Super Security in the City

Chapter 4133: deadly battle

The golden chaotic fist prints smashed towards Li Changye like a mountain torrent and tsunami. In the fist prints, all methods merged into a furnace, and there is the power to shatter the sky and tear the eternity!

Li Changye felt that the power from the attack in front of him was really like a star bursting, the universe was destroyed, and one wave was stronger than the other, as if it was endless.

He is not a vegetarian, nor is he qualified to be patient with Luo Jun, and quickly gathers the power of the devil. Behind him, a black demon vortex appeared, and the surrounding demon particles were siphoned into the demon vortex at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, Li Changye sacrificed his magic weapon, the Spear of the Undead. The spear of the undead bloomed with a terrifying cold light, surrounded by demon particles, as if there was a demon world inside.

The spear of the undead was shot out by Li Changye with all his strength, and rushed into Luo Jun's golden fist sea like a rainbow piercing the sun.

The spear of the undead catalyzed the demon particles into ice of the undead, and the golden fist mark was like a golden tsunami, swallowing the world. At this moment, all the spears of the undead were frozen into ice...

Li Changye was shocked again, and the spear of the undead shook all the golden fist marks into pieces.

"Luo Jun, I'm not afraid of you!" Following that, Li Changye came to Luo Jun with a spear and said, "Luo Jun, I'm not afraid of you today. Now that you have returned, although your cultivation has improved, I am afraid that Not my opponent. The reason why I tolerate you again and again is that I don't want to get into trouble with the human race!"

Luo Jun's eyes were blood red, and he said coldly, "You don't have to be patient with me at all, because today, I'm going to kill you!" The fists surging, the golden chaotic divine power surging like the world, followed to kill Li Changye.


Eternal sky, all in one furnace!

The divine law of the universe, all gathered into a terrifying murderous aura, turned into golden particles like this, like thousands of troops killing generals towards Li Changye.

The vortex of demons behind Li Changye surged fiercely again, and another spear came out!

The Spear of the Undead entered the golden particle world, quickly freezing the golden particles.

After a while, the golden particles were frozen again...

Luo Jun let out a loud roar, and suddenly he used all his strength to condense with one finger!

This golden heavenly finger force is an upgraded version of his sword!

Now all his magic tools, including black hole spar and so on, are gone.

All, all, all destroyed!

But it doesn't matter. Now that his magical power has been completed, he has another five million years of lifespan, and he is not under the control of the fate talisman, which is already very good. Today's Luo Jun is equivalent to this bankruptcy reorganization, and all the previous debts and other assets have been dealt with cleanly. Now all he owns are high-quality and huge assets, and he has no debts!

This point of Luo Jun pointed out that he immediately penetrated the frozen world of the Spear of the Undead, and instantly killed it with the spear tip of the Spear of the Undead.


All the ice was instantly shattered.

Following that, Luo Jun's golden chaotic particles quickly condensed into a big golden fist mark!


The golden fist mark quickly kills Li Changye!

Li Changye was taken aback, this time against Luo Jun, he already felt that the opponent's power was magnificent, and there was an endless feeling of purity.

At the moment of crisis, Li Changye turned into a vortex of demons, devoured the golden fist mark, and then smashed it with demon particles!

After a while, Li Changye returned to his original appearance, and transformed himself into three Li Changye.

The three Li Changye surrounded the Luo Legion!

"Luo Jun, that's enough!" Li Changye, the main body, said, "If you want to vent your anger, it should be enough. Don't you want to go to Earth and save Bai Suzhen?"

Luo Jun did not speak.

Ye Qingming's figure flashed, came to Luo Jun's side, and said solemnly: "The ancestor of the undead, you are so majestic, let me come and meet you!"

Li Changye looked at Ye Qingming and said, "What does this mean? Are your human races going to start a group attack?"

Taishang Daozu was by his side, but he didn't know how to mediate.

Xuan Zhenghao also came to Luo Jun's side and said, "Luo Jun, I have my thoughts. But no matter what, you are my good friend. I don't care whether your decision is right or wrong, when you decide, I'll support you. Now, what you want me to do, you say, I do!"

All the decision-making power rests with Luo Jun!

After Luo Jun glanced at everyone, his eyes fell on Li Changye, and said: "Today's grievance is between me and Li Changye. Don't get involved!" After a pause, he said, "Li Changye, today I If you are not as good as others, you will kill you. All races, don’t avenge me! If you are not as good as others and you are captured by me, then…”

Li Changye immediately said: "If my skills are not as good as yours, I will let you deal with it and never launch the death army!"

"It's a word!" Luo Jun said.

Li Changye said: "A word is a decision!"

