficult.

Yuan Sheng has been fighting with the human race all his life, and he has been an admirable fighter all his life! He has forced many saints of the human race to the brink of life and death several times, but every time he has bad luck and finally fails!

Destiny, helpless, helpless!

After Yuan Sheng died, the saints breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, there are still things to deal with.

For the future, the saints are still sitting together to discuss. In order to reassure Li Changye, Taishang Daozu asked Li Changye to also attend.

Ye Qingming has been in retreat all the time and has not participated in it.

At the meeting, first of all, the saints agreed that the current priority is to solve the black corpse.

The black corpse is no longer a big threat. The saints just felt that the solution of this person reduced a lot of variables.

Then, the saints have to face, how to deal with the next thing after the black corpse is solved.

Taishang Daozu proposed to leave the fairyland...

This is what Xuan Zhenghao meant.

After solving the black corpse, he started to eliminate the demons. When the obstacles are removed, they leave this fairyland and rebuild the beautiful homeland belonging to the human race.

After those human races have prospered for hundreds of years, the human race will return to its previous glorious state!

This will be the best result.

As for Li Changye, Taishang Daozu said that he would respect any decision he made.

After Li Changye heard their plan, he was relieved. I also feel that at this point, the human race really wants to deal with itself, and it can be quietly shot, so that the card will not be revealed. Moreover, there is really no need to shoot at him. Because, there is no profit to be made!

To find the black corpse, you still need Ye Qingming's help.

Taishang Daozu told Xuan Zhenghao that Ye Qingming had been in retreat all the time. Xuan Zhenghao said, "No matter what, we all need her help!"

Taishang Daozu didn't dare to disturb Ye Qingming, so he asked Xuan Zhenghao to find him. Xuan Zhenghao didn't have any scruples... He went directly to the Qingming Palace to see him...

Ye Qingming didn't see Xuan Zhenghao directly, but sent a message from the air: "I'm in retreat, what's wrong with Emperor Xuan?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There is indeed a major event, and I hope Ye Sheng can allow me to see it."

Ye Qingming was silent for a while, then said, "Okay!"

Xuan Zhenghao entered the Qingming Palace and saw Ye Qingming in a long black dress in the Qingming Palace.

Ye Qingming's face was flat, and he asked Xuan Zhenghao to take a seat.

After they both sat down, Ye Qingming said, "Huang Huang can speak directly if he has something to do."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "In recent days, a lot of things have happened." Immediately, Tian Wudi was killed by him again, Luo Jun devoured the chaotic golden elixir...including Yuan Sheng's death and so on!

Ye Qingming's expression didn't change after hearing this, but he just smiled lightly and said, "This is all a good thing, Xuan Huangguo is really powerful, and we can't solve problems that we can't solve. After you come, everything will be solved with ease!"

Xuan Zhenghao smiled, not arrogant, but went on to talk about the opening of the Chaos Gate and the arrival of more powerful characters.

Ye Qingming disagreed and said: "With Emperor Xuan and you, and the Taoist ancestor, there is no more powerful person to give us a headache."

Xuan Zhenghao smiled bitterly and said, "There are people outside of people, but there are heavens outside of heaven!"

Ye Qingming did not continue to answer, but changed the topic and asked, "What is the main thing for Emperor Xuan to come here today?"

Xuan Zhenghao returned to the subject and said, "We want to deal with the black corpse now, but we can't find the whereabouts of the black corpse."

Ye Qingming said: "You don't need to worry about the black corpse, I will take care of him myself."

Xuan Zhenghao was startled, and then said, "Speaking of which, I originally came up with the idea of ​​letting you go to the world of death. In the end, you almost died in the world of death. Today, I am here to apologize to you."

Ye Qingming said with a light smile: "Although Xuan Huang came up with the idea, I made the decision myself, so there is no need for Xuan Huang to apologize to me!" Xuan Zhenghao said, "Ye Sheng has a broad mind and admires him!" After a while, he continued: "It's just that the black corpse is not small, and in order to be safe, it's better for us to shoot together!"

Ye Qingming said: "This is a matter between me and the black corpse. If I can't figure it out, please take action again, how about it?"

Seeing her insistence, Xuan Zhenghao had no choice but to say, "Well, I will respect your decision. If you need help, please feel free to speak!"

Ye Qingming said: "Of course!"

Xuan Zhenghao said again, "But Ye Sheng, when are you going to take action?"

Ye Qingming said: "We will leave tomorrow."

Xuan Zhenghao was slightly startled, and said, "So fast?" He couldn't help but think, if I don't come to you today, will you be looking for the black corpse tomorrow?

Ye Qingming saw what Xuan Zhenghao was thinking and said, "I was going to talk to Daozu tonight."

Xuan Zhenghao pondered for a while, and said, "Ye Sheng, I'm more straightforward, I hope you don't take offense. Now the situation in the entire immortal world seems to be improving, but there are still many potential dangers. We should try our best to act in groups, not alone. Everyone is fine! After all, I'm a little worried about you going out alone. If there is any accident, you can't bear it, and we will regret and regret it very much!"

Ye Qingming said: "Thanks for Xuanhuang's concern, but I have a way to protect myself."

Xuan Zhenghao was helpless and said, "Okay! Now let's go and report to Daozu, how about that?"

Ye Qingming said: "No problem!"

The two went to the Bajing Palace together, and Ye Qingming said that he would leave tomorrow to find the black corpse.

After hearing this, Taishang Daozu also felt inappropriate, and said: "Now we have Li Changye, and his Void Gate can help us arrive in an instant. So, Ye Sheng, since you have found the location of the black corpse, then we Let's go together. When we get to that place, we set up a barrier, and you give your best, how about it?"

Ye Qingming shook his head and said: "The black corpse is very cunning now, and I have to do other preparations before I go to him. It is very likely that he will hide in the world of death again. This is what I have to guard against, so, for the sake of It's safe to say that I will go by myself. I will go out this time, at least a year, as long as three years. When the time comes, I will bring back the soul fragments of the black corpse. "

Taishang Daozu said: "This..."

Ye Qingming got up and said: "Daozu, I will go to prepare first. I will leave as soon as possible tomorrow, so I won't come to say goodbye to you." After that, he left.

After she left, Xuan Zhenghao said, "Why do you think Ye Sheng is a little weird?"

Taishang Daozu smiled wryly and said, "After Ye Sheng entered the world of death, he lived a near-death life. After he came out, his temperament did become a little strange and aloof."

Xuan Zhenghao also smiled bitterly and said, "This is all our sin!"

Taishang Daozu said: "Fortunately, she still came out. Otherwise, it would be even more regrettable!"

The next day, Ye Qingming really left the secret place of the human race as early as possible.

When I left, I didn't say hello to anyone.

After Ye Qingming left, the matter of the black corpse could be put down temporarily. The saints are not too worried about the black corpse. After all, a black corpse cannot turn the sky.

Next, it is to see how to eliminate the confusion of the demons.

Xuan Zhenghao, Taishang Daozu and Li Changye went to visit Tianmo Maze together.

With the help of Li Changye, they traveled through the void into the obsession of the demons.

Inside the Heavenly Demon Obstruction, there are Heavenly Demonic Particles all around... The Heavenly Demonic Particles are densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and it makes the scalp tingle at a glance!

When they didn't come in, the demon particles were in a calm state, slowly drifting away. But after these three people arrived, they quickly destroyed the balance in the confusion.

In an instant, the demon particles became crazy, quickly condensed, and formed all kinds of strange weapons and alien beasts!


The offensive is crazy...

The Supreme Daozu, Xuan Zhenghao and Li Changye did not dare to fight back, and the three of them sacrificed a golden protective cover to resist the bombardment of the demon particles.

Crackling, bombarding, never getting tired, attacking harder and harder!

Along with the offensive, there are many strange sights, with all kinds of eerie crying and strange laughter and so on. That voice, even if the cultivation base of Taishang Daozu heard it, felt creepy.

That voice made people feel discouraged, hopeless, world-weary...

"Heavenly demons and inner demons are all at work!" Taishang Daozu said in a deep voice, "This day's demons are terrifying, and they are much more powerful than Hongmeng's confusions!"

Li Changye also said: "We are just resisting. If we counterattack, these demons will be even more vicious."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "The grass seeds have no chance to grow when they enter the demonic barrier, and they will be directly smashed to pieces. These demonic barriers seem to have spirituality, and they are very averse to foreign objects intrusion. The grass seeds are here to absorb them, so they will Crazy!"

Taishang Daozu said: "It seems that it is not so easy to eliminate the obstacles of the demons!"

Li Changye said: "Devil's confusion is closely related to the breath of the demons. If we let the energy of the demons be slowly absorbed by the grass seeds, then the delusions of the demons will gradually weaken."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "That's a stupid way. I don't know when it will be completed. If it's not forced, don't choose that one!"

Taishang Daozu said: "The longer we stay here, the more ferocious the demons will be. Xuan Huang, please check again. After a stick of incense, we will leave!"

Xuan Zhenghao nodded, then stretched out his hand and grabbed a handful of demonic obstructing particles and entered it into the picture of the heavenly mysteries of creation!

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