Ye Qingming saw that they had made an agreement, so it was inconvenient to make another move at this time.

Empress Nuwa was anxious by her side, but she was helpless at the moment.

This duel is destined to affect people's hearts.

The saints were also worried that Luo Jun would be defeated. They felt that although Luo Jun was highly skilled, it was indeed a fool's dream to defeat Li Changye. Today's Li Changye is immortal, even if the Supreme Daozu makes a move, it is difficult to completely defeat him!

But no matter what, the duel between Luo Jun and Li Changye started again.

Li Changye went all out, he knew that Luo Jun had too many miracles, and he knew that he would die here if he didn't do well today! Although these saints didn't want to turn their backs on themselves, in case they were caught by accident, and with Luo Jun's insistence, they didn't mind killing themselves.

So, he can't lose!

Before the duel, he couldn't help but glance at the lonely moon over there.

Seeing Gu Yue also looking at him, Gu Yue's eyes were full of worry.

With just one glance, Li Changye felt that everything was worth it. He felt that he had to find a way to survive...

Infinite fighting spirit rose from his heart!

Luo Jun stood on the spot, three Li Changye surrounded him, and behind each Li Changye there was a vortex of demons. That day, the Demon Vortex was frantically absorbing the energy of the Demon...

These three Li Changye do not mean that Li Changye is divided into three parts. With the increase of time, the power of the three Li Changye will increase year-on-year!

Luo Jun let out a loud roar, and the golden vortex behind him appeared, violently absorbing the divine power of chaos.

Then, a golden dazzling divine seal formed in his hands! This divine seal quickly turned into endless golden particles.

Every golden particle is the brainchild of Luo Jun. It is a small world, and there is also a cosmic law in it. This golden particle can kill the master of the first layer of Creation Realm!

This is not to say that this golden particle is powerful against the sky, but because the wisdom and laws contained in this golden particle are unimaginable for ordinary people.

The golden particles in the sky quickly turned into three fist marks with souls! Then kill three Li Changye.

Three Li Changye held three spears of the undead and shot them together, freezing the three golden fist marks!

Luo Jun had anticipated that Li Changye would have this move, and his body shook violently, and the power of the infinite chaotic heaven burst out, and all the spears of the undead were defeated.

The golden particles returned to fist marks again, and the killing will pass!

The three Li Changye drank again and again, waved the spear of the undead in succession, blocking the golden fist mark.

The battle between the two sides was extremely explosive...

Luo Jun condensed all the golden particles in his palm, and with a flash, he left the siege of three Li Changye, then turned around again, came behind one of Li Changye, and pointed out.

That Li Changye was pointed by Luo Junyi, but it was too late to dissipate. The other two Li Changye fused directly with the collapsed Li Changye and became one Li Changye!

Luo Jun pointed out that not only was the opponent not injured, but he was stronger at this moment!

After three Li Changye were combined into one, the strength suddenly increased! Because the three Li Changye were absorbing the power of the gods at the same time...

Li Changye received a finger from Luo Jun, not only was he okay, but his eyes flashed, and then he punched Luo Jun's eyebrows!

This punch is enough to kill Luo Jun!

At this level of battle, at such a moment of life and death, even if Li Changye wanted to keep his hand, he couldn't!

He knew that killing Luo Jun would have serious consequences! But in the life and death competition, where can you think so much?

Luo Jun was slightly startled, his reaction was also quick, and he immediately retreated three meters back.

But how fierce is Li Changye's punch, he can't escape...

At the critical moment, Luo Jun opened his mouth and spat out a golden vortex...

The Great Devouring Technique unfolds…

Li Changye's Heavenly Demon Fist went directly into the Great Devouring Technique.

At that moment, Luo Jun felt that the other side's demon particles were rushing like hundreds of millions of wild horses running wild, one wave after another, wanting to tear everything apart.

It was accompanied by that terrifying sonic power. The sound waves formed a strange vibration, which shocked people and almost vomited.

That is the power of sonic waves that can evoke the original fear deep in people's hearts!

The divine power in the demon particles is ferocious and does not obey discipline!

The mediocre Great Devouring Technique can't purify it at all, especially this day the demon particles are too dense and the number is too large...

At this time, Luo Jun's divine power of heaven, the divine tree of Wugu Sheji, and the divine power of chaos were all activated together.

In the Great Devouring Technique, all kinds of divine powers form a resonance, merging all things in one furnace...

On that day, the magic particles were quickly dissolved and deciphered in the divine power of the Great Devouring Technique, and finally turned into pure energy.

Luo Jun quickly absorbed these pure energies, and immediately felt that the power in his body had been replenished, and he had the urge to explode...

Endless power flooded and circulated in the body, making him want to roar loudly...

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